Kurt John, Ed.D., M.P.A, M.S.F. Acting Deputy Director

Kurt John, Ed.D., M.P.A., MSF

Director of the Office of Financial Resources (OFR)

Dr. Kurt John serves as the Director of the Office of Financial Resources (OFR) at SAMHSA. In this role, he is responsible for leadership of the OFR, provides fiscal stewardship across the agency, and serves as the agency’s principal advisor and liaison on all aspects of budget, grants, contracts, and financial management activities.

Prior to joining SAMHSA, Dr. John served in several leadership capacities at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). These capacities include his roles as the Deputy Budget Officer at the NIH National Eye Institute, Chief Financial Officer and then Executive Officer at the NIH Center for Information Technology, and Chief Financial Officer of at the NIH National Institute on Aging.

Throughout these capacities, Dr. John provided a broad range of executive leadership and functional management in the areas of budgeting, acquisitions, grants management, risks management, and financial management activities. In addition, Dr. John has participated in several trans-NIH committees in a variety of roles helping to advance the administrative, financial, and technological infrastructure of the NIH.

Dr. John received his B.S. and Master of Finance from the University of Maryland, Executive Leadership Master of Public Administration from American University, and Doctor of Education from The George Washington University.

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