Office of Financial Resources
The Office of Financial Resources develops and implements the policies and programs of the Assistant Secretary.
As provided by the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, the Office of Financial Resources (OFR) carries out all Chief Financial Officer functions, including:
- Conducting necessary analyses to provide SAMHSA managers with reliable financial, cost, and performance information annually and throughout the year to manage programs
- Evaluating and improving financial management systems, controls, and operations to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse, and to improve asset management
- Evaluating acquisition, grant, and contracting policy and practices
- Evaluating plans to cut costs and improve effectiveness and efficiencies
- Establishing effective SAMHSA financial organizational structure and financial personnel requirements
- Providing advice and guidance to the Assistant Secretary on budget, financial management, and program priority alignment with legislation and SAMHSA policies
Contact Information
Office of Financial Resources
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
Office of the Director
Kurt John, Ed.D., M.P.A, M.S.F. Director
Office of Financial Advisory Services
Office of Management, Analysis, and Coordination
Division of Budget
Division of Contracts Management
Division of Grant Review
Division of Grants Management
Division of Management Services
Last Updated
Last Updated: 04/25/2024