2024 Mental Health Awareness Month Toolkit
Check out what SAMHSA is doing and share our materials, and remember that we all play active roles in caring for our mental health!
The Toolkit is a One-Stop Shop
- Social media content to help spread awareness about the vital role mental health plays in our well-being, promote acceptance and support of anyone living with a mental illness, and share key resources.
- Best practices for engaging in healthy discussions about mental health.
- Promotional materials for mental health awareness in May and beyond.
Our toolkit was created with our partners in mind. All of our materials are designed to be shared with your audiences and across your media channels; they are downloadable and shareable, and some of the material is customizable.
How to Use the Toolkit
- Copy, download, and share our social messages, graphics, and promotional materials in ways that fit the needs of your audiences and channels.
- Use our hashtags, including #MHAM2024, when sharing any Mental Health Awareness Month–related content.
- Use our tools in tandem with the actions recommended in Best Practices with your communities and networks.
2024 Mental Health Awareness Month Toolkit
The key messages and weekly themes outlined below provide a foundation from which partners can develop messages that resonate with their specific audiences.
Feel free to use the themes and key messages to develop posts throughout the month. Pre-crafted social media content is also available for each week.
Week 1: May 1-4 (Older Adults)
This week we highlight how to support the unique mental health needs of older adults.
Key messages:
As we age, we may experience life changes that impact our mental health.
- It’s never too late to get help.
- It is important to remember that older adults may have different mental health symptoms. For example, a lack of interest in some activities.
- Talking about mental health can help older adults feel more comfortable asking for support.
- Mental health treatment can be part of a wellness program to help older adults live happy and fulfilling lives.
- Mental health professionals can help older adults cope with life changes.
- Friends and family can experience meaningful mutual connection by spending time visiting with older adults.
- Mental health is important at every age. Spending time with friends and family can boost older adults’ mental and physical health.
Week 2: May 5-11 (Children and Teens)
This week’s focus is on resources to help children and teens build resilience, self-care strategies, and skills for managing life stressors in healthy ways.
Key messages:
Supportive families, communities, and resources can help youth build strong foundations for lifelong well-being.
- By teaching children and teens coping skills, we can empower them to take charge of their mental health.
- Know the signs of mental health issues in children and teens. Early diagnosis and treatment can save lives.
- Start the conversation early: talking about mental health can help children and teens build coping skills and feel comfortable with their emotions.
- Nurturing relationships and environments are important for helping children and teens develop good mental health and manage life stressors in healthy ways.
- Good mental health increases the ability of children and teens to practice self-care and face challenges with resilience.
Week 3: May 12-18 (Pregnant and Postpartum People)
This week, we focus on recognizing the importance of maternal mental health among pregnant and postpartum people.
Key messages:
Pregnancy and giving birth can be joyful and can also present a variety of strong emotions for pregnant and postpartum people.
- Strong emotions may include feeling overwhelmed, scared, tired, worried, and inadequate. Depression, anxiety, and other symptoms during and after pregnancy are common and treatable. They affect new parents of every culture, age, gender, race, and income level.
- For many people, these feelings go away on their own, in time. But for some, these emotions are more serious and require assistance. Help is available. You are not alone. Asking for help can help keep you and your baby as healthy as possible.
- Unaddressed maternal health issues can lead to pregnancy-related death and unintentional harm to you or your baby.
- Proper self-care and seeking help when you need it can help you maintain good mental health.
Week 4: May 19-25 (Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups)
This week’s focus is on the unique challenges, strengths, and contexts that affect mental health in people from racial and ethnic minority groups.
Key messages:
Everyone deserves access to respectful and culturally appropriate care.
- Members of racial and ethnic minority groups experience challenges that may require unique mental health support.
- Cultural differences should be respected and celebrated when providing mental health support.
- Mental health care providers are encouraged to consider the cultural nuances and needs of the diverse communities they serve.
- Addressing and reducing barriers to treatment are the first steps to building more equitable health systems.
- Together, we can improve access to mental health care for people from racial and ethnic minority groups.
Week 5: May 26-31 (LGBTQIA+ Communities)
This week focuses on building support for mental well-being in the LGBTQIA+ community.
Key messages:
Inclusive families, schools, and societies can support mental health in the LGBTQIA+ community.
- Family support is important for the well-being of LGBTQIA+ youth: it can reduce their risk for depression, substance use, suicide, and other mental health challenges.
- Schools and workplaces can protect LGBTQIA+ people by building more supportive and inclusive environments.
- Social support, including from friends, families, and communities can help LGBTQIA+ people feel loved and accepted.
- Peer support can be a lifeline for LGBTQIA+ people facing mental health issues.
- Acknowledging and celebrating the identities of LGBTQIA+ people helps build their self-confidence and emotional well-being.
Downloadable sample social media posts and graphics featuring SAMHSA resources supporting Older Adults' Mental Health/La salud mental de los adultos mayores.
English Post Copy - All Platforms: Age joyfully! Consider your passions and interests and pursue something that brings you happiness and fulfillment. Remember that mental health support is available to you if you need it. Visit samhsa.gov/resources-serving-older-adults to learn more. #MHAM2024
Alt-text: A graphic depiction of a person at five different stages of life: a child with a basketball, a teenager, a young professional, a middle-aged adult, and an older adult with a cane. Text above the image reads: “Mental Health Awareness Month Mental health is important at all stages of life.”
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Week 1 - Post 1 (PNG | 484 KB)
Spanish Post Copy - All Platforms: ¡Disfruta tu edad de oro! Piensa en las cosas que te apasionan e interesan y haz algo que te de alegría y satisfacción. Recuerda que hay apoyo para tu salud mental si lo necesitas. Visita samhsa.gov/encuentra-apoyo para obtener más información. #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental
Alt-text: Una representación gráfica de una familia con varios miembros en diferentes etapas de la vida: tres niños y dos bebés con el padre y la madre, un abuelo, una abuela y un perrito. El texto en la parte superior dice: 'La salud mental es importante en todas las etapas de la vida.' El logotipo en la parte inferior derecha dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo'
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Week 1 - Post 1 Spanish (PNG | 570 KB)
English Post Copy - Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: Staying engaged is great for mental well-being, especially when we are older. Nurturing your connections with loved ones, joining a social group, or volunteering for something you care about is helpful to feel active and connected. Embracing movement through walks, yoga, or dancing also benefits both body and mind. Challenging yourself with brain teasers, exploring a new hobby, or learning something new helps to keep the mind sharp. Remember, if you need mental health support, a doctor or therapist is also an option. samhsa.gov/resources-serving-older-adults. #MHAM2024 #MentalHealthMatters
English Post Copy - X: Mental well-being is key for older adults. Don’t let age slow you down. Nurture your connections, join a social group, or consider volunteering to keep feeling active. If you need mental health support, seeking help is always an option. samhsa.gov/resources-serving-older-adults #MHAM2024
Alt-text: A middle-aged woman and an older woman are standing close to each other, touching foreheads, each looking down. Text to the right of the two women reads “Talk about your mental health.” Text below the image reads “Mental Health Awareness Month.”
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Week 1 - Post 2 (PNG | 596 KB)
Spanish Post Copy - Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: Los lazos de amistad, la conexión con otros y la actividad son importantes para el bienestar mental, especialmente cuando somos mayores. Cualquier tipo de ejercicio, ya sea caminar, hacer yoga o bailar también beneficia el cuerpo y la mente. Rétate a ti mismo y descifra acertijos. Probar un nuevo pasatiempo o aprender algo nuevo ayuda a mantener la agilidad mental. Si necesitas apoyo o servicios para tu salud mental, visita samhsa.gov/encuentra-apoyo. #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental #LaSaludMentalImporta
Spanish Post Copy - X: El bienestar mental es clave para personas mayores. No dejes que la edad te frene. Mantente conectado, únete a un grupo social o haz un voluntariado para sentirte activo. Si necesitas apoyo de salud mental, visita samhsa.gov/encuentra-apoyo #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental
Alt-text: Un hombre y una mujer mayores, el parado detrás de ella. El hombre abraza a la mujer sobre los hombros y ella agarra las manos de él. Ambos sonríen. El texto a la izquierda dice: “Habla sobre tu salud mental.” Un logotipo en la parte inferior derecha dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo'
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Week 1 - Post 2 Spanish (PNG | 742 KB)
English Post Copy - Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Reach out to an older friend or loved one and remind them that you see them 👀, hear them 👂, and support them 💕. #MentalHealthAwareness is part of healthy aging. Start the conversation. samhsa.gov/resources-serving-older-adults #MHAM2024 #MentalHealthAwareness
Post Copy - X: May is #MHAM2024. Reach out to an older friend or loved one and remind them that you: 👀 See them, 👂 Hear them, and 💕 Support them. #MentalHealthAwareness is part of healthy aging. samhsa.gov/resources-serving-older-adults #MentalHealthAwareness
Alt-text: Animation, First screen: Eight close-up photos of eight different older adults smiling in a four by two grid frame. Animated text above the image reads, “We see you. We hear you.” The animated text below the image reads, “We support you.” Second screen: There is a four by two grid frame with eight close-up photos of eight different older adults smiling. Text overlay covers the image which reads, “Mental Health Awareness Month.”
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Week 1 - Post 3 (MP4 | 5.7 MB)
Spanish Post Copy - Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: Mayo es el Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Recuérdale a tus seres queridos mayores que estás pendiente de ellos 👀, que los escuchas 👂 y que los apoyas 💕. Tener una buena #saludmental es importante en todas las etapas de la vida. La #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental es importante en todas las etapas de la vida. Inicia la conversación. samhsa.gov/salud-mental/hablar/amigos-familiares #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental
Spanish Post Copy - X: Mayo es el Mes de #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental. Comunícate con tus amistades o seres queridos mayores y recuérdales que: 👀 Estás pendiente de ellos, 👂 Los escuchas y, 💕 Los apoyas. El bienestar mental es importante en las personas mayores. samhsa.gov/salud-mental/hablar/amigos-familiares
Alt-text: Animación con dos pantallas. Primera pantalla: Ocho fotos en primer plano, cuatro arriba y cuatro abajo, de adultos mayores de diferentes grupos étnicos sonriendo a la cámara. El texto animado en la parte superior dice: "Recuérdales" El texto animado en la parte inferior dice: "que estás pendiente de ellos." Segunda pantalla: La misma imagen de ocho fotos en primer plano, cuatro arriba y cuatro abajo, de adultos mayores de diferentes grupos étnicos sonriendo a la cámara. Un logotipo aparece superpuesto en la imagen. El logo dice "Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo"
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Downloadable sample social media posts and graphics featuring SAMHSA resources supporting Children and Teens’ Mental Health/Salud de Niños y Adolescentes.
English Post Copy - All Platforms: Mental Health Awareness Month is a great time to raise awareness of the importance of mental health in children and teens. Keep an eye out for any social or behavioral changes in your children. You can learn more about the signs at samhsa.gov/mental-health. #MHAM2024
Alt-text: Animation. First screen: There are four Icons of three people and a red heart encircled by a partial outlined circle. The animated text reads, “Support your loved ones.” Second Screen: Animated text reads, “Know the signs of mental health concerns in children and youth.” Third screen appears. Animated text reads, “They might be sleeping too much, talking about fears or worries, having frequent tantrums.” Fourth screen appears. Animated text reads, “They could be, withdrawing from friends, doing poorly in school, having difficulty making friends.” Fifth screen appears. Animated text reads, “They may be, engaging in self-harm behaviors, losing interest in things that they used to enjoy, talking about suicide.” Sixth screen appears. Animated text reads, “Learn more Mental Health Awareness Month. www.samhsa.gov”
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Week 2 - Post 1 (MP4 | 20.2 MB)
Spanish Post Copy - All Platforms: El Mes de #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental es ideal para dar prioridad a la importancia de la salud mental en niños y adolescentes. Mantente atento a cualquier cambio social o de conducta de tus hijos. Visita samhsa.gov/salud-mental/hablar/padres-cuidadores
Alt-text: Animación con seis pantallas Primera pantalla: Hay cuatro íconos incluyendo tres personas y un corazón rojo rodeado por un círculo parcial delineado. El texto animado dice: 'Apoya a tus seres queridos.' Segunda pantalla: El texto animado dice: 'Conoce las señales de advertencia de problemas de salud mental en niños y adolescentes.' Tercera pantalla: El texto animado dice: 'Pueden incluir: dormir demasiado o muy poco, hablar de miedos o preocupaciones, tener rabietas frecuentes'. Cuarta pantalla: El texto animado dice: 'Quizás se alejen de los amigos, tengan un bajo rendimiento escolar, tengan dificultad para hacer amistades'. Quinta pantalla: El texto animado dice: 'O tal vez tengan comportamientos autolesivos, pierdan el interés en cosas que solían disfrutar, hablen sobre el suicidio'. Sexta pantalla: El texto animado dice: 'Más información. Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo. www.samhsa.gov'
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Week 2 - Post 1 Spanish (MP4 | 24.5 MB)
English Post Copy - All Platforms: In-person talks promote healthy mental development. This Mental Health Awareness Month, talk to your children and teens about mental health. Need help getting started? samhsa.gov/mental-health/how-to-talk/parents-and-caregivers #MHAM2024 #MentalHealthMatters
Alt-text: A middle-aged man looks at an older child while speaking. Text to the left of them reads, “Listen to them. Talk to them.” Text below them reads, “Mental Health Awareness Month.”
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Week 2 - Post 2 (PNG | 582 KB)
Spanish Post Copy - All Platforms: Las conversaciones en persona promueven un desarrollo mental saludable. Este Mes de #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental, habla con tus hijos y adolescentes sobre la salud mental. ¿Necesitas ayuda para comenzar? Para padres y cuidadores | SAMHSA #LaSaludMentalImporta
Alt-text: Un hombre de mediana edad y un adolescente están sentados en un parque. El hombre mira al adolescente mientras le habla. El texto en la parte superior izquierda dice: 'Escúchalos. Habla con ellos.' El logotipo en la parte inferior derecha dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo'
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Week 2 - Post 2 Spanish (PNG | 749 KB)
English Post Copy - Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: What’s your favorite greeting for your child when they get home from school or when you are back from work? ✔️ I love you! ✔️ Did you have a fun day learning? Or ✔️ I’m so happy to see you! Consistent and reassuring interactions positively impact a child’s mental health. Learn more about how to support them at all ages and stages. samhsa.gov/families/parent-caregiver-resources #MHAM2024 #MentalHealthMatters
English Post Copy - X: What’s your favorite greeting for your child when they get home or when you are back from work? ✔️ I love you! ✔️ Did you have a fun day while learning? Or ✔️ I’m so happy to see you! Consistent and positive interactions can impact a child’s mental health. Support children of all ages and stages. samhsa.gov/families/parent-caregiver-resources #MHAM2024
Alt-text: A graphic depiction of five people of different ages with arms around each other looking at a sunset on the horizon. Text above them reads, “Mental Health Awareness Month. You play a role in your family’s mental health. Be their support.”
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Week 2 - Post 3 (PNG | 125 KB)
Spanish Post Copy - Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: ¿Cómo saludas a tu hijo(a) cuando llega a casa de la escuela o cuando vuelves del trabajo? ✔️ ¡Te quiero mucho! ✔️ ¿Te divertiste aprendiendo en la escuela? o ✔️ ¡Estoy feliz de verte! Las interacciones constantes y positivas favorecen la salud mental de los niños. Obtén más información sobre cómo apoyarlos en todas las edades y etapas. samhsa.gov/salud-mental/hablar/padres-cuidadores #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental #LaSaludMentalImporta
Spanish Post Copy - X: ¿Cómo saludas a tus hijos cuando llegan a casa? ✔️ ¡Te quiero! ✔️ ¿Te divertiste en la escuela? o ✔️ ¡Estoy feliz de verte! Este tipo de interacciones favorecen la salud mental de los niños. samhsa.gov/salud-mental/hablar/padres-cuidadores #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental
Alt-text: Una representación gráfica de cinco personas de diferentes edades que se abrazan entre ellas por la cintura mientras miran hacia el horizonte y ven el sol bajar. El logotipo en la parte superior dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo' El texto debajo del logotipo dice: 'Tú desempeñas un papel importante en la salud mental de tu familia. Apóyalos.'
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Downloadable sample social media posts and graphics featuring SAMHSA resources supporting Maternal Mental Health/Salud mental materna.
English Post Copy - Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: Glowing from the inside out? Pregnancy is beautiful, but it can also be emotionally complex. This #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth, remember it’s okay to not feel okay. Mood swings, anxiety, or feeling overwhelmed are all common. If you’re struggling, you’re not alone! SAMHSA has resources to support your mental health journey. ➡️ 988lifeline.org/help-yourself/maternal-mental-health/
English Post Copy - X: Glowing from the inside out? Pregnancy is beautiful, but it can also be emotionally complex. This #MHAM2024, remember it’s okay to not feel okay. SAMHSA has resources to support your mental health journey. ➡️ 988lifeline.org/help-yourself/maternal-mental-health/
Alt-text: A graphic depiction of a pregnant woman looking downwards, smiling and holding her belly. Text above her reads, “Take care of your mental health during pregnancy.” Text below them reads, “Mental Health Awareness Month.”
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Week 3 - Post 1 (PNG | 173 KB)
Spanish Post Copy - Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: ¿Te sientes radiante? El embarazo es hermoso, pero también puede ser una etapa compleja emocionalmente. Durante el Mes de #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental, recuerda que está bien no sentirse bien. Los cambios de humor, ansiedad o sensación de agobio son comunes. Si estás pasando por un momento difícil, ¡no estás sola! SAMHSA tiene recursos para apoyar tu salud mental. ➡988lifeline.org/es
Spanish Post Copy - X: ¿Te sientes radiante? El embarazo es hermoso, pero también puede ser complejo emocionalmente. Durante el Mes #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental, recuerda que está bien no sentirse bien. SAMHSA tiene recursos para apoyar tu salud mental. ➡988lifeline.org/es
Alt-text: Representación gráfica de una mujer embarazada con los ojos cerrados, sonriendo y tocando su barriga de embarazo. El logotipo en la parte superior izquierda dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo' El texto debajo del logotipo dice: 'Cuida tu salud mental durante el embarazo.'
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Week 3 - Post 1 Spanish (PNG | 325 KB)
English Post Copy - All Platforms: #MomLife can be joyful but also overwhelming. If you are not feeling like yourself, it’s okay to seek help. 988lifeline.org/help-yourself/maternal-mental-health/ #MHAM2024 #MentalHealthMatters
Alt-text: A graphic depiction of a woman holding a baby. Text surrounding them reads, “Don’t forget to take care of yourself.” Text below them reads, “Mental Health Awareness Month.”
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Week 3 - Post 2 (PNG | 210 KB)
Spanish Post Copy - All Platforms: La #VidaDeMamá trae mucha alegría, pero también puede ser agobiante. Si no te sientes bien, es bueno pedir ayuda. samhsa.gov/encuentra-apoyo/cuidado-salud-apoyo #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental #LaSaludMentalImporta
Alt-text: Representación gráfica de una mujer con un bebé en sus brazos. El texto alrededor dice: “No te olvides de cuidarte a ti misma.” El logotipo en la parte inferior derecha dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo'
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Week 3 - Post 2 Spanish (PNG | 205 KB)
English Post Copy - Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: Hey, new moms, here is a Mental Health Awareness Month note 💌: As you care for your new baby, remember - their mom needs care too! 💝 Make time for yourself when you can and spend time with others. Learn more ways to take care of yourself: samhsa.gov/find-support/how-to-cope #MentalHealthMatters #MHAM2024 #SelfCare
English Post Copy - X: Here is a #MHAM2024 reminder 💌 for new moms: As you care for your new baby, remember - their mom needs care too! 💝 Rest when you can and reach out to friends and family. Learn more ways to take care of yourself: samhsa.gov/find-support/how-to-cope #SelfCare
Alt-text: Animation, First screen: A smiling pregnant woman sits looking out a window, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and her belly in another. Animated text reads, “Find your self-care routine.” Second screen: Three different women doing different activities: holding a baby while lying down, listening to music with headphones and doing yoga. Text below reads, “Make sleep, relaxing and exercising a priority whenever possible.” Third screen: Two smiling women, one pregnant are sitting next to each other holding coffee cups. Text next to them reads, “Stay connected to family and friends. Fourth screen: A smiling pregnant woman sits looking out a window while holding a cup of coffee in one hand and her belly in another hand. Text next to her reads, “Mental Health Awareness Month.”
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Week 3 - Post 3 (MP4 | 18.4 MB)
Spanish Post Copy - Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: Este es un mensaje para las nuevas mamás acerca el Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental 💌: Mientras cuidas a tu nuevo bebé, recuerda, ¡mamá también necesita cuidados! 💝 Dedícate tiempo cada vez que puedas y pasa tiempo con otras personas. Descubre más formas de cuidarte: samhsa.gov/encuentra-apoyo/como-enfrentar #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental #LaSaludMentalImporta #Autocuidado
Spanish Post Copy - X: Un recordatorio del Mes de #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental para las nuevas mamás: Mientras cuidas a tu nuevo bebé, recuerda, ¡mamá también necesita cuidados! 💝 Descansa cuando puedas y comparte con otras personas. samhsa.gov/encuentra-apoyo/como-enfrentar #Autocuidado
Alt-text: Animación con cuatro pantallas Primera pantalla: Una mujer embarazada sonriente está sentada y mira por la ventana, sostiene una taza en una mano y toca su barriga de embarazo con la otra. El texto animado dice, “Encuentra tu rutina de cuidado personal.” Segunda pantalla: Tres mujeres diferentes que realizan actividades diferentes: una se toca la barriga de embarazo mientras está acostada, otra escucha música con auriculares y otra hace yoga. El texto en la parte inferior dice: 'Dale prioridad al sueño, la relajación y el ejercicio cuando sea posible.' Tercera pantalla: Una mujer embarazada le muestra una foto a otra mujer y ambas sonríen. El texto que aparece junto a ellas dice: 'Mantente en contacto con familiares y amigos.' Cuarta pantalla: Una mujer embarazada sonriente está sentada y mira por la ventana, sostiene una taza en una mano y toca su barriga de embarazo con la otra. El logotipo en la parte superior derecha dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo'
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Downloadable sample social media posts and graphics featuring SAMHSA resources supporting Minority Groups’ Mental Health/Salud de grupos minoritarios.
English Post Copy - All Platforms: Mental health is for everyone, and everyone deserves mental health support when they need it. Learn more at FindSupport.gov. #MentalHealthMatters #MHAM2024
Alt-text: Animation with three frames. First frame: A man of Asian background sitting on a couch, texting on his cellphone. Second frame: An African American Woman in an armchair holding and speaking on the telephone while resting her face on her hand. Third frame: An older Hispanic man sitting on a couch speaking on this cellphone. Text above and below each frame reads: Mental health support for all who need it
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Spanish Post Copy - All Platforms: La salud mental es para todos y todos merecen apoyo para su salud mental cuando lo necesitan. Obtén más información en samhsa.gov/encuentra-apoyo. #LaSaludMentalImporta #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental
Alt-text: Animación con tres pantallas. Primera pantalla: Un hombre de origen asiático sentado en un sofá, enviando mensajes de texto en su teléfono móvil. Segunda pantalla: Una mujer afroamericana en un sillón sosteniendo el teléfono y hablando mientras apoya el rostro sobre la mano. Tercera pantalla: Un hombre hispano mayor sentado en un sofá hablando por su teléfono celular. El texto en la parte superior e inferior de cada pantalla dice: 'Apoyo para la salud mental para todos que lo necesitan.' El logotipo a la derecha dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo'
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Week 4 - Post 1 Spanish (MP4 | 7.2 MB)
English Post Copy - All Platforms: Tribal communities deserve respectful and culturally appropriate mental health support that acknowledges their values, traditions, and experiences. SAMHSA has resources for Tribal communities at 988lifeline.org/help-yourself/native-americans/ #MentalHealthMatters #MHAM2024
Alt-text: A photograph of a Native American family of five, smiling and dressed in a traditional and cultural way. The text above and below them reads: Honor yourself and your Native communities. Practice selfcare from an Indigenous place by walking in nature or talking with a trusted and nurturing relative/community member. A logo at the bottom says: Mental Health Awareness Month.
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Week 4 - Post 2 (PNG | 765 KB)
Spanish Post Copy - All Platforms: Las comunidades tribales merecen apoyo para su salud mental que sea respetuoso y culturalmente apropiado. Tenemos recursos para las comunidades tribales en 988lifeline.org/help-yourself/native-americans/ (en inglés) #LaSaludMentalImporta #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental
Alt-text: Una familia indígena estadounidense compuesta por seis personas, sonriendo y vestidas de manera típica tradicional y cultural. El texto en la parte superior e inferior dice: 'Este mes, únete a nosotros para celebrar a las comunidades tribales y reconocer la importancia de sus valores, tradiciones y experiencias para su salud mental.' El logotipo en la parte inferior dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo'
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Week 4 - Post 2 Spanish (PNG | 740 KB)
Post Copy - All Platforms: Black Mental Health Matters! Support the mental well-being of Black communities. Let’s breakdown the barriers faced when trying to get mental health support. Everyone deserves the support they need. 988lifeline.org/help-yourself/black-mental-health/ #MentalHealthMatters #MHAM2024
Alt-text: A photograph of an African American woman with her purse on her arm and her cellphone in her hands typing a text message. The text to her right reads: Mental health is for everyone. You are not alone. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org. A logo at the bottom reads: Mental health awareness month.
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Week 4 - Post 3 (PNG | 765 KB)
English Post Copy - All Platforms: DYK: Culturally and linguistically appropriate information and services can help provide good mental health support for those who need it. If you or someone you know is struggling, help is available in English and Spanish. 988lifeline.org/talk-to-someone-now/ 988lifeline.org/es/obten-ayuda/
Alt-text: A photograph of three women with text below them that reads: Help is available. Hay ayuda disponible. A logo at the bottom right reads: Mental health awareness month.
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Week 4 - Post 4 (PNG | 765 KB)
Spanish Post Copy - All Platforms: ¿Sabías que? Información y servicios cultural y lingüísticamente adecuados apoyan la salud mental de quien lo necesita. Si tú o alguien que conoces tiene dificultades, hay ayuda en inglés y español. 988lifeline.org/es/obten-ayuda/ (en español) 988lifeline.org/talk-to-someone-now/ (en inglés)
Alt text: Tres mujeres en tres planos distintos, una detrás de otra. El texto en la parte inferior dice: 'Hay ayuda disponible. Help is available.' El logotipo a la derecha dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo'
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Week 4 - Post 4 Spanish (PNG | 739 KB)
Post Copy - All Platforms: May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. We honor their diverse cultural heritage and support their mental health. Help is available for all. FindSupport.gov #MHAM2024 #MentalHealthAwareness #AAPIHeritageMonth
Alt-text: A photograph of an older Asian American woman with family members behind her. The text below them reads: May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Your mental health matters. A logo at the bottom says: Mental Health Awareness Month. A logo at the bottom right reads: Mental health awareness month.
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Downloadable sample social media posts and graphics featuring SAMHSA resources supporting LGBTQIA+ Mental Health/Salud mental de personas LGBTQIA+.
English Post Copy - All Platforms: Parents: Your acceptance means the 🌍 to your children. Expressing ❤️ is a simple but effective way to support your #LGBTQIA+ child and their mental health. Check out these resources for families: samhsa.gov/behavioral-health-equity/lgbtqi #MHAM2024 #MentalHealthMatters
Alt-text: A photograph of two men with their youth daughter hugging. The text to their right reads: Support their mental health. A logo at the bottom says: Mental Health Awareness Month.
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Week 5 - Post 1 (PNG | 710 KB)
Spanish Post Copy - All Platforms: Padres de familia: Su aceptación es lo más importante en el mundo 🌍 para sus hijos. Expresar ❤️ es una forma simple pero eficaz de apoyar a sus hijos #LGBTQIA+ y su salud mental. Consulta estos recursos para familias: 988lifeline.org/es #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental
Alt-text: Una pareja de hombres abrazando a su joven hija. El texto en la parte superior derecha dice: 'Apoya su salud mental'. El logotipo en la parte inferior derecha dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo'
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Week 5 - Post 1 Spanish (PNG | 877 KB)
English Post Copy - All Platforms: To #LGBTQIA+ communities, every single one of you matters! 🌈 ❤️ If you are in crisis, the #988lifeline is there for you 24/7. 988lifeline.org/help-yourself/lgbtq/ #MHAM2024 #MentalHealthMatters
Alt-text: Animation. A moving image of a group of LGBTQIA+ youth showing friendly affection for one another. The image zooms out to show the entire group. The text above and below them reads: We see you. We hear you. We support you. You are not alone.
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Week 5 - Post 2 (MP4 | 8.3 MB)
Spanish Post Copy - All Platforms: A las comunidades #LGBTQIA+: ¡Cada uno de ustedes importa! 🌈 ❤️ Si estás pasando por una crisis, la #Línea988 está aquí para ayudarte 24/7. 988lifeline.org/es #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental #LaSaludMentalImporta
Alt-text: Animación Imagen en movimiento de un grupo de jóvenes LGBTQIA+ que demuestran un afecto amistoso entre ellos. La imagen se aleja para mostrar todo el grupo. El texto en la parte superior dice: 'Te vemos. Te escuchamos. Te apoyamos. No estás solo.' El texto en la parte inferior dice: “Obtén ayuda llamando o enviando un mensaje de texto al 988 o chateando en 988lifeline.org/es.” Aparece un logotipo superpuesto a la imagen que dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo'
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Week 5 - Post 2 Spanish (MP4 | 8.6 MB)
English Post Copy - Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: For Mental Health Awareness Month, we celebrate #LGBTQIA+ communities with a reminder: You belong. You matter. Your mental health matters. And you are not alone. 🌈❤️ There is help. 988lifeline.org/help-yourself/lgbtq/
English Post Copy - X: For #MHAM2024, we celebrate #LGBTQIA+ communities with a reminder: You belong. You matter. Your #MentalHealthMatters. And you are not alone. 🌈 ❤️ There is help. 988lifeline.org/help-yourself/lgbtq/
Alt-text: A photograph of an LGBTQIA+ person speaking on the cellphone. The text above says: You belong. You Matter. Your mental health matters. A logo at the bottom reads: Mental Health Awareness Month.
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Week 5 - Post 3 (PNG | 660 KB)
Spanish Post Copy - Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: Durante el Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental, festejamos a las comunidades #LGBTQIA+ con un recordatorio: Tú eres parte de una comunidad importante. Tú importas. Tu salud mental importa. Y no estás solo. 🌈 ❤️ Hay ayuda. 988lifeline.org/es
Spanish Post Copy - X: Durante el Mes de #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental, festejamos a las comunidades #LGBTQIA+ con un recordatorio: Tú perteneces a una comunidad importante. Tú importas. Tu #SaludMentalImporta. Y no estás solo 🌈 ❤️ Hay ayuda. 988lifeline.org/es
Alt-text: Una persona LGBTQIA+ hablando por teléfono móvil. El texto en la parte superior dice: 'Tú eres parte de una comunidad importante. Tú importas. Tu salud mental importa.' El logotipo en la parte inferior izquierda dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo'
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Post Copy - All Platforms: To all the moms and mother figures in our lives: Happy Mother’s Day! For all you do to support others, we hope you have the support you need. FindSupport.gov #MHAM2024 #SelfCare
Alt-text: A picture of a mother holding a mug next to her daughter, both smiling in a celebratory way. The text below says: Happy Mother’s Day, and the logo at the bottom says: Mental Health Awareness Month.
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Mother's Day Post (PNG | 778 KB)
Spanish Post Copy - All Platforms: A todas las mamás y figuras maternas en nuestras vidas: ¡Feliz Día de la Madre! Gracias por todo lo que haces para apoyar a los demás ❤️ Esperamos que tengas el apoyo que necesitas. samhsa.gov/encuentra-apoyo #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental #Autocuidado
Alt-text: Una madre sosteniendo una taza junto a su hija, ambas sonriendo y festejando. El texto en la parte inferior izquierda dice: '¡Feliz Día de la Madre!' El logotipo en la parte inferior derecha dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo'
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Mother's Day Post Spanish (PNG | 961 KB)
Post Copy - All Platforms: This Memorial Day, we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We also honor their families, friends, and fellow service members who mourn them. There is help for Veterans struggling with grief, loss, or trauma at 988lifeline.org/help-yourself/veterans/. #MHAM2024
Alt-text: A picture of a woman holding a folded American flag against her chest. The text around her says: This Memorial Day we remember those who have served our country. Get help by calling or texting 988 or chatting 988lifeline.org. A logo in the middle says: Mental Health Awareness Month.
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Memorial Day Post (PNG | 708 KB)
Spanish Post Copy - All Platforms: El Día de la Conmemoración de los Caídos, honramos a quienes se sacrificaron por este país, y a sus familias, amigos y compañeros que los extrañan y sienten su ausencia. Obtén ayuda para veteranos en veteranscrisisline.net/es #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental
Alt-text: Una mujer sosteniendo contra su pecho una bandera estadounidense doblada. El texto en la parte superior izquierda dice: 'Durante el Día de la Conmemoración de los Caídos recordamos a aquellos que hicieron el máximo sacrificio por el país.' El logotipo a la izquierda dice: 'Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Mayo' El texto en la parte inferior dice: 'Obtén ayuda para veteranos en veteranscrisisline.net/es'.
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Use the following hashtags to tie Mental Health Awareness Month–related content together. Using these hashtags will serve as a unifying thread for social media content related to MHAM, making it easy for people to find and follow the conversations:
- #MHAM2024 (primary hashtag)
- #MentalHealthAwareness
- #MentalHealthMatters
- #EmotionalWellness
- #SelfCare
For Spanish-language messages, please consider using these hashtags:
- #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental
- #LaSaludMentalImporta
- #Autocuidado
- #MesDeLaSaludMental
- #saludmental
- #bienestarmental
- #saludemocional
- #bienestaremocional
Best Practices
- Use the Key Messages: Please use the provided key messages in your content, such as reminding your followers that self-care is important for one’s mental health and that, when it comes to mental health, small actions (e.g., reaching out to a friend, sharing helpful resources) can have a big positive impact.
- Incorporate the Weekly Themes: Each week of Mental Health Awareness Month has a different theme, and you can tailor your content accordingly. For example, during the first week, you can encourage your followers to talk about how to support mental health in older adults, and during Week 2, you can share tips and resources for parents and caregivers to support children.
- Tag SAMHSA: Please tag us in your social media content to show your support and to potentially be reposted by SAMHSA.
- Instagram: @samhsagov
- Facebook: @samhsa
- X: @samhsagov
- LinkedIn: @samhsa
- Use the Hashtags: Please use the provided official hashtags, including #MHAM2024, #MentalHealthAwareness, #MentalHealthMatters, #EmotionalWellness and #SelfCare. These hashtags will help promote SAMHSA’s key messages and make it easier for people to find and engage with the conversation.
- Promote Resources: Please promote our resources to share important information about mental wellness and support for those experiencing or living with mental health problems.
We hope you find these stickers helpful in engaging your audiences and promoting our shared mission.
English Stickers
Spanish Stickers
Virtual Backgrounds are designed to enhance your virtual events, meetings, and social media content throughout the month. They aim to promote mental health awareness and foster conversations around this important topic.
Virtual Backgrounds Instructions (DOC | 14 KB)
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Virtual Background 1 (JPG | 66 KB)
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Virtual Background 2 (JPG | 103 KB)
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Use the Mental Health Awareness Month email signature template throughout May in all email correspondence to promote awareness and build brand recognition of the observance.
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Email Signature - Right Side (JPG | 41 KB)
Email Signature Instructions - Right Side (DOC | 70 KB)
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Inclusive language matters:
- The Reframing Language infographic (PDF | 604 KB) is a valuable resource from the National Federation of Families that provides guidance on how to talk about mental health in a positive way while advocating for acceptance of anyone experiencing mental health challenges.
Additional Resources for Inclusive Language:
- The SAMHSA resource guide Overcoming Stigma, Ending Discrimination (PDF | 878 KB)
- The SAMHSA webpage The Power of Perceptions and Understanding: Changing How We Deliver Treatment and Recovery Services
- The American Psychological Association’s Inclusive Language Guidelines
- CDC’s Mental Health Literacy training
- The National Alliance on Mental Illness’s (NAMI) Your Language Matters guide (PDF | 84 KB)
- NAMI California’s Say This, Not This: Speaking About Mental Health guide
SAMHSA has developed a conversation guide (PDF | 98 KB) to support a friend or loved one by providing them with access to services for mental health or substance use. This guide helps start conversations respectfully and helps guide the friend or loved one to resources that could help.
Additional Resources for Conversations:
Faith Weekend of Action on May 17 – 19, 2024
Faith-based and other community organizations are sharing information about mental health during Mental Health Awareness Month which takes place every year in May. When individuals and families experience a mental health issue, they often reach out to their faith leader first. Faith leaders can help eliminate the stigma and any perceived shame in reaching out to get help. Faith leaders can refer congregants to counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, group therapy or institutional care if needed.
As an important member of the faith community, please consider sharing messages on acceptance and support for the people we know and love who are experiencing mental health challenges. Encourage individuals and families to seek help if they need it, and support others by offering words of encouragement and celebrating small successes.
Some faith communities will be sharing the information below during a Faith Weekend of Action on May 17, 18 and 19, 2024. You are welcome to join them this weekend. You may want to share mental health awareness information throughout the month, or on another weekend. No matter how or when you share mental health awareness information, we hope you use the hashtag #MHAM2024 to join virtually with others.
Below you will find:
- Bulletin inserts
- Faith leader announcements
- Talking points
Get more from the toolkit:
Bulletin Insert
- Faith-based Bulletin Insert 1 (PDF | 7.9 MB)
- Faith-based Bulletin Insert 1: Spanish Version (PDF | 7.8 MB)
- Faith-based Bulletin Insert 2 (PDF | 7.6 MB)
- Faith-based Bulletin Insert 2: Spanish Version (PDF | 7.4 MB)
Faith Leader Announcement
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This is a time to share the importance of mental health and wellness, and to celebrate recovery from mental illness. There are three main resources to help you or someone you love.
- 988 – a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week suicide & crisis lifeline that provides free and confidential support.
- FindSupport.gov – for issues with mental health, drugs, or alcohol. The website provides information (in Spanish and English) on finding health care or support, how to cope. learn about treatment and how to pay for treatment, how to help someone, and how to get help now.
- FindTreatment.gov – is the confidential and anonymous resource for persons seeking treatment for mental and substance use disorders in the United States and its territories. Information is available in 16 languages.
Whether we share resources, encourage others to seek help, or simply are there for someone when they need us, we instill hope and can help others to reach out when they need to most.
This month, talk with your loved ones. Talking about mental health promotes acceptance and encourages people to seek help.
Talking Points
Spread Acceptance and Support
The focus for these talking points is spreading acceptance and support for the people we know and love who are experiencing mental health challenges.
Key talking points:
- When it comes to mental health, small actions equal big impact.
- If you are worried about your mental health or are worried about someone you know, there are resources and people who are willing to help, no matter what your situation is. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the U.S. Help is available by phone, text and chat in English, Spanish and for the deaf and hard of hearing.
- Talking about mental health helps promote acceptance and encourages people to seek help. In fact, 3 out of 10 people in the United States have issues with mental health, drugs, or alcohol.
- Go to FindSupport.gov for issues with mental health, drugs, or alcohol. The website provides information (in Spanish and English) on finding health care or support, how to cope. learn about treatment and how to pay for treatment, how to help someone, and how to get help now.
- FindTreatment.gov is the confidential and anonymous resource for persons seeking treatment for mental and substance use disorders in the United States and its territories. Information is available in 16 languages.
- Whether we share resources, encourage others to seek help, or simply are there for someone when they need us, we instill hope and can help others to reach out when they need to most.
Encourage Individuals to Seek Help If They Need It
The focus for these talking points is to encourage individuals to seek help if they need it, as well as to show the importance of supporting others by offering words of encouragement and celebrating small successes.
Key talking points:
- Let’s support each other and make it okay to reach out and seek help whenever we need it.
- Be aware of the signs and symptoms of mental health issues so that we can all work together to support one another.
- If you are worried about your mental health or are worried about someone you know, there are resources and people out there who are willing to help, no matter what your situation is. Call, text, or chat online with 988 crisis counselors. The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in English, Spanish, for people who are deaf and for the hard of hearing.
- Whether we share resources, encourage others to seek help or simply are there for someone when they need us, we instill hope and can help others to reach out when they need it most.
Focus On Hope and Supporting One Another by Sharing Key Resources During May and Beyond
Key talking points:
- No matter the situation, there is always help and there is always hope.
- Be aware of the signs and symptoms of mental health issues so that we can all work together to support one another.
- If you are worried about your mental health or are worried about someone you know, there are resources and people out there who are willing to help, no matter what your situation is.
- Whether we share resources, encourage others to seek help or simply are there for someone when they need us, we instill hope and can help others to reach out when they need it most.