Prevention Activities
During National Prevention Week and throughout the year, download, complete, and share these prevention- and mental health-related activities to supplement your prevention activities!
Downloadable Prevention Activities
Prevention Crossword Puzzle
Print this crossword puzzle or download and fill it out on your computer; if you get stuck, look to the 2024 Planning Guide and Resource Calendar (PDF | 22.4 MB) to help you with some answers!
Prevention Word Search
Print this word search out and see if you can find the words and phrases related to prevention and mental health.
Prevention Bingo
During National Prevention Week, or any week throughout the year, challenge yourself and others to complete the activities on the card to get a “prevention bingo” and share online using the hashtag #NationalPreventionWeek24!
Print out this activity to help you make a #MyPreventionStory! Don’t forget to take a screenshot or photo and share it on social media using the hashtag #MyPreventionStory to join the conversation.
Print out this activity or download it on your computer and fill in the blanks with an adjective, verb, or noun. Read it back and share it on social media using the hashtag #MyPreventionStory.
Print out this image and write down what prevention and/or positive mental health means to you! Take a picture and share it on social media using the hashtag #MyPreventionStory.
- #MyPreventionStory Print Out - Black and White Version (PDF | 50 KB)
- #MyPreventionStory Print Out - Color Version (PDF | 51 KB)
Prevention This or That
Save this image to your phone and reupload it to your Instagram or Facebook Story by pressing the “+ your story” button and selecting the This or That image. Press the “draw” button to circle your favorite option for each category on the image. When you’re done, post your picks to your Story and use the hashtag #NationalPreventionWeek24!