Terms and Conditions
Our Policies
SAMHSA allows people to review and download public-use and restricted-use data files and documentation from this site. By using SAMHSA’s data, you agree to the Terms of Use listed on this page.
Our Data Security
SAMHSA is compliant with all relevant data security policies. Our system is hosted in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Information Technology (SAMHSA IT) environment. It is compliant with the standards defined by the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA). We have undergone certification and accreditation, and have been issued an Authority to Operate (ATO) by the SAMHSA Chief Information Officer (CIO).
Our Research Data Centers
Research Data Centers (RDCs) are secure facilities that provide access to a range of restricted-use microdata for statistical purposes. SAMHSA partners with the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) to host restricted-use NSDUH data at its RDCs. SAMHSA is the most recent federal partner to work with NCHS in making NSDUH restricted-use microdata available to approved researchers at RDC sites. Eligible researchers may now apply for access to these data through SAMHSA’s RDC website.
Our Terms of Use
Please read the Terms of Use below. By continuing to use this site, you signify your agreement and intent to follow them.
Promise of Confidentiality
This is a promise to a respondent or research participant that the information they provide will remain confidential. By this, we mean specifically that:
- It will not be disseminated in identifiable form without the permission of the respondent.
- The fact that the respondent participated in the study will not be disclosed.
- Disseminated information will not include linkages to the identity of the respondent.
Such a promise encompasses traditional notions of both confidentiality and anonymity. In most cases, federal law protects the confidentiality of the respondent’s identity. This is referenced in the Promise of Confidentiality. Under this condition, names and other identifying information about respondents would be confidential.
Research Subjects
A research subject is a person or organization that participates in a research study. A research subject may also be called a respondent. A respondent is generally:
- A survey respondent or informant
- An experimental or observational subject
- A focus group participant
- Any other person providing information to a study
Privacy of Research Subjects
Any intentional identification of a research subject violates the Promise of Confidentiality. This is true whether an individual or an organization. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information from a subject also violates the Promise. Disclosure of confidential information may also be punishable under federal law. Users of data agree
- To use these datasets solely for research or statistical purposes.
- They cannot use it for re-identification of specific research subjects.
- To make no use of the identity of any research subject discovered inadvertently.
- Any such discovery like this should be reported to the Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (CBHSQ) at cbhsqrequest@samhsa.hhs.gov.
SAMHSA bears no responsibility for your use of the data or your interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
If SAMHSA determines that this Terms of Use agreement has been violated, possible sanctions could include:
- The Research Integrity Officer, The Institutional Review Board, or the Human Subjects Review Committee of the user’s institution.
- A range of sanctions are available to put in place on institutions including revocation of tenure and termination
- The federal Office for Human Research Protections, if the confidentiality of human subjects has been violated
- This may include an investigation of the user’s institution
- Which may result in institution-wide sanctions, such as the suspension of all research grants
- This may include an investigation of the user’s institution
- The U.S. Attorney General, if federal law was violated.
- This may result in prosecution
- Courts may award payments of damages to any subject harmed by the breach of confidential data