The data from MH-CLD and MH-TEDS are for individuals receiving mental health treatment services provided or funded through state mental health agencies (SMHAs). SMHAs are the state entities with primary responsibility for reporting the data.
MH-TEDS is focused on treatment events, such as admissions and discharges from service centers. Admission and discharge records can be linked to track treatment episodes and the treatment services received by individuals. Thus, with MH-TEDS, both the individual client and the treatment episode can serve as a unit of analysis. In contrast, with MH-CLD, the client is the sole unit of analysis.
MH-TEDS enhances the ability to report data on people with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. MH-TEDS also offers optional data fields for individuals with mental illness that are not captured in MH-CLD, such as referral source, details on criminal justice referral, income sources, and health insurance.
The same set of mental health disorders for National Outcome Measures (NOMs) enumerated under MH-CLD is also supported by MH-TEDS. Thus, while both MH-TEDS and MH-CLD collect similar client-level data, the collection method differs.
Please note, the data do not include all individuals receiving mental health treatment services.