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National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey (N-SUMHSS)

The National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey (N-SUMHSS) is a survey of all substance use and mental health treatment facilities in the United States, its territories, and the District of Columbia, sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Data Source


The N-SUMHSS provides federal, state, and local governments, as well as the behavioral health research community, with information about the number and characteristics of public and private substance use and mental health treatment facilities nationwide. This annual survey is crucial as the data gathered is the information on SAMHSA’s website, our nation’s most comprehensive national source of data on substance use and mental health treatment facilities.

The N-SUMHSS replaced the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS) and the National Mental Health Services Survey (N-MHSS) in 2021 by combining questions for substance use and mental health facilities. The N-SSATS and N-MHSS were combined to reduce burden on the facilities, optimize government resources to collect data, and enhance the quality of data collected. For more information on the N-SUMHSS, please visit


How Are Facilities Listed on

  1. Inventory of Substance Use and Mental Health Treatment Facilities (I-TF)

    Master list of registered U.S. behavioral health treatment facilities, known to SAMHSA

  2. National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey (N-SUMHSS)

    Eligible facilities from the I-TF are invited to participate in the annual N-SUMHSS

  3. *

    Eligible facilities who complete the N-SUMHSS may opt to be listed on

  4. Public

    Persons can seek treatment facility information for mental and substance use disorders

* is authorized by the 21st Century Cures Act.

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Where Do the Data Come From?

The N-SUMHSS collects data on the location, characteristics, and utilization of substance use and mental health treatment facilities throughout the United States and its territories.

The Inventory of Substance Use and Mental Health Treatment Facilities (I-TF) is the list for the N-SUMHSS. The following types of substance use and mental health treatment facilities are included in the N-SUMHSS:

  • Psychiatric, general, and state hospitals,
  • Veteran Affairs medical centers,
  • Certified community behavioral health clinics,
  • Partial hospitalization/day treatment facilities,
  • Outpatient facilities,
  • Residential treatment centers for both children and adults,
  • Multi-setting mental health facilities,
  • Community mental health centers, and
  • Other types of residential treatment that provide individually planned programs of mental health treatment services in a residential care setting.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the N-SUMHSS?

  • The N-SUMHSS is SAMHSA’s annual survey of all active substance use and mental health facilities in the United States, its territories, and the District of Columbia. It is the most comprehensive national source of data on substance use and mental health treatment facilities in the United States, its territories, and D.C. The N-SUMHSS is intended to provide behavioral health services providers, researchers, and federal, state, and local governments with information about the number and characteristics of substance use and mental health treatment facilities nationwide.

2. Why should facilities complete the N-SUMHSS?

  • Completing the N-SUMHSS qualifies facilities to be listed in SAMHSA’s, the most comprehensive resource for persons seeking treatment for mental and substance use disorders in the United States, its territories, and D.C. for substance use and/or mental disorders. To increase the visibility of treatment services available in response to the growing demand, SAMHSA shares facility information from with commercially available search engines to help facilitate greater access to mental health and substance use treatment services.

3. What happened to the N-SSATS and N-MHSS?

  • In 2021, SAMHSA combined the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS) and the National Mental Health Services Survey (N-MHSS) into the N-SUMHSS, making it the most comprehensive source of data on treatment services provided by substance use and mental health facilities in the United States, its territories, and D.C. The legacy N-SSATS and N-MHSS data and reports can be accessed from the SAMHSA website here:

4. Should I compare the numbers from the N-SSATS and N-MHSS data and reports to the N-SUMHSS data and report?

  • The N-SUMHSS should not be compared statistically with previous tables from the N-MHSS and N-SSATS as it is a new survey.

5. Where can I find data on characteristics of substance use and mental health treatment facilities for my state?

  • The 2021 N-SUMHSS state specific profiles are coming soon. They will include data on the location, characteristics, services offered, and the number of clients in treatment for both substance use and mental health treatment facilities in the state.


Annual Report

Annual Detailed Tables

Description: The Annual Detailed Tables present in-depth findings on location, characteristics, and utilization of substance use and mental health services as collected by the National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey (N-SUMHSS). The data presented are intended to provide behavioral health services providers; researchers; and federal, state, and local governments with information about the number and characteristics of public and private substance use and mental health treatment facilities nationwide.
Location: National
Format: PDF

National Directories

Description: The National Directories are listings of federal, state, and local government facilities and private facilities that provide treatment services for substance use or mental disorders. Each Directory is ordered alphabetically by state, by city within each state, and by facility name within each city.
Location: National
Format: PDF and Excel

State Profile

Description: The state profiles present findings from the annual National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey (N-SUMHSS). Each state profile provides summary information on substance use and mental health treatment facilities’ characteristics, services offered, client numbers and a mapping of treatment facility locations within the state.
Location: National, states
Format: PDF


Description: These are the questions for the N-SUMHSS survey. The N-SUMHSS is designed to: (1) collect data on the location, characteristics, and utilization of substance use and mental health treatment facilities and services, (2) update SAMHSA’s Inventory of Substance Use and Mental Health Treatment Facilities (I-TF), and (3) update the information on substance use and mental health facilities on
Format: PDF

Public Use Files

Time period: 2022
Collection date: March 31, 2022 - December 4, 2022

Dataset Downloads

Quick Statistics

These state profiles include data from facilities that are reported to the N-SUMHSS survey.
