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Research Data Center (RDC)

A pathway to accessing SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) Restricted Use File

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Restricted Use Data
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) is a premier population health survey.

NSDUH measures:

  • use of illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and misuse of prescription drugs
  • substance use disorder and substance use treatment, major depressive episodes and depression care
  • serious psychological distress, mental illness, and mental health care

NSDUH data provide estimates of substance use and mental illness at the national, state, and substate levels. NSDUH data also help identify the extent of substance use and mental illness among different subgroups, estimate trends over time, and determine the need for treatment services. NSDUH releases two versions of data yearly. The restricted use file (RUF) is not publicly accessible because it contains sensitive information such as zip code and other geographic identifiers. The public use file (PUF) is created from the RUF by applying disclosure control techniques and is publicly available online.

The Research Data Center (RDC) program provides a mechanism for data users to access NSDUH restricted-use data files in a secure, confidentiality-compliant manner. SAMHSA RDC does not have it’s own RDC facilities. SAMHSA RDC collaborates with the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) RDC and the Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (FSRDC) to carry out the SAMHSA RDC program. All SAMHSA RDC users should carefully read "Guidelines for SAMHSA RDC Data Users" before accessing RUF data.

Latest announcements

This section announces the latest NSDUH data changes that are (1) important for RDC data users to notice and (2) not yet covered by the relevant guidelines/ documents at the time when the announcement is made.

  • December 2024. The 2023 NSDUH RUF is now available!
  • December 2024. A 2021 NSDUH RUF redelivery file was recently released that contains an updated pair weight (PRANALWT2) for pair analysis. A 2021 abbreviated codebook file was added below (see “Restricted use NSDUH codebooks”). For more information, please see 2021 Supplemental Information Summary Sheet.
  • December 2024. A 2022 NSDUH RUF was recently updated to include newly imputed ‘ways of use’ variables for marijuana. A corresponding 2022 abbreviated codebook may be found in “Restricted use NSDUH codebooks” below. For more information, please see 2022 Supplemental Information Summary Sheet.
  • Archived announcements

    • January 2024. An updated 2021 NSDUH RUF was released. This latest version contains an updated weight that allows for comparison of the 2021 NSDUH data to the 2022 NSDUH and subsequent years. To access the supplemental 2021 NSDUH codebook, see the “Resources” section below. For more information, please see the NSDUH 2021 Supplemental Codebook Summary.

Virtual Data Enclave (VDE)

The VDE is coming soon! The VDE will provide greater access to NSDUH data by allowing approved researchers to access the RUF without physically going to an RDC. With the VDE, researchers may designate a room at their host institution as the secure site as long as it meets all data security requirements. This could potentially save the data users time and money. The pilot implementation of the VDE began early 2023. SAMHSA RDC will inform researchers via our “Latest Announcements” section when the VDE will be fully operational.

Please visit the section below for details:

Confidential and public use data files

NSDUH RUF is available from 2004 to the latest release of the most recent surveys. RUFs contain more data than the public use files, both in terms of the number of records and number of variables.

Comparison between the NSDUH public use and restricted use files (Note: There could be small variations between years.)

chart showing the difference in information provided in a public file versus a restricteed file. Restricted files have more data.

Confidential and Non-Public Use Variables

  • Fully Specified Industry and Occupation Codes: These codes allow a worker's employment to be identified by industry and occupation (available through 2014).
  • Region, State, and County FIPS Codes: These codes can be used to merge any data at the region, state, and/or county level onto the NSDUH data.
  • Non-Public Use Data Elements: These are data elements from our questionnaires that are not directly identifiable data—sensitive in nature and not available in the public use files—such as age, detailed race-ethnicity, life experiences, and sexual identity (LGB).

Application process

Application via the SAP portal

Researchers can submit an application via the interagency Standard Application Process (SAP) portal at The SAP Portal is a web-based data catalog and common application that will serve as a “front door” to apply for restricted data from any of the 16 principal federal statistical agencies and units. SAP is created jointly by 16 federal statistical agencies and units to meet the requirements of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018.

Review of application

SAMHSA reviews the proposal submitted via SAP portal to make sure that all requirements as specified in "Guidelines for SAMHSA RDC Data Users" (see link below) are carefully followed. In addition to the format and completeness, the following two aspects are of particular importance for the application to pass SAMHSA review:

  • The feasibility of the research project with respect to the available NSDUH data; that is, whether it is possible for the researcher to conduct the proposed research with the available NSDUH information. There are situations where the currently available NSDUH data will not support the intended analysis.
  • The disclosure risks of the proposed research; that is, whether the analysis can be conducted without compromising the confidentiality promised to all NSDUH respondents.

SAMHSA RDC may request revisions to the application if it is deemed necessary. The application will be approved if all requirements are met. Approval of the proposal does not constitute endorsement by SAMHSA of the substantive, methodological, theoretical, policy relevance, or scientific aspects of the proposed research.

Submission of amendments to the approved application

Amendments to approved proposals are submitted through our email at

Additional notes

Whenever there is an official notice that the SAP system is not working properly, data users may create an application in PDF format by following the example of the “RDC Sample Proposal” (see the link below) and submit the application via our email at

Application fee

SAMHSA's data hosting partner, the NCHS RDC network, charges a user fee for using the RDC and the services. The amount of the fee varies by volume, usage, and requests for technical assistance. For more information, please see "RDC fees" below.

Security protocol

Maintaining confidentiality is the primary objective of the restricted use data program. After approval of the application, researchers must complete the confidentiality training and sign the required forms to document their commitment to following the RDC disclosure review policies and procedures.

All researchers involved in the project are required to complete confidentiality training and submit a signed Designated Agent Form (DAF) with a notary signature. As the confidentiality training was developed by NCHS, SAMHSA RDC asks that researchers not use the DAF and DAA (DUA) forms linked in the training but rather use the DAF and DAA forms linked below. By signing the DAF, researchers become designated agents to access CIPSEA protected data. In addition, any analysts entering the RDC must sign the DAA (Data Access Agreement) form. The training certificate, along with the signed DAA and DAF, must be submitted to be considered a complete package. For students wanting to access NSDUH RUF, both students and their advisors must also sign the SAMHSA RDC Student Data User Acknowledgement form.

Researchers wanting to use a FSRDC must also secure Special Sworn Status. This process includes an application, background check, and a fee. The process takes on average 3–4 months and is facilitated by the designated FSRDC after the proposal has been approved. Non-US citizens can only use restricted use data at a FSRDC.

Accessing the data files

Researchers must conduct their study within the designated RDC, either at one of the four NCHS RDC locations or at one of the 31 FSRDC located throughout the US. Remote access is not available at this time. Once the application has been approved and the requisite security protocol has been completed, please reach out to the designated RDC to schedule an in-person appointment.

The SAMHSA Restricted Use Data Program allows researchers to merge RUF with approved external data while working at the RDC. The user-supplied data may consist of proprietary data collected and owned by the user or public use data. Proprietary or restricted use data obtained apart from SAP portal should be accompanied with written approval for use. All external data must be sent to SAMHSA RDC for approval. If approved, SAMHSA RDC will upload the external data to the researchers' analytic folder.


What output can be taken from the RDC?

  • Only populated shell tables that exist within an approved application.
  • All materials, including populated table shells, must undergo disclosure review by SAMHSA prior to release.
  • Researchers may request the release of the programming code as part of the output package submitted for review.

What output cannot be taken from the RDC?

  • Output that does not match shell tables or figures within the approved proposal.
  • Any output that could potentially identify respondents or small geographic areas, either directly or inferentially.
  • Any direct or inferential identifiers not revealed in the public use files.
  • Sample case printouts or screenshots.
  • Output that does not follow the disclosure rules as outlined in "Guidelines for SAMHSA RDC Data Users".
  • Intermediate output. Intermediate output can be created and used onsite at the RDC but cannot be included in the output package submitted for review.

Resources for preparing your application

Getting started

Application resources and guidelines

Completing confidentiality requirements

Online query tool

Contact information

SAMHSA Restricted Use Data Program
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857