The National Directory of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Facilities - 2017 is a listing of federal, state, and local government facilities and private facilities that provide substance abuse treatment services. It includes treatment facilities that (1) are licensed, certified, or otherwise approved for inclusion in the Directory by their State Substance Abuse Agencies, and (2) responded to the 2016 National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS). The information about each facility that appears in this Directory was provided by that facility in response to the 2016 N-SSATS. N-SSATS is conducted annually by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
The Directory is ordered alphabetically by state, by city within each state, and by facility name within each city. Each facility listing includes codes that represent the services offered and other features of the facility, including codes that indicate services for hearing impaired and non-English-speaking clients. Codes are defined in a key shown on pages v-vii. Because the services offered by a particular facility may change over time, it is always a good idea to verify the information in this Directory when contacting a facility.