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2021-2022 NSDUH State Estimates of Substance Use and Mental Disorders


Find state-level estimates for 35 measures of substance use and mental health from the 2021-2022 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). These estimates are based on small area estimation (SAE) methods in which state-level NSDUH data are combined with other data from smaller geographies. The combined data are used to create modeled state estimates of the civilian, noninstitutionalized population ages 12 and older.

Along with the estimates, the collection includes an overview of the estimation methodology, a review of other state-level substance use and mental health data sources, and a document describing the groups used for mapping. The data are available in several forms: images of national maps and tables both overall and by age. There are also tables of p-values indicating whether differences between particular geographies are statistically significant.

The indicators are presented in the following 37 tables:

  Drug use and Perceived Risk

  1. Illicit Drug Use in the Past Month
  2. Marijuana Use in the Past Year
  3. Marijuana Use in the Past Month
  4. Perceptions of Great Risk from Smoking Marijuana Once a Month
  5. First Use of Marijuana in the Past Year (among those at risk for initiation)
  6. Illicit Drug Use Other than Marijuana in the Past Month
  7. Cocaine Use in the Past Year
  8. Perceptions of Great Risk from using Cocaine Once a Month
  9. Heroin Use in the Past Year
  10. Perceptions of Great Risk from Trying Heroin Once or Twice
  11. Hallucinogen Use in the Past Year
  12. Methamphetamine Use in the Past Year
  13. Prescription Pain Reliever Misuse in the Past Year
  14. Opioid Misuse in the Past Year


  1. Alcohol Use in the Past Month
  2. Binge Alcohol Use in the Past Month
  3. Perceptions of Great Risk from Having Five or More Drinks of an Alcoholic Beverage Once or Twice a Week
  4. Alcohol Use, Binge Alcohol Use in the Past Month, and Perceptions of Great Risk from Having Five or More Drinks of an Alcoholic Beverage Once or Twice a Week (among people aged 12 to 20)


  1. Tobacco Product Use in the Past Month
  2. Cigarette Use in the Past Month
  3. Perceptions of Great Risk from Smoking One or More Packs of Cigarettes per Day

  Substance Use Disorders

  1. Substance Use Disorder in the Past Year
  2. Alcohol Use Disorder in the Past Year
  3. Alcohol Use Disorder in the Past Year (among people aged 12 to 20)
  4. Drug Use Disorder in the Past Year
  5. Pain Reliever Use Disorder in the Past Year
  6. Opioid Use Disorder in the Past Year

  Substance Use Treatment

  1. Received Substance Use Treatment in the Past Year
  2. Classified as Needing Substance Use Treatment in the Past Year
  3. Did Not Receive Substance Use Treatment in the Past Year among those Classified as Needing Substance Use Treatment

  Mental Illness

  1. Any Mental Illness in the Past Year
  2. Serious Mental Illness in the Past Year
  3. Received Mental Health Treatment in the Past Year
  4. Major Depressive Episode in the Past Year


  1. Had Serious Thoughts of Suicide in the Past Year
  2. Made Any Suicide Plans in the Past Year
  3. Attempted Suicide in the Past Year
Publication Date:
February 15, 2024
Collection Date:
Report Type:
State Report

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In This Collection

Collected Date: 2021-2022 | Published Date: | Type: National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Collected Date: 2021-2022 | Published Date: | Type: National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Collected Date: 2021-2022 | Published Date: | Type: National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Collected Date: 2021-2022 | Published Date: | Type: National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Collected Date: 2021-2022 | Published Date: | Type: National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Collected Date: 2021-2022 | Published Date: | Type: National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Collected Date: 2021-2022 | Published Date: | Type: National Survey on Drug Use and Health

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