National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS): 2011
Data on Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities

Table of Contents

Title Page


List of Tables

List of Figures


Chapter 1. Description of the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS)

Chapter 2. Trends in Facility Characteristics

Chapter 3. Trends in Client Characteristics

Chapter 4. Facility Characteristics and Services

Chapter 5. Client Characteristics

Chapter 6. State Data

Appendix A. N-SSATS Background

Appendix B. 2011 N-SSATS Questionnaire

Appendix C. Item Response and Imputation for N-SSATS 2011

List of Tables

Chapter 1

1.1 N-SSATS facilities, by status and mode of response: 2011

Chapter 2

2.1 Facility turnover: 2007-2011.
Number and percent distribution

2.2 Facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2007-2011.
Number and percent distribution

2.3 Facilities, by type of care offered, and facilities with Opioid Treatment Programs: 2007-2011.
Number and percent

Chapter 3

3.1 Clients in treatment, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2007-2011.
Number and percent distribution

3.2 Clients in treatment, by type of care received, and clients receiving methadone or buprenorphine: 2007-2011.
Number and percent distribution

3.3 Clients in treatment, by substance abuse problem and diagnosed co-occurring substance abuse and mental disorders: 2007-2011.
Number and percent distribution

3.4 Clients under age 18 in treatment by type of care received, and clients under age 18 in treatment in facilities offering special programs or groups for
adolescents: 2007-2011.
Number and percent distribution

Chapter 4

4.1 Primary focus of facilities, by facility operation: 2011.
Number and percent distribution

4.2a Type of care offered, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.2b Type of care offered, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.3 Client substance abuse problem and diagnosed co-occurring mental disorders, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent

4.4 Facility size, according to type of care offered, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: March 31, 2011.
Median number of clients

4.5 Facility size in terms of number of clients, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent distribution

4.6 Facility capacity and utilization of residential (non-hospital) care, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: March 31, 2011.
Number, utilization rate, and percent distribution

4.7 Facility capacity and utilization of hospital inpatient care, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: March 31, 2011.
Number, utilization rate, and percent distribution

4.8 Services provided, by facility operation: 2011.
Number and percent

4.9 Services provided, by primary focus of facility: 2011.
Number and percent

4.10 Clinical/therapeutic approaches, by frequency of use: 2011.
Number and percent distribution

4.11a Facilities offering special programs or groups for specific client types, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.11b Facilities offering special programs or groups for specific client types, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.12a Facilities offering services in sign language for the hearing impaired and in languages other than English, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.12b Facilities offering services in sign language for the hearing impaired and in languages other than English, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.13 Facilities detoxifying clients, by substance, facility operation, and primary focus of facility: 2011.
Number and percent

4.14 Facilities with client outreach, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.
Number and percent

4.15a Facility licensing, certification, or accreditation, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.15b Facility licensing, certification, or accreditation, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.16a Facility licensing, certification, or accreditation, by type of care offered: 2011.

4.16b Facility licensing, certification, or accreditation, by type of care offered: 2011.

4.17a Facilities employing specific practices as part of their standard operating procedures, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.17b Facilities employing specific practices as part of their standard operating procedures, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.18a Types of client payments accepted by facility, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.18b Types of client payments accepted by facility, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.19 Facility funding, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.
Number and percent

4.20 Facilities with Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) and clients receiving medication-assisted opioid therapy at OTPs and other facilities, by facility
operation and primary focus of facility: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent distribution

4.21a Type of care offered in facilities with Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs), by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.21b Type of care offered in facilities with Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs), by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011.

4.22a Facility licensing, certification, or accreditation of facilities with Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs), by type of care offered: 2011.

4.22b Facility licensing, certification, or accreditation of facilities with Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs), by type of care offered: 2011.

4.23 Facilities using counseling as part of their substance abuse treatment program, by primary focus of facility: March 31, 2011.

4.24 Facility smoking policy, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: 2011
Number and percent distribution

Chapter 5

5.1 Clients in treatment, by primary focus of facility and facility operation: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent distribution

5.2a Clients in treatment, according to type of care received, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: March 31, 2011.

5.2b Clients in treatment, according to type of care received, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: March 31, 2011.
Percent distribution (row percent)

5.2c Clients in treatment, according to type of care received, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: March 31, 2011.
Percent distribution (column percent)

5.3 Clients in treatment, according to substance abuse problem and diagnosed co-occurring mental disorders, by facility operation and primary focus of facility:
March 31, 2011.
Number and percent

5.4 Clients under age 18 in treatment, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent distribution

5.5 Clients under age 18 in treatment, according to type of care received, by facility operation and primary focus of facility: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent distribution

Chapter 6

6.1 N-SSATS facilities, by status, response rate, mode of response, and by State or jurisdiction: 2011

Trends 2007-2011

6.2a Facilities and clients in treatment, by State or jurisdiction: 2007-2011.

6.2b Facilities and clients in treatment, by State or jurisdiction: 2007-2011.
Percent distribution

6.3a Clients under age 18 in treatment, and clients under age 18 in facilities offering special programs or groups for adolescents, by State or jurisdiction: 2007-2011.

6.3b Clients under age 18 in treatment, and clients under age 18 in facilities offering special programs or groups for adolescents, by State or jurisdiction: 2007-2011.

Facilities 2011

6.4a Facility operation, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.4b Facility operation, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.
Percent distribution

6.5 Primary focus of facility, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.
Number and percent distribution

6.6a Type of care offered, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.6b Type of care offered, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.7 Client substance abuse problem and diagnosed co-occurring mental disorders, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent

6.8 Facility size, according to type of care offered, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Median number of clients

6.9 Facility size in terms of number of clients, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent distribution

6.10 Facility capacity and utilization of residential (non-hospital) and hospital inpatient care, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Number and utilization rate

6.11 Type of counseling used, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.
Number and percent

6.12a Clinical/therapeutic approaches used always or often or sometimes, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.12b Clinical/therapeutic approaches used always or often or sometimes, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.13a Facilities offering special programs or groups for specific client types, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.13b Facilities offering special programs or groups for specific client types, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.14a Facilities offering services in sign language for the hearing impaired and in languages other than English, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.14b Facilities offering services in sign language for the hearing impaired and in languages other than English, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.15 Facilities detoxifying clients, by substance and State or jurisdiction: 2011.
Number and percent

6.16 Facilities with client outreach, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.
Number and percent

6.17a Facility licensing, certification, or accreditation, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.17b Facility licensing, certification, or accreditation, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.18a Facilities employing specific practices as part of their standard operating procedures, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.18b Facilities employing specific practices as part of their standard operating procedures, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.19a Types of client payments accepted by facility, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.19b Types of client payments accepted by facility, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.20 Facility funding, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.
Number and percent

6.21 Facilities with Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) and clients receiving medication-assisted opioid therapy at OTPs and other facilities, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent distribution

6.22a Type of care offered in facilities with Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs), by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.22b Type of care offered in facilities with Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs), by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.23a Facility licensing, certification, or accreditation of facilities with Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs), by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.23b Facility licensing, certification, or accreditation of facilities with Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs), by State or jurisdiction: 2011.

6.24 Facility smoking policy, by State or jurisdiction: 2011.
Number and percent

Clients 2011

6.25a Clients in treatment, according to facility operation, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.

6.25b Clients in treatment, according to facility operation, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Percent distribution

6.26 Clients in treatment, according to primary focus of facility, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent distribution

6.27a Clients in treatment, according to type of care received, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.

6.27b Clients in treatment, according to type of care received, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Percent distribution

6.28 Clients in treatment, according to substance abuse problem and diagnosed co-occurring mental disorders, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent distribution

6.29 Clients in treatment, according to counseling type, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent

6.30a Clients under age 18 in treatment, according to facility operation, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.

6.30b Clients under age 18 in treatment, according to facility operation, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Percent distribution

6.31 Clients under age 18 in treatment, according to primary focus of facility, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent distribution

6.32 Clients under age 18 in treatment, according to type of care received, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Number and percent distribution

6.33 Clients in treatment aged 18 and over, according to substance abuse problem, by State or jurisdiction: March 31, 2011.
Number and clients per 100,000 population aged 18 and over

Appendix A

A.1 Survey contents: 1996-2011

Appendix C

C.1 N-SSATS item percentage response rates: 2011

List of Figures

Chapter 1

Figure 1 Survey Response Mode: 2007-2011

Chapter 2

Figure 2 Facility Operation: 2007-2011

Figure 3 Primary Focus of Facility: 2007-2011

Figure 4 Type of Care Offered and Facilities with Opioid Treatment Programs: 2007-2011

Chapter 3

Figure 5 Clients in Treatment, by Facility Operation: 2007-2011

Figure 6 Clients in Treatment, by Type of Care Received: 2007-2011

Chapter 4

Figure 7 Residential (Non-Hospital) and Hospital Inpatient Utilization Rates: March 31, 2011

Chapter 6

Figure 8 Clients in Treatment per 100,000 Population Aged 18 and Over: March 31, 2011