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Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 2018

Admissions to and Discharges From Publicly Funded Substance Use Treatment


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration


This report was prepared for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), by Eagle Technologies, Inc., under Contract No. HHSS283201600001C. The Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) at SAMHSA/CBHSQ was Nichele Waller.

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Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS): 2018. Admissions to and Discharges From Publicly Funded Substance Use Treatment. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2020.

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Originating Office

Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 15SEH03
Rockville, Maryland 20857

July 2020

To table of contents


Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures



Chapter 1. Characteristics of Admissions: 2018

Chapter 2. Type of Treatment Services: 2018

Chapter 3. Trends in Substance Use Treatment Admissions Aged 12 Years and Older: 2008–2018

Chapter 4. Treatment Admissions Aged 12 Years and Older, by State or Jurisdiction, Primary Substance Use, and Selected Characteristics: 2008–2018

Chapter 5. Discharge Data Overview for All Types of Treatment Services: 2018

Chapter 6. Treatment Discharges Aged 12 Years and Older, by Reason for Discharge and by State or Jurisdiction: 2018

Appendix A. About the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS)

Appendix B. TEDS Data Elements

Appendix C. List of Contributors

List of Tables

1.1a Admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2008–2018

1.1b Admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2008–2018

1.2 Admissions aged 12 years and older, by concurrent use of alcohol and drugs: Number and column percent distribution, 2008–2018

1.3a Admissions aged 12 years and older, by gender and age at admission: Number and average age at admission, 2008–2018

1.3b Admissions aged 12 years and older, by gender and age at admission: Column percent distribution, 2008–2018, and 2018 U.S. population aged 12 years and older

1.4a Admissions aged 12 years and older, by race and ethnicity: Number, 2008–2018, and 2018 U.S. population aged 12 years and older

1.4b Admissions aged 12 years and older, by race and ethnicity: Column percent distribution, 2008–2018, and 2018 U.S. population aged 12 years and older

1.5a Admissions aged 18 years and older, by employment status, number and column percent distribution: 2008–2018, and 2018 U.S. population aged 18 years and older

1.5b Admissions aged 18 years and older per 100,000 population, by employment status: 2008–2018, adjusted for age, gender, and race/ethnicity

2.1a Gender and age at admission among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Number and average age at admission, 2018

2.1b Gender and age at admission among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution and average age at admission, 2018

2.1c Gender and age at admission among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Row percent distribution, 2018

2.2a Race and ethnicity among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.2b Race and ethnicity among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.2c Race and ethnicity among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Row percent distribution, 2018

2.3a Selected race, ethnicity, gender, and age group among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.3b Selected race, ethnicity, gender, and age group among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.3c Selected race, ethnicity, gender, and age group among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Row percent distribution, 2018

2.4a Frequency of use and usual route of administration among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.4b Frequency of use and usual route of administration among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.5a Frequency of use and usual route of administration among admissions aged 12 years and older, by secondary substance use: Number, 2018

2.5b Frequency of use and usual route of administration among admissions aged 12 years and older, by secondary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.6a Frequency of use and usual route of administration among admissions aged 12 years and older, by tertiary substance use: Number, 2018

2.6b Frequency of use and usual route of administration among admissions aged 12 years and older, by tertiary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.7a Age of first use and number of prior treatment episodes among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.7b Age of first use and number of prior treatment episodes among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.8a Treatment referral source and detailed criminal justice referral among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.8b Treatment referral source and detailed criminal justice referral among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.9a Type of treatment service at admission and planned medication-assisted opioid therapy among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.9b Type of treatment service at admission and planned medication-assisted opioid therapy among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.10a Employment status and detailed not in labor force among admissions aged 18 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.10b Employment status and detailed not in labor force among admissions aged 18 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.11a Education, marital status, living arrangements, and pregnancy status among admissions aged 12 to 17 years, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.11b Education, marital status, living arrangements, and pregnancy status among admissions aged 12 to 17 years, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.12a Education, marital status, living arrangements, pregnancy status, and veteran status among admissions aged 18 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.12b Education, marital status, living arrangements, pregnancy status, and veteran status among admissions aged 18 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.13a Co-occurring mental and substance use disorders and DSM criteria diagnosis among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.13b Co-occurring mental and substance use disorders and DSM criteria diagnosis among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.14a Source of income/support among admissions aged 18 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.14b Source of income/support among admissions aged 18 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.15a Type of health insurance and expected/actual primary source of payment among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.15b Type of health insurance and expected/actual primary source of payment among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.16a Arrests in 30 days prior to admission and days waiting to enter treatment among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.16b Arrests in 30 days prior to admission and days waiting to enter treatment among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.17a Frequency of attendance at self-help programs among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

2.17b Frequency of attendance at self-help programs among admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

2.18 Admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary, secondary, and tertiary detailed drug: Number and column percent distribution, 2018

2.19a Admissions aged 12 years and older reporting detailed drugs, by primary, secondary, and tertiary substance use: Number, 2008–2018

2.19b Admissions aged 12 years and older reporting detailed drugs, by primary, secondary, and tertiary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2008–2018

3.1a Admissions aged 12 to 14 years, by primary substance use: Number, 2008–2018

3.1b Admissions aged 12 to 14 years, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2008–2018

3.2a Admissions aged 15 to 17 years, by primary substance use: Number, 2008–2018

3.2b Admissions aged 15 to 17 years, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2008–2018

3.3a Gender, race, and ethnicity among admissions aged 12 to 14 years, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

3.3b Gender, race, and ethnicity among admissions aged 12 to 14 years, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

3.4a Gender, race, and ethnicity among admissions aged 15 to 17 years, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

3.4b Gender, race, and ethnicity among admissions aged 15 to 17 years, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

3.5a Age at admission and treatment referral source among admissions aged 12 to 17 years, by primary substance use: Number, 2018

3.5b Age at admission and treatment referral source among admissions aged 12 to 17 years, by primary substance use: Column percent distribution, 2018

3.6a Admissions aged 12 to 14 years, by marijuana involvement and treatment referral source: Number, 2008–2018

3.6b Admissions aged 12 to 14 years, by marijuana involvement and treatment referral source: Column percent distribution, 2008–2018

3.7a Admissions aged 15 to 17 years, by marijuana involvement and treatment referral source: Number, 2008–2018

3.7b Admissions aged 15 to 17 years, by marijuana involvement and treatment referral source: Column percent distribution, 2008–2018

3.8a Heroin admissions aged 12 years and older, by age group, race, and ethnicity: Number, 2008–2018

3.8b Heroin admissions aged 12 years and older, by age group, race, and ethnicity: Column percent distribution, 2008–2018

3.9a Heroin admissions aged 12 years and older, by usual route of administration, age group, and characteristics of treatment episode: Number, 2008–2018

3.9b Heroin admissions aged 12 years and older, by usual route of administration, age group, and characteristics of treatment episode: Column percent distribution, 2008–2018

3.10a Heroin admissions aged 12 years and older with and without planned medication-assisted opioid therapy, by usual route of administration and age group: Number, 2008–2018

3.10b Heroin admissions aged 12 years and older with and without planned medication-assisted opioid therapy, by usual route of administration and age group: Column percent distribution, 2008–2018

3.11a Primary substance use among admissions aged 12 years and older, by additional substance use: Number, 2018

3.11b Primary substance use among admissions aged 12 years and older, by additional substance use: Percent distribution, 2018

3.12 Substance use combinations, by selected primary substance use: Number and column percent distribution, 2018

4.1a Primary substance use and age at admission among admissions aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service: Number and average age at admission, 2018

4.1b Primary substance use and age at admission among admissions aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service: Column percent distribution and average age at admission, 2018

4.1c Primary substance use and age at admission among admissions aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service: Row percent distribution, 2018

4.2a Gender, race, and ethnicity among admissions aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service: Number, 2018

4.2b Gender, race, and ethnicity among admissions aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service: Column percent distribution, 2018

4.2c Gender, race, and ethnicity among admissions aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service: Row percent distribution, 2018

4.3a Treatment referral source, frequency of use, and number of prior treatment episodes among admissions aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service: Number, 2018

4.3b Treatment referral source, frequency of use, and number of prior treatment episodes among admissions aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service: Column percent distribution, 2018

4.3c Treatment referral source, frequency of use, and number of prior treatment episodes among admissions aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service: Row percent distribution, 2018

State Admissions

5.1a Admissions aged 12 years and older, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Number, 2008–2018

5.1b Admissions aged 12 years and older per 100,000 population, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

5.1c Admissions aged 12 years and older per 100,000 population, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018, adjusted for age, gender, and race/ethnicity

5.2a Primary alcohol admissions aged 12 years and older, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Number, 2008–2018

5.2b Primary alcohol admissions aged 12 years and older per 100,000 population, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

5.3a Primary marijuana/hashish admissions aged 12 years and older, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Number, 2008–2018

5.3b Primary marijuana/hashish admissions aged 12 years and older per 100,000 population, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

5.4a Primary cocaine admissions aged 12 years and older, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Number, 2008–2018

5.4b Primary cocaine admissions aged 12 years and older per 100,000 population, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

5.5a Primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admissions aged 12 years and older, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Number, 2008–2018

5.5b Primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admissions aged 12 years and older per 100,000 population, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

5.6a Primary opiates (heroin and non-heroin) admissions aged 12 years and older, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Number, 2008–2018

5.6b Primary opiates (heroin and non-heroin) admissions aged 12 years and older per 100,000 population, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

5.7a Primary heroin admissions aged 12 years and older, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Number, 2008–2018

5.7b Primary heroin admissions aged 12 years and older per 100,000 population, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

5.8a Primary non-heroin opiates/synthetics admissions aged 12 years and older, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Number, 2008–2018

5.8b Primary non-heroin opiates/synthetics admissions aged 12 years and older per 100,000 population, by Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

6.1a Admissions aged 12 years and older, by type of service at admission and Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

6.1b Admissions aged 12 years and older, by type of service at admission and Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

6.2a Admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

6.2b Admissions aged 12 years and older per 100,000 population, by primary substance use and Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: 2018

6.2c Admissions aged 12 years and older per 100,000 population, by primary substance use and Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: 2018, adjusted for age, gender, and race/ethnicity

7.1a Alabama admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.1b Alabama admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.2a Alaska admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.2b Alaska admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.3a Arizona admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.3b Arizona admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.4a Arkansas admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.4b Arkansas admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.5a California admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.5b California admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.6a Colorado admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.6b Colorado admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.7a Connecticut admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.7b Connecticut admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.8a Delaware admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.8b Delaware admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.9a District of Columbia admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.9b District of Columbia admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.10a Florida admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.10b Florida admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.11a Hawaii admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.11b Hawaii admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.12a Idaho admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.12b Idaho admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.13a Illinois admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.13b Illinois admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.14a Indiana admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.14b Indiana admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.15a Iowa admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.15b Iowa admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.16a Kansas admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.16b Kansas admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.17a Kentucky admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.17b Kentucky admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.18a Louisiana admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.18b Louisiana admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.19a Maine admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.19b Maine admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.20a Maryland admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.20b Maryland admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.21a Massachusetts admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.21b Massachusetts admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.22a Michigan admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.22b Michigan admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.23a Minnesota admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.23b Minnesota admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.24a Mississippi admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.24b Mississippi admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.25a Missouri admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.25b Missouri admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.26a Montana admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.26b Montana admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.27a Nebraska admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.27b Nebraska admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.28a Nevada admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.28b Nevada admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.29a New Hampshire admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.29b New Hampshire admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.30a New Jersey admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.30b New Jersey admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.31a New Mexico admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.31b New Mexico admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.32a New York admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.32b New York admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.33a North Carolina admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.33b North Carolina admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.34a North Dakota admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.34b North Dakota admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.35a Ohio admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.35b Ohio admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.36a Oklahoma admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.36b Oklahoma admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.37a Pennsylvania admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.37b Pennsylvania admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.38a Puerto Rico admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.38b Puerto Rico admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.39a Rhode Island admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.39b Rhode Island admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.40a South Carolina admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.40b South Carolina admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.41a South Dakota admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.41b South Dakota admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.42a Tennessee admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.42b Tennessee admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.43a Texas admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.43b Texas admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.44a Utah admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.44b Utah admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.45a Vermont admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.45b Vermont admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.46a Virginia admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.46b Virginia admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.47a Washington admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.47b Washington admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.48a West Virginia admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.48b West Virginia admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.49a Wisconsin admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.49b Wisconsin admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

7.50a Wyoming admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Number, 2018

7.50b Wyoming admissions aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use and gender, age at admission, and race: Column percent distribution, 2018

8.1 Admissions aged 12 years and older, by concurrent use of alcohol and drugs, Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

8.2 Admissions aged 18 years and older, by employment status, Census region, Census division, and state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

National Discharges

9.1 Discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge and type of treatment service: Number, percent distribution, and median length of stay (LOS), 2018

9.2a Discharges aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

9.2b Discharges aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

9.3a Discharges aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

9.3b Discharges aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

9.4a Discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

9.4b Discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

9.5a Discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

9.5b Discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

9.6a Discharges aged 18 years and older, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

9.6b Discharges aged 18 years and older, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

9.7a Discharges aged 18 years and older, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

9.7b Discharges aged 18 years and older, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

9.8a Discharges aged 12 years and older that completed treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

9.8b Proportions of discharges aged 12 years and older that completed treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: 2018

9.9a Discharges aged 12 years and older that completed treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

9.9b Proportions of discharges aged 12 years and older that completed treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: 2018

9.10a Discharges aged 12 to 17 years that completed treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

9.10b Proportions of discharges aged 12 to 17 years that completed treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: 2018

9.11a Discharges aged 12 to 17 years that completed treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

9.11b Proportions of discharges aged 12 to 17 years that completed treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: 2018

9.12a Discharges aged 18 years and older that completed treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

9.12b Proportions of discharges aged 18 years and older that completed treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: 2018

9.13a Discharges aged 18 years and older that completed treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

9.13b Proportions of discharges aged 18 years and older that completed treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: 2018

9.14a Discharges aged 12 years and older that transferred to further treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

9.14b Proportions of discharges aged 12 years and older that transferred to further treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: 2018

9.15a Discharges aged 12 years and older that transferred to further treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

9.15b Proportions of discharges aged 12 years and older that transferred to further treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: 2018

9.16a Discharges aged 12 to 17 years that transferred to further treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

9.16b Proportions of discharges aged 12 to 17 years that transferred to further treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: 2018

9.17a Discharges aged 12 to 17 years that transferred to further treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

9.17b Proportions of discharges aged 12 to 17 years that transferred to further treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: 2018

9.18a Discharges aged 18 years and older that transferred to further treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

9.18b Proportions of discharges aged 18 years and older that transferred to further treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at admission: 2018

9.19a Discharges aged 18 years and older that transferred to further treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

9.19b Proportions of discharges aged 18 years and older that transferred to further treatment, by type of treatment service and characteristics at discharge: 2018

10.1 Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge and state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

10.2a Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

10.2b Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

10.2c Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

10.3a Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

10.3b Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

10.3c Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

10.4a Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

10.4b Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

10.4c Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

10.5a Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

10.5b Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

10.5c Outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

10.6a Outpatient treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

10.6b Outpatient treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

10.6c Outpatient treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

10.7a Outpatient treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

10.7b Outpatient treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

10.7c Outpatient treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

11.1 Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge and state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

11.2a Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

11.2b Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

11.2c Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

11.3a Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

11.3b Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

11.3c Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

11.4a Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

11.4b Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

11.4c Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

11.5a Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

11.5b Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

11.5c Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

11.6a Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

11.6b Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

11.6c Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

11.7a Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

11.7b Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

11.7c Intensive outpatient treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

12.1 Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge and state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

12.2a Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

12.2b Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

12.2c Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

12.3a Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

12.3b Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

12.3c Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

12.4a Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

12.4b Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

12.4c Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

12.5a Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

12.5b Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

12.5c Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

12.6a Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

12.6b Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

12.6c Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

12.7a Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

12.7b Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

12.7c Short-term residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

13.1 Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge and state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

13.2a Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

13.2b Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

13.2c Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

13.3a Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

13.3b Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

13.3c Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

13.4a Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

13.4b Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

13.4c Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

13.5a Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

13.5b Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

13.5c Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

13.6a Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

13.6b Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

13.6c Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

13.7a Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

13.7b Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

13.7c Long-term residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

14.1 Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge and state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

14.2a Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

14.2b Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

14.2c Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

14.3a Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

14.3b Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

14.3c Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

14.4a Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

14.4b Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

14.4c Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

14.5a Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

14.5b Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

14.5c Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

14.6a Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

14.6b Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

14.6c Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

14.7a Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

14.7b Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

14.7c Hospital residential treatment discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

15.1 Detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge and state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

15.2a Detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

15.2b Detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

15.2c Detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

15.3a Detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

15.3b Detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

15.3c Detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

15.4a Detoxification discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

15.4b Detoxification discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

15.4c Detoxification discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

15.5a Detoxification discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

15.5b Detoxification discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

15.5c Detoxification discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

15.6a Detoxification discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

15.6b Detoxification discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

15.6c Detoxification discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

15.7a Detoxification discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

15.7b Detoxification discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

15.7c Detoxification discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

16.1 Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge and state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

16.2a Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

16.2b Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

16.2c Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

16.3a Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

16.3b Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

16.3c Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

16.4a Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

16.4b Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

16.4c Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

16.5a Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

16.5b Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

16.5c Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

16.6a Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

16.6b Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

16.6c Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

16.7a Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

16.7b Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

16.7c Outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

17.1 Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge and state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

17.2a Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

17.2b Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

17.2c Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

17.3a Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

17.3b Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

17.3c Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

17.4a Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

17.4b Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

17.4c Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

17.5a Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

17.5b Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

17.5c Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

17.6a Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Number, 2018

17.6b Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Column percent distribution, 2018

17.6c Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at admission: Row percent distribution, 2018

17.7a Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Number, 2018

17.7b Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Column percent distribution, 2018

17.7c Medication-assisted opioid detoxification discharges aged 18 years and older, by reason for discharge, median length of stay (LOS), and characteristics at discharge: Row percent distribution, 2018

State Discharges

18.1a Total and linked discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

18.1b Total and linked discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

18.2a Discharges aged 12 and older, by type of treatment service and state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

18.2b Discharges aged 12 and older, by type of treatment service and state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

19.1a Discharges aged 12 years and older, by gender, selected age groups at admission, and state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

19.1b Discharges aged 12 years and older, by gender, selected age groups at admission, and state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

19.2a Race of discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

19.2b Race of discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

19.3a Reason for discharge among discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

19.3b Reason for discharge among discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

19.4a Reason for discharge among discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

19.4b Reason for discharge among discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

19.5a Reason for discharge among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

19.5b Reason for discharge among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

20.1 Median length of stay (LOS) among discharges aged 12 years and older that completed treatment, by treatment service and state or jurisdiction: Number of days, 2018

20.2 Median length of stay (LOS) among discharges aged 12 to 17 years that completed treatment, by treatment service and state or jurisdiction: Number of days, 2018

20.3 Median length of stay (LOS) among discharges aged 18 years and older that completed treatment, by treatment service and state or jurisdiction: Number of days, 2018

21.1a Primary substance use at admission among discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

21.1b Primary substance use at admission among discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

21.2a Primary substance use at discharge among discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

21.2b Primary substance use at discharge among discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

21.3a Primary substance use at admission among discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

21.3b Primary substance use at admission among discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

21.4a Primary substance use at discharge among discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

21.4b Primary substance use at discharge among discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

21.5a Primary substance use at admission among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

21.5b Primary substance use at admission among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

21.6a Primary substance use at discharge, among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number, 2018

21.6b Primary substance use at discharge among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Row percent distribution, 2018

22.1 Number of arrests in the 30 days prior to admission among discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

22.2 Number of arrests in the 30 days prior to discharge among discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

22.3 Number of arrests in 30 days prior to admission among discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

22.4 Number of arrests in the 30 days prior to discharge among discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

22.5 Number of arrests in the 30 days prior to admission among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

22.6 Number of arrests in the 30 days prior to discharge among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

23.1 Living arrangements at admission among discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

23.2 Living arrangements at discharge among discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

23.3 Living arrangements at admission among discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

23.4 Living arrangements at discharge among discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

23.5 Living arrangements at admission among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

23.6 Living arrangements at discharge among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

24.1 Frequency of attendance at a substance use self-help group in the 30 days prior to admission among discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

24.2 Frequency of attendance at a substance use self-help group in the 30 days prior to discharge among discharges aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

24.3 Frequency of attendance at a substance use self-help group in the 30 days prior to admission among discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

24.4 Frequency of attendance at a substance use self-help group in the 30 days prior to discharge among discharges aged 12 to 17 years, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

24.5 Frequency of attendance at a substance use self-help group in the 30 days prior to admission among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

24.6 Frequency of attendance at a substance use self-help group in the 30 days prior to discharge among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

25.1 Employment status at admission among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

25.2 Employment status at discharge among discharges aged 18 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: Number and row percent distribution, 2018

Appendix A

A1 State data system reporting characteristics, 2018

A2 Item percentage response rate, by state or jurisdiction: TEDS Admissions Minimum Data Set, 2018

A3 Item percentage response rate, by state or jurisdiction: TEDS Admissions Supplemental Data Set, 2018

A4 Item percentage response rate, by state or jurisdiction: TEDS Discharge Minimum Data Set, 2018

A5 Item percentage response rate, by state or jurisdiction: TEDS Discharge Supplemental Data Set, 2018

A6 Denominator for per 100,000 population estimates: 2018

A7 U.S. population aged 18 years and older, 2008–2018, used as denominator for per 100,000 for employment status and U.S. population used for adjustment

List of Figures

Trends in Substance Use Treatment Admissions Aged 12 Years and Older: 2008–2018

1. Primary substance use at admission: 2008–2018

2. Age at admission: TEDS 2008–2018 and U.S. population 2018

3. Race of admissions: TEDS 2008–2018 and U.S. population 2018

4. Ethnicity of admissions: TEDS 2008–2018 and U.S. population 2018

5. Employment status among admissions aged 18 years and older: 2008–2018

Treatment Admissions Aged 12 Years and Older, by State or Jurisdiction, Primary Substance Use, and Selected Characteristics: 2018

6. Primary alcohol admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

7. Primary marijuana/hashish admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

8. Primary cocaine admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

9. Primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

10. Primary opiates (heroin and non-heroin) admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

11. Primary heroin admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

12. Primary non-heroin opiates/synthetics admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

Discharge Data Overview for All Types of Treatment Services: 2018

13. Type of treatment service at discharge: 2018

14. Reason for discharge, by type of treatment service: 2018

15. Median length of stay (LOS), by reason for discharge and type of treatment service: 2018

To title page



This report presents national- and state-level data from the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) for admissions and discharges occurring in 2018, and trend data from 2008 to 2018. It summarizes demographic information and the characteristics and outcomes of treatment for alcohol and/or drug use among clients aged 12 years and older in facilities that report to individual state administrative data systems. Data include records for treatment admissions and discharges that were received and processed through November 18, 2019.1

TEDS records do not represent individuals; rather, each record represents a treatment episode. Thus, an individual admitted to treatment twice within a calendar year is counted as two admissions. Similarly, discharges during the year, regardless of when the admission occurred, are counted.

TEDS does not include all substance use treatments. It includes treatment admissions and discharges at facilities that are licensed or certified by a state substance abuse agency to provide care for people with a substance use disorder (or facilities that are administratively tracked for other reasons). In general, facilities reporting TEDS data are those that receive state alcohol and/or drug agency funds (including federal block grant funds) for the provision of alcohol and/or drug treatment services. Additional information on the history and methodology of TEDS and this report, as well as important issues related to state data collection systems, are available in Appendix A.

It is important to note that percentages in charts, narrative lists, and tables may not sum to 100 percent due to rounding; figures in the narrative are expressed using the nearest whole number.

Admissions or discharges for which values were not collected, unknown, or missing are excluded from the numbers (nominator) and percentage base (denominator) except for substance use. For substance use variables (primary, secondary, and tertiary), unless otherwise noted, the category “other/none specified” consists of none, other stimulants, over-the-counter medications, other drugs, and responses that were missing, unknown, not collected, and invalid.

1 For researchers interested in more detailed analysis, TEDS public use files are available for download from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive, which can be accessed at Summary data for individual states that have submitted the full year of data are available online through the Quick Statistics website at

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In 2018, a total of 1,935,541 admissions aged 12 years and older were reported to TEDS by 48 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Georgia and Oregon did not report sufficient admissions for 2018 to be included in this report [Table 5.1a]. In prior years, admissions for the following states have also been excluded: Nebraska (2008); the District of Columbia, Mississippi, and Nebraska (2009); Nebraska (2010); Nebraska (2011); South Carolina (2014); Oregon (2015); Georgia and Oregon (2016); and Georgia and Oregon (2017).

In 2018, a total of 1,791,497 discharge records were reported to TEDS by 46 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, of which 93 percent (or 1,666,366 records) can be linked to TEDS admissions aged 12 years and older between 2000 and 2018. Georgia, Oregon, Washington, and West Virginia did not report sufficient discharge data for 2018 to be included in this report [Tables 18.1a–b].

Several states reported significant decreases in the total number of TEDS admissions due to Medicaid expansion. Furthermore, some states are experiencing system challenges and were unable to report admissions aged 12–17 years.

Primary Substance Use at Admission



Opiates Other Than Heroin2




Trends in Substance Use Treatment Admissions

Type of Treatment Service at Discharge

Of the 1,666,366 discharges aged 12 years and older in 2018 [Table 18.2b]:

Reason for Discharge

Of the 1,666,366 discharges aged 12 years and older in 2018 [Table 19.3b]:

Treatment Completion by Type of Treatment Service

The treatment completion rate was 42 percent among discharges aged 12 years and older from all treatment service types combined. For the individual service types, treatment was completed by [Table 9.1]:

Median Length of Stay (LOS)

The median LOS in treatment among discharges aged 12 years and older, by type of treatment service, was [Table 9.1]:

Treatment Admissions per 100,000 Population, by State or Jurisdiction

Reason for Discharge and Treatment Completion by State or Jurisdiction

2 These drugs include non-prescription methadone, buprenorphine, codeine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, meperidine, morphine, opium, oxycodone, pentazocine, propoxyphene, tramadol, and any other drug with morphine-like effects.


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Chapter 1. Characteristics of Admissions: 2018

All Admissions Aged 12 Years and Older

The tables associated with this chapter present data on the characteristics of all admissions in 2018 aged 12 years and older, by primary substance use.

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Chapter 2. Type of Treatment Services: 2018

TEDS records the type of service to which clients are admitted for treatment. The major categories are broadly defined as ambulatory, rehabilitation/residential, and detoxification. In this report, admissions for which medication-assisted opioid therapy (i.e., therapy using methadone, buprenorphine, and/or naltrexone) was planned have been categorized as a separate type of treatment service.

Table 4.1c shows the type of treatment service received by primary substance used.

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Chapter 3. Trends in Substance Use Treatment Admissions Aged 12 Years and Older: 2008–2018

Trends in Primary Substance Use: 2008–2018
Trends in Co-occurring Alcohol and Drug Use
Trends in Demographic Characteristics
Trends in Employment Status

This chapter details trends in the annual numbers and rates of admissions aged 12 years and older between 2008 and 2018. Trend data are valuable for monitoring changing patterns in substance use treatment admissions.

Trends in Primary Substance Use: 2008–2018

Tables 1.1a–b and Figure 1. The number of all admissions aged 12 years and older decreased from 2,054,398 in 2008 to 1,935,541 in 2018. Between 2008 and 2018, five substance groups accounted for between 91 and 96 percent of the primary substances reported among treatment admissions aged 12 years and older: alcohol, opiates, marijuana/hashish, cocaine, and methamphetamine/amphetamines. However, the proportions of admissions by primary substance used changed considerably during the period for most substances.


Figure 1. Primary substance use at admission: 2008–2018

Figure 1 is a line chart comparing the percent of all admissions aged 12 and older for alcohol, opiates, cocaine, marijuana/hashish, and methamphetamines/amphetamines from 2008 to 2018. The preceding paragraph provides details.


Trends in Co-occurring Alcohol and Drug Use

Table 1.2. The concurrent use of alcohol and drugs continues to be a significant problem. Because TEDS collects a maximum of three substances used, rather than all substances used, alcohol use among polydrug users may be underreported.

Trends in Demographic Characteristics

Table 1.3b and Figure 2.Males represented 68 percent of admissions aged 12 years and older in 2008 and 64 percent in 2018. In 2018, 49 percent of the U.S. population aged 12 years and older was male.


Figure 2. Age at admission: TEDS 2008–2018 and U.S. population 2018

Figure 2 is a stacked bar chart comparing percent of all admissions aged 12 and older between age at admission for 12-17 years, 18-29 years, 30-44 years, and 45 years and older from the period of 2008-2018. The preceding paragraph provides details.


Table 1.4 and Figure 3.The racial and ethnic composition of admissions aged 12 years and older between 2008 and 2018 was as follows:


Figure 3. Race of admissions: TEDS 2008–2018 and U.S. population 2018

Figure 3 is a stacked bar chart comparing percent of admissions aged 12 and older by race of admission between 2008-2018 for American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, and other. The preceding paragraph provides more details.


Figure 4. Ethnicity of admissions: TEDS 2008–2018 and U.S. population 2018

Figure 4 is a stacked bar chart comparing the percent of all admissions aged 12 and older by ethnicity of admissions between 2008-2018 and the U.S. population in 2018, between Hispanic or Latino origin and those not of Hispanic or Latino Origin, The text on the previous paragraph provides more details.


Trends in Employment Status

Table 1.5a and Figure 5. Between 2008 and 2018, the proportion of admissions aged 18 years and older that were employed ranged between 22 and 29 percent; 62 percent of the U.S. population aged 18 years and older was employed in 2018.

Table 1.5b presents admissions aged 18 years and older per 100,000 population and employment status adjusted for age, gender, race, and ethnicity to the 2010 U.S. population.


Figure 5. Employment status among admissions aged 18 years and older: 2008–2018

Figure 5 is a line chart comparing the percent of all admissions aged 18 and older for  employed, unemployed, and not in labor force between 2008-2018. More details can be found in the previous paragraph.


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Chapter 4. Treatment Admissions Aged 12 Years and Older, by State or Jurisdiction, Primary Substance Use, and Selected Characteristics: 2008–2018

The tables associated with this chapter present data on substance use treatment admissions aged 12 years and older between 2008 and 2018 by state or jurisdiction, primary substance use, and selected demographic characteristics.

As noted previously, comparisons among states and jurisdictions should be made with caution. Many factors affect comparability (e.g., facilities included, clients included, ability to track multi-service episodes, services offered, and completeness and timeliness of reporting). See Appendix A for a full discussion.

Tables 7.1a–7.50b present, for each state or jurisdiction that reported admissions to TEDS for 2018, the number and percentage distribution of admissions aged 12 years and older, by demographic characteristics (gender, age group, and race) and by primary substance.

The choropleth maps of the United States that comprise Figures 6–12 present, for each primary substance, admissions per 100,000 population between 2008 and 2018. The color palette and data in these maps are divided into five equal-sized parts, or quintiles [Tables 5.2b–5.8b].


Figure 6. Primary alcohol admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

Figure 6 is series of 11 U.S. Maps comparing the ratio of primary alcohol admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older by state or jurisdiction for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018


Figure 7. Primary marijuana/hashish admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

Figure 7 is series of 11 U.S. Maps comparing the ratio of primary marijuana/hashish admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older by state or jurisdiction for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018


Figure 8. Primary cocaine admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

Figure 8 is series of 11 U.S. Maps comparing the ratio of primary cocaine admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older by state or jurisdiction for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018


Figure 9. Primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

Figure 9 is series of 11 U.S. Maps comparing the ratio of primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older by state or jurisdiction for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018


Figure 10. Primary opiates (heroin and non-heroin) admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

Figure 10 is series of 11 U.S. Maps comparing the ratio of primary opiates (heroin and non-heroin) admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older by state or jurisdiction for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018


Figure 11. Primary heroin admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

Figure 11 is series of 11 U.S. Maps comparing the ratio of primary heroin admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older by state or jurisdiction for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018


Figure 12. Primary non-heroin opiates/synthetics admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older, by state or jurisdiction: 2008–2018

Figure 12 is series of 11 U.S. Maps comparing the ratio of primary non-heroin opiates/synthetics admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 years and older by state or jurisdiction for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018


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Chapter 5. Discharge Data Overview for All Types of Treatment Services: 2018

Type of Treatment Service

Type of Treatment Service
Reason for Discharge by Type of Treatment Service
Median Length of Stay (LOS) by Type of Treatment Service and Reason for Discharge
Socio-Demographic and Substance Use Characteristics at Time of Admission
Treatment Completion

Type of Treatment Service

Tables 18.2a–b present the type of treatment service at discharge, by state or jurisdiction, for 2018 discharges. There was considerable state-to-state variability in the combination of types of treatment services available and in the proportions discharged from each.

Figure 13 illustrates the distribution of 2018 discharges among various types of treatment services. The majority were discharged from a type of outpatient treatment service; 43 percent from outpatient treatment and 12 percent from intensive outpatient treatment. In addition, 16 percent were discharged from detoxification, 10 percent from short-term residential treatment, 7 percent from long-term residential treatment, 12 percent from medication-assisted opioid therapy or detoxification, and less than 1 percent from hospital residential treatment.


Figure 13. Type of treatment service at discharge: 2018

Figure 13 is a pie chart comparing the percent of types of treatment services at discharge for the services described in the previous paragraph.


Reason for Discharge by Type of Treatment Service

Table 9.1 and Figure 14 present the reason for discharge by type of treatment service. Note that in Table 9.1 and Figure 14, the other category includes data for death and incarceration; in Tables 19.3a through 19.5b, death and incarceration are shown separately.


Figure 14. Reason for discharge, by type of treatment service: 2018

Figure 14 is a stacked bar chart comparing percent of reasons for discharge, including treatment completed, transferred to further substance abuse treatment, terminated by facility, and other for type of treatment service, including all, detox, hospital residential, short-term residential, medication assisted opioid detox, long-term residential, outpatient, intensive outpatient, and outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy. The paragraph above provides more details.


Median Length of Stay (LOS) by Type of Treatment Service and Reason for Discharge

Table 9.1. Figure 15.

The median LOS for discharges that completed treatment was longer than or equal to those that did not complete treatment, across all types of treatment service.

The median LOS among discharges that completed treatment was 143 days for outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy, 82 days for intensive outpatient treatment, 75 days for long-term residential treatment, 71 days for outpatient treatment, 25 days for short-term residential treatment, 19 days for hospital residential treatment, seven days for medication-assisted opioid detoxification, and four days for detoxification.


Figure 15. Median length of stay (LOS), by reason for discharge and type of treatment service: 2018

Figure 15 is a bar chart comparing median length of stay (LOS) by reason for discharge and type of treatment service. The paragraph preceding this figure provides more details.


Socio-Demographic and Substance Use Characteristics at Time of Admission

Tables 9.2a–b, 9.4a–b, and 9.6a–b summarize the number and percent distribution of characteristics at admission, by type of treatment service, for all discharges. Summary findings of the admission characteristics of all discharges combined include the following:

Treatment Completion

Tables 9.8a–b through 9.13a–b. Some general observations can be made about the characteristics at admission of episodes that resulted in treatment completion:

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Chapter 6. Treatment Discharges Aged 12 Years and Older, by Reason for Discharge and by State or Jurisdiction: 2018

The tables associated with this chapter present data on substance use treatment discharges in 2018 for admissions aged 12 years and older, by reason for discharge and by state or jurisdiction.

Tables 10.1–17.1 present, for each state or jurisdiction that reported discharges in 2018, the reason for discharge from outpatient treatment [Table 10.1], intensive outpatient treatment [Table 11.1], short-term residential treatment [Table 12.1], long-term residential treatment [Table 13.1], hospital residential treatment [Table 14.1], detoxification [Table 15.1], outpatient medication-assisted opioid therapy [Table 16.1], and medication-assisted opioid detoxification [Table 17.1].

Tables 18.1a–b through 25.2 present discharge information by state or jurisdiction.

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Appendix A. About the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS)

State Data Collection Systems
Report-Specific Considerations


This report presents results from the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) on the demographic and substance use characteristics of admissions to substance use treatment, and for discharges from substance use treatment. The Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (CBHSQ), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), coordinates and manages the collection of TEDS data from the states and jurisdictions.

TEDS is a compilation of client-level data routinely collected by the individual state administrative data systems to monitor their substance use treatment systems. Generally, facilities that are required to report to the state substance abuse agency (SSA) are those that receive public funds and/or are licensed or certified by the SSA to provide substance use treatment (or are administratively tracked for other reasons).

The TEDS system comprises two major components: the Admissions Data Set and the Linked Discharge Data Set. The TEDS Admission Data Set includes client-level data on substance use treatment admissions from 1992 through the present. The TEDS Linked Discharge Data Set includes discharges that can be linked at a record level to admissions; it includes information from clients discharged in 2000 and later. For both data sets, selected data items from the individual state data files are converted to a standardized format consistent across states. These standardized data constitute TEDS.

The TEDS Admission Data Set consists of a Minimum Data Set of items collected by all states, and a Supplemental Data Set where individual data items are reported at the state’s option. The Minimum Data Set consists of 19 items that include:

The Supplemental Data Set items include psychiatric, social, and economic measures. Some items from the Supplemental Data Set are included in the Linked Discharge Data Set to explore how the status changes between admission and discharge.

The TEDS Linked Discharge Data Set was designed to enable TEDS to collect information on entire treatment episodes. Discharge data, when linked to admission data, represent treatment episodes that enable analyses of questions that cannot be answered with admission data alone. Examples are the proportion of discharges that completed treatment and the average length of stay (LOS) among treatment completers.


National-level data collection on admissions to substance use treatment was first mandated in 1972 under the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act, P.L. 92-255. This act initiated federal funding for drug treatment and rehabilitation and required reporting on clients entering drug (but not alcohol) abuse treatment. The Client-Oriented Data Acquisition Process (CODAP) was developed to collect admission and discharge data directly from federally funded drug treatment programs. (Programs for treatment of alcohol use were not included.) Reporting was mandatory for all such programs and data were collected using a standard form. CODAP included all clients in federally-funded programs regardless of individual funding source. Reports were issued from 1973 to 1981 based on data from 1,800 to 2,000 programs, including some 200,000 annual admissions.

In 1981, the collection of national-level data on admissions to substance use treatment was discontinued because of the introduction of the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Services (ADMS) Block Grant. The block grant transferred federal funding from individual programs to the states for distribution, and it included no data reporting requirement. Participation in CODAP became voluntary; although several states submitted data through 1984, the data were in no way nationally representative.

In 1988, the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Amendments (P.L. 100-690) established a revised Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant and mandated federal data collection on clients receiving treatment for either alcohol or drug use. The Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) data collection effort represents the federal response to this mandate. TEDS began in 1989 with the issue of three-year development grants to states.

State Data Collection Systems

TEDS is an exceptionally large and powerful data set that covers a significant proportion of all admissions to substance use treatment. TEDS is a compilation of data collected through the individual data collection systems of the state substance abuse agencies (SSAs) for substance use treatment. States have cooperated with the federal government in the data collection process, and substantial progress has been made toward developing a standardized data set. However, because each state system is unique, and each state has unique powers and mandates, significant differences exist among state data collection systems. These differences are compounded by evolving health care payment systems, and state-to-state comparisons must be made with extreme caution.

The number and client mix of TEDS admissions do not represent the total national demand for substance use treatment or the prevalence of substance use in the general population.

States differ widely in the amount of public funding available for substance use treatment and in the constraints placed on the use of funds. States may be directed to target special populations such as pregnant women or adolescents. Where funds are limited, states may be compelled to exercise triage in admitting persons to treatment, admitting only those with the most “severe” problems. In states with higher funding levels, a larger proportion of the population in need of treatment may be admitted, including the less severely impaired.

States may include or exclude reporting by certain sectors of the treatment population, and these sectors may change over time. For example, treatment programs based in the criminal justice system may or may not be administered through the SSA. Detoxification facilities, which can generate large numbers of admissions, are not uniformly considered treatment facilities and are not uniformly reported by all states.

Table A1 presents key characteristics of state data collection systems for 2018. However, these characteristics can change as state substance use treatment systems change, and thus may be responsible for some year-to-year variation within states.

Some SSAs regulate private facilities, methadone clinics, and/or individual practitioners and require them to report TEDS data. Others do not because of the difficulty in obtaining data from these facilities, although these facilities may report voluntarily. Facilities operated by federal agencies (e.g., the Bureau of Prisons, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Veterans Affairs) generally do not report TEDS data to the SSA, although some facilities operated by the Indian Health Service are included. Hospital-based substance use treatment facilities are frequently not licensed through the SSA and do not report TEDS data. Correctional facilities (state prisons and local jails) are monitored by the SSA and report TEDS data in some states but not in others.

The primary goal of TEDS is to monitor the characteristics of clients admitted to planned, continuing treatment regimens. Thus, early intervention and crisis intervention programs that do not lead to enrollment in continued treatment are excluded from TEDS.

This requires, however, that clients be assigned unique IDs that can be linked across providers; not all states are legally and/or technologically able to do this. Most states can identify as transfers a change in the type of treatment service within the structure of a given provider; however, fewer can also identify a transfer involving a change of provider. Several states do not track transfers, but instead report as transfers those clients who are discharged and readmitted within a specified time period defined by each state.

Because some admission records, in fact, may represent transfers, the number of admissions reported probably overestimates the number of treatment episodes. Some states reported a limited data set on codependents of substance users entering treatment. On average, from 2007 through 2018, 89 percent of all records submitted were client admissions, 11 percent were client transfers, and less than 1 percent were codependents of substance users. For the linked discharges dataset, 86 percent of all records submitted were client admissions, 14 percent were client transfers, and less than 1 percent were codependents.

Admissions from facilities that report late to the states will appear in a later data submission to SAMHSA, so the number of annual admissions in a report may be higher in subsequent reports. The number of additional admissions is small because of the time lag in issuing the report. Thus the percentage distributions will change very little in subsequent reports, although Census division- and state-level data may change somewhat more for states with reporting delays.

States continually review and improve their data collection and processing. When systematic errors are identified, states may revise or replace historical TEDS data files. While this process represents an improvement in the data system, the historical statistics in this report will differ slightly from those in earlier reports. Therefore, public use files differ from year to year, making it difficult to replicate corresponding year reports.

Several states reported significant decreases in the total number of TEDS admissions due to Medicaid expansion. Furthermore, some states are experiencing system challenges and were unable to report admissions aged 12–17 years.

Tables A2 and A3 indicate the proportions of records by state or jurisdiction for which valid data were received for 2018. States are expected to report all variables in the Minimum Data Set (Table A2). Variables in the Supplemental Data Set are collected at each state’s option (Table A3).

Tables A4 and A5 indicate the proportions of records for which valid discharge data were received in 2018.

Table A6 indicates the denominators for computing per 100,000 population estimates in 2018.

Table A7 indicates the denominators for computing per 100,000 population estimates for employment status (Table 1.5b) in 2018.

Report-Specific Considerations

National substance use treatment admissions

National substance use treatment discharges

To Appendix Tables

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Appendix B. TEDS Data Elements

TEDS Minimum Data Set
TEDS Supplemental Data Set
TEDS Linked Discharge Data Set

TEDS Minimum Data Set

Age of first use (primary, secondary, and tertiary substance)

For drugs other than alcohol, these fields identify the age at which the client first used the respective substance. For alcohol, these fields record the age of first intoxication.

Client or codependent/collateral

Specifies whether the admission record is for a substance use treatment client, or a person being treated for his/her codependency or collateral relationship with a substance user.

A person is not a client if he or she has completed only a screening or intake process or has been placed on a waiting list.

Guidelines: Reporting of data for Codependent/collaterals is optional. If the state opts to report codependent/collateral clients, the mandatory fields are State code, Provider identifier, Client identifier, Client transaction type, Codependent/collateral, and Date of admission. Reporting of the remaining fields in the TEDS Minimum and Supplemental Data Sets is optional. For all items not reported, the data field should be coded with the appropriate "Not collected" or "Not applicable" code.

If a substance use client with an existing record in TEDS becomes a codependent, a new client record should be submitted indicating that the client has been admitted as a codependent, and vice versa.

If a record does not include a value for this field, it is assumed to be a substance use client record.

Date of admission

The day when the client receives his or her first direct treatment or recovery service. For transfers, this is the date when client receives his or her first direct treatment after the transfer has occurred.



Identifies client's age at admission. Derived from client's date of birth and date of admission.


Specifies the highest school grade (number of school years) completed by the client.

Guidelines: States that use specific categories for designating education level should map their codes to a logical number of years of school completed. For Associate's Degree, use 14. For Bachelor's Degree, use 16.

Employment status

Identifies the client's employment status at the time of admission or transfer.

Guidelines: Seasonal workers are coded in this category based on their employment status at admission.


Identifies client's specific Hispanic origin.

Guidelines: If a state does not collect specific Hispanic detail, code Ethnicity for Hispanics as Hispanic­ (specific origin not specified).


Specifies the client's race.

Guidelines: If a state does not distinguish between American Indian and Alaska Native, both should be coded as American Indian. If a state does not distinguish between Asian and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, both should be coded as Asian or Pacific Islander. For states that collect multiple races: a) when a single race is designated, the specific race code should be used; b) if the state collects a primary or preferred race along with additional races, the code for the primary/preferred race should be used; c) if the state uses a system such as an algorithm to select a single race when multiple races have been designated, the same system may be used to determine the race code for TEDS. When two or more races have been designated and neither (b) nor (c) above apply, the TEDS code for Two or more races should be used.


Identifies the client’s biological sex.

Substance Use and Treatment Characteristics

Frequency of use (primary, secondary, and tertiary substances)

Identifies the frequency of use for the client’s primary, secondary, and tertiary substance use.

Medication-assisted opioid therapy

Identifies whether the use of methadone, naltrexone, or buprenorphine is part of the client’s treatment plan.

Number of prior treatment episodes

Indicates the number of previous treatment episodes the client has received in any drug or alcohol program. Changes in service for the same episode (transfers) should not be counted as separate prior episodes.

Guidelines: It is preferred that the number of prior treatments be a self-reporting field collected at the time of client intake. However, this data item may be derived from the state data system if the system has that capability and episodes can be counted for at least several years.

Principal source of referral

Describes the person or agency referring the client to the alcohol or drug use treatment program.

Substance use (primary, secondary, or tertiary)

Identifies the client’s primary, secondary, and tertiary substance use. Each Substance use (primary, secondary, and tertiary) has associated fields for Route of administration, Frequency of use, Age at first use, and the TEDS Supplemental Data Set item Detailed drug code.

Guidelines: Substance use are further defined in the TEDS Supplemental Data Set item Detailed drug code. For guidance on which specific substances to include in the substance categories, please refer to the detailed drug categories listed for Detailed drug code.

Data set considerations for Substance use and Route of administration:

For states that do collect Detailed drug code—Records may have duplicate Substance use and identical Route of administration if the corresponding Detailed drug codes are different or are ''multiple'' drug codes.

For states that do not collect Detailed drug code—A record may not have duplicate Substance use with identical Routes of administration.

Transaction type

Identifies whether a record is for an initial admission or a transfer/change in service. Note: Some states may use other terminology such as "initial admission" and "transfer admission" in place of "admission" and "transfer."

Guidelines: For TEDS, a treatment episode is defined as that period of service between the beginning of treatment for drug or alcohol use and the termination of services for the prescribed treatment plan. The episode includes one admission (when services begin) and at least one discharge (when services end). Within a treatment episode, a client may transfer to a different service, facility, provider, program, or location. Each admission and transfer record should have an associated discharge record.

When it is feasible for the state to identify transfers, they should be reported as transfers in admissions data submissions. When admissions and transfers cannot be differentiated in a state data system, such changes in service or facility should be reported to TEDS as admissions.

Data set considerations for transfers:

Type of treatment service

Describes the type of service and treatment setting in which the client is placed at the time of admission or transfer.

Usual route of administration (primary, secondary, and tertiary substances)

These fields identify the usual route of administration of the respective substance use.

TEDS Supplemental Data Set

Days waiting to enter treatment

Indicates the number of days from the first contact or request for service until the client was admitted and the first clinical service was provided.

Guidelines: This item is intended to capture the number of days the client must wait to begin treatment because of program capacity, treatment availability, admissions requirements, or other program requirements. It should not include time delays caused by client unavailability or client failure to meet any requirement or obligation.

Detailed criminal justice referral

Provides more information about those clients who are coded as "Court/criminal justice referral/DUI/DWI" in the TEDS Minimum Data Set item Principal source of referral.

Detailed drug code (primary, secondary, and tertiary substances)

Identifies, in greater detail, the drug use recorded in the TEDS Minimum Data Set item Substance use.

Detailed not in labor force

Provides more information about these clients who are coded as "Not in labor force" in the TEDS Minimum Data Set item Employment status.

DSM criteria diagnosis

Specifies the diagnosis of the substance use disorder from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Expected/actual primary source of payment

Identifies the primary source of payment for this treatment episode.

Frequency of attendance at self-help programs

Records the number of times the client has attended a self-help program in the 30 days preceding the date of admission to treatment services.

Health insurance

Specifies the client's health insurance (if any). The insurance may or may not cover alcohol or drug treatment.

Living arrangements

Specifies whether the client is homeless, living with parents, in a supervised setting, or living on his or her own.

Marital status

Describes the client's marital status. The following categories are compatible with the U.S. Census.

Number of arrests in 30 days prior to admission

Records the number of arrests in the 30 days preceding the date of admission to treatment services.

Pregnant at admission

Specifies whether the client was pregnant at the time of admission.

Co-occurring mental and substance use disorders

Identifies whether the client has a psychiatric disorder in addition to his or her alcohol or drug use disorder.

Source of income/support

Identifies the client's principal source of financial support. For children under 18, this field indicates the parents' primary source of income/support.

Veteran status

Identifies whether the client has served in the uniformed services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, Coast and Geodetic Survey, etc.).

TEDS Linked Discharge Data Set

Date of discharge

The date when the client was formally discharged from the treatment facility or service. The date may be the same as the date of last contact. In the event of a change of service or provider within an episode of treatment, it is the date the service terminated or the date the treatment ended at a particular provider.

Date of last contact

The date when the client was last seen for a treatment. The date may be the same as the date of discharge. In the event of a change of service or provider within an episode of treatment, it is the date the client transferred to another service or provider.

Detailed not in labor force at admission/discharge

Records more detailed information about those clients who are coded as Not in labor force in the TEDS Minimum Data Set item Employment status.

Employment status at discharge

See TEDS Minimum Data Set item Employment status for definitions.

Frequency of attendance at self-help programs in 30 days prior to admission/discharge

Records the number of times the client has attended a self-help program in the 30 days preceding the date of admission to and discharge from treatment services.

Frequency of use at discharge (primary, secondary, and tertiary substances)

See TEDS Minimum Data Set item Frequency of use for definitions.

Living arrangements at admission/discharge

Records whether the client is homeless, living with parents, in a supervised setting, or living on his or her own at the time of admission and discharge.

Number of arrests in 30 days prior to admission/discharge

Records the number of arrests in the 30 days preceding the date of admission to and discharge from treatment services.

Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment

Indicates the outcome of treatment or the reason for transfer or discontinuance of treatment.

Substance use at discharge (primary, secondary, or tertiary)

See TEDS Minimum Data Set item Substance use for definitions.

Type of treatment service at discharge

See TEDS Minimum Data Set item Type of treatment service for definitions.

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Appendix C. List of Contributors

This report was prepared for the Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (CBHSQ), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), by Eagle Technologies, Inc., under Contract No. HHSS283201600001C.

Contributors and reviewers at Eagle, listed alphabetically, include Ngwatung Akamangwa, Anand Borse, Muluneh Desisa, Erin Doherty, Tsegereda Kifle, David Peabody, Marty van Duym, Doren Walker (Project Director), and John Zuwasti Curran. Production of the report at SAMHSA was managed by Nichele Waller (COR). SAMHSA contributors and reviewers, listed alphabetically, include Herman Alvarado, Heydy Juarez, Sharon Liu, and Nichele Waller.

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