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Table of Contents for the 2020 NSDUH Detailed Tables

Detailed Table Item HTML Link PDF Link
Detailed Tables HTML PDF
Introduction HTML PDF
Reference Tools HTML PDF
Key to Selected Variables HTML PDF
Appendix A: Glossary HTML PDF
Appendix B: List of Tables HTML PDF
Appendix C: List of Contributors HTML PDF

Note: The Reference Tools section provides guidance in navigating the 2020 detailed tables. The Key to Selected Variables section contains a list of key topics used throughout the 2020 detailed tables, as well as the specific categories displayed for each topic. Appendix A contains definitions of measures and terms. In this table of contents, -- = not applicable; NSDUH = National Survey on Drug Use and Health; PE = prevalence estimates (numbers in thousands/percentages) and sample sizes; and SE = standard errors. The 2020 detailed tables present estimates from the 2019 and 2020 NSDUHs unless otherwise noted. For most measures, the 2020 estimates are calculated using data from Quarters 1 and 4 of 2020 and are labeled as “2020” for brevity. Cross-references between the 2-year and multiyear trend tables are provided. Matching estimate(s) may be from a total row or column, and there is not necessarily a one-to-one corresponding 2-year or multiyear trend table.

Detailed Table Section Table Range HTML PDF Corresponding Multiyear Trend/
2-Year Table
Table Range HTML PDF
Section 1: Illicit Drug Use/Misuse Tables 1.1 to 1.127          
Illicit drug use/misuse, by standard age categories 1.1 to 1.5 PE SE PE SE 7.1 to 7.15 PE SE PE SE
Selected illicit drug use/misuse, by detailed age categories 1.6 to 1.21 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription psychotherapeutics, by standard age categories 1.22 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Selected illicit drugs, by standard age categories and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, education level, employment status) characteristics 1.23 to 1.66          
Illicit drug use 1.23 to 1.25 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Marijuana use 1.26 to 1.28 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Cocaine use 1.29 to 1.31 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Crack use 1.32 to 1.34 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Hallucinogen use 1.35 to 1.37 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Inhalant use 1.38 to 1.40 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Methamphetamine use 1.41 to 1.43 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription pain relievers 1.44 to 1.46 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription stimulants 1.47 to 1.49 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription tranquilizers or sedatives 1.50 to 1.52 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription tranquilizers 1.53 to 1.55 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription sedatives 1.56 to 1.58 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription benzodiazepines 1.59 and 1.60 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Misuse of opioids 1.61 and 1.62 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Misuse of central nervous system stimulants 1.63 and 1.64 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Use of illicit drugs other than marijuana 1.65 and 1.66 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Selected illicit drugs, by standard age categories and geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance) characteristics 1.67 to 1.101          
Illicit drug use 1.67 and 1.68 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Marijuana use 1.69 and 1.70 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Cocaine use 1.71 and 1.72 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Crack use 1.73 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Hallucinogen use 1.74 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Inhalant use 1.75 and 1.76 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Methamphetamine use 1.77 and 1.78 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription pain relievers 1.79 to 1.81 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription stimulants 1.82 to 1.84 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription tranquilizers or sedatives 1.85 to 1.87 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription tranquilizers 1.88 to 1.90 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription sedatives 1.91 to 1.93 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription benzodiazepines 1.94 and 1.95 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Misuse of opioids 1.96 and 1.97 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Misuse of central nervous system stimulants 1.98 and 1.99 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Use of illicit drugs other than marijuana 1.100 and 1.101 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Specific hallucinogen, inhalant, needle, and heroin use, by standard age categories 1.102 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Prescription psychotherapeutic subtypes, by standard age categories 1.103 to 1.127          
Any use/misuse of prescription pain reliever subtypes 1.103 to 1.107 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription stimulant subtypes 1.108 to 1.112 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription tranquilizer subtypes 1.113 to 1.117 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription sedative subtypes 1.118 to 1.122 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Any use/misuse of prescription benzodiazepine subtypes 1.123 to 1.127 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Section 2: Tobacco Product Use, Nicotine Vaping, and Alcohol Use Tables 2.1 to 2.47          
Tobacco product use or nicotine vaping, tobacco product use, nicotine vaping, and alcohol use, by standard age categories (plus 12 to 20) 2.1 PE SE PE SE 7.1 to 7.15 PE SE PE SE
Selected tobacco product use and nicotine vaping and alcohol use, by detailed age categories 2.2 to 2.9          
2020 tobacco product use or nicotine vaping 2.2 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Tobacco product use 2.3 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Cigarette use 2.4 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Smokeless tobacco use 2.5 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Cigar use 2.6 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
2020 nicotine vaping 2.7 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Alcohol use 2.8 and 2.9 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Selected tobacco product use and nicotine vaping and alcohol use, by standard age categories and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, education level, employment status) characteristics 2.10 to 2.29          
2020 tobacco product use or nicotine vaping 2.10 to 2.12 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Tobacco product use 2.13 to 2.15 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Cigarette use 2.16 to 2.18 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Smokeless tobacco use 2.19 to 2.21 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
2020 nicotine vaping 2.22 to 2.24 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Alcohol use 2.25 to 2.29 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Selected tobacco product use and nicotine vaping and alcohol use, by standard age categories and geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance) characteristics 2.30 to 2.43          
2020 tobacco product use or nicotine vaping 2.30 and 2.31 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Tobacco product use 2.32 and 2.33 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Cigarette use 2.34 and 2.35 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Smokeless tobacco use 2.36 and 2.37 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
2020 nicotine vaping 2.38 and 2.39 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Alcohol use 2.40 to 2.43 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Alcohol use, by underage/legal drinking age categories and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, gender/race/Hispanic origin) characteristics 2.44 and 2.45 PE SE PE SE 7.16 PE SE PE SE
Alcohol use, by underage/legal drinking age categories and geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance) characteristics 2.46 and 2.47 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Section 3: Risk and Protective Factor Tables 3.1 to 3.18          
Perceived risk and availability of substances 3.1 to 3.5          
Perceived risk and availability, by standard age categories 3.1 PE SE PE SE 7.33 to 7.37 PE SE PE SE
Perceived risk, by demographic (youth age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) and geographic (county type) characteristics 3.2 to 3.4 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Perceived availability (excluding approached by someone selling drugs), by demographic (youth age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) and geographic (county type) characteristics 3.5 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Risk and protective factors, by demographic (youth age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) and geographic (county type) characteristics 3.6 to 3.18          
Disapproval of substance use behavior 3.6 to 3.8 PE SE PE SE 7.38 PE SE PE SE
Prevention programs/messages 3.9 and 3.10 PE SE PE SE 7.39 PE SE PE SE
Physical/nonphysical delinquent behavior 3.11 and 3.12 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Youth behaviors 3.13 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Religious beliefs 3.14 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Parental involvement through specific behaviors 3.15 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Student characteristics 3.16 PE SE PE SE 7.39 PE SE PE SE
Adult involvement through specific school-related behaviors 3.17 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Substance use of students in grade level 3.18 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Section 4: Incidence Tables 4.1 to 4.10          
Initiation of marijuana, cigarette, and alcohol use, by demographic (substance use initiation age categories, gender, gender/youth age categories) characteristics 4.1 to 4.3 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Initiation of illicit drug use/misuse (excluding central nervous system stimulants) or cigarette, daily cigarette, smokeless tobacco, cigar, and alcohol use, by standard age categories 4.4 to 4.8 PE SE PE SE 7.40 to 7.44 PE SE PE SE
Initiation of illicit drug use/misuse (excluding central nervous system stimulants) or cigarette, daily cigarette, smokeless tobacco, cigar, and alcohol use, by age at initiation categories 4.9 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Initiation of and mean age at first illicit drug use/misuse (excluding central nervous system stimulants) or cigarette, daily cigarette, smokeless tobacco, cigar, and alcohol use, by gender 4.10 PE SE PE SE 7.45 PE SE PE SE
Section 5: Substance Use Disorder and Treatment Tables 5.1 to 5.43          
Substance use disorder (SUD) 5.1 to 5.8          
SUD for specific substances, by standard age categories 5.1 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Illicit drug, alcohol, and illicit drugs or alcohol use disorder, by detailed age categories 5.2 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Illicit drug, alcohol, and substance use disorder, by standard and underage/legal drinking age categories and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, education level, employment status) characteristics 5.3 to 5.5 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Illicit drug, alcohol, and substance use disorder, by standard and underage/legal drinking age categories and geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance) characteristics 5.6 to 5.8 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Received substance use treatment 5.9 to 5.18          
Illicit drug, alcohol, both illicit drug and alcohol, and illicit drug or alcohol use treatment, by detailed age categories 5.9 PE SE PE SE 7.46 and 7.47 PE SE PE SE
Illicit drug, alcohol, and substance use treatment, by standard age categories and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, education level, employment status) characteristics 5.10 to 5.12 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Illicit drug, alcohol, both illicit drug and alcohol, and illicit drug or alcohol use treatment, by geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance) characteristics 5.13 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Substances for which last or current treatment was received, by standard age categories 5.14 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Locations received illicit drug, alcohol, and substance use treatment, by standard age categories 5.15 to 5.17 PE SE PE SE 7.48 to 7.50 PE SE PE SE
Illicit drug, alcohol, both illicit drug and alcohol, and illicit drug or alcohol use treatment, by SUD status (excluding no SUD) and standard age categories 5.18 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Received substance use treatment at a specialty facility 5.19 to 5.31          
Illicit drug, alcohol, both illicit drug and alcohol, and illicit drug or alcohol use treatment at a specialty facility, by detailed age categories 5.19 PE SE PE SE 7.51 and 7.52 PE SE PE SE
Illicit drug, alcohol, and substance use treatment at a specialty facility, by standard age categories and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, education level, employment status) characteristics 5.20 to 5.22 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Illicit drug, alcohol, both illicit drug and alcohol, and illicit drug or alcohol use treatment at a specialty facility, by geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance) characteristics 5.23 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Substances for which last or current treatment was received at a specialty facility, by standard age categories 5.24 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Locations received illicit drug, alcohol, and substance use treatment at a specialty facility, by standard age categories 5.25 to 5.27 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Sources of payment for last or current illicit drug, alcohol, and substance use treatment at a specialty facility, by standard age categories 5.28 to 5.30 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Illicit drug, alcohol, both illicit drug and alcohol, and illicit drug or alcohol use treatment at a specialty facility, by SUD status (excluding no SUD) and standard age categories 5.31 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Needed and received treatment or perceived need for treatment and made effort to get treatment, and reasons for not receiving treatment 5.32 to 5.40          
Classified as needing and receipt of illicit drug treatment at a specialty facility, by detailed age categories 5.32 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Classified as needing and receipt of illicit drug, alcohol, and substance use treatment at a specialty facility, by demographic (standard age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 5.33, 5.36, and 5.38 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Classified as needing and receipt of illicit drug treatment at a specialty facility, by geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance) characteristics 5.34 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Perceived need for illicit drug, alcohol, and substance use treatment and made effort to get treatment, by demographic (standard age categories and gender) characteristics 5.35, 5.37, and 5.39 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Detailed reasons for not receiving substance use treatment 5.40 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Received medication-assisted treatment (MAT) 5.41 and 5.42          
Alcohol, opioid, and alcohol or opioid MAT, by demographic (standard age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race), geographic (region, county type), and socioeconomic (health insurance) characteristics 5.41 and 5.42 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
2020 Quarter 4 received virtual substance use treatment 5.43          
Illicit drug, alcohol, and illicit drug or alcohol virtual substance use treatment, by demographic (standard age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics1 5.43 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Section 6: Miscellaneous Tables 6.1 to 6.37          
Drugs used with alcohol or within 2 hours of alcohol use, by standard and underage/legal drinking age categories 6.1 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Cigarette use and nicotine (cigarette) dependence, by detailed age categories 6.2 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Nicotine (cigarette) dependence, by standard age categories and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, family income) characteristics 6.3 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Nicotine (cigarette) dependence, by standard age categories and geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance) characteristics 6.4 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Source for most recently misused prescription pain relievers, prescription stimulants, prescription tranquilizers, and prescription sedatives, by standard age categories 6.5, 6.7, 6.9, and 6.11 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Source where friend or relative obtained prescription pain relievers, prescription stimulants, prescription tranquilizers, and prescription sedatives, by standard age categories 6.6, 6.8, 6.10, and 6.12 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Main reasons for last episode of prescription psychotherapeutic misuse (pain relievers, stimulants, tranquilizers, sedatives), by selected age categories (12 or older, 18 or older) 6.13 and 6.14 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Social context, location, and source of most recent alcohol use, by underage age categories and gender 6.15 and 6.16 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Use of general substances, illicit drug use, tobacco product use or nicotine vaping, tobacco product use, nicotine vaping, alcohol use, and other substance use, by standard age categories 6.17 to 6.19 PE SE PE SE 7.1 to 7.15 PE SE PE SE
Pregnancy (females aged 15 to 44) 6.20 to 6.23          
Illicit drug use/misuse (excluding central nervous system stimulants), tobacco product use, alcohol use, and use of general substances, by pregnancy status 6.20 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Illicit drug use, marijuana use, opioid misuse, tobacco product, cigarette, daily cigarette, and alcohol use, by pregnancy status and demographic (pregnancy age categories), socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance), and pregnancy (trimester) characteristics 6.21 to 6.23 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
College enrollment (people aged 18 to 22) 6.24 to 6.27          
Illicit drug use/misuse (excluding central nervous system stimulants), tobacco product use, alcohol use, and use of general substances, by college enrollment status and gender 6.24 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Illicit drug, alcohol, and substance use disorder, by college enrollment status and demographic (college age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) characteristics 6.25 to 6.27 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Drove under the influence (people aged 16 or older) 6.28 and 6.29          
Drove under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, selected illicit drugs, selected illicit drugs other than marijuana, or alcohol or selected illicit drugs, by demographic (driving age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 6.28 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Drove under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, selected illicit drugs, selected illicit drugs other than marijuana, or alcohol or selected illicit drugs, by geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance) characteristics 6.29 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Probation and parole/supervised release (people aged 18 or older) 6.30 to 6.34          
Illicit drug use/misuse (excluding central nervous system stimulants), tobacco product use, alcohol use, and use of general substances, by probation status, parole/supervised release status, and selected adult age categories (18 or older, 18 to 49) 6.30 and 6.31 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Illicit drug use, illicit drug use disorder, and substance use disorder, by probation status, parole/supervised release status, and demographic (probation/parole age categories, gender/adult age categories) characteristics 6.32 to 6.34 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Perceived recovery (people aged 18 or older) 6.35 to 6.37          
Perceived ever having had a substance use problem or mental health issue, by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race, education level, employment status) characteristics 6.35 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Perceived recovery from a substance use problem or mental health issue, by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race, education level, employment status) characteristics 6.36 and 6.37 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Section 7: Trend Tables 7.1 to 7.54          
2002 to 2020 substance use 7.1 to 7.32          
Illicit drug use/misuse, tobacco product use, alcohol use, and use of general substances, by standard age categories 7.1 to 7.15 PE SE PE SE 1.1 to 1.5 PE SE PE SE
Underage alcohol use, by gender 7.16 PE SE PE SE 2.44 and 2.45 PE SE PE SE
Average number of days used specific substances 7.17 and 7.18 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Daily or almost daily use of specific substances, by standard age and underage/legal drinking age categories 7.19 to 7.32 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Risk and protective factors 7.33 to 7.39          
2015 to 2020 perceived risk and availability, by standard age categories 7.33 to 7.37 PE SE PE SE 3.1 PE SE PE SE
2002 to 2020 disapproval of substance use behavior 7.38 PE SE PE SE 3.6 to 3.8 PE SE PE SE
2002 to 2020 prevention programs/messages 7.39 PE SE PE SE 3.9 and 3.10 PE SE PE SE
3.16 PE SE PE SE
2002 to 2020 Incidence 7.40 to 7.45          
Initiation of illicit drug use/misuse or cigarette, daily cigarette, smokeless tobacco, cigar, and alcohol use, by standard age categories 7.40 to 7.44 PE SE PE SE 4.4 to 4.8 PE SE PE SE
Mean age at first illicit drug use/misuse or cigarette, daily cigarette, smokeless tobacco, cigar, and alcohol use 7.45 PE SE PE SE 4.10 PE SE PE SE
2015 to 2020 substance use treatment 7.46 to 7.52          
Received substance use treatment 7.46 to 7.50          
Illicit drug, alcohol, illicit drug or alcohol, and both illicit drug and alcohol use treatment, by standard age categories 7.46 and 7.47 PE SE PE SE 5.9 PE SE PE SE
Locations received illicit drug, alcohol, and substance use treatment 7.48 to 7.50 PE SE PE SE 5.15 to 5.17 PE SE PE SE
Received substance use treatment at a specialty facility 7.51 and 7.52          
Illicit drug, alcohol, illicit drug or alcohol, and both illicit drug and alcohol use treatment at a specialty facility, by standard age categories 7.51 and 7.52 PE SE PE SE 5.19 PE SE PE SE
1971 to 2020 substance use 7.53 and 7.54          
Marijuana and cocaine use, by selected age categories (12-17, 18-25, 26-34) 7.53 and 7.54 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Section 8: Adult Mental Health Tables 8.1 to 8.71          
Mental illness 8.1 to 8.16          
Any mental illness (AMI) and serious mental illness (SMI), by gender and adult detailed age categories 8.1 and 8.4 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
AMI, SMI, co-occurring substance use disorder (SUD) and mental illness, by adult age categories and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) characteristics 8.2, 8.5, 8.9, 8.11, and 8.13 PE SE PE SE 10.1, 10.3, and 10.5 PE SE PE SE
AMI, SMI, co-occurring SUD and mental illness, by adult age categories and geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, education level, health insurance) characteristics 8.3, 8.6, 8.10, 8.12, and 8.14 PE SE PE SE 10.2 and 10.4 PE SE PE SE
Levels of mental illness, by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) characteristics 8.7 PE SE PE SE 10.1, 10.3, and 10.5 PE SE PE SE
Levels of mental illness, by geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, education level, health insurance) characteristics 8.8 PE SE PE SE 10.2 and 10.4 PE SE PE SE
AMI and SMI, by probation status, parole/supervised release status, and demographic (probation/parole age categories, gender/adult age categories) characteristics 8.15 and 8.16 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Mental health services 8.17 to 8.35          
Received mental health services, by levels of mental illness and demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) characteristics 8.17 PE SE PE SE 10.6 PE SE PE SE
10.8, 10.10, 10.12, and 10.14 PE SE PE SE
Received mental health services, by levels of mental illness and geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, education level, health insurance) characteristics 8.18 PE SE PE SE 10.7 PE SE PE SE
10.9, 10.11, and 10.13 PE SE PE SE
Types of mental health services received, by levels of mental illness and demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) and socioeconomic (health insurance) characteristics 8.19 to 8.21 PE SE PE SE 10.15 PE SE PE SE
10.16 and 10.17 PE SE PE SE
Received substance use treatment at a specialty facility and/or mental health services, by co-occurring SUD and mental illness and adult age categories 8.22 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Locations of outpatient mental health services, by levels of mental illness and adult age categories 8.23 and 8.25 PE SE PE SE 10.18 PE SE PE SE
10.19 and 10.20 PE SE PE SE
Mental health service status and types of mental health services and locations of outpatient mental health services, by levels of mental illness 8.24 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Sources of payment for outpatient mental health services, by adult age categories 8.26 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Perceived unmet need for mental health services with selected levels of mental illness, by receipt of mental health services and demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) characteristics 8.27, 8.29, and 8.31 PE SE PE SE 10.21 PE SE PE SE
10.22, 10.24, and 10.25 PE SE PE SE
Perceived unmet need for mental health services with selected levels of mental illness, by receipt of mental health services and geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, education level, health insurance) characteristics 8.28, 8.30, and 8.32 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Reasons did not receive mental health services with selected levels of mental illness and perceived unmet need, by receipt of mental health services 8.33 to 8.35 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Major depressive episode (MDE) 8.36 to 8.53          
MDE and MDE with severe impairment, by gender and adult detailed age categories 8.36 and 8.37 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
MDE, MDE with severe impairment, and receipt of treatment for depression, by gender and adult age categories 8.38 PE SE PE SE 10.26 PE SE PE SE
10.27 to 10.29 PE SE PE SE
MDE, MDE with severe impairment, and receipt of treatment for depression, by demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) characteristics 8.39 PE SE PE SE 10.26 PE SE PE SE
10.27 to 10.29 PE SE PE SE
MDE, MDE with severe impairment, and receipt of treatment for depression, by geographic (region, county type), socioeconomic (poverty level, education level, health insurance), and health (overall health) characteristics 8.40 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Levels of mental illness, MDE and MDE with severe impairment status, by SUD status for specific substances 8.41 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Illicit drug use/misuse, alcohol use, cigarette use, and daily cigarette use, by levels of mental illness, MDE and MDE with severe impairment status, and adult age categories 8.42 to 8.46 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
SUD status for specific substances, by levels of mental illness, MDE and MDE with severe impairment status, and adult age categories 8.47 to 8.51 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Types of professionals seen for depression (health, alternative service, other), by MDE and MDE with severe impairment and adult age categories 8.52 and 8.53 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Suicide 8.54 to 8.69          
Suicidal thoughts and behavior, by adult age categories and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) characteristics 8.54 to 8.56 PE SE PE SE 10.31, 10.34, and 10.36 PE SE PE SE
Serious thoughts of suicide, by adult age categories and geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, education level, health insurance) characteristics 8.57 PE SE PE SE 10.32 PE SE PE SE
Suicidal thoughts and behavior, by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) and socioeconomic (health insurance) characteristics 8.58 PE SE PE SE 10.31, 10.34, and 10.36 PE SE PE SE
Attempted suicide and received treatment for suicide attempt, by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) and socioeconomic (health insurance) characteristics 8.59 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Suicidal thoughts and behavior, by illicit drug use/misuse, alcohol use, and combinations of alcohol and illicit drug use 8.60 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Suicidal thoughts and behavior status, by SUD status for specific substances 8.61 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
SUD status for specific substances, by suicidal thoughts and behavior status 8.62 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Had serious thoughts of suicide, by probation status, parole/supervised release status, and demographic (probation/parole age categories, gender/adult age categories) characteristics 8.63 and 8.64 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Suicidal thoughts and behavior, treatment for suicide attempt, levels of mental illness, MDE, and types of mental health services, by college enrollment status and gender 8.65 to 8.67 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Suicidal thoughts and behavior, by MDE status, mental health service status, SUD status (excluding both illicit drug and alcohol use disorders), serious psychological distress (SPD) status, and substance use treatment at specialty facility status 8.68 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
MDE status, mental health service status and perceived need, SUD status (excluding both illicit drug and alcohol use disorders), SPD status, and substance use treatment at specialty facility status 8.69 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
SPD 8.70          
SPD, by adult age categories and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) and socioeconomic (health insurance) characteristics 8.70 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
2020 Quarter 4 virtual mental health services 8.71          
Virtual mental health services, by levels of mental illness and demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) and socioeconomic (health insurance) characteristics 8.71 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Section 9: Youth Mental Health Tables 9.1 to 9.17          
Mental health services 9.1 to 9.4          
Mental health service setting (plus additional detailed categories for each setting), by youth age categories 9.1 PE SE PE SE 11.1 PE SE PE SE
Mental health service setting, by demographic (youth age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 9.2 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Mental health service setting, by geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level) characteristics 9.3 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Reasons for receipt of most recent mental health service 9.4 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Major depressive episode (MDE) 9.5 to 9.13          
MDE, MDE with severe impairment, and receipt of treatment for depression, by demographic (youth age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 9.5 PE SE PE SE 11.2 to 11.5 PE SE PE SE
MDE, MDE with severe impairment, and receipt of treatment for depression, by geographic (region, county type), socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance), and health (overall health) characteristics 9.6 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
MDE, MDE with severe impairment, by substance use disorder (SUD) status (excluding both illicit drug and alcohol use disorder) and demographic (youth age categories, gender) characteristics 9.7 and 9.8 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
SUD status for selected substances, by MDE and MDE with severe impairment status and demographic (youth age categories, gender) characteristics 9.9 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Co-occurring SUD, illicit drug, and alcohol use disorder and MDE or MDE with severe impairment, by gender 9.10 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Types of professionals seen for depression (health, alternative service, other), by MDE and MDE with severe impairment 9.11 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Types of treatment for depression with MDE (saw or talked to health professional and/or used prescription medication), by demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race) and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance) characteristics 9.12 PE SE PE SE 11.9 PE SE PE SE
Received substance use treatment at a specialty facility and/or mental health services, by SUD/no SUD, MDE and MDE with severe impairment status, and youth age categories 9.13 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
2020 Quarter 4 suicide 9.14 and 9.15          
Suicidal thoughts and behavior, by demographic (youth age categories, gender) characteristics 9.14 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Attempted suicide and treatment for suicide attempt, by demographic (youth age categories, gender) characteristics 9.15 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
2020 Quarter 4 virtual mental health services 9.16 and 9.17          
Virtual mental health services, by MDE and MDE with severe impairment status and demographic (youth age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 9.16 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Virtual mental health services, by MDE and MDE with severe impairment status and geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance), and health (overall health) characteristics 9.17 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Section 10: Adult Mental Health Trend Tables 10.1 to 10.37          
2008 to 2020 mental illness 10.1 to 10.5          
Any mental illness (AMI), serious mental illness (SMI), and AMI excluding SMI, by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 10.1, 10.3, and 10.5 PE SE PE SE 8.2, 8.5, 8.9, 8.11, and 8.13 PE SE PE SE
AMI and SMI, by geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, education level, health insurance) characteristics 10.2 and 10.4 PE SE PE SE 8.3, 8.6, 8.10, 8.12, and 8.14 PE SE PE SE
Mental health services 10.6 to 10.25          
2002 to 2020 received mental health services, by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 10.6 PE SE PE SE 8.17 PE SE PE SE
2002 to 2020 received mental health services, by geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, education level, health insurance) characteristics 10.7 PE SE PE SE 8.18 PE SE PE SE
2008 to 2020 received mental health services, by levels of mental illness and demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 10.8, 10.10, 10.12, and 10.14 PE SE PE SE 8.17 PE SE PE SE
2008 to 2020 received mental health services, by levels of mental illness (not including AMI excluding SMI) and geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, education level, health insurance) characteristics 10.9, 10.11, and 10.13 PE SE PE SE 8.18 PE SE PE SE
2002 to 2020 types of mental health services received, by adult age categories 10.15 PE SE PE SE 8.19 to 8.21 PE SE PE SE
2008 to 2020 types of mental health services received, by selected levels of mental illness and adult age categories 10.16 and 10.17 PE SE PE SE 8.19 to 8.21 PE SE PE SE
2002 to 2020 locations of outpatient mental health services 10.18 PE SE PE SE 8.23 and 8.25 PE SE PE SE
2008 to 2020 locations of outpatient mental health services, by selected levels of mental illness 10.19 and 10.20 PE SE PE SE 8.23 and 8.25 PE SE PE SE
2002 to 2020 perceived unmet need for mental health services, by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 10.21 PE SE PE SE 8.27, 8.29, and 8.31 PE SE PE SE
2008 to 2020 perceived unmet need for mental health services and receipt of mental health services, by adult age categories and selected levels of mental illness 10.22, 10.24, and 10.25 PE SE PE SE 8.27, 8.29, and 8.31 PE SE PE SE
2002 to 2020 mental health service status, by adult age categories 10.23 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Major depressive episode (MDE) 10.26 to 10.29          
2005 to 2020 MDE, by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 10.26 PE SE PE SE 8.38 and 8.39 PE SE PE SE
2009 to 2020 MDE with severe impairment and receipt of treatment for depression, by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 10.27 to 10.29 PE SE PE SE 8.38 and 8.39 PE SE PE SE
2008 to 2020 suicide 10.30 to 10.36          
Suicidal thoughts and behavior, by adult detailed age categories 10.30, 10.33, and 10.35 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Suicidal thoughts and behavior, by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 10.31, 10.34, and 10.36 PE SE PE SE 8.54 to 8.56 PE SE PE SE
8.58 PE SE PE SE
Serious thoughts of suicide, by geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, education level, health insurance) characteristics 10.32 PE SE PE SE 8.57 PE SE PE SE
2005 to 2020 serious psychological distress (SPD) 10.37          
SPD, by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 10.37 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Section 11: Youth Mental Health Trend Tables 11.1 to 11.9          
2002 to 2020 mental health service setting (plus additional detailed categories for each setting) 11.1 PE SE PE SE 9.1 PE SE PE SE
2004 to 2020 major depressive episode (MDE) and receipt of treatment for depression, by demographic (youth age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 11.2 and 11.4 PE SE PE SE 9.5 PE SE PE SE
2006 to 2020 MDE with severe impairment and receipt of treatment for depression, by demographic (youth age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race) characteristics 11.3 and 11.5 PE SE PE SE 9.5 PE SE PE SE
2004 to 2020 illicit drug use/misuse, alcohol use, cigarette use, and daily cigarette use, by MDE status 11.6 and 11.8 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
2006 to 2020 illicit drug use/misuse, alcohol use, cigarette use, and daily cigarette use, by MDE with severe impairment 11.7 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
2004 to 2020 type of treatment for depression (saw or talked to health professional and/or used prescription medication), by MDE and MDE with severe impairment 11.9 PE SE PE SE 9.12 PE SE PE SE
Section 12: Sample Size and Population Tables 12.1 to 12.10          
Detailed age categories (plus 12 to 25) and gender 12.1 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Standard and adult age categories and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, gender/race/Hispanic origin, education level, employment status) characteristics 12.2 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Underage/legal drinking age categories (plus 12 or older) and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race, gender/race/Hispanic origin) characteristics 12.3 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Standard and adult age categories and geographic (region, county type), socioeconomic (poverty level, family income, health insurance), and health (overall health) characteristics 12.4 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Underage/legal drinking age categories (plus 12 or older) and geographic (region, county type) and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance) characteristics 12.5 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
2002 to 2020 standard age, adult age, youth age, underage age, driving age (excluding 16 or older), probation/parole age (excluding 18 to 49), and gender/youth age categories and gender 12.6 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Pregnancy status and demographic (pregnancy age categories), socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance), and pregnancy (trimester) characteristics 12.7 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
College enrollment status and demographic (college age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) characteristics 12.8 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Probation and parole/supervised release status and probation/parole age and gender/adult age categories 12.9 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
2020 Quarter 4 standard age and underage/legal drinking age categories and demographic (gender, Hispanic origin and race), geographic (region, county type), and socioeconomic (poverty level, health insurance) characteristics 12.10 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Section 13: Perceived Effects of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Tables 13.1 to 13.11          
2020 Quarter 4 perceived effect of COVID-19 13.1 to 13.11 13.1 to 13.11          
Suicidal thoughts and behavior,2 by demographic (adult age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race, employment status) characteristics 13.1 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Drug and alcohol use, by demographic (standard age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race), geographic (region, county type), and socioeconomic (health insurance) characteristics 13.2 and 13.3 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Access to substance use treatment, by standard age categories 13.4 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Emotional or mental health, by adult age categories and major depressive episode (MDE) and MDE with severe impairment status and levels of mental illness (not including any mental illness [AMI] excluding serious mental illness [SMI]) 13.5 and 13.6 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Emotional or mental health, by youth age categories and MDE and MDE with severe impairment status 13.7 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Access to mental health services, by adult age categories and mental health service (including virtual services) status and levels of mental illness (not including AMI excluding SMI) 13.8 and 13.9 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Serious financial worries and loss of permanent housing, by demographic (standard age and underage/legal drinking age categories, gender, Hispanic origin and race), geographic (region, county type), and socioeconomic (poverty level) characteristics 13.10 PE SE PE SE -- -- --
Access to medical care, by standard age and adult age categories 13.11 PE SE PE SE -- -- --


1 Because of low precision, estimates for virtual substance use treatment by geographic (region and county type) and socioeconomic (health insurance) characteristics are not presented.

2 Because of low precision, estimates for suicidal behaviors due to COVID-19 among youths are not presented.

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