This document provides a guide on the development and presentation of model-based small area estimates of the prevalence of substance use and mental disorders in substate regions based on data from the combined 2010-2012 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUHs). The estimates along with this document and other related information are available at
An annual survey of the civilian, noninstitutionalized population aged 12 or older, NSDUH is sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). It collects information from persons residing in households, noninstitutionalized group quarters (e.g., shelters, rooming houses, dormitories), and civilians living on military bases. In 2010-2012, NSDUH collected data from 206,222 respondents aged 12 or older and was designed to obtain representative samples from the 50 States and the District of Columbia. The survey is planned and managed by SAMHSA's Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (CBHSQ). Data collection and analysis were conducted under contract with RTI International.1
This marks the sixth time2 that estimates for substate regions (also referred to as planning regions or substate areas) in all 50 States and the District of Columbia have been presented by SAMHSA. Here, substate-level small area estimates are provided for 25 binary (0, 1) substance use or mental health measures, using combined data from the 2010-2012 NSDUHs for persons aged 12 or older (or persons 18 or older for the four mental disorders, and persons aged 12 to 20 for underage alcohol and binge alcohol use). For a list of outcomes for which substate level estimates are available, refer to Table A1 in Appendix A. These substate estimates are available at The list of products (e.g., tables, maps, substate region definitions) related to the 2010-2012 substate estimates is provided in Section A.2.
Estimates for 384 substate regions were generated using the 2010-2012 NSDUH data. These substate regions were defined by officials from each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia and were typically based on the substance abuse treatment planning regions specified by the States in their applications for the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG) administered by SAMHSA. The SABG program provides financial and technical assistance to the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and other jurisdictions to support substance abuse prevention and treatment programs and to promote public health. States use NSDUH substate estimates for a variety of purposes, including strategic planning and program development, production of epidemiological profiles for briefing State legislatures and informing the public, allocating funds to substate areas based on the need for services, and other uses. More information on defining these regions is available in Section A.3.
Section A.4 discusses the methodological changes that were introduced in the 2002 NSDUH. An unanticipated result of these changes was that the prevalence rates for 2002 were in general substantially higher than those for 2001. As a result, the 1999-2001 substate estimates are not comparable with the other substate estimates.
Section B provides information on the small area estimation (SAE) methodology used to produce substate estimates. Section C includes the population estimates and the combined 2010, 2011, and 2012 NSDUH sample sizes and response rates for each substate region. Users may find the population estimates helpful in calculating the prevalence estimate for any combination of substate regions or to determine the number of people using a particular substance in a substate region. For example, the number of persons aged 12 or older who used marijuana in the past month in Alabama's Region 1 (56,612 persons) can be obtained by multiplying the prevalence rate (5.07 percent from Table 3) in the "2010-2012 NSDUH Substate Regions: Excel Tables" (see and the population estimate from Table C1 (1,116,614) in this document. Section D lists the references cited in this document, and Section E provides a list of contributors to the production of the 2010-2012 substate estimates.
The following products associated with the 2010-2012 substate estimates are available at
Note that other products may be added to the 2010-2012 NSDUH substate homepage at a later date.
The substate regions for each State were developed in a series of communications during the fall of 2013 between SAMHSA staff and State officials responsible for the SABG application. There is extensive variation in the size and use of substate regions across States. In some States, the substate regions are used more for administrative purposes rather than for planning purposes. The goal of the project was to provide substate-level estimates showing the geographic distribution of substance use prevalence for regions that States would find useful for planning and reporting purposes. The final substate region boundaries were based on the State's recommendations, assuming that the NSDUH sample sizes were large enough to provide estimates with adequate precision. Most States defined regions in terms of counties or groups of counties. A few States defined the regions in terms of census tracts. Several States also requested estimates for aggregate substate regions, along with the estimates for their substate regions. An aggregate substate region is made up of two or more substate regions. These substate region definitions are available in a document titled "2010-2012 NSDUH Substate Region Definitions" (see as listed above in Section A.2). Some of the States (specifically, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Texas, and Washington) wanted the maps to be produced only for the aggregate regions. For example, New York has 15 substate regions, and those 15 regions were combined to create 4 aggregate regions that are used in the maps. Hence, for each measure, maps were produced for 363 regions and not for 384 regions.
These 363 substate regions used in the maps were ranked from lowest to highest for each measure and were divided into seven categories designed to represent distributions that are somewhat symmetric, like a normal distribution. Colors were assigned to all substate regions such that the third having the lowest prevalence are in blue (121 substate regions), the middle third are in white (121 substate regions), and the third with the highest prevalence are in red (121 substate regions). The only exceptions were the three perception-of-risk outcomes shown in Figure 4 (marijuana), Figure 11 (alcohol), and Figure 16 (cigarettes) of the national maps, which have the highest estimates represented in blue and the lowest represented in red. To further distinguish among the substate regions that display relatively higher prevalence, the "highest" third in red has been further subdivided into (a) dark red for the 16 substate regions with the highest estimates, (b) medium red for the 33 substate regions with the next highest estimates, and (c) light red for the 72 substate regions in the third highest group. The "lowest" third is categorized in a similar way using three distinct shades of blue. In some cases, a group (or category) could have more or fewer substate regions because two (or more) substate regions have the same estimate (to two decimal places). When such ties occurred at the "boundary" between two groups, all substate regions with the same estimate were assigned to the lower group. These national maps are available at as listed in Section A.2.
The 2010-2012 substate estimates and corresponding Bayesian CIs are available in the "2010-2012 NSDUH Substate Regions: Excel Tables" (as mentioned in Section A.2, see These tables also contain a sort order number and a map-group indicator (= 1 for the Nation, = 2 for census regions, = 3 for States, = 4 if a region is part of the 363 mapping regions, and = 5 for all other substate/aggregate regions not included on the maps).
In addition to the substate region estimates, comparable estimates are provided for the 50 States and the District of Columbia and also for the four census regions. Design-based estimates and corresponding CIs for the Nation are also included. Because these estimates are based on 3 consecutive years of data, they are not directly comparable with the annually published State, census region, or national estimates that are based on only 2 consecutive years of NSDUH data. The U.S. Census Bureau defines the census regions as follows:
Northeast Region - Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Midwest Region - Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
South Region - Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.
West Region - Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
For the 2002 NSDUH, a number of methodological changes were introduced, including a $30 incentive for participating in the survey, additional training for interviewers to encourage adherence to survey protocols, a change in the survey name, and a shift to the 2000 decennial census (from the 1990 census) as a basis for population counts used in sample selection, weighting, and estimation. Additional information on these methodological changes is available in a report by the Office of Applied Studies (OAS, 2005a).3 An unanticipated result of these changes was that the prevalence rates for 2002 were in general substantially higher than the 2001 prevalence rates. The jump in the prevalence rates between 2001 and 2002 was more than the usual year-to-year change. Because of the changes in the survey that took place in 2002, substate estimates for 1999-2001 are not comparable with the other substate estimates. It is not possible to separate the effect of the methodological changes from the true trends in substance use.
However, estimates from 2002-2004, 2004-2006, 2006-2008, 2008-2010, and 2010-2012 are comparable for outcome measures that were defined in a similar manner and for substate regions defined consistently across these time periods. Table A1 in Appendix A lists the outcome measures for which substate estimates were produced using 2010-2012 NSDUH data and shows the outcome measures that remained comparable over time (indicated as "Yes" in the table) since 2002-2004.
It is useful to note that the 2002-2004 to 2008-2010 substate estimates were produced using predictors from the 2000 census; also, the survey weights used population projections from the 2000 census. The 2010-2012 estimates, on the other hand, were produced using 2010 census data. Hence, when reviewing changes between 2008-2010 and 2010-2012, it is important to note that they may be confounded with changes due to differences in the source of predictors and population projections (referred to as "census effects"). Similar caution should be used when reviewing changes between 2002-2004 and 2010-2012. The impact of such census effects on national and State estimates is discussed in Section B.4.3 in Appendix B of the 2011 NSDUH national findings report (CBHSQ, 2012) and the "2011-2012 NSDUH: Impact of Using 2010 Census Data on 2010-2011 Small Area Estimates" at
During regular data collection and processing checks for the 2011 NSDUH, data errors were identified. These errors were falsified cases submitted by field interviewers that affected the data for Pennsylvania (2006 to 2010) and Maryland (2008 and 2009). Cases with erroneous data were removed from the data files, and the remaining cases were reweighted to provide representative estimates (for more details on this data error, refer to Section A.7 of the "2011-2012 NSDUH Guide to State Tables and Summary of Small Area Estimation Methodology" at The 2008-2010 and the 2010-2012 substate estimates exclude data based on falsified cases.
Measure | 2002-2004 | 2004-2006 | 2006-2008 | 2008-2010 | 2010-2012 |
Yes = available; No = not available. NOTE: The measures included in the 1999-2001 substate small area estimation (SAE) report are not included here. Because of the changes in the survey that took place in 2002, the 1999-2001 estimates are not comparable with the 2002-2004 or subsequent year estimates. Estimates using the combined 2002-2004, 2004-2006, 2006-2008, and 2008-2010 data can be found at 1 The marijuana incidence definition used here employs a simpler form of the at-risk population based on the model-based methodology. This model-based average annual incidence rate for first use of marijuana is defined as follows: Average annual marijuana initiation rate = 100 × {[X1 ÷ (0.5 × X1 + X2)] ÷ 2}, where X1 is the number of marijuana initiates in the past 24 months and X2 is the number of persons who never used marijuana. Both X1 and X2 are based on binary measures that correspond to questions with a "yes" or "no" response option. For details on calculating the average annual rate of first use of marijuana from NSDUH data, see Section A.8 in Appendix A of the 2009-2010 State estimates report (Hughes, Muhuri, Sathe, & Spagnola, 2012). 2 Dependence or abuse is based on definitions found in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). For more details on these measures, see Section B.4.2 in Appendix B of the 2012 NSDUH national findings report (Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality [CBHSQ], 2013b). 3 Because of questionnaire changes, SPD estimates in 2002-2004 are not comparable with the 2004-2006 SPD estimates. For details, see Section B.7 of the report on Substate Estimates from the 2004-2006 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (Office of Applied Studies [OAS], 2008). Additional questionnaire changes were made in 2008 that affected past year SPD trends. However, revised past year SPD measures were created for 2005 through 2007 that are comparable with the 2008 through 2012 past year SPD measure. Substate small area estimates for 2006-2008, 2008-2010, and 2010-2012 were not created for this measure. 4 Questions used to determine MDE were added in 2004. The 2004-2006 MDE estimates are not comparable with the 2006-2008 and subsequent year estimates. For details on MDE, see Sections B.4.2 and B.4.4 in Appendix B of the 2012 NSDUH mental health findings report (CBHSQ, 2013a). 5 The mental illness measures are based on a predictive model and are not direct measures of diagnostic status (i.e., a small subsample of the respondents received a clinical follow-up, and these responses along with questionnaire data were used to create predictive models for all of the respondents). For details about these measures and the predictive models, see Section B.4.3 in Appendix B of the 2012 NSDUH mental health findings report (CBHSQ, 2013a). Source: SAMHSA, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, National Surveys on Drug Use and Health, 2002-2012. |
Illicit Drug Use in the Past Month | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Marijuana Use in the Past Year | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Marijuana Use in the Past Month | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Perceptions of Great Risk of Smoking Marijuana Once a Month | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
First Use of Marijuana1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Illicit Drug Use Other Than Marijuana in the Past Month | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Cocaine Use in the Past Year | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Nonmedical Use of Pain Relievers in the Past Year | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Alcohol Use in the Past Month | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Underage Past Month Use of Alcohol (among Persons Aged 12 to 20) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Binge Alcohol Use in the Past Month | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Underage Past Month Binge Alcohol Use (among Persons Aged 12 to 20) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Perceptions of Great Risk of Having Five or More Drinks of an Alcoholic Beverage Once or Twice a Week | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Tobacco Product Use in the Past Month | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Cigarette Use in the Past Month | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Perceptions of Great Risk of Smoking One or More Packs of Cigarettes per Day | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Alcohol Dependence in the Past Year2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Illicit Drug Dependence in the Past Year2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dependence or Abuse of Illicit Drugs or Alcohol in the Past Year2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Needing But Not Receiving Treatment for Illicit Drug Use in the Past Year | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Needing But Not Receiving Treatment for Alcohol Use in the Past Year | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Serious Psychological Distress (SPD) in the Past Year3 | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Had at Least One Major Depressive Episode (MDE) in the Past Year4 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Serious Mental Illness (SMI) in the Past Year5 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Any Mental Illness (AMI) in the Past Year5 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Had Serious Thoughts of Suicide in the Past Year | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
State | 2002-2004 | 2008-2010 | 2010-2012 | |||||
Number of Substate Regions1 |
Number of Map Regions2 |
Number of Substate Regions1 |
Number of Map Regions2 |
Number of Substate Regions1 |
Number of Map Regions2 |
Number of Substate Regions Overlapping with 2002-20043 |
Number of Substate Regions Overlapping with 2008-20103 |
1 Number of regions only include the main substate regions and not the aggregate regions. 2 More information on the map regions can be found in Section A.3. 3 The names of some of the substate regions have changed across the time periods. However, as long as the two regions are made of the same counties or tracts, they are included in the count of overlapping regions. Source: SAMHSA, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, National Surveys on Drug Use and Health, 2002-2012. |
Total U.S. | 357 | 340 | 383 | 362 | 384 | 363 | 283 | 371 |
Alabama | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Alaska | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 |
Arizona | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Arkansas | 7 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 3 | 8 |
California | 15 | 15 | 27 | 27 | 27 | 27 | 4 | 27 |
Colorado | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Connecticut | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Delaware | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
District of Columbia | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Florida | 14 | 14 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 8 | 18 |
Georgia | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 6 |
Hawaii | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
Idaho | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
Illinois | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Indiana | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Iowa | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Kansas | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Kentucky | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Louisiana | 7 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 4 |
Maine | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 3 | 6 |
Maryland | 7 | 7 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 4 | 9 |
Massachusetts | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Michigan | 16 | 16 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 11 | 15 |
Minnesota | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Mississippi | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
Missouri | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
Montana | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Nebraska | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 6 |
Nevada | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 |
New Hampshire | 5 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 5 |
New Jersey | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
New Mexico | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
New York | 15 | 4 | 15 | 4 | 15 | 4 | 15 | 15 |
North Carolina | 4 | 4 | 12 | 11 | 12 | 11 | 0 | 12 |
North Dakota | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Ohio | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 |
Oklahoma | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
Oregon | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 6 |
Pennsylvania | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 9 | 13 |
Rhode Island | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
South Carolina | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
South Dakota | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Tennessee | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 5 | 5 |
Texas | 15 | 11 | 15 | 11 | 15 | 11 | 15 | 15 |
Utah | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Vermont | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Virginia | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 5 |
Washington | 6 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 6 |
West Virginia | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 6 |
Wisconsin | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 6 |
Wyoming | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 |
The survey-weighted hierarchical Bayes (SWHB) methodology used in the production of State estimates from the 1999 to 2012 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUHs) also was used in the production of the 2010-2012 substate estimates. The SWHB methodology is described by Folsom, Shah, and Vaish (1999). A general model description is given in Section B.1. A brief discussion of the precision of the estimates and interpretation of the Bayesian confidence intervals (CIs) is given in Section B.2. The goals of the small area estimation (SAE) modeling, the general model description, and the implementation of SAE modeling remain the same and are described in Appendix E of the 2001 State report (Wright, 2003).
Small area estimates obtained using the SWHB methodology are design consistent (i.e., for States or substate areas with large sample sizes, the small area estimates are close to the corresponding robust design-based estimates). The substate small area estimates when aggregated by using the appropriate population totals result in national small area estimates that are very close to the national design-based estimates. However, for many reasons, including internal consistency, it is desirable to have the national small area estimates exactly match the national design-based estimates. Beginning in 2002, exact benchmarking was introduced (see Appendix A, Section A.4, in Wright & Sathe, 2005). The 2010-2012 substate small area estimates have been benchmarked to the national design-based estimates.
The model described here to produce the 2010-2012 substate small area estimates is the same logistic mixed4 hierarchical Bayes (HB) model that was used to produce the 2008‑2010 substate small area estimates (see "2008-2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Overview and Summary of Substate Region Estimation Methodology" at The following model was used:
where is the probability of engaging in the behavior of interest (e.g., using marijuana in the past month, or cocaine use in past year) for person-k belonging to age group-a in substate region-j of State-i.
Let denote a vector of the auxiliary (predictor) variables associated with age group-a (12 to 17, 18 to 25, 26 to 34, and 35 or older) and denote the associated vector of the regression parameters. The age group-specific vectors of the auxiliary variables are defined for every block group in the Nation and also include person-level demographic variables, such as race/ethnicity and gender. The auxiliary variables include block group, census tract, county, and State-level data. These predictor variables include demographic and socioeconomic data from the American Community Survey, population projections obtained from Claritas, food stamp participation rates from the U.S. Census Bureau, Uniform Crime Report arrest totals from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, per capita income from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, unemployment rates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, mortality rates from the National Center for Health Statistics, treatment rates from the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Service, and Block Grant awards, cost of services, and total taxable resources from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. For a complete list of predictors, refer to Section B of the "2011-2012 NSDUH Guide to State Tables and Summary of Small Area Estimation Methodology" at
The vectors and , defined as State- and substate-level random effects, respectively, are assumed to be mutually independent with and where A is the total number of individual age groups modeled (generally, ). For HB estimation purposes, an improper uniform prior distribution is assumed for , and proper Wishart prior distributions are assumed for and . The HB solution for involves a series of complex Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) steps to generate values of the desired fixed and random effects from the underlying joint distribution. The basic process is described in Folsom et al. (1999), Shah, Barnwell, Folsom, and Vaish (2000), and Wright (2003). Once the required number of MCMC samples for the parameters of interest are generated and tested for convergence properties (see Raftery & Lewis, 1992), the small area estimates for each age group × race/ethnicity × gender cell within a block group can be obtained. These block group-level small area estimates then can be aggregated using the appropriate population projections to form substate- and State-level small area estimates for the desired age group(s). These small area estimates then are benchmarked to the national design-based estimates (for details on exact benchmarking, see Section B.6 of the "2011-2012 NSDUH Guide to State Tables and Summary of Small Area Estimation Methodology" at
Because the objective here was to produce small area estimates for substate regions, it was decided to ratio adjust the person-level sampling weights to match population projections available from Claritas at the substate × age group × gender level. These adjusted sampling weights are used in the estimation because they reflect the demography of the substate regions better than the unadjusted weights. This ratio adjustment was done at the substate region (384 regions) × age group (12 to 17, 18 to 25, 26 to 34, and 35 or older) × gender (male and female) level collectively over 3 years (2010, 2011, and 2012) of data.
The SAE methodology used here tends to borrow strength from both the national model and the State-level random effects. Estimates for substate regions with smaller sample sizes tend to be shrunk more toward the corresponding State and national prevalence estimates than substate regions with larger sample sizes. This methodology tends to cluster the small sample substate estimates around their State prevalence estimates. Thus, relatively high estimates for substate regions with small sample sizes tend to shrink toward the State prevalence estimates, while relatively low estimates tend to increase toward the State prevalence estimates. On the other hand, for substate regions with large sample sizes, the methodology produces estimates that are close to the weighted average of the sample data in that substate region. In addition, these estimates are design consistent so that, as the sample size for a substate region increases, the estimate approaches the corresponding design-based estimate.
The primary purpose of producing substate estimates is to give policy officials and data users a better perspective on the range of prevalence estimates within and across States. Because the data were collected in a consistent manner by field interviewers who adhered to the same procedures and administered the same questions across all States and substate regions, the results are comparable within and across the 50 States and the District of Columbia.
The 95 percent Bayesian CI associated with each estimate provides a measure of the accuracy of the estimate. It defines the range within which the true value can be expected to fall 95 percent of the time. For example, the estimated prevalence of past month use of marijuana in Region 1 in Alabama is 5.1 percent, and the 95 percent CI ranges from 3.8 to 6.7 percent.5 Therefore, the probability is 0.95 that the true value is within that range. The CI indicates the uncertainty due to both sampling variability and model bias. The key assumption underlying the validity of the CIs is that the State- and substate-level error (or bias correction) terms in the models behave like random effects with zero means and common variance components.
When comparing prevalence rates for two substate regions, it is tempting and often convenient to look at their 95 percent Bayesian CIs to decide whether the difference in the two substate regions' prevalence rates is significant. If the two Bayesian CIs overlap, one would conclude that the difference is not statistically significant. If the two Bayesian CIs do not overlap, it implies that the two substate regions prevalence rates are significantly different from each other. However, as discussed in Schenker and Gentleman (2001), the method of overlapping Bayesian CIs is more conservative (i.e., it rejects the null hypothesis of no difference less often) than the standard method based on z statistics when the null hypothesis is true. For details on the z statistics method to test the differences between the estimates of two substate regions, refer to Section B.12 (which describes the test for two State estimates) of the "2011-2012 NSDUH Guide to State Tables and Summary of Small Area Estimation Methodology" at The same test can be extended to test the differences between two substate regions' prevalence rates. Note that the referenced test assumes zero correlation between the two estimates. Two substate regions in one State (or across States) are likely correlated, but the test can still be used knowing that the resulting test will be more conservative than if the correlation was accounted for. This is still a better alternative than using the overlapping CI test. Even if Bayesian CIs for two substate regions overlap, the two prevalence rates may be declared significantly different by the test based on z statistics. Hence, the method of overlapping Bayesian CIs is not recommended to test the equivalence of two substate prevalence rates. A detailed description of the method of overlapping CIs and its comparison with the standard methods for testing of a hypothesis is given in Schenker and Gentleman (2001) and Payton, Greenstone, and Schenker (2003).
A comparison of the standard errors (SEs) among substate regions with small (n ≤ 500), medium (500 < n ≤ 1,000), and large (n > 1,000) sample sizes for certain measures shows that the small area estimates behave in predictable ways. Regardless of whether the substate region is from 1 of the 8 States with a large annual sample size (3,000 to 4,000) or 1 of the 43 other States (n = 900 annually), the sizes of the CIs are very similar and are primarily a function of the sample size of the substate region and the prevalence estimate of the measure. Substate regions with large sample sizes had the smallest SEs. For past month use of alcohol, where the national prevalence for all persons aged 12 or older was 51.8 percent (for 2010-2012), the average relative standard error (RSE)6 was about 5.1 percent, and the RSE for substate regions with a large sample size was about 3.2 percent. For substate regions with a medium sample size, the average RSE was 4.4 percent; for small sample sizes, the average RSE was 5.8 percent. For past month use of marijuana (with a national prevalence of 7.0 percent), the average RSE was 9.4 percent for substate regions with large samples. For medium sample sizes, the average RSE was 12.5 percent, and for small samples, the RSE was 15.7 percent, whereas the overall national average RSE was 14.2 percent. Substance use measures with lower prevalence rates, such as past year use of cocaine (1.7 percent nationally), displayed larger average RSEs. For substate regions with large sample sizes, the average RSE was 15.2 percent. For those with medium sample sizes, the average RSE was 18.5 percent, and for those with small sample sizes, the average RSE was 20.6 percent.
The SAE methodology used for producing the 2010-2012 substate region estimates was previously validated for the NSDUH State-by-age group small area estimates (Wright, 2002). This validation exercise used direct estimates from pairs of large sample States (n = 7,200) as internal benchmarks. These internal benchmarks were compared with small area estimates based on random subsamples (n = 900) that mimicked a single year small State sample. The associated age group-specific small area estimates were based on sample sizes targeted at n = 300. Therefore, validation of the State-by-age group small area estimates should lend some validity to the small sample size substate small area estimates.
State/Substate Region | Total Selected DUs |
Total Eligible DUs |
Total Completed Screeners |
Weighted DU Screening Response Rate (Percentage) |
Total Selected |
Total Responded |
Population Estimate |
Weighted Interview Response Rate (Percentage) |
Weighted Overall Response Rate (Percentage) |
DU = dwelling unit; ECBH = East Carolina Behavioral Health; SPA = service planning area. NOTE: For substate region definitions, see the "2010-2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health Substate Region Definitions" at NOTE: To compute the pooled 2010-2012 weighted response rates, the three samples were combined, and the individual-year weights were used for the pooled sample. Thus, the response rates presented here are weighted across 3 years of data rather than being a simple average of the 2010, 2011, and 2012 individual response rates. NOTE: The total responded column represents the combined sample size from the 2010, 2011, and 2012 NSDUHs. NOTE: The population estimate is the simple average of the 2010, 2011, and 2012 population counts for persons aged 12 or older. Because of rounding, the sum of the substate region population counts within a State may not exactly match the State population count listed in the table. Source: SAMHSA, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2010, 2011, and 2012 (2010 Data - Revised March 2012). |
Total United States | 632,660 | 524,411 | 456,931 | 87.15% | 261,189 | 206,222 | 258,022,633 | 73.99% | 64.48% |
Northeast | 137,629 | 115,246 | 94,082 | 80.55% | 52,334 | 39,880 | 46,933,885 | 70.75% | 56.99% |
Midwest | 171,491 | 144,090 | 126,933 | 88.54% | 73,208 | 57,701 | 55,781,496 | 74.33% | 65.81% |
South | 200,775 | 163,105 | 145,011 | 89.38% | 79,998 | 64,635 | 95,354,570 | 75.77% | 67.72% |
West | 122,765 | 101,970 | 90,905 | 87.47% | 55,649 | 44,006 | 59,952,682 | 73.43% | 64.23% |
Alabama | 10,229 | 8,016 | 7,272 | 90.73% | 3,974 | 3,162 | 3,984,825 | 73.68% | 66.85% |
Region 1 | 2,486 | 1,995 | 1,801 | 90.34% | 915 | 703 | 1,116,614 | 72.44% | 65.44% |
Region 2 | 2,892 | 2,311 | 2,084 | 90.20% | 1,174 | 904 | 1,279,889 | 69.96% | 63.10% |
Region 3 | 1,983 | 1,566 | 1,425 | 91.15% | 817 | 670 | 708,318 | 78.19% | 71.26% |
Region 4 | 2,868 | 2,144 | 1,962 | 91.60% | 1,068 | 885 | 880,003 | 76.36% | 69.94% |
Alaska | 7,109 | 5,499 | 4,925 | 89.59% | 3,254 | 2,602 | 569,188 | 76.75% | 68.76% |
Anchorage | 2,776 | 2,452 | 2,205 | 89.90% | 1,420 | 1,154 | 233,365 | 77.75% | 69.90% |
Northern | 1,592 | 1,110 | 997 | 89.83% | 759 | 591 | 126,422 | 75.23% | 67.58% |
South Central | 1,780 | 1,246 | 1,079 | 86.72% | 681 | 523 | 149,601 | 72.61% | 62.96% |
Southeast | 961 | 691 | 644 | 93.38% | 394 | 334 | 59,801 | 84.02% | 78.45% |
Arizona | 8,157 | 6,351 | 5,704 | 89.91% | 3,414 | 2,775 | 5,315,250 | 77.20% | 69.41% |
Maricopa | 4,704 | 3,927 | 3,515 | 89.72% | 2,187 | 1,744 | 3,157,764 | 74.47% | 66.82% |
Pima | 1,233 | 984 | 875 | 88.97% | 482 | 393 | 828,236 | 80.60% | 71.71% |
Rural North | 1,440 | 926 | 841 | 90.66% | 432 | 366 | 611,131 | 84.60% | 76.70% |
Rural South | 780 | 514 | 473 | 92.10% | 313 | 272 | 718,119 | 81.67% | 75.22% |
Arkansas | 8,058 | 6,580 | 6,046 | 91.84% | 3,495 | 2,731 | 2,411,712 | 72.45% | 66.53% |
Catchment Area 1 | 1,335 | 1,146 | 1,038 | 90.66% | 632 | 470 | 383,659 | 68.68% | 62.27% |
Catchment Area 2 | 933 | 723 | 670 | 92.73% | 320 | 250 | 295,424 | 74.20% | 68.80% |
Catchment Area 3 | 1,008 | 834 | 787 | 94.42% | 465 | 345 | 325,678 | 62.40% | 58.92% |
Catchment Area 4 | 648 | 545 | 488 | 89.36% | 314 | 246 | 213,032 | 75.37% | 67.36% |
Catchment Area 5 | 1,109 | 868 | 808 | 93.19% | 504 | 397 | 358,876 | 73.85% | 68.82% |
Catchment Area 6 | 580 | 451 | 428 | 94.67% | 235 | 204 | 175,272 | 82.92% | 78.50% |
Catchment Area 7 | 669 | 548 | 531 | 96.82% | 271 | 220 | 190,213 | 75.69% | 73.28% |
Catchment Area 8 | 1,776 | 1,465 | 1,296 | 88.35% | 754 | 599 | 469,558 | 74.89% | 66.17% |
California | 28,235 | 24,624 | 20,631 | 83.78% | 14,210 | 10,963 | 31,072,295 | 71.45% | 59.87% |
Region 1R | 887 | 694 | 597 | 86.10% | 323 | 252 | 810,075 | 74.64% | 64.26% |
Region 2R | 1,037 | 683 | 581 | 85.31% | 378 | 300 | 843,954 | 77.90% | 66.46% |
Region 3R (Sacramento) | 1,037 | 923 | 765 | 83.11% | 461 | 364 | 1,175,383 | 74.68% | 62.07% |
Region 4R | 1,342 | 1,168 | 991 | 84.91% | 538 | 402 | 1,091,126 | 71.19% | 60.45% |
Region 5R (San Francisco) | 685 | 632 | 485 | 76.83% | 280 | 199 | 724,726 | 59.76% | 45.91% |
Region 6 (Santa Clara) | 1,381 | 1,263 | 1,030 | 81.12% | 575 | 410 | 1,486,034 | 67.65% | 54.87% |
Region 7R (Contra Costa) | 771 | 704 | 589 | 83.72% | 350 | 271 | 881,890 | 70.25% | 58.81% |
Region 8R (Alameda) | 1,174 | 1,039 | 860 | 82.99% | 587 | 444 | 1,273,423 | 68.04% | 56.46% |
Region 9R (San Mateo) | 574 | 520 | 416 | 79.75% | 250 | 157 | 607,111 | 56.13% | 44.76% |
Region 10 | 788 | 709 | 622 | 87.87% | 445 | 325 | 1,042,670 | 66.57% | 58.49% |
Region 11 (Los Angeles) | 7,026 | 6,401 | 5,279 | 82.58% | 3,828 | 2,912 | 8,191,257 | 70.71% | 58.39% |
LA SPA 1 and 5 | 814 | 731 | 542 | 74.07% | 337 | 248 | 873,845 | 68.61% | 50.82% |
LA SPA 2 | 1,516 | 1,393 | 1,071 | 76.93% | 728 | 528 | 1,795,788 | 68.46% | 52.67% |
LA SPA 3 | 1,234 | 1,137 | 1,005 | 88.44% | 711 | 538 | 1,465,076 | 69.84% | 61.77% |
LA SPA 4 | 808 | 724 | 551 | 76.92% | 389 | 299 | 957,493 | 73.29% | 56.38% |
LA SPA 6 | 671 | 612 | 554 | 90.31% | 477 | 366 | 785,175 | 68.97% | 62.28% |
LA SPA 7 | 735 | 678 | 598 | 88.23% | 531 | 423 | 1,050,390 | 73.87% | 65.18% |
LA SPA 8 | 1,248 | 1,126 | 958 | 85.09% | 655 | 510 | 1,263,490 | 72.87% | 62.01% |
Region 12R | 474 | 420 | 378 | 89.74% | 267 | 224 | 688,579 | 76.43% | 68.60% |
Regions 13 and 19R | 1,669 | 1,220 | 1,041 | 85.28% | 917 | 740 | 1,945,003 | 75.31% | 64.22% |
Region 13 (Riverside) | 1,543 | 1,114 | 937 | 84.08% | 805 | 632 | 1,803,111 | 73.23% | 61.58% |
Region 19R (Imperial) | 126 | 106 | 104 | 98.05% | 112 | 108 | 141,892 | 96.42% | 94.54% |
Region 14 (Orange) | 2,259 | 2,064 | 1,745 | 84.45% | 1,185 | 902 | 2,539,281 | 70.18% | 59.27% |
Region 15R (Fresno) | 702 | 622 | 512 | 82.34% | 378 | 311 | 745,539 | 72.07% | 59.35% |
Region 16R (San Diego) | 2,537 | 2,110 | 1,752 | 83.04% | 1,210 | 924 | 2,615,099 | 72.28% | 60.02% |
Region 17R | 1,082 | 952 | 784 | 81.66% | 610 | 501 | 1,155,052 | 78.98% | 64.50% |
Region 18R (San Bernardino) | 1,252 | 1,127 | 1,025 | 90.82% | 890 | 722 | 1,652,267 | 74.64% | 67.79% |
Region 20R | 686 | 612 | 539 | 88.16% | 373 | 311 | 758,116 | 74.66% | 65.83% |
Region 21R | 872 | 761 | 640 | 83.99% | 365 | 292 | 845,712 | 75.18% | 63.14% |
Colorado | 8,727 | 7,234 | 6,413 | 88.77% | 3,458 | 2,752 | 4,212,300 | 76.71% | 68.10% |
Region 1 | 1,098 | 922 | 814 | 88.39% | 469 | 375 | 556,709 | 77.73% | 68.70% |
Regions 2 and 7 | 4,468 | 3,839 | 3,336 | 87.47% | 1,843 | 1,439 | 2,346,846 | 74.76% | 65.39% |
Region 3 | 1,573 | 1,344 | 1,204 | 88.25% | 660 | 528 | 620,341 | 77.22% | 68.15% |
Region 4 | 712 | 449 | 420 | 94.05% | 190 | 163 | 229,033 | 82.95% | 78.01% |
Regions 5 and 6 | 876 | 680 | 639 | 93.99% | 296 | 247 | 459,371 | 80.69% | 75.84% |
Connecticut | 8,134 | 7,091 | 5,944 | 83.61% | 3,612 | 2,841 | 3,016,679 | 73.30% | 61.29% |
Eastern | 1,078 | 944 | 808 | 85.35% | 548 | 460 | 372,544 | 80.11% | 68.38% |
North Central | 2,206 | 1,997 | 1,694 | 84.73% | 981 | 764 | 845,229 | 69.92% | 59.25% |
Northwestern | 1,396 | 1,152 | 889 | 75.46% | 582 | 475 | 521,628 | 72.12% | 54.42% |
South Central | 1,942 | 1,682 | 1,495 | 88.97% | 816 | 615 | 710,013 | 72.53% | 64.53% |
Southwest | 1,512 | 1,316 | 1,058 | 80.72% | 685 | 527 | 567,265 | 75.46% | 60.92% |
Delaware | 8,313 | 6,744 | 5,919 | 87.71% | 3,318 | 2,682 | 759,824 | 78.03% | 68.44% |
Kent | 1,413 | 1,222 | 1,058 | 86.55% | 632 | 501 | 135,887 | 74.78% | 64.73% |
New Castle (excluding Wilmington City) | 3,803 | 3,325 | 2,922 | 87.76% | 1,691 | 1,364 | 392,016 | 79.95% | 70.17% |
Sussex | 2,204 | 1,479 | 1,297 | 87.65% | 657 | 521 | 169,909 | 73.99% | 64.85% |
Wilmington City | 893 | 718 | 642 | 89.58% | 338 | 296 | 62,012 | 85.13% | 76.26% |
District of Columbia | 14,795 | 12,104 | 9,849 | 80.56% | 3,302 | 2,797 | 534,932 | 81.73% | 65.84% |
Ward 1 | 1,769 | 1,499 | 1,268 | 85.09% | 390 | 337 | 66,156 | 84.80% | 72.16% |
Ward 2 | 2,342 | 1,856 | 1,468 | 78.22% | 457 | 357 | 71,591 | 78.30% | 61.24% |
Ward 3 | 1,946 | 1,598 | 1,284 | 78.07% | 407 | 338 | 72,323 | 82.34% | 64.28% |
Ward 4 | 1,544 | 1,361 | 1,102 | 80.76% | 400 | 317 | 66,318 | 72.95% | 58.91% |
Ward 5 | 2,053 | 1,729 | 1,355 | 78.30% | 473 | 407 | 66,618 | 81.58% | 63.87% |
Ward 6 | 1,677 | 1,331 | 1,125 | 81.62% | 315 | 266 | 70,782 | 80.84% | 65.98% |
Ward 7 | 1,585 | 1,251 | 1,048 | 83.90% | 361 | 315 | 61,063 | 88.20% | 74.00% |
Ward 8 | 1,879 | 1,479 | 1,199 | 81.34% | 499 | 460 | 60,081 | 89.14% | 72.51% |
Florida | 39,928 | 30,967 | 27,009 | 86.88% | 13,980 | 11,228 | 16,144,570 | 74.26% | 64.52% |
Region A - Northwest | 4,191 | 3,279 | 2,994 | 90.98% | 1,608 | 1,332 | 1,165,069 | 80.71% | 73.43% |
Circuit 1 | 2,397 | 1,943 | 1,768 | 90.63% | 956 | 791 | 583,155 | 80.71% | 73.14% |
Circuit 2 | 929 | 717 | 650 | 90.58% | 375 | 314 | 331,657 | 83.20% | 75.36% |
Circuit 14 | 865 | 619 | 576 | 92.52% | 277 | 227 | 250,257 | 76.21% | 70.51% |
Region B - Northeast | 5,406 | 4,314 | 3,878 | 89.79% | 1,871 | 1,461 | 2,167,074 | 72.89% | 65.45% |
Circuits 3 and 8 | 1,369 | 1,085 | 987 | 91.07% | 525 | 411 | 485,319 | 75.44% | 68.70% |
Circuit 4 | 2,116 | 1,703 | 1,504 | 88.26% | 766 | 595 | 939,667 | 71.67% | 63.25% |
Circuit 7 | 1,921 | 1,526 | 1,387 | 90.75% | 580 | 455 | 742,089 | 72.35% | 65.66% |
Region C - Central | 8,995 | 7,232 | 6,383 | 88.17% | 3,405 | 2,729 | 4,067,448 | 72.47% | 63.89% |
Circuit 5 | 1,563 | 1,271 | 1,130 | 89.18% | 500 | 386 | 910,345 | 70.02% | 62.44% |
Circuit 9 | 2,388 | 2,020 | 1,840 | 91.19% | 1,151 | 953 | 1,189,884 | 74.70% | 68.12% |
Circuit 10 | 1,823 | 1,348 | 1,206 | 89.06% | 646 | 529 | 614,499 | 76.48% | 68.11% |
Circuit 18 | 1,931 | 1,614 | 1,372 | 84.96% | 724 | 552 | 831,879 | 66.57% | 56.55% |
Circuit 19 | 1,290 | 979 | 835 | 84.94% | 384 | 309 | 520,841 | 73.69% | 62.59% |
Region D - Southeast | 6,691 | 4,986 | 4,204 | 83.83% | 2,208 | 1,744 | 2,629,793 | 72.35% | 60.64% |
Circuit 15 (Palm Beach) | 3,187 | 2,225 | 1,827 | 81.38% | 962 | 729 | 1,140,784 | 68.62% | 55.84% |
Circuit 17 (Broward) | 3,504 | 2,761 | 2,377 | 85.91% | 1,246 | 1,015 | 1,489,009 | 75.11% | 64.53% |
Region E - Sun Coast | 10,039 | 7,319 | 6,228 | 84.94% | 2,893 | 2,302 | 3,908,836 | 73.51% | 62.44% |
Circuit 6 | 2,998 | 2,192 | 1,813 | 82.62% | 743 | 570 | 1,204,274 | 69.05% | 57.04% |
Circuit 12 | 1,811 | 1,334 | 1,152 | 86.44% | 456 | 356 | 649,671 | 71.13% | 61.49% |
Circuit 13 (Hillsborough) | 2,425 | 2,114 | 1,813 | 85.93% | 1,095 | 895 | 1,043,373 | 76.64% | 65.86% |
Circuit 20 | 2,805 | 1,679 | 1,450 | 85.42% | 599 | 481 | 1,011,517 | 77.03% | 65.80% |
Region F - Southern (Circuits 11 and 16) |
4,606 | 3,837 | 3,322 | 86.53% | 1,995 | 1,660 | 2,206,350 | 79.17% | 68.50% |
Georgia | 7,005 | 5,929 | 5,345 | 90.28% | 3,357 | 2,673 | 7,937,335 | 75.32% | 68.00% |
Region 1 | 1,742 | 1,459 | 1,288 | 88.57% | 861 | 693 | 2,053,597 | 77.03% | 68.23% |
Region 2 | 1,082 | 915 | 852 | 93.33% | 512 | 432 | 1,035,486 | 80.90% | 75.50% |
Region 3 | 2,022 | 1,737 | 1,549 | 89.24% | 995 | 786 | 2,342,663 | 74.20% | 66.22% |
Region 4 | 585 | 502 | 462 | 92.34% | 277 | 207 | 495,344 | 68.73% | 63.47% |
Region 5 | 622 | 531 | 478 | 90.07% | 228 | 177 | 898,897 | 71.11% | 64.05% |
Region 6 | 952 | 785 | 716 | 91.15% | 484 | 378 | 1,111,348 | 73.67% | 67.15% |
Hawaii | 8,908 | 7,674 | 6,352 | 82.41% | 3,841 | 2,862 | 1,123,500 | 69.34% | 57.14% |
Hawaii Island | 1,455 | 1,201 | 975 | 81.23% | 518 | 396 | 152,588 | 72.68% | 59.04% |
Honolulu | 6,147 | 5,407 | 4,444 | 81.71% | 2,759 | 2,039 | 787,623 | 67.87% | 55.46% |
Kauai and Maui | 1,306 | 1,066 | 933 | 87.61% | 564 | 427 | 183,289 | 73.16% | 64.10% |
Kauai | 516 | 367 | 338 | 92.16% | 185 | 140 | 55,634 | 75.51% | 69.59% |
Maui | 790 | 699 | 595 | 85.30% | 379 | 287 | 127,655 | 71.93% | 61.36% |
Idaho | 7,161 | 5,827 | 5,488 | 94.13% | 3,373 | 2,749 | 1,279,209 | 77.83% | 73.26% |
Region 1 | 1,071 | 754 | 699 | 92.54% | 416 | 313 | 179,896 | 74.64% | 69.07% |
Region 2 | 673 | 530 | 506 | 95.46% | 265 | 218 | 91,191 | 81.52% | 77.81% |
Region 3 | 1,020 | 882 | 839 | 94.45% | 546 | 446 | 201,505 | 78.30% | 73.95% |
Region 4 | 1,815 | 1,592 | 1,477 | 93.06% | 810 | 677 | 362,848 | 77.46% | 72.08% |
Region 5 | 1,059 | 829 | 787 | 94.86% | 523 | 432 | 148,586 | 80.95% | 76.79% |
Region 6 | 725 | 633 | 591 | 93.41% | 368 | 305 | 131,646 | 77.74% | 72.62% |
Region 7 | 798 | 607 | 589 | 97.17% | 445 | 358 | 163,537 | 75.87% | 73.73% |
Illinois | 33,771 | 29,280 | 22,982 | 78.50% | 14,562 | 10,936 | 10,646,439 | 70.22% | 55.13% |
Region I (Cook) | 13,810 | 12,098 | 8,402 | 69.47% | 5,537 | 4,070 | 4,318,958 | 68.29% | 47.44% |
Region II | 9,529 | 8,485 | 6,956 | 81.94% | 4,793 | 3,616 | 3,348,716 | 71.02% | 58.19% |
Region III | 4,098 | 3,444 | 3,011 | 87.64% | 1,769 | 1,383 | 1,214,045 | 73.78% | 64.66% |
Region IV | 2,661 | 2,271 | 1,956 | 86.15% | 1,052 | 787 | 758,857 | 71.55% | 61.64% |
Region V | 3,673 | 2,982 | 2,657 | 89.04% | 1,411 | 1,080 | 1,005,862 | 70.54% | 62.81% |
Indiana | 7,709 | 6,406 | 5,900 | 92.07% | 3,417 | 2,723 | 5,373,546 | 73.56% | 67.72% |
Central | 1,602 | 1,367 | 1,245 | 90.71% | 709 | 534 | 1,400,214 | 67.02% | 60.79% |
East | 733 | 622 | 581 | 93.54% | 307 | 245 | 459,963 | 78.32% | 73.26% |
North Central | 998 | 822 | 753 | 91.93% | 465 | 395 | 763,903 | 82.45% | 75.80% |
Northeast | 793 | 622 | 567 | 90.96% | 363 | 277 | 529,213 | 72.21% | 65.68% |
Northwest | 972 | 854 | 764 | 89.17% | 485 | 393 | 612,011 | 77.27% | 68.90% |
Southeast | 1,008 | 855 | 805 | 94.04% | 412 | 330 | 579,681 | 69.94% | 65.77% |
Southwest | 692 | 580 | 540 | 93.17% | 269 | 211 | 424,148 | 73.52% | 68.49% |
West | 911 | 684 | 645 | 94.54% | 407 | 338 | 604,412 | 72.67% | 68.70% |
Iowa | 7,762 | 6,681 | 6,228 | 93.06% | 3,387 | 2,758 | 2,556,633 | 77.59% | 72.21% |
Central | 1,527 | 1,377 | 1,262 | 91.39% | 659 | 513 | 456,906 | 73.98% | 67.61% |
North Central | 870 | 741 | 697 | 93.98% | 342 | 268 | 286,330 | 73.63% | 69.20% |
Northeast | 1,804 | 1,591 | 1,465 | 92.08% | 840 | 700 | 622,007 | 80.02% | 73.68% |
Northwest | 1,233 | 972 | 925 | 94.86% | 520 | 428 | 394,323 | 78.71% | 74.67% |
Southeast | 1,619 | 1,402 | 1,315 | 93.82% | 713 | 582 | 541,877 | 77.74% | 72.93% |
Southwest | 709 | 598 | 564 | 93.90% | 313 | 267 | 255,190 | 80.93% | 76.00% |
Kansas | 7,517 | 6,429 | 5,844 | 90.94% | 3,374 | 2,712 | 2,323,227 | 76.02% | 69.14% |
Kansas City Metro | 2,490 | 2,245 | 2,020 | 90.04% | 1,213 | 951 | 774,604 | 73.00% | 65.73% |
Northeast | 1,246 | 1,033 | 927 | 89.90% | 530 | 429 | 448,227 | 77.70% | 69.85% |
South Central | 849 | 717 | 665 | 92.75% | 395 | 318 | 291,521 | 80.08% | 74.27% |
Southeast | 631 | 472 | 437 | 92.43% | 233 | 194 | 157,848 | 78.46% | 72.52% |
West | 1,005 | 828 | 771 | 93.03% | 412 | 321 | 252,511 | 72.33% | 67.29% |
Wichita (Sedgwick) | 1,296 | 1,134 | 1,024 | 90.43% | 591 | 499 | 398,515 | 80.17% | 72.50% |
Kentucky | 8,054 | 6,742 | 6,241 | 92.57% | 3,406 | 2,726 | 3,627,784 | 75.51% | 69.90% |
Adanta, Cumberland River, and Lifeskills | 1,611 | 1,297 | 1,212 | 93.44% | 648 | 515 | 610,387 | 74.33% | 69.45% |
Bluegrass, Comprehend, and North Key | 2,256 | 1,915 | 1,762 | 91.95% | 965 | 756 | 1,059,413 | 73.76% | 67.82% |
Communicare and River Valley | 861 | 745 | 687 | 92.32% | 370 | 306 | 401,238 | 77.75% | 71.77% |
Four Rivers and Pennyroyal | 655 | 531 | 500 | 94.29% | 303 | 259 | 345,240 | 83.20% | 78.44% |
Kentucky River, Mountain, and Pathways | 950 | 701 | 650 | 92.45% | 319 | 252 | 410,202 | 69.40% | 64.17% |
Seven Counties | 1,721 | 1,553 | 1,430 | 92.20% | 801 | 638 | 801,303 | 77.03% | 71.02% |
Louisiana | 10,460 | 8,274 | 7,700 | 93.06% | 4,338 | 3,553 | 3,722,105 | 77.83% | 72.43% |
Regions 1 and 10 | 2,543 | 1,919 | 1,729 | 89.88% | 932 | 710 | 706,411 | 72.51% | 65.17% |
Region 1 | 1,368 | 889 | 825 | 91.95% | 498 | 394 | 352,062 | 76.94% | 70.75% |
Region 10 (Jefferson) | 1,175 | 1,030 | 904 | 88.22% | 434 | 316 | 354,349 | 68.49% | 60.42% |
Regions 2 and 9 | 2,168 | 1,801 | 1,698 | 94.29% | 1,050 | 885 | 987,733 | 80.14% | 75.57% |
Region 3 | 1,111 | 963 | 905 | 93.14% | 557 | 471 | 328,132 | 78.24% | 72.87% |
Regions 4, 5, and 6 | 2,751 | 2,173 | 2,044 | 93.77% | 1,061 | 851 | 963,590 | 75.50% | 70.80% |
Regions 7 and 8 | 1,887 | 1,418 | 1,324 | 93.44% | 738 | 636 | 736,239 | 82.29% | 76.90% |
Maine | 10,761 | 7,779 | 7,095 | 91.09% | 3,273 | 2,727 | 1,148,238 | 79.80% | 72.69% |
Aroostook/Downeast | 1,530 | 948 | 897 | 94.55% | 423 | 379 | 138,063 | 85.38% | 80.73% |
Aroostook | 477 | 391 | 372 | 95.05% | 189 | 176 | 62,140 | 88.62% | 84.23% |
Downeast | 1,053 | 557 | 525 | 94.25% | 234 | 203 | 75,923 | 82.99% | 78.22% |
Central | 1,388 | 1,002 | 915 | 91.51% | 435 | 371 | 150,059 | 83.53% | 76.44% |
Cumberland | 1,876 | 1,600 | 1,377 | 85.91% | 654 | 519 | 244,635 | 73.91% | 63.50% |
Midcoast | 1,211 | 764 | 708 | 92.87% | 226 | 201 | 128,267 | 87.32% | 81.09% |
Penquis | 1,468 | 1,047 | 989 | 94.44% | 490 | 414 | 148,343 | 83.73% | 79.08% |
Western | 1,721 | 1,267 | 1,155 | 90.56% | 558 | 474 | 168,052 | 82.45% | 74.67% |
York | 1,567 | 1,151 | 1,054 | 91.40% | 487 | 369 | 170,819 | 68.29% | 62.42% |
Maryland | 7,682 | 6,659 | 5,336 | 80.21% | 3,291 | 2,681 | 4,854,548 | 77.08% | 61.82% |
Anne Arundel | 738 | 625 | 481 | 76.78% | 251 | 197 | 453,905 | 72.20% | 55.43% |
Baltimore City | 991 | 812 | 662 | 81.39% | 409 | 372 | 518,769 | 87.02% | 70.83% |
Baltimore County | 997 | 910 | 710 | 78.32% | 430 | 352 | 683,475 | 80.79% | 63.27% |
Montgomery | 1,245 | 1,164 | 926 | 79.71% | 549 | 450 | 815,400 | 77.39% | 61.69% |
North Central | 504 | 459 | 380 | 83.10% | 271 | 224 | 382,789 | 78.32% | 65.08% |
Northeast | 584 | 523 | 425 | 80.98% | 281 | 216 | 408,466 | 73.77% | 59.73% |
Prince George's | 950 | 790 | 612 | 77.54% | 413 | 314 | 715,984 | 71.85% | 55.71% |
South | 923 | 716 | 575 | 80.28% | 328 | 275 | 464,143 | 74.70% | 59.97% |
West | 750 | 660 | 565 | 85.78% | 359 | 281 | 411,617 | 75.67% | 64.91% |
Massachusetts | 9,599 | 8,310 | 7,091 | 85.34% | 3,632 | 2,860 | 5,609,094 | 74.75% | 63.79% |
Boston | 1,140 | 955 | 822 | 86.01% | 459 | 376 | 685,206 | 77.25% | 66.44% |
Central | 1,183 | 1,064 | 925 | 86.78% | 464 | 374 | 725,897 | 75.26% | 65.32% |
Metrowest | 1,963 | 1,760 | 1,441 | 81.96% | 695 | 544 | 1,296,349 | 74.33% | 60.92% |
Northeast | 1,872 | 1,724 | 1,482 | 85.91% | 782 | 620 | 1,096,931 | 76.60% | 65.81% |
Southeast | 2,197 | 1,724 | 1,461 | 84.94% | 726 | 529 | 1,087,031 | 69.74% | 59.23% |
Western | 1,244 | 1,083 | 960 | 88.41% | 506 | 417 | 717,681 | 78.70% | 69.58% |
Michigan | 33,545 | 26,876 | 23,147 | 86.16% | 13,834 | 11,030 | 8,293,400 | 75.24% | 64.83% |
Detroit City | 2,535 | 1,783 | 1,495 | 84.05% | 940 | 770 | 570,227 | 75.31% | 63.30% |
Genesee | 1,525 | 1,243 | 1,078 | 87.00% | 632 | 525 | 350,662 | 76.66% | 66.69% |
Kalamazoo | 2,209 | 1,785 | 1,635 | 91.66% | 922 | 734 | 569,863 | 74.58% | 68.36% |
Kent | 1,707 | 1,526 | 1,312 | 85.42% | 871 | 720 | 496,825 | 77.17% | 65.92% |
Lakeshore | 2,365 | 1,934 | 1,753 | 90.34% | 1,116 | 907 | 585,459 | 77.94% | 70.41% |
Macomb | 2,786 | 2,497 | 2,013 | 80.43% | 1,219 | 906 | 713,180 | 70.09% | 56.38% |
Mid South | 3,126 | 2,490 | 2,152 | 86.40% | 1,227 | 1,009 | 782,810 | 80.89% | 69.89% |
Northern | 3,484 | 2,094 | 1,905 | 90.93% | 964 | 801 | 732,439 | 81.90% | 74.47% |
Oakland | 3,577 | 3,160 | 2,698 | 85.47% | 1,622 | 1,261 | 1,022,173 | 74.37% | 63.57% |
Pathways and Western | 1,395 | 978 | 881 | 90.12% | 459 | 387 | 269,983 | 80.44% | 72.49% |
Riverhaven | 1,299 | 1,028 | 905 | 88.20% | 515 | 423 | 292,793 | 76.12% | 67.14% |
Saginaw | 631 | 545 | 470 | 86.51% | 295 | 236 | 167,466 | 72.62% | 62.83% |
Southeast | 3,930 | 3,439 | 2,776 | 80.79% | 1,715 | 1,317 | 1,041,865 | 70.94% | 57.32% |
St. Clair | 1,049 | 877 | 759 | 86.73% | 469 | 356 | 248,071 | 74.45% | 64.58% |
Washtenaw | 1,927 | 1,497 | 1,315 | 88.06% | 868 | 678 | 449,584 | 71.63% | 63.08% |
Minnesota | 7,738 | 6,616 | 6,059 | 91.62% | 3,401 | 2,788 | 4,466,309 | 79.57% | 72.91% |
Regions 1 and 2 | 1,002 | 754 | 696 | 92.38% | 275 | 207 | 450,847 | 67.26% | 62.14% |
Regions 3 and 4 | 1,261 | 1,012 | 947 | 93.53% | 556 | 457 | 765,424 | 81.81% | 76.51% |
Regions 5 and 6 | 1,460 | 1,229 | 1,172 | 95.48% | 639 | 531 | 845,687 | 80.51% | 76.87% |
Region 7A (Hennepin) | 1,611 | 1,468 | 1,289 | 87.72% | 740 | 615 | 984,859 | 78.71% | 69.05% |
Region 7B (Ramsey) | 662 | 528 | 481 | 91.08% | 304 | 259 | 431,945 | 84.25% | 76.73% |
Region 7C | 1,742 | 1,625 | 1,474 | 90.91% | 887 | 719 | 987,548 | 80.91% | 73.56% |
Mississippi | 8,516 | 6,771 | 6,294 | 93.09% | 3,649 | 3,020 | 2,414,032 | 77.53% | 72.17% |
Region 1 | 1,913 | 1,508 | 1,403 | 92.97% | 815 | 657 | 546,513 | 77.13% | 71.71% |
Region 2 | 950 | 726 | 687 | 94.07% | 403 | 338 | 304,081 | 78.09% | 73.46% |
Region 3 | 1,220 | 935 | 883 | 94.29% | 467 | 393 | 341,162 | 79.26% | 74.74% |
Region 4 | 1,501 | 1,249 | 1,139 | 91.27% | 691 | 586 | 440,189 | 78.99% | 72.10% |
Region 5 | 413 | 335 | 318 | 94.82% | 166 | 136 | 148,982 | 73.15% | 69.36% |
Region 6 | 940 | 766 | 734 | 96.18% | 425 | 366 | 249,222 | 81.88% | 78.75% |
Region 7 | 1,579 | 1,252 | 1,130 | 90.82% | 682 | 544 | 383,883 | 73.14% | 66.43% |
Missouri | 8,022 | 6,652 | 6,144 | 92.40% | 3,418 | 2,748 | 4,971,283 | 74.43% | 68.77% |
Central | 1,127 | 854 | 798 | 93.32% | 456 | 388 | 675,065 | 76.45% | 71.34% |
Eastern | 2,728 | 2,380 | 2,221 | 93.35% | 1,189 | 932 | 1,729,869 | 70.85% | 66.14% |
Eastern (St. Louis City and County) | 1,879 | 1,621 | 1,509 | 93.13% | 793 | 612 | 1,096,613 | 68.35% | 63.65% |
Eastern (excluding St. Louis) | 849 | 759 | 712 | 93.82% | 396 | 320 | 633,256 | 76.71% | 71.97% |
Northwest | 1,756 | 1,461 | 1,345 | 92.15% | 827 | 683 | 1,200,418 | 78.98% | 72.78% |
Northwest (Jackson) | 1,041 | 845 | 774 | 91.73% | 477 | 411 | 550,219 | 87.25% | 80.03% |
Northwest (excluding Jackson) | 715 | 616 | 571 | 92.71% | 350 | 272 | 650,199 | 69.18% | 64.14% |
Southeast | 1,049 | 838 | 780 | 93.13% | 448 | 358 | 593,998 | 75.21% | 70.04% |
Southwest | 1,362 | 1,119 | 1,000 | 89.43% | 498 | 387 | 771,933 | 73.70% | 65.91% |
Montana | 9,083 | 7,348 | 6,883 | 93.76% | 3,440 | 2,751 | 838,424 | 76.95% | 72.14% |
Region 1 | 790 | 601 | 581 | 96.77% | 294 | 251 | 65,879 | 84.17% | 81.46% |
Region 2 | 1,243 | 937 | 888 | 94.91% | 439 | 352 | 118,971 | 80.36% | 76.27% |
Region 3 | 1,953 | 1,684 | 1,558 | 92.51% | 759 | 624 | 172,776 | 80.07% | 74.07% |
Region 4 | 2,210 | 1,705 | 1,586 | 93.30% | 824 | 657 | 221,975 | 75.46% | 70.40% |
Region 5 | 2,887 | 2,421 | 2,270 | 93.70% | 1,124 | 867 | 258,823 | 72.69% | 68.11% |
Nebraska | 7,439 | 6,294 | 5,857 | 92.97% | 3,468 | 2,754 | 1,514,441 | 72.77% | 67.66% |
Regions 1 and 2 | 871 | 654 | 613 | 93.71% | 360 | 295 | 156,131 | 75.24% | 70.51% |
Region 1 | 450 | 333 | 312 | 93.75% | 174 | 139 | 73,010 | 75.25% | 70.54% |
Region 2 | 421 | 321 | 301 | 93.68% | 186 | 156 | 83,121 | 75.22% | 70.47% |
Region 3 | 928 | 801 | 753 | 94.00% | 447 | 382 | 186,771 | 78.06% | 73.38% |
Region 4 | 853 | 667 | 633 | 94.88% | 353 | 279 | 169,851 | 74.82% | 70.99% |
Region 5 | 1,842 | 1,550 | 1,424 | 91.63% | 840 | 666 | 373,563 | 73.55% | 67.39% |
Region 6 | 2,945 | 2,622 | 2,434 | 92.79% | 1,468 | 1,132 | 628,124 | 69.51% | 64.50% |
Nevada | 7,153 | 5,622 | 5,240 | 94.31% | 3,442 | 2,768 | 2,247,750 | 73.95% | 69.74% |
Clark - Region 1 | 4,874 | 3,727 | 3,488 | 94.76% | 2,346 | 1,888 | 1,616,158 | 73.08% | 69.25% |
Region 3 | 1,014 | 823 | 770 | 93.80% | 429 | 341 | 277,589 | 78.55% | 73.68% |
Capital District | 521 | 456 | 424 | 93.27% | 236 | 189 | 131,765 | 79.59% | 74.24% |
Rural/Frontier | 493 | 367 | 346 | 94.51% | 193 | 152 | 145,824 | 77.25% | 73.01% |
Washoe - Region 2 | 1,265 | 1,072 | 982 | 91.74% | 667 | 539 | 354,003 | 74.28% | 68.14% |
New Hampshire | 9,225 | 7,467 | 6,509 | 87.13% | 3,647 | 2,813 | 1,135,243 | 73.37% | 63.93% |
Central | 2,558 | 2,001 | 1,782 | 88.84% | 1,017 | 799 | 322,597 | 71.06% | 63.13% |
Central 1 | 1,300 | 1,014 | 915 | 90.01% | 564 | 443 | 158,831 | 70.75% | 63.69% |
Central 2 | 1,258 | 987 | 867 | 87.64% | 453 | 356 | 163,766 | 71.42% | 62.59% |
Northern | 1,566 | 980 | 895 | 91.34% | 446 | 348 | 148,818 | 79.44% | 72.56% |
Southern | 5,101 | 4,486 | 3,832 | 85.41% | 2,184 | 1,666 | 663,827 | 73.05% | 62.39% |
Southern 1 (Rockingham) | 1,922 | 1,687 | 1,457 | 86.37% | 844 | 629 | 254,529 | 70.91% | 61.24% |
Southern 2 | 3,179 | 2,799 | 2,375 | 84.83% | 1,340 | 1,037 | 409,298 | 74.38% | 63.10% |
New Jersey | 7,538 | 6,451 | 5,664 | 87.84% | 3,441 | 2,715 | 7,393,186 | 74.52% | 65.46% |
Central | 1,823 | 1,437 | 1,242 | 86.72% | 683 | 538 | 1,704,991 | 75.60% | 65.57% |
Metropolitan | 1,852 | 1,668 | 1,457 | 87.39% | 949 | 757 | 1,772,630 | 74.35% | 64.97% |
Northern | 2,390 | 2,065 | 1,812 | 87.71% | 1,095 | 866 | 2,364,215 | 74.92% | 65.71% |
Southern | 1,473 | 1,281 | 1,153 | 89.83% | 714 | 554 | 1,551,350 | 73.08% | 65.65% |
New Mexico | 7,859 | 6,006 | 5,617 | 93.60% | 3,352 | 2,729 | 1,697,244 | 77.05% | 72.12% |
Region 1 | 1,634 | 1,345 | 1,253 | 93.11% | 822 | 677 | 349,305 | 79.75% | 74.25% |
Region 2 | 1,296 | 824 | 780 | 94.42% | 376 | 318 | 247,487 | 80.15% | 75.67% |
Region 3 (Bernalillo) | 2,135 | 1,778 | 1,647 | 92.82% | 952 | 760 | 551,846 | 75.40% | 69.98% |
Region 4 | 1,125 | 867 | 792 | 92.05% | 482 | 386 | 213,666 | 76.44% | 70.37% |
Region 5 | 1,669 | 1,192 | 1,145 | 95.84% | 720 | 588 | 334,940 | 74.56% | 71.46% |
New York | 42,293 | 36,171 | 26,660 | 73.18% | 15,451 | 10,837 | 16,434,638 | 65.04% | 47.60% |
Region A | 17,863 | 15,528 | 9,918 | 63.65% | 6,088 | 4,075 | 6,919,074 | 61.09% | 38.89% |
Region 1 | 2,772 | 2,446 | 1,911 | 78.22% | 1,275 | 952 | 1,128,476 | 70.08% | 54.82% |
Region 2 | 6,072 | 5,292 | 3,423 | 64.49% | 2,210 | 1,470 | 2,486,246 | 60.99% | 39.33% |
Region 3 | 4,648 | 3,865 | 2,060 | 52.94% | 1,005 | 670 | 1,411,346 | 62.62% | 33.15% |
Region 4 | 4,371 | 3,925 | 2,524 | 64.33% | 1,598 | 983 | 1,893,006 | 54.87% | 35.29% |
Region B | 9,635 | 8,598 | 6,462 | 73.73% | 4,075 | 2,790 | 4,260,131 | 64.53% | 47.58% |
Region 5 | 5,020 | 4,550 | 3,509 | 74.34% | 2,326 | 1,583 | 2,401,292 | 65.65% | 48.81% |
Region 6 | 2,617 | 2,382 | 1,664 | 70.14% | 949 | 622 | 1,138,653 | 58.84% | 41.27% |
Region 7 | 1,998 | 1,666 | 1,289 | 77.10% | 800 | 585 | 720,186 | 68.75% | 53.01% |
Region C | 10,583 | 8,992 | 7,604 | 84.45% | 4,004 | 2,978 | 3,923,816 | 69.07% | 58.33% |
Region 8 | 2,256 | 1,939 | 1,649 | 85.19% | 919 | 666 | 858,024 | 66.46% | 56.61% |
Region 9 | 2,390 | 1,962 | 1,656 | 84.22% | 927 | 706 | 816,591 | 68.79% | 57.93% |
Region 10 | 1,218 | 1,044 | 895 | 85.76% | 427 | 339 | 380,283 | 74.32% | 63.73% |
Region 11 | 2,176 | 1,892 | 1,612 | 85.06% | 908 | 662 | 897,029 | 72.47% | 61.64% |
Region 12 | 2,543 | 2,155 | 1,792 | 82.86% | 823 | 605 | 971,889 | 66.55% | 55.14% |
Region D | 4,212 | 3,053 | 2,676 | 86.66% | 1,284 | 994 | 1,331,617 | 76.09% | 65.94% |
Region 13 | 1,503 | 901 | 803 | 88.75% | 402 | 305 | 412,153 | 71.97% | 63.87% |
Region 14 | 1,094 | 829 | 714 | 86.07% | 363 | 273 | 457,033 | 74.79% | 64.37% |
Region 15 | 1,615 | 1,323 | 1,159 | 85.65% | 519 | 416 | 462,431 | 79.62% | 68.20% |
North Carolina | 8,365 | 6,868 | 6,220 | 90.52% | 3,323 | 2,756 | 7,947,416 | 77.68% | 70.32% |
Alliance | 1,612 | 1,403 | 1,281 | 91.02% | 690 | 566 | 1,367,974 | 77.77% | 70.78% |
Cardinal Innovations | 1,140 | 993 | 895 | 90.56% | 472 | 388 | 1,157,794 | 77.68% | 70.35% |
CenterPoint/Guilford | 708 | 587 | 500 | 85.48% | 277 | 238 | 854,600 | 83.12% | 71.05% |
CenterPoint | 265 | 227 | 195 | 86.08% | 114 | 99 | 445,433 | 83.08% | 71.51% |
Guilford | 443 | 360 | 305 | 85.06% | 163 | 139 | 409,167 | 83.15% | 70.73% |
CoastalCare | 520 | 426 | 382 | 90.13% | 211 | 168 | 513,049 | 69.02% | 62.20% |
Eastpointe | 795 | 677 | 642 | 94.81% | 354 | 295 | 673,365 | 73.41% | 69.60% |
ECBH | 592 | 351 | 336 | 95.60% | 177 | 147 | 508,413 | 78.09% | 74.65% |
MeckLINK | 567 | 507 | 449 | 88.27% | 259 | 191 | 761,618 | 69.23% | 61.11% |
Partners | 813 | 698 | 647 | 92.63% | 380 | 336 | 750,775 | 84.90% | 78.64% |
Sandhills | 657 | 496 | 433 | 86.16% | 226 | 177 | 457,197 | 68.61% | 59.12% |
Smoky Mountain | 368 | 246 | 223 | 90.82% | 124 | 113 | 456,336 | 85.53% | 77.68% |
Western Highlands | 593 | 484 | 432 | 89.39% | 153 | 137 | 446,295 | 88.35% | 78.97% |
North Dakota | 9,748 | 7,829 | 7,357 | 93.98% | 3,477 | 2,753 | 571,272 | 74.66% | 70.16% |
Badlands and West Central | 2,406 | 1,951 | 1,853 | 95.05% | 778 | 611 | 153,852 | 73.33% | 69.70% |
Lake Region and South Central | 1,466 | 1,144 | 1,083 | 94.93% | 473 | 395 | 80,246 | 81.36% | 77.23% |
North Central and Northwest | 1,979 | 1,414 | 1,328 | 93.84% | 653 | 497 | 105,557 | 71.24% | 66.85% |
Northeast | 1,307 | 1,089 | 1,018 | 93.19% | 549 | 460 | 74,595 | 77.18% | 71.93% |
Southeast | 2,590 | 2,231 | 2,075 | 93.01% | 1,024 | 790 | 157,023 | 73.66% | 68.51% |
Ohio | 33,124 | 28,302 | 25,466 | 89.87% | 14,157 | 11,113 | 9,614,579 | 73.98% | 66.49% |
Boards 2, 46, 55, and 68 | 1,332 | 1,152 | 1,039 | 90.69% | 643 | 513 | 428,056 | 75.92% | 68.85% |
Boards 3, 52, and 85 | 964 | 845 | 803 | 95.00% | 431 | 343 | 315,269 | 73.05% | 69.39% |
Boards 4 and 78 | 732 | 634 | 588 | 92.84% | 296 | 239 | 262,286 | 80.32% | 74.57% |
Boards 5 and 60 | 917 | 773 | 732 | 94.63% | 440 | 360 | 284,808 | 74.17% | 70.19% |
Boards 7, 15, 41, 79, and 84 | 1,552 | 1,280 | 1,185 | 92.27% | 705 | 574 | 391,422 | 76.94% | 71.00% |
Boards 8, 13, and 83 | 1,452 | 1,284 | 1,121 | 87.42% | 664 | 512 | 409,156 | 75.31% | 65.84% |
Board 9 (Butler) | 1,110 | 966 | 820 | 84.49% | 469 | 347 | 303,597 | 70.23% | 59.34% |
Board 12 | 958 | 837 | 748 | 89.53% | 444 | 338 | 289,211 | 71.88% | 64.36% |
Boards 18 and 47 | 4,904 | 4,014 | 3,654 | 91.10% | 1,839 | 1,494 | 1,316,042 | 74.69% | 68.05% |
Boards 20, 32, 54, and 69 | 973 | 869 | 837 | 96.33% | 454 | 352 | 285,725 | 74.11% | 71.39% |
Boards 21, 39, 51, 70, and 80 | 1,413 | 1,261 | 1,099 | 86.97% | 649 | 509 | 458,108 | 76.52% | 66.55% |
Boards 22, 74, and 87 | 1,193 | 1,024 | 941 | 91.73% | 514 | 381 | 324,467 | 71.99% | 66.04% |
Boards 23 and 45 | 1,080 | 912 | 829 | 90.98% | 501 | 412 | 310,984 | 79.01% | 71.88% |
Board 25 (Franklin) | 3,282 | 2,817 | 2,336 | 81.96% | 1,303 | 996 | 965,798 | 71.35% | 58.48% |
Boards 27, 71, and 73 | 1,400 | 1,164 | 1,081 | 92.89% | 595 | 456 | 412,149 | 67.75% | 62.94% |
Boards 28, 43, and 67 | 1,478 | 1,284 | 1,205 | 93.79% | 629 | 523 | 411,568 | 81.27% | 76.22% |
Board 31 (Hamilton) | 2,342 | 1,998 | 1,709 | 85.68% | 961 | 731 | 662,258 | 73.39% | 62.88% |
Board 48 (Lucas) | 1,085 | 906 | 831 | 92.03% | 499 | 380 | 363,259 | 67.06% | 61.71% |
Boards 50 and 76 | 1,887 | 1,630 | 1,528 | 93.84% | 802 | 632 | 517,691 | 72.70% | 68.22% |
Board 57 (Montgomery) | 1,492 | 1,268 | 1,100 | 87.05% | 638 | 501 | 448,241 | 74.26% | 64.64% |
Board 77 (Summit) | 1,578 | 1,384 | 1,280 | 92.58% | 681 | 520 | 454,485 | 73.26% | 67.83% |
Oklahoma | 8,200 | 6,572 | 5,971 | 90.89% | 3,490 | 2,721 | 3,072,507 | 73.87% | 67.13% |
Central | 817 | 715 | 658 | 92.11% | 392 | 290 | 382,491 | 69.79% | 64.29% |
East Central | 759 | 630 | 586 | 93.15% | 355 | 273 | 355,850 | 72.12% | 67.18% |
Northeast | 1,392 | 1,111 | 1,036 | 93.18% | 557 | 429 | 396,247 | 74.32% | 69.25% |
Northwest and Southwest | 1,260 | 848 | 791 | 93.25% | 447 | 353 | 442,614 | 76.54% | 71.38% |
Oklahoma County | 1,641 | 1,354 | 1,182 | 87.60% | 712 | 563 | 583,385 | 75.51% | 66.15% |
Southeast | 1,252 | 1,008 | 922 | 91.30% | 523 | 408 | 423,122 | 69.51% | 63.46% |
Tulsa County | 1,079 | 906 | 796 | 87.84% | 504 | 405 | 488,798 | 77.70% | 68.26% |
Oregon | 7,879 | 6,932 | 6,336 | 91.31% | 3,489 | 2,781 | 3,268,476 | 76.04% | 69.43% |
Region 1 (Multnomah) | 1,632 | 1,468 | 1,303 | 88.75% | 652 | 512 | 635,607 | 73.54% | 65.27% |
Region 2 | 1,650 | 1,501 | 1,386 | 92.25% | 794 | 593 | 763,623 | 71.99% | 66.41% |
Region 3 | 2,654 | 2,274 | 2,082 | 91.39% | 1,203 | 1,001 | 1,024,226 | 79.08% | 72.27% |
Region 4 | 1,129 | 1,005 | 915 | 90.80% | 491 | 390 | 471,173 | 77.25% | 70.14% |
Region 5 (Central) | 475 | 399 | 381 | 95.61% | 213 | 178 | 170,771 | 79.09% | 75.62% |
Region 6 (Eastern) | 339 | 285 | 269 | 94.62% | 136 | 107 | 203,076 | 72.75% | 68.83% |
Pennsylvania | 32,838 | 28,178 | 22,806 | 80.59% | 12,569 | 9,639 | 10,756,318 | 72.24% | 58.22% |
Region 1 (Allegheny) | 3,406 | 2,951 | 2,477 | 83.80% | 1,284 | 914 | 1,053,992 | 67.93% | 56.93% |
Regions 3, 8, 9, and 51 | 1,734 | 1,478 | 1,348 | 91.23% | 679 | 486 | 598,452 | 67.25% | 61.35% |
Regions 4, 11, 37, and 49 | 2,216 | 1,787 | 1,477 | 82.91% | 866 | 671 | 764,221 | 72.65% | 60.23% |
Regions 5, 18, 23, 24, and 46 | 2,046 | 1,751 | 1,063 | 58.97% | 598 | 492 | 629,351 | 77.78% | 45.87% |
Regions 6, 12, 16, 31, 35, 45, and 47 | 1,930 | 1,654 | 1,419 | 83.37% | 749 | 620 | 606,170 | 78.30% | 65.28% |
Regions 7, 13, 20, and 33 | 5,685 | 5,160 | 3,980 | 76.68% | 2,261 | 1,730 | 2,088,112 | 71.97% | 55.18% |
Regions 10, 15, 27, 32, 43,and 44 | 1,622 | 1,313 | 1,209 | 92.25% | 642 | 527 | 443,226 | 77.55% | 71.54% |
Regions 17 and 21 | 914 | 797 | 729 | 91.42% | 395 | 323 | 311,936 | 74.80% | 68.38% |
Regions 19, 26, 28, and 42 | 3,763 | 3,441 | 2,663 | 76.73% | 1,507 | 1,118 | 1,219,198 | 69.39% | 53.24% |
Regions 22, 38, 40, 41, and 48 | 2,170 | 1,759 | 1,550 | 88.10% | 866 | 672 | 712,299 | 72.32% | 63.71% |
Regions 29 and 34 | 1,623 | 1,422 | 1,239 | 87.15% | 644 | 456 | 546,332 | 65.80% | 57.34% |
Regions 30 and 50 | 1,646 | 1,344 | 1,155 | 85.88% | 609 | 472 | 521,128 | 76.05% | 65.31% |
Region 36 (Philadelphia) | 4,083 | 3,321 | 2,497 | 75.63% | 1,469 | 1,158 | 1,261,900 | 74.11% | 56.05% |
Rhode Island | 7,828 | 6,424 | 5,719 | 89.04% | 3,403 | 2,768 | 895,756 | 75.29% | 67.04% |
Bristol and Newport | 840 | 690 | 624 | 90.40% | 323 | 276 | 114,743 | 76.26% | 68.94% |
Kent | 1,243 | 1,103 | 983 | 89.12% | 525 | 403 | 142,632 | 69.11% | 61.59% |
Providence | 4,641 | 3,888 | 3,444 | 88.61% | 2,134 | 1,736 | 528,202 | 76.59% | 67.87% |
Washington | 1,104 | 743 | 668 | 89.90% | 421 | 353 | 110,180 | 76.65% | 68.90% |
South Carolina | 8,900 | 7,259 | 6,506 | 89.61% | 3,452 | 2,792 | 3,868,769 | 75.12% | 67.32% |
Region 1 | 2,242 | 1,890 | 1,671 | 88.54% | 937 | 734 | 1,008,495 | 74.22% | 65.71% |
Region 2 | 2,682 | 2,279 | 2,065 | 90.52% | 1,048 | 891 | 1,158,146 | 78.47% | 71.03% |
Region 3 | 1,749 | 1,275 | 1,117 | 87.69% | 562 | 426 | 673,316 | 69.31% | 60.77% |
Region 4 | 2,227 | 1,815 | 1,653 | 90.90% | 905 | 741 | 1,028,812 | 76.12% | 69.20% |
South Dakota | 7,530 | 6,339 | 6,003 | 94.74% | 3,335 | 2,720 | 679,252 | 77.91% | 73.80% |
Region 1 | 1,852 | 1,588 | 1,477 | 93.07% | 880 | 730 | 167,423 | 79.84% | 74.31% |
Region 2 | 812 | 665 | 632 | 95.22% | 353 | 281 | 63,171 | 74.74% | 71.16% |
Region 3 | 1,833 | 1,489 | 1,414 | 94.96% | 763 | 615 | 161,837 | 77.96% | 74.03% |
Region 4 | 1,071 | 891 | 846 | 94.88% | 410 | 324 | 96,298 | 73.60% | 69.83% |
Region 5 | 1,962 | 1,706 | 1,634 | 95.79% | 929 | 770 | 190,523 | 79.64% | 76.29% |
Tennessee | 7,710 | 6,393 | 5,811 | 90.83% | 3,332 | 2,739 | 5,344,342 | 77.57% | 70.45% |
Region 1 | 677 | 561 | 540 | 96.20% | 295 | 256 | 435,188 | 86.62% | 83.33% |
Region 2 | 1,383 | 1,163 | 1,080 | 92.94% | 587 | 458 | 1,002,352 | 75.17% | 69.86% |
Region 3 | 1,401 | 1,134 | 1,036 | 91.25% | 559 | 453 | 801,676 | 74.21% | 67.72% |
Region 4 (Davidson) | 918 | 760 | 656 | 86.23% | 376 | 302 | 530,775 | 79.09% | 68.20% |
Region 5 | 1,545 | 1,328 | 1,201 | 89.93% | 743 | 594 | 1,278,879 | 72.99% | 65.65% |
Region 6 | 820 | 657 | 622 | 94.73% | 323 | 281 | 530,481 | 77.75% | 73.65% |
Region 7 (Shelby) | 966 | 790 | 676 | 85.80% | 449 | 395 | 764,990 | 85.88% | 73.69% |
Texas | 27,261 | 22,682 | 20,585 | 90.55% | 13,521 | 10,851 | 20,487,199 | 75.24% | 68.13% |
Region 1 | 1,084 | 923 | 864 | 93.65% | 557 | 434 | 683,199 | 70.84% | 66.34% |
Region 2 | 558 | 436 | 420 | 96.06% | 239 | 219 | 453,692 | 88.20% | 84.72% |
Region 3 | 6,955 | 6,075 | 5,720 | 94.03% | 3,770 | 3,068 | 5,480,088 | 75.47% | 70.97% |
Region 3a | 4,268 | 3,761 | 3,516 | 93.39% | 2,289 | 1,829 | 3,479,181 | 73.49% | 68.64% |
Region 3bc | 2,687 | 2,314 | 2,204 | 95.14% | 1,481 | 1,239 | 2,000,906 | 78.92% | 75.08% |
Region 4 | 1,271 | 1,045 | 995 | 95.13% | 573 | 452 | 918,066 | 72.34% | 68.82% |
Region 5 | 1,128 | 811 | 756 | 93.34% | 501 | 423 | 633,600 | 80.36% | 75.00% |
Region 6 | 6,308 | 5,293 | 4,432 | 83.31% | 3,059 | 2,325 | 4,931,443 | 71.15% | 59.27% |
Region 6a | 5,527 | 4,672 | 3,915 | 83.37% | 2,721 | 2,071 | 4,407,283 | 71.55% | 59.65% |
Region 6bc | 781 | 621 | 517 | 82.77% | 338 | 254 | 524,160 | 67.54% | 55.90% |
Region 7 | 3,798 | 2,962 | 2,734 | 92.34% | 1,646 | 1,352 | 2,452,963 | 78.39% | 72.39% |
Region 7a | 2,252 | 1,813 | 1,675 | 92.36% | 975 | 793 | 1,537,261 | 76.29% | 70.47% |
Region 7bcd | 1,546 | 1,149 | 1,059 | 92.30% | 671 | 559 | 915,702 | 82.25% | 75.92% |
Region 8 | 2,713 | 2,225 | 1,952 | 88.04% | 1,221 | 988 | 2,145,063 | 76.75% | 67.57% |
Region 9 | 621 | 489 | 465 | 95.02% | 343 | 267 | 466,792 | 70.04% | 66.56% |
Region 10 | 905 | 837 | 793 | 94.86% | 571 | 463 | 667,991 | 78.04% | 74.03% |
Region 11 | 1,920 | 1,586 | 1,454 | 91.70% | 1,041 | 860 | 1,654,303 | 79.78% | 73.15% |
Region 11abd | 1,327 | 1,066 | 984 | 92.24% | 644 | 527 | 1,056,206 | 78.75% | 72.64% |
Region 11c (Hidalgo) | 593 | 520 | 470 | 90.60% | 397 | 333 | 598,096 | 81.60% | 73.94% |
Utah | 5,097 | 4,472 | 4,231 | 94.62% | 3,329 | 2,763 | 2,186,937 | 80.12% | 75.81% |
Bear River, Northeastern, Summit, Tooele, and Wasatch | 803 | 728 | 696 | 95.81% | 495 | 420 | 262,453 | 81.50% | 78.08% |
Central, Four Corners, San Juan, and Southwest | 614 | 463 | 436 | 93.81% | 312 | 253 | 267,846 | 77.52% | 72.72% |
Davis County | 467 | 433 | 414 | 95.86% | 335 | 302 | 237,120 | 90.05% | 86.33% |
Salt Lake County | 1,920 | 1,680 | 1,591 | 94.68% | 1,242 | 1,022 | 832,287 | 78.98% | 74.78% |
Utah County | 814 | 733 | 682 | 93.25% | 620 | 495 | 394,615 | 80.18% | 74.76% |
Weber, Morgan | 479 | 435 | 412 | 94.50% | 325 | 271 | 192,616 | 75.18% | 71.05% |
Vermont | 9,413 | 7,375 | 6,594 | 89.46% | 3,306 | 2,680 | 544,733 | 78.26% | 70.01% |
Champlain Valley | 3,449 | 2,895 | 2,620 | 90.76% | 1,414 | 1,116 | 216,621 | 76.16% | 69.12% |
Rural Northeast | 2,141 | 1,713 | 1,408 | 82.31% | 689 | 562 | 128,520 | 78.09% | 64.27% |
Rural Southeast | 2,303 | 1,625 | 1,477 | 90.64% | 687 | 561 | 113,560 | 77.37% | 70.12% |
Rural Southwest | 1,520 | 1,142 | 1,089 | 95.47% | 516 | 441 | 86,032 | 85.23% | 81.37% |
Virginia | 7,911 | 7,008 | 6,138 | 87.56% | 3,296 | 2,721 | 6,653,466 | 78.20% | 68.47% |
Region 1 | 1,349 | 1,208 | 1,116 | 92.55% | 670 | 580 | 1,035,111 | 82.44% | 76.30% |
Region 2 | 1,966 | 1,810 | 1,550 | 85.40% | 849 | 699 | 1,836,987 | 78.73% | 67.24% |
Region 3 | 1,316 | 1,134 | 1,006 | 88.46% | 562 | 464 | 1,147,276 | 75.35% | 66.66% |
Region 4 | 1,305 | 1,185 | 999 | 84.51% | 509 | 411 | 1,139,214 | 80.73% | 68.23% |
Region 5 | 1,975 | 1,671 | 1,467 | 87.77% | 706 | 567 | 1,494,878 | 74.44% | 65.34% |
Washington | 8,286 | 7,180 | 6,479 | 90.02% | 3,666 | 2,784 | 5,673,430 | 71.60% | 64.45% |
Region 1 | 1,691 | 1,404 | 1,332 | 94.77% | 706 | 539 | 1,236,099 | 71.33% | 67.60% |
East 1 (previously Region 1) | 994 | 788 | 745 | 94.42% | 376 | 277 | 710,676 | 67.66% | 63.89% |
East 2 (previously Region 2) | 697 | 616 | 587 | 95.22% | 330 | 262 | 525,423 | 76.95% | 73.27% |
Region 2 | 3,995 | 3,508 | 3,082 | 87.58% | 1,730 | 1,321 | 2,601,950 | 73.00% | 63.93% |
North 1 (previously Region 3) | 1,553 | 1,296 | 1,161 | 89.71% | 682 | 531 | 950,244 | 74.59% | 66.92% |
North 2 (previously Region 4) | 2,442 | 2,212 | 1,921 | 86.38% | 1,048 | 790 | 1,651,706 | 72.14% | 62.31% |
Region 3 | 2,600 | 2,268 | 2,065 | 90.95% | 1,230 | 924 | 1,835,381 | 69.83% | 63.51% |
West 1 (previously Region 5) | 1,219 | 1,051 | 963 | 91.58% | 634 | 480 | 881,921 | 72.16% | 66.08% |
West 2 (previously Region 6) | 1,381 | 1,217 | 1,102 | 90.43% | 596 | 444 | 953,460 | 67.54% | 61.07% |
West Virginia | 9,388 | 7,537 | 6,769 | 89.47% | 3,474 | 2,802 | 1,589,205 | 75.94% | 67.94% |
Region I | 748 | 622 | 542 | 87.64% | 261 | 200 | 127,860 | 64.33% | 56.38% |
Region II | 1,152 | 960 | 829 | 86.35% | 430 | 326 | 222,844 | 72.15% | 62.30% |
Region III | 907 | 771 | 695 | 90.00% | 327 | 276 | 146,282 | 78.26% | 70.44% |
Region IV | 1,925 | 1,578 | 1,364 | 85.00% | 831 | 690 | 346,586 | 81.42% | 69.21% |
Region V | 2,878 | 2,368 | 2,197 | 92.62% | 1,105 | 885 | 454,080 | 74.80% | 69.28% |
Region VI | 1,778 | 1,238 | 1,142 | 92.24% | 520 | 425 | 291,552 | 78.60% | 72.50% |
Wisconsin | 7,586 | 6,386 | 5,946 | 92.92% | 3,378 | 2,666 | 4,771,114 | 75.92% | 70.55% |
Milwaukee | 1,128 | 999 | 921 | 91.70% | 554 | 433 | 777,508 | 72.75% | 66.71% |
Northeastern | 1,928 | 1,656 | 1,547 | 93.39% | 916 | 718 | 1,031,063 | 78.53% | 73.34% |
Northern | 697 | 513 | 477 | 92.78% | 238 | 189 | 413,733 | 77.31% | 71.72% |
Southeastern | 1,225 | 1,052 | 957 | 90.78% | 531 | 393 | 968,628 | 69.16% | 62.79% |
Southern | 1,434 | 1,195 | 1,109 | 92.69% | 656 | 538 | 927,185 | 79.16% | 73.37% |
Western | 1,174 | 971 | 935 | 96.26% | 483 | 395 | 652,997 | 78.76% | 75.81% |
Wyoming | 9,111 | 7,201 | 6,606 | 91.75% | 3,381 | 2,727 | 468,680 | 76.29% | 69.99% |
Judicial District 1 (Laramie) | 1,539 | 1,314 | 1,161 | 88.08% | 513 | 404 | 76,579 | 74.59% | 65.70% |
Judicial District 2 | 1,014 | 743 | 689 | 92.66% | 376 | 312 | 44,987 | 77.07% | 71.41% |
Judicial District 3 | 1,229 | 955 | 904 | 94.79% | 558 | 455 | 66,322 | 78.06% | 73.99% |
Judicial District 4 | 735 | 567 | 523 | 92.40% | 269 | 227 | 31,755 | 78.20% | 72.26% |
Judicial District 5 | 958 | 708 | 636 | 90.12% | 265 | 221 | 45,067 | 78.51% | 70.75% |
Judicial District 6 | 837 | 691 | 653 | 94.70% | 374 | 287 | 48,840 | 71.79% | 67.98% |
Judicial District 7 (Natrona) | 1,079 | 907 | 820 | 90.61% | 421 | 338 | 63,133 | 75.32% | 68.25% |
Judicial District 8 | 759 | 624 | 591 | 94.75% | 289 | 237 | 32,747 | 78.53% | 74.40% |
Judicial District 9 | 961 | 692 | 629 | 90.55% | 316 | 246 | 59,250 | 76.80% | 69.54% |
State/Substate Region | 12-20 Total Selected |
12-20 Total Responded |
12-20 Population Estimate |
12-20 Weighted Interview Response Rate (Percentage) |
18+ Total Selected |
18+ Total Responded |
18+ Population Estimate |
18+ Weighted Interview Response Rate (Percentage) |
DU = dwelling unit; ECBH = East Carolina Behavioral Health; SPA = service planning area. NOTE: For substate region definitions, see the "2010-2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health Substate Region Definitions" at NOTE: To compute the pooled 2010-2012 weighted response rates, the three samples were combined, and the individual-year weights were used for the pooled sample. Thus, the response rates presented here are weighted across 3 years of data rather than being a simple average of the 2010, 2011, and 2012 individual response rates. NOTE: The total responded column represents the combined sample size from the 2010, 2011, and 2012 NSDUHs. NOTE: The population estimate is the simple average of the 2010, 2011, and 2012 population counts for persons aged 12 to 20 and persons aged 18 or older. Because of rounding, the sum of the substate region population counts within a State may not exactly match the State population count listed in the table. Source: SAMHSA, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2010, 2011, and 2012 (2010 Data - Revised March 2012). |
Total United States | 112,389 | 94,187 | 38,520,150 | 83.78% | 180,223 | 138,189 | 232,997,944 | 72.90% |
Northeast | 22,296 | 18,149 | 6,751,269 | 81.03% | 36,412 | 26,929 | 42,644,963 | 69.72% |
Midwest | 31,555 | 26,329 | 8,329,840 | 83.41% | 50,469 | 38,650 | 50,325,946 | 73.30% |
South | 34,983 | 29,829 | 14,165,781 | 85.19% | 54,590 | 42,934 | 86,079,799 | 74.72% |
West | 23,555 | 19,880 | 9,273,259 | 83.94% | 38,752 | 29,676 | 53,947,236 | 72.19% |
Alabama | 1,723 | 1,440 | 602,821 | 82.77% | 2,734 | 2,125 | 3,598,931 | 72.66% |
Region 1 | 391 | 318 | 162,713 | 80.68% | 639 | 477 | 1,009,679 | 71.48% |
Region 2 | 526 | 431 | 193,347 | 80.39% | 794 | 595 | 1,158,203 | 68.80% |
Region 3 | 350 | 295 | 117,015 | 84.47% | 557 | 446 | 638,621 | 77.28% |
Region 4 | 456 | 396 | 129,746 | 87.62% | 744 | 607 | 792,428 | 75.34% |
Alaska | 1,389 | 1,153 | 91,346 | 83.30% | 2,246 | 1,770 | 508,290 | 76.10% |
Anchorage | 585 | 497 | 36,922 | 85.75% | 1,000 | 801 | 209,099 | 77.09% |
Northern | 332 | 266 | 21,876 | 79.04% | 517 | 399 | 112,434 | 74.96% |
South Central | 304 | 247 | 24,230 | 82.76% | 452 | 337 | 132,737 | 71.22% |
Southeast | 168 | 143 | 8,318 | 84.39% | 277 | 233 | 54,020 | 83.86% |
Arizona | 1,523 | 1,298 | 814,074 | 84.90% | 2,352 | 1,863 | 4,778,706 | 76.18% |
Maricopa | 983 | 834 | 494,193 | 84.70% | 1,486 | 1,142 | 2,826,212 | 73.08% |
Pima | 201 | 165 | 121,395 | 81.11% | 345 | 281 | 753,940 | 80.44% |
Rural North | 178 | 151 | 89,347 | 84.44% | 301 | 253 | 554,257 | 84.41% |
Rural South | 161 | 148 | 109,139 | 91.15% | 220 | 187 | 644,298 | 80.76% |
Arkansas | 1,536 | 1,261 | 362,442 | 81.72% | 2,416 | 1,839 | 2,176,489 | 71.34% |
Catchment Area 1 | 283 | 230 | 60,501 | 81.04% | 451 | 325 | 345,281 | 67.38% |
Catchment Area 2 | 141 | 115 | 39,400 | 82.16% | 209 | 159 | 269,801 | 73.33% |
Catchment Area 3 | 208 | 166 | 52,593 | 78.01% | 304 | 212 | 291,306 | 60.31% |
Catchment Area 4 | 139 | 113 | 31,872 | 80.65% | 207 | 160 | 191,488 | 74.81% |
Catchment Area 5 | 213 | 178 | 55,901 | 83.39% | 368 | 278 | 325,954 | 72.39% |
Catchment Area 6 | 112 | 96 | 27,002 | 83.72% | 162 | 144 | 158,089 | 83.36% |
Catchment Area 7 | 118 | 103 | 28,559 | 84.89% | 182 | 142 | 171,264 | 74.54% |
Catchment Area 8 | 322 | 260 | 66,615 | 82.08% | 533 | 419 | 423,306 | 74.06% |
California | 6,077 | 5,086 | 4,999,389 | 83.42% | 9,872 | 7,320 | 27,895,806 | 70.04% |
Region 1R | 124 | 98 | 118,833 | 78.57% | 234 | 181 | 739,060 | 74.25% |
Region 2R | 167 | 134 | 136,413 | 82.02% | 252 | 199 | 758,984 | 77.04% |
Region 3R (Sacramento) | 186 | 157 | 185,861 | 80.14% | 326 | 249 | 1,053,628 | 74.28% |
Region 4R | 224 | 181 | 154,684 | 79.24% | 374 | 272 | 990,082 | 70.63% |
Region 5R (San Francisco) | 81 | 70 | 57,002 | 86.45% | 247 | 170 | 693,024 | 58.70% |
Region 6 (Santa Clara) | 189 | 150 | 207,213 | 80.63% | 435 | 297 | 1,348,882 | 66.33% |
Region 7R (Contra Costa) | 140 | 123 | 134,972 | 87.88% | 251 | 185 | 789,723 | 68.84% |
Region 8R (Alameda) | 199 | 170 | 176,470 | 87.03% | 440 | 323 | 1,162,935 | 66.60% |
Region 9R (San Mateo) | 97 | 65 | 74,794 | 71.10% | 177 | 110 | 555,833 | 55.16% |
Region 10 | 206 | 161 | 179,846 | 78.38% | 307 | 220 | 935,850 | 65.58% |
Region 11 (Los Angeles) | 1,604 | 1,329 | 1,309,291 | 81.97% | 2,684 | 1,949 | 7,363,047 | 69.21% |
LA SPA 1 and 5 | 135 | 112 | 129,511 | 82.41% | 232 | 159 | 798,520 | 67.02% |
LA SPA 2 | 302 | 240 | 270,018 | 77.48% | 509 | 348 | 1,621,762 | 67.04% |
LA SPA 3 | 284 | 232 | 233,874 | 81.59% | 507 | 372 | 1,316,406 | 68.54% |
LA SPA 4 | 126 | 107 | 117,652 | 85.00% | 310 | 228 | 885,863 | 72.01% |
LA SPA 6 | 219 | 180 | 166,274 | 82.77% | 319 | 239 | 680,583 | 67.28% |
LA SPA 7 | 243 | 213 | 195,678 | 83.47% | 359 | 271 | 924,706 | 72.32% |
LA SPA 8 | 295 | 245 | 196,283 | 83.73% | 448 | 332 | 1,135,206 | 71.12% |
Region 12R | 129 | 109 | 120,676 | 80.54% | 164 | 136 | 609,070 | 74.99% |
Regions 13 and 19R | 463 | 398 | 365,029 | 84.66% | 606 | 466 | 1,706,767 | 73.47% |
Region 13 (Riverside) | 395 | 332 | 337,800 | 82.93% | 545 | 407 | 1,582,718 | 71.38% |
Region 19R (Imperial) | 68 | 66 | 27,229 | 97.25% | 61 | 59 | 124,049 | 96.58% |
Region 14 (Orange) | 484 | 402 | 404,091 | 83.27% | 842 | 616 | 2,280,159 | 68.93% |
Region 15R (Fresno) | 177 | 162 | 143,962 | 92.03% | 251 | 192 | 653,119 | 69.26% |
Region 16R (San Diego) | 526 | 435 | 402,017 | 84.15% | 830 | 612 | 2,371,540 | 70.91% |
Region 17R | 319 | 273 | 222,563 | 86.46% | 367 | 291 | 1,009,020 | 77.48% |
Region 18R (San Bernardino) | 418 | 364 | 320,454 | 86.60% | 582 | 454 | 1,442,460 | 72.79% |
Region 20R | 199 | 180 | 143,850 | 89.69% | 229 | 183 | 664,886 | 72.69% |
Region 21R | 145 | 125 | 141,369 | 87.70% | 274 | 215 | 767,737 | 74.40% |
Colorado | 1,387 | 1,169 | 573,028 | 83.79% | 2,433 | 1,876 | 3,815,726 | 75.93% |
Region 1 | 179 | 145 | 83,033 | 77.75% | 344 | 274 | 503,563 | 77.82% |
Regions 2 and 7 | 733 | 615 | 310,897 | 84.63% | 1,303 | 977 | 2,127,418 | 73.54% |
Region 3 | 282 | 239 | 88,996 | 82.86% | 444 | 342 | 558,469 | 76.72% |
Region 4 | 82 | 73 | 32,535 | 90.42% | 126 | 107 | 207,254 | 82.41% |
Regions 5 and 6 | 111 | 97 | 57,567 | 86.57% | 216 | 176 | 419,021 | 79.99% |
Connecticut | 1,530 | 1,290 | 449,374 | 84.78% | 2,559 | 1,956 | 2,724,401 | 72.09% |
Eastern | 233 | 208 | 62,059 | 89.52% | 428 | 352 | 339,686 | 79.27% |
North Central | 409 | 343 | 121,680 | 84.71% | 658 | 498 | 763,612 | 68.35% |
Northwestern | 270 | 241 | 77,009 | 88.93% | 386 | 299 | 467,802 | 69.97% |
South Central | 343 | 275 | 103,046 | 82.16% | 618 | 455 | 646,111 | 71.61% |
Southwest | 275 | 223 | 85,580 | 81.12% | 469 | 352 | 507,190 | 74.76% |
Delaware | 1,397 | 1,175 | 108,053 | 84.63% | 2,276 | 1,815 | 690,455 | 77.51% |
Kent | 292 | 242 | 21,081 | 83.67% | 406 | 315 | 122,415 | 73.88% |
New Castle (excluding Wilmington City) | 717 | 592 | 59,387 | 83.11% | 1,162 | 934 | 354,902 | 79.81% |
Sussex | 236 | 208 | 18,939 | 87.80% | 476 | 361 | 156,768 | 72.93% |
Wilmington City | 152 | 133 | 8,646 | 88.66% | 232 | 205 | 56,370 | 85.00% |
District of Columbia | 1,427 | 1,274 | 62,488 | 88.37% | 2,241 | 1,840 | 503,390 | 81.13% |
Ward 1 | 136 | 128 | 6,698 | 95.11% | 320 | 273 | 63,979 | 84.57% |
Ward 2 | 128 | 100 | 7,599 | 76.22% | 435 | 340 | 70,752 | 78.35% |
Ward 3 | 114 | 98 | 6,555 | 86.65% | 313 | 258 | 69,075 | 82.19% |
Ward 4 | 176 | 152 | 6,818 | 86.60% | 241 | 179 | 61,608 | 71.81% |
Ward 5 | 231 | 210 | 8,466 | 87.58% | 302 | 248 | 62,304 | 80.76% |
Ward 6 | 103 | 94 | 4,514 | 91.53% | 232 | 190 | 67,974 | 80.21% |
Ward 7 | 224 | 195 | 10,158 | 87.47% | 170 | 148 | 54,745 | 88.26% |
Ward 8 | 315 | 297 | 11,682 | 94.92% | 228 | 204 | 52,952 | 88.24% |
Florida | 6,268 | 5,357 | 2,189,991 | 85.33% | 9,488 | 7,380 | 14,761,339 | 73.21% |
Region A - Northwest | 763 | 654 | 174,457 | 84.88% | 1,042 | 835 | 1,068,061 | 79.87% |
Circuit 1 | 474 | 401 | 84,388 | 81.82% | 585 | 466 | 532,099 | 79.87% |
Circuit 2 | 168 | 151 | 57,812 | 91.46% | 272 | 220 | 306,497 | 82.26% |
Circuit 14 | 121 | 102 | 32,257 | 82.30% | 185 | 149 | 229,465 | 75.54% |
Region B - Northeast | 767 | 632 | 311,109 | 82.77% | 1,327 | 1,016 | 1,978,747 | 72.24% |
Circuits 3 and 8 | 218 | 166 | 75,956 | 76.17% | 378 | 299 | 448,592 | 75.54% |
Circuit 4 | 322 | 271 | 137,839 | 86.52% | 525 | 397 | 850,413 | 70.58% |
Circuit 7 | 227 | 195 | 97,313 | 83.81% | 424 | 320 | 679,743 | 71.61% |
Region C - Central | 1,595 | 1,374 | 562,708 | 86.37% | 2,214 | 1,706 | 3,708,486 | 71.00% |
Circuit 5 | 214 | 178 | 100,582 | 84.09% | 341 | 252 | 842,730 | 68.67% |
Circuit 9 | 547 | 475 | 195,322 | 86.34% | 751 | 607 | 1,073,848 | 73.32% |
Circuit 10 | 307 | 270 | 86,286 | 87.94% | 428 | 339 | 558,549 | 75.38% |
Circuit 18 | 362 | 309 | 115,170 | 86.51% | 442 | 315 | 756,508 | 64.40% |
Circuit 19 | 165 | 142 | 65,348 | 85.75% | 252 | 193 | 476,851 | 72.34% |
Region D - Southeast | 923 | 781 | 348,577 | 84.40% | 1,506 | 1,142 | 2,397,598 | 71.12% |
Circuit 15 (Palm Beach) | 412 | 332 | 143,263 | 80.63% | 661 | 483 | 1,046,586 | 67.34% |
Circuit 17 (Broward) | 511 | 449 | 205,315 | 87.70% | 845 | 659 | 1,351,012 | 73.91% |
Region E - Sun Coast | 1,337 | 1,153 | 486,642 | 85.95% | 2,026 | 1,556 | 3,591,815 | 72.49% |
Circuit 6 | 326 | 269 | 139,503 | 81.70% | 486 | 357 | 1,111,719 | 67.84% |
Circuit 12 | 193 | 162 | 70,828 | 84.52% | 304 | 229 | 602,261 | 70.17% |
Circuit 13 (Hillsborough) | 568 | 501 | 160,137 | 87.85% | 828 | 659 | 942,558 | 75.71% |
Circuit 20 | 250 | 221 | 116,174 | 88.17% | 408 | 311 | 935,277 | 76.05% |
Region F - Southern (Circuits 11 and 16) |
883 | 763 | 306,499 | 86.15% | 1,373 | 1,125 | 2,016,632 | 78.57% |
Georgia | 1,466 | 1,240 | 1,246,043 | 84.63% | 2,282 | 1,761 | 7,113,489 | 74.26% |
Region 1 | 380 | 313 | 320,702 | 81.61% | 582 | 464 | 1,831,220 | 76.50% |
Region 2 | 218 | 194 | 167,557 | 88.22% | 348 | 287 | 931,880 | 80.27% |
Region 3 | 422 | 363 | 349,722 | 87.24% | 705 | 534 | 2,106,754 | 72.76% |
Region 4 | 106 | 88 | 81,066 | 82.24% | 189 | 133 | 444,984 | 67.17% |
Region 5 | 90 | 77 | 142,445 | 86.95% | 162 | 121 | 811,735 | 69.58% |
Region 6 | 250 | 205 | 184,553 | 81.40% | 296 | 222 | 986,915 | 72.42% |
Hawaii | 1,602 | 1,280 | 149,952 | 79.97% | 2,669 | 1,937 | 1,024,926 | 68.52% |
Hawaii Island | 238 | 192 | 20,592 | 81.07% | 339 | 258 | 138,599 | 72.30% |
Honolulu | 1,130 | 899 | 105,524 | 79.33% | 1,942 | 1,394 | 719,982 | 66.99% |
Kauai and Maui | 234 | 189 | 23,836 | 81.74% | 388 | 285 | 166,345 | 72.36% |
Kauai | 81 | 65 | 7,150 | 82.95% | 122 | 90 | 50,570 | 75.00% |
Maui | 153 | 124 | 16,687 | 81.17% | 266 | 195 | 115,775 | 70.98% |
Idaho | 1,487 | 1,272 | 206,690 | 85.84% | 2,249 | 1,779 | 1,140,300 | 76.71% |
Region 1 | 187 | 144 | 25,687 | 76.00% | 268 | 196 | 162,051 | 74.13% |
Region 2 | 95 | 81 | 13,941 | 87.37% | 193 | 157 | 84,006 | 80.99% |
Region 3 | 248 | 215 | 35,444 | 85.14% | 358 | 280 | 177,028 | 76.87% |
Region 4 | 367 | 319 | 54,583 | 87.32% | 551 | 450 | 324,470 | 76.34% |
Region 5 | 254 | 218 | 24,246 | 85.32% | 320 | 258 | 131,849 | 80.22% |
Region 6 | 159 | 144 | 22,427 | 92.82% | 238 | 187 | 116,280 | 75.58% |
Region 7 | 177 | 151 | 30,362 | 88.10% | 321 | 251 | 144,614 | 74.62% |
Illinois | 6,128 | 4,941 | 1,603,841 | 80.73% | 10,141 | 7,326 | 9,582,639 | 68.92% |
Region I (Cook) | 2,236 | 1,785 | 614,743 | 80.14% | 3,972 | 2,797 | 3,909,027 | 66.87% |
Region II | 2,139 | 1,740 | 548,511 | 81.08% | 3,193 | 2,301 | 2,966,327 | 69.61% |
Region III | 737 | 600 | 189,439 | 82.11% | 1,261 | 971 | 1,104,924 | 73.04% |
Region IV | 435 | 337 | 108,420 | 77.03% | 742 | 545 | 688,822 | 70.89% |
Region V | 581 | 479 | 142,728 | 82.99% | 973 | 712 | 913,540 | 68.97% |
Indiana | 1,480 | 1,262 | 827,280 | 85.08% | 2,362 | 1,819 | 4,832,703 | 72.27% |
Central | 310 | 256 | 208,772 | 82.99% | 480 | 342 | 1,252,850 | 65.08% |
East | 129 | 108 | 71,629 | 83.25% | 231 | 184 | 417,621 | 78.44% |
North Central | 194 | 169 | 117,665 | 87.07% | 328 | 276 | 684,892 | 81.97% |
Northeast | 154 | 127 | 84,849 | 83.11% | 256 | 187 | 470,607 | 70.90% |
Northwest | 221 | 190 | 93,622 | 86.41% | 317 | 247 | 547,399 | 76.04% |
Southeast | 170 | 148 | 84,260 | 84.89% | 298 | 231 | 520,844 | 68.56% |
Southwest | 113 | 97 | 62,228 | 86.30% | 174 | 130 | 383,787 | 72.20% |
West | 189 | 167 | 104,254 | 87.37% | 278 | 222 | 554,705 | 70.65% |
Iowa | 1,472 | 1,247 | 367,880 | 84.47% | 2,283 | 1,825 | 2,315,143 | 76.91% |
Central | 257 | 214 | 64,291 | 83.70% | 446 | 336 | 412,238 | 73.06% |
North Central | 166 | 135 | 44,472 | 81.56% | 212 | 163 | 261,325 | 72.51% |
Northeast | 357 | 304 | 90,377 | 85.04% | 597 | 495 | 563,543 | 79.71% |
Northwest | 248 | 212 | 56,375 | 84.56% | 330 | 264 | 355,786 | 77.84% |
Southeast | 321 | 272 | 77,162 | 82.90% | 467 | 372 | 492,354 | 77.17% |
Southwest | 123 | 110 | 35,203 | 91.31% | 231 | 195 | 229,897 | 80.23% |
Kansas | 1,444 | 1,238 | 361,811 | 85.70% | 2,317 | 1,794 | 2,087,093 | 74.82% |
Kansas City Metro | 525 | 437 | 118,812 | 82.98% | 841 | 638 | 694,920 | 71.91% |
Northeast | 200 | 173 | 70,748 | 85.09% | 395 | 307 | 405,279 | 76.64% |
South Central | 207 | 175 | 45,848 | 84.74% | 236 | 180 | 261,609 | 78.83% |
Southeast | 104 | 89 | 24,628 | 87.27% | 154 | 128 | 142,723 | 77.81% |
West | 165 | 148 | 39,484 | 89.76% | 287 | 209 | 226,507 | 70.39% |
Wichita (Sedgwick) | 243 | 216 | 62,291 | 89.48% | 404 | 332 | 356,056 | 79.03% |
Kentucky | 1,500 | 1,252 | 507,519 | 83.46% | 2,311 | 1,812 | 3,287,915 | 74.67% |
Adanta, Cumberland River, and Lifeskills | 279 | 233 | 87,827 | 82.26% | 452 | 345 | 552,857 | 73.17% |
Bluegrass, Comprehend, and North Key | 415 | 343 | 152,407 | 82.94% | 692 | 538 | 960,481 | 73.19% |
Communicare and River Valley | 168 | 145 | 57,455 | 87.36% | 239 | 191 | 361,192 | 76.48% |
Four Rivers and Pennyroyal | 127 | 111 | 46,828 | 86.60% | 208 | 175 | 314,461 | 82.73% |
Kentucky River, Mountain, and Pathways | 137 | 115 | 55,288 | 85.62% | 220 | 172 | 373,505 | 68.23% |
Seven Counties | 374 | 305 | 107,714 | 81.46% | 500 | 391 | 725,420 | 76.39% |
Louisiana | 1,876 | 1,630 | 566,276 | 87.12% | 2,955 | 2,345 | 3,354,095 | 76.70% |
Regions 1 and 10 | 391 | 328 | 96,032 | 84.87% | 641 | 464 | 645,840 | 71.06% |
Region 1 | 230 | 198 | 50,015 | 84.15% | 328 | 247 | 322,576 | 75.74% |
Region 10 (Jefferson) | 161 | 130 | 46,017 | 85.88% | 313 | 217 | 323,264 | 66.99% |
Regions 2 and 9 | 487 | 429 | 155,593 | 88.12% | 708 | 583 | 887,255 | 79.04% |
Region 3 | 260 | 231 | 51,434 | 87.51% | 354 | 288 | 293,363 | 76.68% |
Regions 4, 5, and 6 | 428 | 365 | 148,963 | 84.17% | 744 | 583 | 863,718 | 74.71% |
Regions 7 and 8 | 310 | 277 | 114,253 | 90.52% | 508 | 427 | 663,918 | 81.29% |
Maine | 1,457 | 1,262 | 152,923 | 86.94% | 2,239 | 1,838 | 1,050,301 | 79.18% |
Aroostook/Downeast | 209 | 189 | 17,149 | 90.50% | 295 | 265 | 126,922 | 85.04% |
Aroostook | 87 | 83 | 8,120 | 94.34% | 141 | 130 | 56,825 | 87.96% |
Downeast | 122 | 106 | 9,029 | 87.92% | 154 | 135 | 70,097 | 82.82% |
Central | 190 | 165 | 19,994 | 87.07% | 296 | 252 | 136,865 | 83.33% |
Cumberland | 269 | 237 | 32,872 | 87.90% | 448 | 337 | 223,551 | 72.61% |
Midcoast | 84 | 77 | 15,312 | 92.68% | 167 | 148 | 117,578 | 87.16% |
Penquis | 210 | 178 | 21,782 | 82.61% | 330 | 275 | 136,621 | 83.55% |
Western | 257 | 219 | 23,183 | 86.62% | 371 | 317 | 153,400 | 82.16% |
York | 238 | 197 | 22,632 | 84.35% | 332 | 244 | 155,363 | 66.71% |
Maryland | 1,353 | 1,161 | 667,492 | 85.55% | 2,276 | 1,807 | 4,392,346 | 76.10% |
Anne Arundel | 92 | 77 | 58,669 | 86.31% | 183 | 139 | 412,948 | 70.75% |
Baltimore City | 157 | 150 | 67,237 | 94.60% | 299 | 266 | 477,159 | 85.95% |
Baltimore County | 163 | 133 | 89,826 | 82.53% | 311 | 255 | 623,999 | 80.68% |
Montgomery | 231 | 208 | 103,657 | 90.55% | 362 | 282 | 735,352 | 76.02% |
North Central | 126 | 108 | 56,672 | 86.92% | 175 | 144 | 339,829 | 77.69% |
Northeast | 119 | 100 | 56,666 | 80.15% | 189 | 136 | 368,342 | 72.49% |
Prince George's | 155 | 122 | 108,217 | 78.72% | 303 | 231 | 644,329 | 71.45% |
South | 150 | 137 | 69,910 | 90.76% | 208 | 164 | 417,518 | 72.55% |
West | 160 | 126 | 56,637 | 78.11% | 246 | 190 | 372,870 | 75.03% |
Massachusetts | 1,614 | 1,327 | 777,724 | 81.64% | 2,431 | 1,871 | 5,112,243 | 74.08% |
Boston | 161 | 140 | 93,954 | 87.64% | 369 | 295 | 643,895 | 76.33% |
Central | 208 | 179 | 107,570 | 86.58% | 303 | 237 | 653,619 | 74.08% |
Metrowest | 323 | 261 | 170,764 | 81.24% | 417 | 319 | 1,180,160 | 73.59% |
Northeast | 365 | 292 | 149,371 | 78.59% | 495 | 393 | 993,794 | 76.46% |
Southeast | 335 | 261 | 145,418 | 75.66% | 511 | 360 | 987,293 | 69.24% |
Western | 222 | 194 | 110,647 | 88.60% | 336 | 267 | 653,482 | 77.78% |
Michigan | 6,024 | 5,030 | 1,273,796 | 83.64% | 9,537 | 7,445 | 7,472,567 | 74.36% |
Detroit City | 432 | 374 | 107,696 | 87.63% | 659 | 528 | 504,543 | 73.90% |
Genesee | 278 | 247 | 54,929 | 89.20% | 428 | 346 | 313,957 | 75.42% |
Kalamazoo | 432 | 365 | 88,014 | 83.08% | 574 | 433 | 514,455 | 73.19% |
Kent | 334 | 293 | 78,714 | 87.47% | 630 | 509 | 444,496 | 76.18% |
Lakeshore | 494 | 408 | 95,883 | 82.93% | 739 | 595 | 524,631 | 77.30% |
Macomb | 514 | 412 | 99,632 | 80.15% | 866 | 619 | 644,705 | 69.11% |
Mid South | 519 | 437 | 127,775 | 83.21% | 848 | 681 | 709,411 | 80.39% |
Northern | 394 | 328 | 103,467 | 83.74% | 681 | 571 | 668,896 | 81.91% |
Oakland | 711 | 578 | 145,462 | 82.09% | 1,085 | 828 | 918,697 | 73.56% |
Pathways and Western | 195 | 173 | 36,430 | 89.14% | 313 | 259 | 248,412 | 79.81% |
Riverhaven | 219 | 189 | 41,691 | 87.03% | 353 | 282 | 264,396 | 74.84% |
Saginaw | 119 | 100 | 26,799 | 82.60% | 208 | 162 | 151,176 | 71.63% |
Southeast | 772 | 629 | 154,772 | 82.06% | 1,194 | 893 | 935,490 | 69.78% |
St. Clair | 198 | 158 | 37,053 | 79.84% | 332 | 247 | 222,294 | 74.00% |
Washtenaw | 413 | 339 | 75,479 | 82.56% | 627 | 492 | 407,009 | 71.14% |
Minnesota | 1,455 | 1,247 | 633,949 | 85.26% | 2,331 | 1,853 | 4,040,193 | 78.75% |
Regions 1 and 2 | 113 | 92 | 62,075 | 80.50% | 193 | 140 | 411,304 | 66.02% |
Regions 3 and 4 | 253 | 216 | 114,124 | 86.11% | 372 | 297 | 689,633 | 81.19% |
Regions 5 and 6 | 283 | 244 | 123,812 | 85.47% | 427 | 347 | 766,018 | 79.82% |
Region 7A (Hennepin) | 272 | 241 | 122,532 | 89.56% | 548 | 444 | 903,152 | 77.75% |
Region 7B (Ramsey) | 139 | 123 | 61,251 | 89.11% | 212 | 176 | 394,357 | 83.41% |
Region 7C | 395 | 331 | 150,155 | 81.65% | 579 | 449 | 875,728 | 80.22% |
Mississippi | 1,597 | 1,387 | 377,309 | 86.61% | 2,480 | 2,007 | 2,164,645 | 76.46% |
Region 1 | 354 | 295 | 86,916 | 82.99% | 552 | 441 | 489,031 | 76.62% |
Region 2 | 187 | 167 | 48,220 | 89.31% | 270 | 216 | 271,936 | 76.46% |
Region 3 | 201 | 178 | 55,486 | 87.62% | 330 | 271 | 306,392 | 78.18% |
Region 4 | 304 | 265 | 69,327 | 86.90% | 456 | 386 | 393,140 | 78.39% |
Region 5 | 71 | 61 | 21,955 | 89.19% | 116 | 94 | 134,021 | 71.90% |
Region 6 | 195 | 175 | 38,273 | 90.03% | 282 | 238 | 224,653 | 80.78% |
Region 7 | 285 | 246 | 57,133 | 85.30% | 474 | 361 | 345,472 | 71.34% |
Missouri | 1,425 | 1,205 | 723,658 | 84.17% | 2,372 | 1,855 | 4,494,236 | 73.37% |
Central | 195 | 179 | 104,909 | 91.49% | 316 | 261 | 614,030 | 75.22% |
Eastern | 496 | 416 | 252,358 | 83.46% | 828 | 623 | 1,558,771 | 69.41% |
Eastern (St. Louis City and County) | 327 | 271 | 158,439 | 81.67% | 554 | 409 | 992,435 | 66.89% |
Eastern (excluding St. Louis) | 169 | 145 | 93,919 | 87.14% | 274 | 214 | 566,336 | 75.37% |
Northwest | 323 | 273 | 172,252 | 84.94% | 600 | 488 | 1,084,204 | 78.25% |
Northwest (Jackson) | 180 | 157 | 76,282 | 87.80% | 351 | 302 | 498,572 | 87.28% |
Northwest (excluding Jackson) | 143 | 116 | 95,970 | 81.75% | 249 | 186 | 585,632 | 67.47% |
Southeast | 207 | 172 | 83,652 | 82.08% | 289 | 227 | 538,562 | 74.55% |
Southwest | 204 | 165 | 110,487 | 79.90% | 339 | 256 | 698,669 | 72.85% |
Montana | 1,493 | 1,258 | 118,210 | 84.26% | 2,352 | 1,834 | 763,923 | 76.23% |
Region 1 | 130 | 111 | 9,350 | 84.91% | 190 | 161 | 59,431 | 83.94% |
Region 2 | 190 | 158 | 17,686 | 82.00% | 293 | 231 | 107,598 | 80.30% |
Region 3 | 328 | 284 | 23,773 | 86.71% | 496 | 396 | 156,631 | 79.39% |
Region 4 | 348 | 295 | 31,514 | 85.68% | 596 | 467 | 203,577 | 74.69% |
Region 5 | 497 | 410 | 35,887 | 82.43% | 777 | 579 | 236,686 | 71.69% |
Nebraska | 1,458 | 1,255 | 228,037 | 86.25% | 2,469 | 1,878 | 1,367,430 | 71.17% |
Regions 1 and 2 | 169 | 144 | 22,660 | 84.45% | 244 | 195 | 141,135 | 74.26% |
Region 1 | 78 | 63 | 10,501 | 80.61% | 119 | 92 | 66,306 | 74.38% |
Region 2 | 91 | 81 | 12,159 | 88.32% | 125 | 103 | 74,830 | 74.13% |
Region 3 | 177 | 161 | 28,390 | 91.59% | 313 | 257 | 168,324 | 76.52% |
Region 4 | 159 | 145 | 25,880 | 92.33% | 242 | 176 | 152,581 | 72.35% |
Region 5 | 369 | 310 | 55,749 | 84.64% | 619 | 480 | 341,660 | 72.48% |
Region 6 | 584 | 495 | 95,358 | 84.54% | 1,051 | 770 | 563,729 | 67.62% |
Nevada | 1,381 | 1,198 | 352,426 | 88.45% | 2,572 | 2,010 | 2,028,107 | 72.44% |
Clark - Region 1 | 904 | 795 | 253,039 | 90.32% | 1,746 | 1,354 | 1,457,468 | 71.23% |
Region 3 | 178 | 144 | 42,235 | 80.87% | 306 | 242 | 250,062 | 78.43% |
Capital District | 93 | 76 | 18,882 | 81.45% | 178 | 141 | 119,537 | 79.46% |
Rural/Frontier | 85 | 68 | 23,353 | 80.34% | 128 | 101 | 130,526 | 77.08% |
Washoe - Region 2 | 299 | 259 | 57,152 | 86.62% | 520 | 414 | 320,576 | 73.22% |
New Hampshire | 1,673 | 1,357 | 174,864 | 82.55% | 2,535 | 1,934 | 1,031,401 | 72.71% |
Central | 482 | 414 | 50,922 | 88.05% | 753 | 586 | 295,017 | 70.10% |
Central 1 | 286 | 245 | 26,786 | 88.60% | 437 | 345 | 145,956 | 70.19% |
Central 2 | 196 | 169 | 24,136 | 87.11% | 316 | 241 | 149,061 | 70.00% |
Northern | 200 | 158 | 21,955 | 81.60% | 315 | 251 | 137,307 | 79.95% |
Southern | 991 | 785 | 101,987 | 79.82% | 1,467 | 1,097 | 599,077 | 72.26% |
Southern 1 (Rockingham) | 390 | 305 | 37,379 | 78.55% | 555 | 401 | 228,982 | 69.90% |
Southern 2 | 601 | 480 | 64,608 | 80.62% | 912 | 696 | 370,094 | 73.72% |
New Jersey | 1,487 | 1,242 | 1,075,093 | 84.39% | 2,355 | 1,799 | 6,678,841 | 73.41% |
Central | 305 | 247 | 248,936 | 80.58% | 448 | 343 | 1,534,599 | 74.83% |
Metropolitan | 400 | 342 | 266,768 | 87.04% | 658 | 507 | 1,601,944 | 73.04% |
Northern | 458 | 391 | 332,626 | 86.96% | 765 | 585 | 2,141,474 | 73.71% |
Southern | 324 | 262 | 226,764 | 81.31% | 484 | 364 | 1,400,824 | 72.05% |
New Mexico | 1,430 | 1,247 | 259,066 | 86.65% | 2,337 | 1,832 | 1,526,696 | 75.84% |
Region 1 | 349 | 311 | 58,448 | 88.98% | 572 | 457 | 309,260 | 78.78% |
Region 2 | 152 | 138 | 32,239 | 92.01% | 261 | 210 | 225,667 | 78.66% |
Region 3 (Bernalillo) | 371 | 309 | 79,082 | 82.14% | 710 | 549 | 500,482 | 74.36% |
Region 4 | 216 | 185 | 35,414 | 85.96% | 321 | 249 | 190,316 | 75.21% |
Region 5 | 342 | 304 | 53,884 | 87.19% | 473 | 367 | 300,971 | 72.98% |
New York | 6,393 | 4,910 | 2,360,688 | 76.59% | 10,893 | 7,323 | 14,947,367 | 63.89% |
Region A | 2,373 | 1,805 | 912,107 | 76.34% | 4,512 | 2,866 | 6,352,469 | 59.71% |
Region 1 | 583 | 476 | 198,154 | 81.35% | 858 | 603 | 1,006,535 | 68.47% |
Region 2 | 939 | 688 | 352,034 | 74.24% | 1,619 | 1,039 | 2,259,630 | 59.66% |
Region 3 | 286 | 234 | 129,454 | 79.49% | 821 | 520 | 1,341,482 | 61.79% |
Region 4 | 565 | 407 | 232,466 | 74.65% | 1,214 | 704 | 1,744,822 | 53.39% |
Region B | 1,778 | 1,307 | 653,512 | 72.46% | 2,722 | 1,788 | 3,817,199 | 63.60% |
Region 5 | 1,004 | 719 | 361,577 | 71.18% | 1,564 | 1,037 | 2,153,515 | 65.09% |
Region 6 | 398 | 286 | 174,401 | 69.72% | 640 | 392 | 1,017,274 | 57.35% |
Region 7 | 376 | 302 | 117,534 | 80.02% | 518 | 359 | 646,410 | 67.39% |
Region C | 1,709 | 1,367 | 595,718 | 80.79% | 2,755 | 1,978 | 3,565,654 | 67.84% |
Region 8 | 418 | 325 | 125,167 | 80.13% | 591 | 418 | 781,502 | 65.17% |
Region 9 | 407 | 334 | 128,898 | 82.33% | 630 | 462 | 739,533 | 67.22% |
Region 10 | 160 | 133 | 62,304 | 81.59% | 328 | 253 | 349,318 | 73.33% |
Region 11 | 381 | 291 | 139,195 | 77.62% | 627 | 443 | 811,738 | 71.76% |
Region 12 | 343 | 284 | 140,155 | 82.75% | 579 | 402 | 883,564 | 65.01% |
Region D | 533 | 431 | 199,351 | 80.51% | 904 | 691 | 1,212,045 | 75.77% |
Region 13 | 173 | 140 | 61,645 | 80.55% | 280 | 204 | 375,809 | 71.01% |
Region 14 | 139 | 109 | 67,727 | 78.60% | 261 | 195 | 416,844 | 74.67% |
Region 15 | 221 | 182 | 69,979 | 81.74% | 363 | 292 | 419,393 | 79.58% |
North Carolina | 1,448 | 1,271 | 1,129,907 | 87.39% | 2,244 | 1,808 | 7,192,124 | 76.62% |
Alliance | 278 | 241 | 203,680 | 86.06% | 465 | 371 | 1,230,189 | 77.02% |
Cardinal Innovations | 213 | 181 | 171,676 | 85.46% | 310 | 250 | 1,040,943 | 76.67% |
CenterPoint/Guilford | 112 | 97 | 124,776 | 85.79% | 202 | 171 | 772,965 | 82.58% |
CenterPoint | 56 | 50 | 63,020 | 89.96% | 76 | 65 | 402,688 | 82.32% |
Guilford | 56 | 47 | 61,756 | 81.49% | 126 | 106 | 370,277 | 82.77% |
CoastalCare | 83 | 74 | 68,161 | 88.50% | 152 | 114 | 473,222 | 66.63% |
Eastpointe | 168 | 152 | 99,133 | 88.09% | 229 | 182 | 605,360 | 71.48% |
ECBH | 90 | 78 | 70,810 | 87.50% | 115 | 94 | 465,547 | 77.05% |
MeckLINK | 107 | 90 | 107,484 | 84.82% | 177 | 123 | 687,306 | 67.58% |
Partners | 177 | 162 | 105,982 | 91.13% | 240 | 209 | 676,167 | 84.23% |
Sandhills | 102 | 91 | 65,474 | 88.20% | 151 | 107 | 411,050 | 66.24% |
Smoky Mountain | 64 | 59 | 60,398 | 92.94% | 88 | 82 | 419,373 | 85.49% |
Western Highlands | 54 | 46 | 52,332 | 86.15% | 115 | 105 | 410,002 | 88.56% |
North Dakota | 1,487 | 1,267 | 85,491 | 85.59% | 2,415 | 1,853 | 522,286 | 73.70% |
Badlands and West Central | 311 | 263 | 21,362 | 84.27% | 522 | 392 | 140,126 | 71.97% |
Lake Region and South Central | 231 | 202 | 11,497 | 87.38% | 301 | 246 | 72,607 | 80.83% |
North Central and Northwest | 291 | 236 | 15,228 | 80.05% | 433 | 315 | 96,440 | 70.21% |
Northeast | 263 | 244 | 12,552 | 93.30% | 432 | 353 | 68,966 | 76.11% |
Southeast | 391 | 322 | 24,852 | 83.44% | 727 | 547 | 144,147 | 72.94% |
Ohio | 6,300 | 5,202 | 1,446,972 | 82.65% | 9,643 | 7,405 | 8,679,993 | 73.07% |
Boards 2, 46, 55, and 68 | 301 | 254 | 66,502 | 84.93% | 420 | 329 | 384,220 | 75.05% |
Boards 3, 52, and 85 | 206 | 177 | 51,528 | 85.88% | 285 | 220 | 280,152 | 71.88% |
Boards 4 and 78 | 134 | 104 | 36,573 | 77.09% | 193 | 160 | 237,293 | 80.80% |
Boards 5 and 60 | 238 | 205 | 48,619 | 86.57% | 305 | 249 | 258,091 | 73.13% |
Boards 7, 15, 41, 79, and 84 | 345 | 288 | 52,964 | 82.83% | 561 | 454 | 356,246 | 76.44% |
Boards 8, 13, and 83 | 312 | 247 | 63,027 | 80.36% | 421 | 321 | 364,343 | 74.62% |
Board 9 (Butler) | 179 | 147 | 50,948 | 82.33% | 349 | 249 | 272,623 | 69.35% |
Board 12 | 220 | 175 | 45,493 | 82.31% | 286 | 215 | 262,549 | 70.62% |
Boards 18 and 47 | 768 | 662 | 190,551 | 85.95% | 1,243 | 977 | 1,189,342 | 73.40% |
Boards 20, 32, 54, and 69 | 221 | 182 | 43,762 | 82.21% | 281 | 213 | 255,951 | 73.36% |
Boards 21, 39, 51, 70, and 80 | 315 | 255 | 69,210 | 80.46% | 388 | 300 | 409,712 | 76.18% |
Boards 22, 74, and 87 | 221 | 173 | 50,573 | 78.56% | 364 | 261 | 293,769 | 71.04% |
Boards 23 and 45 | 225 | 191 | 50,414 | 84.95% | 313 | 249 | 277,561 | 77.98% |
Board 25 (Franklin) | 533 | 439 | 143,769 | 81.88% | 925 | 686 | 878,697 | 70.32% |
Boards 27, 71, and 73 | 277 | 224 | 59,853 | 79.86% | 394 | 292 | 372,081 | 66.19% |
Boards 28, 43, and 67 | 286 | 245 | 64,150 | 85.96% | 425 | 348 | 371,345 | 80.70% |
Board 31 (Hamilton) | 407 | 325 | 98,114 | 79.73% | 663 | 490 | 600,266 | 72.57% |
Board 48 (Lucas) | 246 | 204 | 55,887 | 83.73% | 341 | 254 | 328,774 | 65.57% |
Boards 50 and 76 | 348 | 290 | 74,345 | 83.25% | 552 | 423 | 469,030 | 71.53% |
Board 57 (Montgomery) | 277 | 226 | 64,545 | 81.69% | 426 | 327 | 406,889 | 73.35% |
Board 77 (Summit) | 241 | 189 | 66,145 | 78.46% | 508 | 388 | 411,060 | 73.07% |
Oklahoma | 1,487 | 1,210 | 462,381 | 81.16% | 2,389 | 1,817 | 2,769,565 | 73.00% |
Central | 167 | 131 | 60,108 | 78.05% | 272 | 191 | 344,819 | 68.18% |
East Central | 159 | 127 | 54,862 | 77.12% | 232 | 172 | 318,181 | 71.46% |
Northeast | 236 | 186 | 62,178 | 78.59% | 392 | 299 | 357,243 | 73.98% |
Northwest and Southwest | 209 | 169 | 66,793 | 81.13% | 293 | 227 | 399,709 | 75.88% |
Oklahoma County | 291 | 239 | 83,770 | 84.16% | 485 | 379 | 528,277 | 74.64% |
Southeast | 215 | 183 | 62,254 | 85.33% | 356 | 264 | 381,549 | 67.87% |
Tulsa County | 210 | 175 | 72,416 | 81.63% | 359 | 285 | 439,787 | 77.30% |
Oregon | 1,501 | 1,266 | 445,060 | 83.96% | 2,388 | 1,838 | 2,976,378 | 75.12% |
Region 1 (Multnomah) | 231 | 197 | 71,681 | 82.93% | 491 | 374 | 589,817 | 72.82% |
Region 2 | 361 | 280 | 108,779 | 77.33% | 522 | 378 | 685,867 | 71.27% |
Region 3 | 548 | 472 | 153,380 | 85.51% | 814 | 659 | 931,528 | 78.18% |
Region 4 | 206 | 180 | 59,393 | 87.79% | 336 | 252 | 431,333 | 76.12% |
Region 5 (Central) | 81 | 72 | 22,616 | 89.58% | 150 | 121 | 154,610 | 78.05% |
Region 6 (Eastern) | 74 | 65 | 29,211 | 89.70% | 75 | 54 | 183,223 | 70.09% |
Pennsylvania | 5,298 | 4,341 | 1,557,934 | 82.64% | 8,727 | 6,492 | 9,785,061 | 71.24% |
Region 1 (Allegheny) | 518 | 400 | 136,989 | 77.98% | 917 | 628 | 969,666 | 66.97% |
Regions 3, 8, 9, and 51 | 292 | 221 | 87,160 | 75.33% | 459 | 320 | 547,488 | 66.44% |
Regions 4, 11, 37, and 49 | 361 | 303 | 114,464 | 85.44% | 609 | 458 | 690,120 | 71.46% |
Regions 5, 18, 23, 24, and 46 | 256 | 224 | 89,215 | 88.21% | 404 | 323 | 573,666 | 76.75% |
Regions 6, 12, 16, 31, 35, 45, and 47 | 310 | 264 | 98,097 | 83.95% | 542 | 446 | 558,605 | 78.12% |
Regions 7, 13, 20, and 33 | 948 | 792 | 308,139 | 84.70% | 1,551 | 1,138 | 1,879,717 | 70.66% |
Regions 10, 15, 27, 32, 43,and 44 | 266 | 226 | 60,201 | 86.19% | 436 | 348 | 403,502 | 76.60% |
Regions 17 and 21 | 174 | 155 | 49,291 | 89.64% | 262 | 201 | 282,653 | 72.54% |
Regions 19, 26, 28, and 42 | 696 | 544 | 178,554 | 78.25% | 979 | 713 | 1,100,799 | 68.66% |
Regions 22, 38, 40, 41, and 48 | 395 | 318 | 92,055 | 79.82% | 591 | 449 | 651,777 | 71.43% |
Regions 29 and 34 | 266 | 205 | 80,711 | 75.95% | 437 | 295 | 494,259 | 64.68% |
Regions 30 and 50 | 244 | 196 | 70,847 | 83.59% | 430 | 328 | 477,200 | 75.42% |
Region 36 (Philadelphia) | 572 | 493 | 192,213 | 86.64% | 1,110 | 845 | 1,155,610 | 72.96% |
Rhode Island | 1,415 | 1,231 | 128,522 | 86.95% | 2,405 | 1,899 | 817,097 | 74.14% |
Bristol and Newport | 143 | 133 | 16,114 | 93.43% | 220 | 180 | 104,822 | 74.27% |
Kent | 211 | 180 | 17,605 | 83.26% | 369 | 269 | 130,087 | 67.88% |
Providence | 890 | 767 | 76,773 | 86.32% | 1,524 | 1,210 | 481,780 | 75.59% |
Washington | 171 | 151 | 18,029 | 88.80% | 292 | 240 | 100,408 | 75.61% |
South Carolina | 1,476 | 1,249 | 543,202 | 84.71% | 2,368 | 1,881 | 3,511,346 | 74.20% |
Region 1 | 412 | 327 | 145,439 | 79.53% | 661 | 518 | 912,765 | 73.77% |
Region 2 | 441 | 396 | 169,888 | 90.19% | 734 | 609 | 1,047,533 | 77.38% |
Region 3 | 230 | 187 | 89,688 | 80.63% | 378 | 278 | 612,680 | 68.24% |
Region 4 | 393 | 339 | 138,188 | 86.62% | 595 | 476 | 938,369 | 74.99% |
South Dakota | 1,414 | 1,218 | 96,191 | 86.07% | 2,291 | 1,829 | 614,500 | 77.18% |
Region 1 | 389 | 338 | 22,773 | 86.42% | 588 | 476 | 151,850 | 79.00% |
Region 2 | 148 | 130 | 8,536 | 88.50% | 249 | 194 | 56,702 | 74.00% |
Region 3 | 324 | 274 | 24,289 | 85.36% | 534 | 421 | 147,016 | 77.26% |
Region 4 | 145 | 124 | 14,379 | 82.26% | 285 | 216 | 86,948 | 72.77% |
Region 5 | 408 | 352 | 26,215 | 86.63% | 635 | 522 | 171,985 | 79.14% |
Tennessee | 1,422 | 1,227 | 773,174 | 86.29% | 2,327 | 1,866 | 4,840,718 | 76.55% |
Region 1 | 111 | 95 | 56,726 | 85.01% | 210 | 183 | 398,720 | 86.75% |
Region 2 | 259 | 208 | 138,249 | 80.43% | 401 | 306 | 913,357 | 74.41% |
Region 3 | 227 | 198 | 112,422 | 88.19% | 396 | 310 | 730,952 | 72.87% |
Region 4 (Davidson) | 144 | 114 | 67,674 | 76.07% | 279 | 224 | 490,912 | 79.19% |
Region 5 | 334 | 291 | 197,428 | 88.01% | 504 | 387 | 1,144,887 | 71.29% |
Region 6 | 160 | 150 | 77,954 | 93.53% | 208 | 173 | 479,746 | 75.85% |
Region 7 (Shelby) | 187 | 171 | 122,721 | 92.83% | 329 | 283 | 682,145 | 84.73% |
Texas | 5,930 | 5,066 | 3,379,427 | 85.35% | 9,204 | 7,166 | 18,231,553 | 73.98% |
Region 1 | 243 | 208 | 114,991 | 85.00% | 384 | 290 | 612,927 | 69.60% |
Region 2 | 84 | 80 | 69,889 | 96.10% | 169 | 153 | 411,412 | 87.59% |
Region 3 | 1,664 | 1,451 | 881,362 | 87.42% | 2,535 | 1,993 | 4,868,168 | 73.95% |
Region 3a | 960 | 832 | 558,952 | 87.47% | 1,562 | 1,202 | 3,089,077 | 71.84% |
Region 3bc | 704 | 619 | 322,410 | 87.35% | 973 | 791 | 1,779,091 | 77.67% |
Region 4 | 261 | 219 | 136,457 | 85.33% | 381 | 294 | 827,014 | 70.99% |
Region 5 | 242 | 208 | 95,637 | 87.14% | 332 | 276 | 571,922 | 79.44% |
Region 6 | 1,305 | 1,058 | 802,109 | 80.38% | 2,101 | 1,543 | 4,378,870 | 69.94% |
Region 6a | 1,144 | 929 | 720,444 | 80.37% | 1,873 | 1,376 | 3,911,419 | 70.37% |
Region 6bc | 161 | 129 | 81,665 | 80.49% | 228 | 167 | 467,451 | 66.04% |
Region 7 | 681 | 587 | 394,376 | 86.01% | 1,174 | 943 | 2,216,612 | 77.43% |
Region 7a | 386 | 342 | 234,638 | 87.00% | 685 | 533 | 1,389,243 | 74.94% |
Region 7bcd | 295 | 245 | 159,738 | 84.74% | 489 | 410 | 827,369 | 82.05% |
Region 8 | 552 | 479 | 354,972 | 87.03% | 806 | 626 | 1,909,451 | 75.21% |
Region 9 | 163 | 137 | 75,630 | 86.55% | 251 | 196 | 418,473 | 69.24% |
Region 10 | 249 | 218 | 128,388 | 88.14% | 386 | 301 | 582,316 | 76.68% |
Region 11 | 486 | 421 | 325,618 | 86.09% | 685 | 551 | 1,434,388 | 78.84% |
Region 11abd | 284 | 242 | 198,330 | 84.35% | 437 | 352 | 923,089 | 78.10% |
Region 11c (Hidalgo) | 202 | 179 | 127,287 | 88.45% | 248 | 199 | 511,300 | 80.20% |
Utah | 1,309 | 1,156 | 381,301 | 87.50% | 2,377 | 1,909 | 1,919,693 | 78.77% |
Bear River, Northeastern, Summit, Tooele, and Wasatch | 198 | 181 | 47,498 | 87.67% | 349 | 283 | 228,695 | 79.62% |
Central, Four Corners, San Juan, and Southwest | 135 | 120 | 47,346 | 91.71% | 210 | 160 | 235,146 | 75.34% |
Davis County | 137 | 122 | 43,150 | 88.59% | 237 | 213 | 205,079 | 90.14% |
Salt Lake County | 485 | 427 | 130,711 | 86.89% | 891 | 711 | 738,626 | 77.62% |
Utah County | 229 | 194 | 80,897 | 83.96% | 456 | 354 | 342,064 | 79.31% |
Weber, Morgan | 125 | 112 | 31,699 | 90.53% | 234 | 188 | 170,083 | 73.39% |
Vermont | 1,429 | 1,189 | 74,147 | 84.00% | 2,268 | 1,817 | 498,250 | 77.75% |
Champlain Valley | 601 | 492 | 32,719 | 83.28% | 988 | 763 | 197,921 | 75.42% |
Rural Northeast | 305 | 260 | 16,865 | 85.55% | 470 | 379 | 117,345 | 77.62% |
Rural Southeast | 288 | 241 | 13,425 | 84.10% | 470 | 381 | 104,053 | 76.80% |
Rural Southwest | 235 | 196 | 11,138 | 83.72% | 340 | 294 | 78,932 | 85.37% |
Virginia | 1,489 | 1,283 | 970,964 | 85.54% | 2,196 | 1,772 | 6,033,779 | 77.37% |
Region 1 | 323 | 287 | 163,920 | 88.21% | 464 | 398 | 935,093 | 81.97% |
Region 2 | 370 | 324 | 240,710 | 87.15% | 548 | 434 | 1,660,071 | 77.72% |
Region 3 | 241 | 211 | 164,319 | 88.12% | 395 | 320 | 1,052,640 | 74.21% |
Region 4 | 247 | 203 | 172,918 | 82.29% | 305 | 241 | 1,030,998 | 80.27% |
Region 5 | 308 | 258 | 229,097 | 81.84% | 484 | 379 | 1,354,976 | 73.56% |
Washington | 1,527 | 1,253 | 813,978 | 81.85% | 2,566 | 1,873 | 5,142,951 | 70.44% |
Region 1 | 313 | 252 | 204,239 | 79.60% | 479 | 350 | 1,107,565 | 69.75% |
East 1 (previously Region 1) | 157 | 124 | 113,629 | 77.02% | 261 | 179 | 641,217 | 65.82% |
East 2 (previously Region 2) | 156 | 128 | 90,610 | 82.22% | 218 | 171 | 466,348 | 76.10% |
Region 2 | 694 | 572 | 343,713 | 81.39% | 1,226 | 904 | 2,378,221 | 72.15% |
North 1 (previously Region 3) | 285 | 235 | 137,414 | 81.73% | 479 | 366 | 860,309 | 73.93% |
North 2 (previously Region 4) | 409 | 337 | 206,299 | 81.16% | 747 | 538 | 1,517,912 | 71.21% |
Region 3 | 520 | 429 | 266,027 | 83.78% | 861 | 619 | 1,657,165 | 68.47% |
West 1 (previously Region 5) | 263 | 216 | 130,660 | 82.88% | 446 | 326 | 796,402 | 71.02% |
West 2 (previously Region 6) | 257 | 213 | 135,366 | 84.72% | 415 | 293 | 860,762 | 65.98% |
West Virginia | 1,588 | 1,346 | 216,294 | 84.77% | 2,403 | 1,893 | 1,457,618 | 75.14% |
Region I | 117 | 103 | 17,048 | 86.06% | 164 | 117 | 117,535 | 62.04% |
Region II | 181 | 147 | 32,769 | 82.22% | 285 | 207 | 201,555 | 71.13% |
Region III | 150 | 135 | 19,445 | 87.67% | 213 | 171 | 133,315 | 77.09% |
Region IV | 423 | 359 | 51,554 | 85.08% | 634 | 523 | 320,722 | 81.19% |
Region V | 487 | 407 | 59,355 | 84.20% | 753 | 591 | 416,223 | 74.01% |
Region VI | 230 | 195 | 36,122 | 84.81% | 354 | 284 | 268,267 | 77.97% |
Wisconsin | 1,468 | 1,217 | 680,934 | 82.98% | 2,308 | 1,768 | 4,317,163 | 75.08% |
Milwaukee | 232 | 194 | 113,824 | 84.59% | 390 | 291 | 704,328 | 71.23% |
Northeastern | 421 | 341 | 143,450 | 81.57% | 605 | 466 | 932,699 | 78.22% |
Northern | 98 | 81 | 55,877 | 78.73% | 167 | 130 | 375,980 | 77.09% |
Southeastern | 254 | 195 | 143,386 | 75.53% | 335 | 240 | 867,465 | 68.30% |
Southern | 266 | 237 | 128,351 | 89.64% | 467 | 368 | 844,084 | 78.01% |
Western | 197 | 169 | 96,046 | 86.98% | 344 | 273 | 592,606 | 77.76% |
Wyoming | 1,449 | 1,244 | 68,739 | 85.42% | 2,339 | 1,835 | 425,735 | 75.38% |
Judicial District 1 (Laramie) | 226 | 190 | 10,941 | 85.14% | 333 | 255 | 69,644 | 73.63% |
Judicial District 2 | 134 | 113 | 8,122 | 81.92% | 304 | 251 | 42,113 | 76.39% |
Judicial District 3 | 272 | 229 | 10,611 | 84.23% | 372 | 300 | 59,019 | 77.50% |
Judicial District 4 | 121 | 111 | 4,196 | 91.55% | 207 | 171 | 29,009 | 77.42% |
Judicial District 5 | 117 | 102 | 6,434 | 87.84% | 165 | 134 | 40,852 | 77.56% |
Judicial District 6 | 166 | 143 | 7,347 | 83.85% | 242 | 173 | 43,796 | 70.43% |
Judicial District 7 (Natrona) | 159 | 141 | 9,056 | 87.47% | 305 | 232 | 57,454 | 73.91% |
Judicial District 8 | 142 | 126 | 4,645 | 88.95% | 182 | 144 | 29,755 | 77.55% |
Judicial District 9 | 112 | 89 | 7,386 | 80.18% | 229 | 175 | 54,093 | 76.28% |
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Hughes, A., Muhuri, P., Sathe, N., & Spagnola, K. (2012). State estimates of substance use and mental disorders from the 2009-2010 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (HHS Publication No. SMA 12-4703, NSDUH Series H-43). Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality.
Office of Applied Studies. (2005, September). Appendix C: Research on the impact of changes in NSDUH methods. In Results from the 2004 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National findings (HHS Publication No. SMA 05-4062, NSDUH Series H-28, pp. 145-154). Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
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Wright, D. (2003, July). State estimates of substance use from the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Volume II. Individual state tables and technical appendices (HHS Publication No. SMA 03-3826, NHSDA Series H-20). Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies.
Wright, D., & Sathe, N. (2005, January). State estimates of substance use from the 2002-2003 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (HHS Publication No. SMA 05-3989, NSDUH Series H-26). Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies.
This National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) document was prepared by the Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (CBHSQ), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and by RTI International (a trade name of Research Triangle Institute), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Work by RTI was performed under Contract No. HHSS283201000003C.
At RTI, Neeraja S. Sathe and Kathryn Spagnola were responsible for the writing of the document, and Ralph E. Folsom and Akhil K. Vaish were responsible for the overall methodology and estimation for the model-based Bayes estimates and confidence intervals. At SAMHSA, Arthur Hughes reviewed the document and provided substantive revisions.
The following staff were responsible for generating the estimates: Akhil K. Vaish, Neeraja S. Sathe, and Kathryn Spagnola. The following staff provided other support: Brenda K. Porter, Kristen Gulledge, Jessica Roycroft, and Farrah Bullock. Ms. Spagnola also provided oversight for production of the document. Richard S. Straw edited it; Debbie Bond, Valerie Garner, and Roxanne Snaauw formatted its text and tables; and Teresa F. Bass, Kimberly Cone, Danny Occoquan, and Pamela Tuck prepared the Web versions. Justine L. Allpress, E. Andrew Jessup, and Shari B. Lambert prepared and processed the maps used in the associated files.
1 RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
2 Prior to this effort, substate small area estimates using the combined 1999-2001, 2002-2004, 2004-2006, 2006-2008, and 2008-2010 data have been produced by SAMHSA. These estimates can be found at
3 OAS is the former name of SAMHSA's CBHSQ.
4 The use of mixed models (fixed and random effects) allows additional error components (random effects) to be included. These account for differences between States and within-State variations that are not taken into account by the predictor variables (fixed effects) alone. These models produce estimates that are approximately represented by a weighted combination of the direct estimate from the substate data and a regression estimate from the national model, where the weights are obtained by minimizing the mean squared error of the small area estimate. It is also difficult if not impossible to produce valid mean squared errors for small area estimates based solely on a fixed-effect national regression model.
5 See Table 3 in the "2010-2012 NSDUH Substate Region Estimates: Excel Tables" at
6 The RSE of an estimate is the posterior SE divided by the estimate itself. Note that the RSEs have been calculated based on the unbenchmarked small area estimates.