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CCP Outreach Materials


Find outreach materials for Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Programs (CCPs) and other disaster behavioral health programs.


The following resources may help during outreach efforts. The resources are broken out by target population:


Also available is a listing of creative strategies (PDF | 234 KB) CCP grantees have used to reach people in need of services.

Adult Survivors

Older Adults

  • Helping Older Adults After Disasters: A Guide to Providing Support
    This Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) guide for crisis counselors and outreach workers presents demographics of older adults (ages 65 years and older) in the United States, identifies conditions and situations that may place older adults at heightened risk in and after disasters, lists resources for information and support for older adults and their families after disasters, and features a tip sheet about disaster behavioral health for older adults that Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Programs and other disaster behavioral health programs can customize and share.
  • SAMHSA Disaster Behavioral Health Information Series (DBHIS) Collection on Older Adults
    This collection includes resources for older adults, and for people working with older adults, on disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
  • COVID-19 resource page from the Administration for Community Living
    This page offers links to a wealth of resources related to physical and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic for older adults and people with disabilities. There is a particularly good collection of resources about staying connected and combating social isolation while physical distancing orders and protocols are in effect.

People Experiencing Homelessness

  • Resources Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
    At this part of its website, the National Alliance to End Homelessness offers resources that can be sorted by topics, including COVID-19. Resources related to COVID include blog posts, research briefs, data visualizations, and archived webinars.
  • SAMHSA DBHIS Collection: People Experiencing Homelessness
    This part of the SAMHSA DBHIS collection offers information about serving people who are homeless as part of disaster-affected communities. Resources highlight the lived experience of trauma that people experiencing homelessness are likelier than the full population to have, as well as needs specific to youth experiencing homelessness.

Tribal Populations

First Responders, Disaster Responders, and Healthcare Providers

Children and Youth

Last Updated
Last Updated: 03/07/2024
Last Updated