CCP Outreach Materials
Find outreach materials for Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Programs (CCPs) and other disaster behavioral health programs.
The following resources may help during outreach efforts. The resources are broken out by target population:
Also available is a listing of creative strategies (PDF | 234 KB) CCP grantees have used to reach people in need of services.
Adult Survivors
- Feeling stressed or anxious about the COVID-19 pandemic?
This flyer provides information and tips for coping during a pandemic as well as resources for additional assistance. - Have You Experienced a Disaster? Poster pertaining to adult reactions
Disaster survivors are not always aware of behaviors in themselves or others that are associated with adverse reactions to a disaster. This poster assists adult disaster survivors with identifying possible reactions and provides resources to turn to for help. - Tips for Managing Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The wallet card provides stress reduction tips and techniques as well as lists sources for additional assistance. - Tips for Survivors: Coping With Grief After a Disaster or Traumatic Event
This tip sheet contains information about grief, the grieving process, and what happens when the process is interrupted and complicated or traumatic grief occurs. It also offers tips and resources for coping with both types of grief. - Tips for Survivors of a Disaster or Other Traumatic Event: Coping with Retraumatization
This brochure explains the signs and symptoms of retraumatization and gives guidance on how to manage the symptoms. It provides resources for building flexibility after a disaster and an adequate support system for dealing with triggering events.
Older Adults
- Helping Older Adults After Disasters: A Guide to Providing Support
This Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) guide for crisis counselors and outreach workers presents demographics of older adults (ages 65 years and older) in the United States, identifies conditions and situations that may place older adults at heightened risk in and after disasters, lists resources for information and support for older adults and their families after disasters, and features a tip sheet about disaster behavioral health for older adults that Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Programs and other disaster behavioral health programs can customize and share. - SAMHSA Disaster Behavioral Health Information Series (DBHIS) Collection on Older Adults
This collection includes resources for older adults, and for people working with older adults, on disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. - COVID-19 resource page from the Administration for Community Living
This page offers links to a wealth of resources related to physical and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic for older adults and people with disabilities. There is a particularly good collection of resources about staying connected and combating social isolation while physical distancing orders and protocols are in effect.
People Experiencing Homelessness
- Resources Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
At this part of its website, the National Alliance to End Homelessness offers resources that can be sorted by topics, including COVID-19. Resources related to COVID include blog posts, research briefs, data visualizations, and archived webinars. - SAMHSA DBHIS Collection: People Experiencing Homelessness
This part of the SAMHSA DBHIS collection offers information about serving people who are homeless as part of disaster-affected communities. Resources highlight the lived experience of trauma that people experiencing homelessness are likelier than the full population to have, as well as needs specific to youth experiencing homelessness.
Tribal Populations
- SAMHSA DBHIS: American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal-specific Resources
This installment of the SAMHSA DBHIS focuses on working with tribal organizations, individuals, and communities. Topics covered include disaster preparedness and recovery, federal tribal partners, suicide prevention, and cultural competence. - SAMHSA’s Tribal Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC)
The SAMHSA Tribal TTAC provides technical assistance and resources and can act as a broker or cultural liaison with tribes in your state. - Tips for Disaster Responders: Cultural Awareness When Working in Indian Country Post Disaster
This fact sheet offers information for disaster response workers to build cultural awareness for supporting American Indians before, during, and after a traumatic event. It discusses cultural values, types of traumatic events, traditional teachings, and talking circles. - Tips for Disaster Responders: Understanding Historical Trauma and Resilience When Responding to an Event in Indian Country
This tip sheet defines and describes historical trauma, discusses some of the impact historical trauma has had in Indian Country, and offers tips for responders not from Native American communities in working effectively with tribal leaders and community members in and after a disaster.
First Responders, Disaster Responders, and Healthcare Providers
- Are You Working to Help People Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic?
This flyer highlights key Psychological First Aid concepts and resources disaster responders and outreach workers may use when assisting individuals affected by the pandemic. It also provides resources for further assistance. - First Responders and Disaster Responders Resource Portal
This website provides information about the signs of stress and stress management for responders as well as resources and online training sessions. - A Guide to Managing Stress for Disaster Responders and First Responders
This guide offers information for responders and leaders of responder teams on managing stress at organizational and individual levels and engaging in self-care before, during, and after disaster response. - Tips for Health Care Practitioners and Responders: Helping Survivors Cope With Grief After a Disaster or Traumatic Event
This fact sheet provides healthcare practitioners and disaster responders with guidelines for communicating with survivors experiencing grief. - Tips for Healthcare Professionals: Coping With Stress and Compassion Fatigue
This tip sheet will cover strategies healthcare providers can use to reduce their stress regarding COVID-19 and information about coping with compassion fatigue.
Children and Youth
- SAMHSA DBHIS: Children and Youth
This installment of the SAMHSA DBHIS focuses on disaster behavioral health resources for children and youth, their families, and child-serving professionals. - Have You and Your Family Been Affected by a Disaster?
Parents and caregivers may not always understand and be able to identify behaviors in children and youth that are associated with adverse reactions to a disaster. This poster provides information on possible adverse reactions in children as well as where to get help. - Talking With Children: Tips for Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers During Infectious Disease Outbreaks
This fact sheet provides parents, caregivers, and teachers with strategies for helping children manage their stress during an infectious disease outbreak. It describes potential reactions among youth and the support adults can provide to help them. - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network: COVID-19 Resources Portal
The website provides a wide variety of resources about COVID-19 for families, caregivers, educators, and others who work with children.
Last Updated
Last Updated: 03/07/2024