Train Your CCP Staff
Get training resources and learn which trainings are required for your Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP) staff and how to ensure training is effective.
Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP) managers must plan ahead for training their CCP staff. This includes finding meeting space and qualified trainers. This information should be included in your CCP application.
Often, personnel from other assistance and disaster relief agencies are invited to attend trainings to learn about program services and the CCP model.
Required Trainings
The following trainings are required for the Immediate Services Program (ISP) and Regular Services Program (RSP):
- Core Content Training
- Transition to RSP Training
- RSP Midprogram Training
- Disaster Anniversary Training
- RSP Phasedown Training
CCP managers also must submit quarterly and final reports to their state, territory, or tribal government. Learn more about CCP reporting.
Online Training for Program Managers and Staff
To prepare state and subcontracted local-level organizations for managing a CCP, the online CCP Management Training Course provides program administrators and managers with an overview of key concepts and suggestions for program planning as a complement to the CCP Program Guidance and ISP and RSP supplemental instructions.
SAMHSA DTAC also offers various online training tools for CCP staff. For training on how staff document CCP services, access CCP data forms and training.
In special cases, staff may be directed to complete “Just in Time” Web-based Training. This online training provides staff with a brief overview of the CCP model and its services in special cases when in-person training is not yet available.
CCP Training Videos
To help crisis counselors build essential CCP skills, SAMHSA DTAC developed four training videos demonstrating counseling scenarios. View the videos to watch how counselors build a relationship with survivors, see the human element of the data collection process in the field, and learn how to prioritize the provision of support and resources through your grant.
- Individual and Family Encounter Training Video (13 minutes, 21 seconds): Learn about individual and family crisis counseling encounters and watch an example counseling session.
- Group Crisis Counseling and Public Education Training Video (12 minutes, 57 seconds): Learn about how to effectively lead group crisis counseling encounters and public education sessions.
- Mobile Data Collection App Training Video (12 minutes, 52 seconds): Learn how to use the mobile data collection app during individual and family encounters and watch an example of a counseling session.
- Adult and Child Assessment and Referral Training Video (15 minutes, 15 seconds): Learn how to use the Assessment and Referral Tools in the mobile data collection app and watch an example of a counseling session.
- Stress Management Techniques, Healthy Coping Strategies, Breathing Exercise (8 minutes, 18 seconds): Learn more about the importance of self-care and boundaries between survivors and outreach staff and practice a stress-relieving breathing exercise.
- Crisis Counseling Skills (6 minutes, 43 seconds): Learn about crisis counseling skills such as active listening and watch a role play that provides tips on working with angry survivors.
CCP Trainer Resources
CCP trainer resources includes handouts, forms, and other resources for trainers and participants to use during required CCP trainings:
- Handout 1: Disaster Behavioral Health Acronyms (PDF | 142 KB): An alphabetized list of agencies and terms commonly used in the disaster behavioral field, along with their acronyms.
- Handout 2: Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program Typical Timeline (PDF | 129 KB): A graphical depiction of the timeline for the ISP and RSP over the first year after a major disaster.
- Handout 3: Disaster Reactions and Interventions (PDF | 148 KB): A chart that lists common disaster reactions by age—from preschoolers to older adults—and appropriate interventions.
- Handout 4: Recognizing Severe Reactions to Disaster and Common Psychiatric Disorders (PDF | 249 KB): An overview of symptoms of severe reactions to a disaster, as well as mental health issues that may have existed prior to a disaster.
- Handout 5: The Road to Resilience (PDF | 924 KB): A full-color brochure that defines resilience and offers tips for building resilience.
- Handout 7: Organizational Approaches for Stress Prevention and Management (PDF | 185 KB): A chart listing immediate and long-term responses for various dimensions of stress prevention and management.
- CCP Job Aid for Crisis Counselors (PDF | 207 KB): A foldable brochure that gives an overview of the CCP, crisis counseling skills, outreach strategies, and other tools for helping disaster survivors.
- Exercises and Trainer’s Tips (PDF | 625 KB): This resource includes icebreakers, games, and other exercises for trainers to use throughout the CCP trainings.
- Training Feedback Forms: Trainer (DOC | 54 KB): A brief survey for trainers and other leaders to provide feedback on the training content and materials.
- Training Feedback Forms: Participant (DOC | 54 KB): A brief survey for training participants to provide feedback on their experience.
- References for CCP Trainer Resources (PDF | 190 KB): A list of sources for the information cited in the CCP training materials.
Core Content Training
Core Content Training is usually held during the first few weeks of the CCP. CCP program managers should also plan to hold this training on an ongoing basis for newly hired crisis counselors.
In special circumstances, some staff may be directed to complete a shorter, online training called “Just in Time” Web-based Training, before they complete in-person Core Content Training.
The following materials are used in Core Content Training:
- Presentation: Core Content Training (PPT | 15 MB): This PowerPoint presentation provides learning objectives, discussion points, and visuals that guide the trainer and training participants through the training.
- CCP Trainer’s Guide: Core Content Training (PDF | 5.3 MB): This trainer’s guide contains a suggested schedule and learning activities for the Core Content Training.
- CCP Participant Workbook: Core Content Training (PDF | 2 MB): This workbook includes helpful definitions, diagrams, and information on CCP services. It also includes space for participants to take notes.
Virtual Core Content Trainings
The virtual CCP trainings are adapted from the in-person training modules, enhanced with interactive features, and condensed to accommodate virtual learning.
- Presentation and Trainer Notes: Virtual Core Content Training (PPT | 9 MB)
- CCP Participant Workbook: Virtual Core Content Training (PDF | 6.8 MB)
Transition to RSP Training
Transition to RSP Training happens as soon as an RSP grant is awarded. The following materials are used in this training:
- Presentation: Transition to RSP Training (PPT | 5 MB): This PowerPoint presentation provides learning objectives, discussion points, and visuals that guide the trainer and training participants through the training.
- CCP Trainer’s Guide: Transition to RSP Training (PDF | 6.8 MB): This trainer’s guide contains a suggested schedule and learning activities for the Transition to RSP Training.
- CCP Participant Workbook: Transition to RSP Training (PDF | 863 KB): This workbook includes helpful worksheets, diagrams, and other information to prepare for the RSP transition. It also includes space for participants to take notes.
Virtual Transition to RSP Training
The Transition to RSP and Midprogram Trainings are combined into one training.
- Presentation and Trainer Notes: Virtual Transition to RSP / RSP Midprogram Combined Training (PPT | 8 MB)
- CCP Participant Workbook: Virtual Transition to RSP / RSP Midprogram Combined Training (PDF | 1 MB)
RSP Midprogram Training
Midprogram Training is held 3 to 6 months into the RSP. The following materials are used in this training:
- Presentation: RSP Midprogram Training (PPT | 2.6 MB): This PowerPoint presentation provides learning objectives, discussion points, and visuals that guide the trainer and training participants through the training.
- CCP Trainer’s Guide: RSP Midprogram Training (PDF | 1.1 MB): This trainer’s guide contains a suggested schedule and learning activities for the RSP Midprogram training.
- CCP Participant Workbook: RSP Midprogram Training (PDF | 593 KB): This workbook provides worksheets, diagrams, and information on addressing challenges in crisis counseling. It also includes space for participants to take notes.
Virtual RSP Midprogram Training
The Transition to RSP and Midprogram Trainings are combined into one training.
- Presentation and Trainer Notes: Virtual Transition to RSP / RSP Midprogram Combined Training (PPT | 7.7 MB)
- CCP Participant Workbook: Virtual Transition to RSP / RSP Midprogram Combined Training (PDF | 1 MB)
Disaster Anniversary Training
Disaster Anniversary Training is held several weeks before the first anniversary of the major disaster event. The following materials are used in this training:
- Presentation: Disaster Anniversary Training (PPT | 5.5 MB): This PowerPoint presentation provides learning objectives, discussion points, and visuals that guide the trainer and training participants through the training.
- CCP Trainer’s Guide: Disaster Anniversary Training (PDF | 2.7 MB): This trainer’s guide contains a suggested schedule and learning activities for the Disaster Anniversary Training.
- CCP Participant Workbook: Disaster Anniversary Training (PDF | 395 KB): This workbook provides worksheets and information on anniversary reactions and intervention strategies. It also includes space for participants to take notes.
Virtual Disaster Anniversary Training
The Anniversary and Phasedown Trainings are combined into one training.
- Presentation and Trainer Notes: Virtual Disaster Anniversary / RSP Phasedown Combined Training (PPT | 11 MB)
- CCP Participant Workbook: Virtual Disaster Anniversary / RSP Phasedown Combined Training (PDF | 816 KB)
RSP Phasedown Training
RSP Phasedown Training begins 6 to 8 weeks before the CCP is scheduled to end. The following materials are used in this training:
- Presentation: RSP Phasedown Training (PPT | 1.94 MB): This PowerPoint presentation provides learning objectives, discussion points, and visuals that guide the trainer and training participants through the training.
- CCP Trainer’s Guide: RSP Phasedown Training (PDF | 3.46 MB): This trainer’s guide contains a suggested schedule and learning activities for the training.
- CCP Participant Workbook: RSP Phasedown Training (PDF | 579 KB): This participant workbook includes worksheets and information on the components of phasedown and supporting the community as the CCP ends. It also includes space for participants to take notes.
Virtual RSP Phasedown Training
The Anniversary and Phasedown Trainings are combined into one training.
- Presentation and Trainer Notes: Virtual Disaster Anniversary / RSP Phasedown Combined Training (PPT | 11 MB)
- CCP Participant Workbook: Virtual Disaster Anniversary / RSP Phasedown Combined Training (PDF | 816 KB)