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Find Support for Teens and Young Adults


Being a teen or young adult can be tough sometimes, but it's important to know that there are resources to support your mental health and emotional well-being. Below are a few helpful resources to help navigate these years.

Know about mental health, drug, and alcohol issues

Mental health is a topic you hear about a lot on the news and social media, but it’s important to know the basics—including the signs that you or a loved one may need help.

During your teen and young adult years, many people are introduced to drugs and alcohol and choose to try them or not. Get the facts on how different drugs impact your body and mind.

It’s also common at your age for certain serious mental health issues to start impacting you or a loved one. If you experience this, reach out to an adult you trust like a family member, doctor, or teacher.

Learn more about mental health, drug, and alcohol issues in teens and young adults.

How to get help

If you’re feeling stuck, there is help:

If you need help right away, call or text 988 or chat A trained counselor is available 24/7 to talk about your or a loved one’s mental health, drug, or alcohol issues.

Get help if you’re being bullied

Bullying online or in-person are really hard on your mental health. If you’re being bullied, there is help. Get advice on how to deal with bullies and talk to a trusted adult.

Know how social media may be impacting you

Social media can be fun and educational, but it can also impact your mental health, drug, or alcohol issues.

You can take this quiz to see how social media is making you feel and get tips from experts on how stay healthy online.

Get support if a loved one has a mental health, drug, or alcohol issues

When a family member or close friend struggles with mental health, drug, or alcohol issues, it can impact you too. You can speak with a health care providers, school counselors, support group for friends and family members, and other community support.

Last Updated
Last Updated: 08/19/2024
Last Updated