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Non-Discretionary Funding

Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Block Grant $112,320,687
Community Mental Health Services Block Grant $55,973,788
Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) $4,347,990
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) $1,919,623
Subtotal of Non-Discretionary Funding $174,562,088

Discretionary Funding

Mental Health $49,729,765
Substance Use Prevention $5,516,205
Substance Use Treatment $128,372,977
Flex Grants $5,099,991
Subtotal of Discretionary Funding $188,718,938

Total Funding

Total Mental Health Funds $111,971,166
Total Substance Use Funds $246,209,869
Flex Grant Funds $5,099,991
Total Funds $363,281,026