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South Carolina Summaries FY 2023

Discretionary Funds in Detail   |   Non-Discretionary Funds in Detail

Non-Discretionary Funding

Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Block Grant $13,068,994
Community Mental Health Services Block Grant $16,366,307
Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) $698,580
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) $521,389
Subtotal of Non-Discretionary Funding $30,655,270

Discretionary Funding

Mental Health $9,966,720
Substance Use Prevention $3,162,297
Substance Use Treatment $23,170,857
Flex Grants $2,877,736
Subtotal of Discretionary Funding $39,177,610

Total Funding

Total Mental Health Funds $27,552,996
Total Substance Use Funds $39,402,148
Flex Grant Funds $2,877,736
Total Funds $69,832,880