Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Short Title: SPRC
Initial Announcement Back to the Grants Dashboard

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

NOFO Number: SM-15-003

Posted on Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Application Due Date: Monday, March 02, 2015

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 93.243

Intergovernmental Review (E.O. 12372): Applicants must comply with E.O. 12372 if their state(s) participates. Review process recommendations from the State Single Point of Contact (SPOC) are due no later than 60 days after application deadline.

Public Health System Impact Statement (PHSIS) / Single State Agency Coordination: Applicants must send the PHSIS to appropriate State and local health agencies by application deadline. Comments from Single State Agency are due no later than 60 days after application deadline.


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services is accepting applications for a fiscal year (FY) 2015 Suicide Prevention Resource Center grant. The purpose of this program is to build national capacity for preventing suicide by providing technical assistance, training, and resources to assist states, tribes, organizations, SAMHSA Garrett Lee Smith and other SAMHSA grantees, and individuals to develop suicide prevention strategies (including programs, interventions, and policies) that advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (PDF | 394 KB) (NSSP), with the overall goal of reducing suicides and suicidal behaviors in the nation. This work includes support of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance), and working to advance high-impact objectives of the NSSP.

The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) is the nation’s only technical assistance center whose mission is to advance the NSSP; a roadmap for action that if fully implemented would significantly reduce the number of suicide attempts and deaths within this country. Full implementation of the NSSP requires multiple approaches at multiple levels among multiple entities. Effective approaches require a comprehensive, sustained, data-drive strategy; an active, effective community component as well as an active, effective, clinical systems approach; and community systems that include a wide range of public and private partners. SPRC’s work must target approaches, systems, and entities with the highest potential to prevent suicidal crises and save the most lives. All of SPRC’s efforts are driven by the ultimate goal of reducing suicide attempts and deaths in this country.

The SPRC grant closely aligns with SAMHSA’s Strategic Initiative on Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness. It also seeks to address behavioral health disparities among racial, ethnic, sexual and gender minorities by encouraging the implementation of strategies to decrease the differences in access, service use, and outcomes among the racial, ethnic, sexual and gender minority populations served. (See PART II: Appendix G – Addressing Behavioral Health Disparities.) Consistent with statutory authority, the SPRC also focuses on youth suicide prevention TA and training for the GLS program.

The Suicide Prevention Resource Center grant is authorized under Section 520A and 520C of the Public Health Service Act, as amended. This announcement addresses Healthy People 2020 Mental Health and Mental Disorders Topic Area HP 2020-MHMD. This statutory authority requires SPRC to be awarded as a competitive award.


Eligible applicants are domestic public and private nonprofit entities, tribal and urban Indian organizations, and/or community- and faith-based organizations.

Award Information

Funding Mechanism: Cooperative Agreement

Anticipated Total Available Funding: $5,634,000

Anticipated Number of Awards: 1

Anticipated Award Amount: Up to $5,634,000 per year

Length of Project: Up to 5 years

Cost Sharing/Match Required?: No

Proposed budgets cannot exceed $5,634,000 in total costs (direct and indirect) in any year of the proposed project. Annual continuation awards will depend on the availability of funds, grantee progress in meeting project goals and objectives, timely submission of required data and reports, and compliance with all terms and conditions.

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