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Initial Announcement
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Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)
NOFO Number: SM-18-003
Posted on Thursday, December 21, 2017
Application Due Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 93.243
Intergovernmental Review (E.O. 12372): Applicants must comply with E.O. 12372 if their state(s) participates. Review process recommendations from the State Single Point of Contact (SPOC) are due no later than 60 days after application deadline.
Public Health System Impact Statement (PHSIS) / Single State Agency Coordination: Applicants must send the PHSIS to appropriate State and local health agencies by application deadline. Comments from Single State Agency are due no later than 60 days after application deadline.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2018 Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention grant program. The purpose of this program is to develop a comprehensive, collaborative, well-coordinated, and evidence-based approach to:
- enhance services for all college students, including those at risk for suicide, depression, serious mental illness, and/or substance use disorders that can lead to school failure;
- prevent mental and substance use disorders;
- promote help-seeking behavior and reduce stigma; and
- improve the identification and treatment of at-risk college students so they can successfully complete their studies. It is expected that this program will reduce the adverse consequences of serious mental illness and substance use disorders, including suicidal behavior, substance-related injuries, and school failure.
The 2015-2016 AUCCCD Public Directors’ Survey reported that among college students who seek counseling, anxiety was the most predominant and increasing concern (50.6%); followed by depression (41.2%); relationship concerns (34.4%); suicidal ideation (20.5%); self-injury (24.2%); and alcohol abuse (9.5%)[1]. Wu and colleagues in 2007 showed that 1 in 5 college students met past year criteria for an alcohol use disorder, but only 3.9% of these students received services of any kind.[2] The 2016 Healthy Minds Study (HMS) indicated that 36% of college students report having at least one mental health diagnosis.[3] Data from the National Collegiate Health Assessment (NCHA) 2016 Executive Summary demonstrated that 10.4% of students seriously considered suicide any time within the last twelve months and 1.9% attempted suicide within the same time period.[4] This grant was developed with these concerning statistics in mind.
[1] Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors Fall 2016 Reference Group Executive Summary (PDF | 2.6 MB)
[2] Alcohol Use Disorders and the Use of Treatment Services Among College-Age Young Adults
[3] Healthy Minds Network
[4] American College Health Association (PDF | 341 KB)
Eligibility is statutorily limited to institutions of higher education. Public and private colleges and universities may apply, including state universities; private four-year colleges and universities, including those with religious affiliations; community colleges; and minority-serving institutions of higher learning, i.e., Tribal colleges and universities, Historically Black Colleges and Universities; Hispanic institutions of higher education; or Asian American, Native American, and Pacific Islander institutions of higher education.
An institution of higher education receiving a grant under this FOA may carry out activities through:
- College counseling centers;
- College and university psychological services centers;
- Mental health centers;
- Psychology training clinics; or
- Institution of higher education supported and evidence-based mental health ans substance use programs.
Current GLS Campus Suicide Prevention grantees who received funding under SM-15-008 or SM-17-003 are not eligible to apply.
Award Information
Funding Mechanism: Grant
Anticipated Total Available Funding: $1,847,000
Anticipated Number of Awards: Up to 18
Anticipated Award Amount: Up to $102,000 per year
Length of Project: Up to 3 years
Cost Sharing/Match Required?: Yes
Proposed budgets cannot exceed $102,000 in total costs (direct and indirect) in any year of the proposed project. Annual continuation awards will depend on the availability of funds, recipient progress in meeting project goals and objectives, timely submission of required data and reports, and compliance with all terms and conditions of award.
Grant funds must be used to supplement and not supplant any other Federal, State, or local funds available to carry out activities of the type carried out under the grant.
Funding estimates for this announcement are based on an annualized Continuing Resolution and do not reflect the final FY 2018 appropriation. Applicants should be aware that funding amounts are subject to the availability of funds.
Contact Information
Program Issues
Rosalyn Blogier, LCSW-C
Suicide Prevention Branch
Division of Prevention, Traumatic Stress, and Special Programs
Center for Mental Health Services
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Grants Management and Budget Issues
Gwendolyn Simpson
Office of Financial Resources, Division of Grants Management
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(240) 276-1408