Short Title:
Initial Announcement
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Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)
NOFO Number: TI-14-009
Posted on Thursday, February 20, 2014
Application Due Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 93.243
Intergovernmental Review (E.O. 12372): Applicants must comply with E.O. 12372 if their State(s) participates. Review process recommendations from the State Single Point of Contact (SPOC) are due no later than 60 days after application deadline.
Public Health System Impact Statement (PHSIS) / Single State Agency Coordination: Applicants must send the PHSIS to appropriate State and local health agencies by application deadline. Comments from Single State Agency are due no later than 60 days after application deadline.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2014 Provider’s Clinical Support System for the Appropriate Use of Opioids in the Treatment of Pain and Opioid-related Addiction (Short Title: PCSS-Opioids) grant. The purpose of this grant is to develop a free national mentoring network that will provide clinical support (e.g., clinical updates, consultations, evidence-based outcomes, and training) to physicians, dentists, and other medical professionals in the appropriate use of opioids for the treatment of chronic pain and opioid-related addiction. This initiative will help SAMHSA address the nation’s major concern about the morbidity and mortality that have been caused by misuse/abuse and fatal drug interactions involving opioids used in the treatment of addiction and chronic pain. (see Appendix G of this RFA, Background Information).
SAMHSA has a strong interest in and responsibility for helping ensure that methadone, whether prescribed for pain management or dispensed for the treatment of opioid dependence, is being used appropriately by physicians who have been trained in the latest evidence-based practices. The population of focus for this initiative includes prescribers (physicians, dentists) and other health professionals working in SAMHSA-certified OTPs as well as those prescribers using opiate-based therapy for chronic pain.
The training and technical assistance provided under this initiative will address the specific complexities that are inherent in opioid-based therapy and the ways in which those complexities affect the appropriate care of individuals being treated for chronic pain and opioid-related addiction.
This program aims at reducing the likelihood of morbidity and mortality caused by substance misuse/abuse and fatal drug interactions involving opioids. PCSS-Opioids align with the goals of SAMHSA’s Prevention Strategic Initiative of reducing the likelihood of substance abuse, mental illness, and suicide across the Nation’s communities. The PCSS-Opioids program seeks to address behavioral health disparities among racial and ethnic minorities and LGBT populations by encouraging the implementation of training and technical assistance that assists recipients in decreasing the differences in access, use and outcomes among these subpopulations. (see "Appendix H: Addressing Behavioral Health Disparities" in the FOA Document for this announcement).
The PCSS-Opioids program is authorized under Section 509 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended. This announcement addresses Healthy People 2020 Substance Abuse Topic Area HP 2020-SA.
The purpose of this program is to provide clinical support to physicians, dentists, and other medical professionals in the appropriate use of opioids for the treatment of chronic pain and opioid-related addiction. SAMHSA is limiting eligibility for this cooperative agreement to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, the American Medical Association, the American Osteopathic Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Dental Association because these organizations have the greatest credibility/perceived authority to provide training, continuing education units (CEUs), and support services to their membership that other groups do not. SAMHSA believes they are uniquely qualified to meet the requirements outlined in this announcement because they have the experience, infrastructure, and capacity in place to expeditiously begin program activities.
Any of these entities may apply individually; they may also apply as a consortium comprised of all or several of the eligible organizations. SAMHSA encourages applicants to apply as a consortium. If a consortium is formed for this purpose, a single organization in the consortium must be the legal applicant, the recipient of the award, and the entity legally responsible for satisfying the grant requirements. If a consortium submits an application, the application must include a written agreement outlining the roles and responsibilities of each organization participating in the consortium.
This agreement must be signed by an authorized official of each member of the consortium and included in the application as Attachment 3: Roles and Responsibilities of Participating Consortium Organizations.
The statutory authority for this program prohibits grants to for-profit agencies.
Award Information
Funding Mechanism: Grant
Anticipated Total Available Funding: $1 million
Anticipated Number of Awards: Up to 1
Anticipated Award Amount: Up to $1 million per year
Length of Project: Up to 3 years
Cost Sharing/Match Required?: No
Proposed budgets cannot exceed $1 million in total costs (direct and indirect) in any year of the proposed project. Annual continuation awards will depend on the availability of funds, grantee progress in meeting project goals and objectives, timely submission of required data and reports, and compliance with all terms and conditions of award.
This award will be made as a cooperative agreement.
Contact Information
Program Issues
Anthony Campbell, RPH, D.O.
Project Officer
Division of Pharmacologic Therapies
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
1 Choke Cherry Road
Room 7-1019
Rockville, Maryland 20857
(240) 276-2702
Grants Management and Budget Issues
Eileen Bermudez
Office of Financial Resources, Division of Grants Management
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
1 Choke Cherry Road
Room 7-1091
Rockville, Maryland 20857
(240) 276-1412