State Pilot Grant Program for Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women

Short Title: PPW-PLT
Modified Announcement Back to the Grants Dashboard

The Application Due Date has been extended to April 23, 2020.

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

NOFO Number: TI-20-010

Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Application Due Date: Thursday, April 23, 2020

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 93.243

Intergovernmental Review (E.O. 12372):

Public Health System Impact Statement (PHSIS) / Single State Agency Coordination:


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2020 State Pilot Grant Program for Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women (Short Title: PPW-PLT). The purpose of the program is to enhance flexibility in the use of funds designed to: 1) support family-based services for pregnant and postpartum women with a primary diagnosis of a substance use disorder, including opioid use disorders; 2) help state substance abuse agencies address the continuum of care, including services provided to pregnant and postpartum women in nonresidential-based settings; and 3) promote a coordinated, effective and efficient state system managed by state substance abuse agencies by encouraging new approaches and models of service delivery.


By statute, eligible applicants for the PPW-PLT grant program are the Single State Agencies for Substance Abuse (SSA). PPW-PLT recipients that received grant awards under TI-17-016 are not eligible to apply for this funding opportunity.

Award Information

Funding Mechanism: Grant

Anticipated Total Available Funding: $4,500,000

Anticipated Number of Awards: 5

Anticipated Award Amount: Up to $900,000 per year

Length of Project: 3 years

Cost Sharing/Match Required?: No

Proposed budgets cannot exceed $900,000 in total costs (direct and indirect) in any year of the proposed project. Annual continuation awards will depend on the availability of funds, grantee progress in meeting project goals and objectives, timely submission of required data and reports, and compliance with all terms and conditions of award.

Contact Information

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