
Post Award Amendments for Discretionary Grants

If any information on the grant Notice of Award (NoA) needs to be changed, it will require approval from the federal agency before the grant recipient can implement the modification.

The instances where approval is required are referred to as grant post award amendments. Grant recipients should refer to Part II of the HHS Grants Policy Statement (PDF | 1.4 MB) for guidance for all HHS grant recipients.

Post award amendment types include:

If you have specific questions regarding actions that may require a post award amendment please contact your Grants Management Specialist (GMS) identified on the Notice of Award (NoA).

SAMHSA may approve, deny, or request additional material to further document and evaluate your post award amendment. If the amendment request is approved, a new, amended NoA will be issued. The post award amendment is not authorized until the amended NOA has been issued. Verbal authorization is not approval and is not binding to SAMHSA.

How to Submit a Post Award Amendment

IMPORTANT: All post award amendments are exclusively processed through the eRA system. You must have an eRA Commons account to submit your request.


Video (9 minutes, 50 seconds): a video on how to submit a Post Award Amendment request.

Post Award Amendment Applications: a quick guide on how to initiate post award amendment applications and access in-progress post award amendment applications from inside the eRA system.

Overview of the Post Award Amendment Submission Package: this table displays the minimum required forms based on each amendment type. Please note the SF-424 and SF424a online fillable forms are included in the system.

AMENDMENT TYPE: SF-424 Form SF-424a Form *Budget Narrative (Line Item and Narrative) Project Narrative Add Optional: Other Narrative Attachments
Budget Revision  
Carryover Request  
Change in Scope
Key Personnel Changes    
Merger, Transfer, etc.    
No-Cost Extension
Organization Change    

SAMHSA Budget Template

To expedite review of your application, it is recommended you use the SAMHSA budget template below to complete the Detailed Budget and Narrative Justification for submission with your application. 

Note: To download the SAMHSA Budget Template (PDF)":

  • Right-click the link "SAMHSA Budget Template (PDF)"
  • Select "save link as" and save to a location on your computer
  • Go to the saved location and open the "SAMHSA Budget Template (PDF)"

For SAMHSA to view all of your budget data, you must convert the PDF to a non-editable format by PRINTING TO PDF before submission.

IMPORTANT: For the PDF template to function as designed, it must be opened directly in Adobe Acrobat or Reader instead of the browser.


The following documents provide guidance on using the budget template:

For a Section 508 accessible budget template, please use the MS Word DOCX budget template:

Sample Budgets

The following PDFs are samples of Detailed Budgets and Narrative Justification:


  • Budget and grant-specific questions: contact your assigned Grants Management Specialist (GMS)
  • Program-related questions: contact your assigned Government Project Officer (GPO)
  • Technical questions: contact the eRA Service Desk

Web: https://www.era.nih.gov/need-help

Submit a Web Ticket: https://public.era.nih.gov/commonshelp (preferred method of contact)

Toll-free: 1-866-504-9552
Phone: 301-402-7469
Hours: Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time (closed on federal holidays)

Budget Revision

Grant recipients must submit a post award amendment in order to reallocate funds to address unexpected program changes.

Re-budgeting involves the transfer of funds to cost categories—such as personnel, fringe, travel, equipment, supplies, contractual, other, or indirect —that were not previously approved in the funded application. For example, if no equipment was requested in the approved application, but the recipient now wants to use funds to purchase an item of equipment, then a post award amendment needs to be submitted.

A Post Award Amendment is required for:

  • Reallocation of funds within a budget period that exceeds 25% of the approved total budget, or $250,000, whichever is less.
  • The purchase of a unit of equipment exceeding $25,000, such as a transport van, that was not previously approved in the funded application.
  • Changes in cost sharing or matching, such as a reduction in the amount of available matching funds.
  • Any budget revisions, regardless of amount, by recipients with a restricted status.

Note: If there is a change in the scope or objective of the funded project in addition to a budget revision, then the grant recipient only needs to submit a post award amendment for a Change in Scope. The grant recipient does not need to submit a separate post award amendment for Budget Revision.

What to Include in Your Request

AMENDMENT TYPE Budget Revision
SF-424 Form
SF-424a Form
Budget Narrative (Line Item and Narrative)
Project Narrative  
Other Narrative Attachments Cover Letter
Additional Instructions

If requesting a change in indirect costs, provide your current Indirect Cost Rate Agreement.
Cover Letter:

  • Explain and support the need for the budget revision, including a detailed explanation of what costs are being re-budgeted.
  • Include a statement of assurance that there will be no changes to the approved award objectives, goals or purposes, which would require approval for a change in scope.

PDF Budget Template

To expedite review of your Budget Revision request, it is highly recommended you use the PDF budget template to complete your Detailed Budget and Narrative Justification for submission with your request.

Carryover Request

Carryover is the process by which an unobligated balance (UOB) remaining at the end of a budget period may be carried forward to the next budget period. Carryover funds must be used for unmet project needs and to support the approved goals and objectives of the grant program. The intent of carryover is not to solely spend down the unobligated balance of funds.

A Federal Financial Report (FFR) must be submitted and accepted for SAMHSA to consider a carryover request.

What are unobligated funds?

Unobligated funds are the cumulative amount of federal funds authorized by SAMHSA for expenditure but not yet obligated by the recipient by the end of a budget period.

There are two types of carryover:

Intent to Carryover (also referred to as Expanded Authority)

  • Under Expanded Authority, recipients retain the authority to carryover a UOB less than or equal to 25% of the amount authorized for the current budget period.
  • Prior approval is not required under Expanded Authority; therefore, a revised Notice of Award (NoA) will not be issued.

Formal Carryover

  • A Formal Carryover is a request of UOB in an amount that is greater than 25% of the authorized amount for the current budget period.
  • If requesting Formal Carryover:
    • The requested carryover amount cannot exceed the UOB reported on the FFR.
    • A carryover post award amendment must be submitted no later than the FFR due date. Late carryover requests will be DISAPPROVED.
  • Acceptance of an FFR does not constitute acceptance of a formal carryover request.
  • If the Formal Carryover post award amendment request is approved, a revised NoA authorizing the carryover will be issued.
  • A recipient on drawdown restriction cannot use Expanded Authority and must submit a Formal Carryover request to carryover any amount of UOB.

What to Include in your Formal Carryover Request

SF-424 Form
SF-424a Form
Budget Narrative (Line Item and Narrative)
Project Narrative  
Other Narrative Attachments Cover Letter

Additional Guidance

Change in Scope

Grant recipients must submit a post award amendment in order to change the scope or objectives for federally supported projects.

A Post Award Amendment is required for:

  • Changes to the objectives, aims, or purposes, such as changes to the service area or elimination of a care delivery site.
  • Transfer of the performance of substantive programmatic work to a third party through a sub-award, contract, or any other means.
  • Budget revisions that cause a project to change substantially from that which was approved.

Consult your GPO and GMS with questions regarding a potential change in scope. SAMHSA will not approve any requests for additional funding.

What to Include in Your Request

AMENDMENT TYPE Change in Scope
SF-424 Form
SF-424a Form
Budget Narrative (Line Item and Narrative)
Project Narrative
Other Narrative Attachments Cover Letter
Additional Instructions

Cover Letter:

  • Explain the change in scope to your project and why it is necessary. Include a detailed explanation of any potential impact on the approved project budget, and on accomplishing the aims and objectives of the funded project.
  • Discuss and document any unique circumstances that will impact the ability to meet the expectations of the funded project.

PDF Budget Template

To expedite review of your Budget Revision request, it is highly recommended you use the PDF budget template to complete your Detailed Budget and Narrative Justification for submission with your request.

Key Personnel Changes

Grant recipients must submit a post award amendment in order to change approved key staff or level of effort (LOE) of approved key staff for federally supported projects.

A Post Award Amendment is required for:

  • The proposal of new personnel
  • The replacement of key personnel assigned to the award
  • Significant changes in the LOE of the approved PD

Key personnel include roles that are required by the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), specified in the approved application, or on the Notice of Award (NoA), such as the Project Director (PD).

A change in the LOE of the PD requires a post award amendment if there is a separation from the project for more than three months or a 25% reduction in the PD’s time devoted to the project. For example, a proposed change from 40% effort to 30% or less effort by the Project Director would represent a significant change in LOE.

What to Include in Your Request

AMENDMENT TYPE Change in Key Personnel
SF-424 Form
SF-424a Form
Budget Narrative (Line Item and Narrative)  
Project Narrative  
Other Narrative Attachments

Cover Letter:

  • A curriculum vitae, resume, or biographical sketches for any new key personnel
  • Position Description
Additional Instructions Please see Key Personnel: Budget and Key Personnel: Cover Letter/Narrative


​​Key Personnel (Required by the NOFO): Budget

  • If the changes in key personnel or the level of effort requires a budget revision (i.e. exceed 25% of the approved budget, or $250,000, whichever is less), then a revised SF-424A, line item budget, and budget narrative for the budget year (including annual salaries and the percentage of LOE) are required.
  • If matching funds are required, this information must be included in the request as well.

Key Personnel (Required by the NOFO)

  • Explain and support the need to change the key personnel and/or change the LOE dedicated to the award.
  • Describe the duties or responsibilities that have changed from what was previously proposed, if any, and why. If the duties or responsibilities changed, submit an updated position description.
  • Discuss the impact, if any, that the change in personnel or LOE will have on the budget and scope of work for the approved grant.
  • If the change in key personnel or the level of effort falls below the budget revision threshold, then the letter must include the statement, “The budget changes associated with this a post award amendment request fall below SAMHSA’s budget revision threshold”, and also identify the annual salary and level of effort of the proposed key personnel.
  • The proposed PD must be registered in eRA Commons and the Commons ID must be stated on the Cover Letter. Please see SAMHSA PD Account Creation Instructions (PDF | 687 KB) for a quick step-by-step guide and SAMHSA Grantee PD Account Creation Slides (PDF | 987 KB) for additional information on the eRA Commons registration process for the PD.
  • The Commons ID of the proposed PD must be stated on Field #4 Applicant Identifier of the SF-424.
  • Enter the PD name and contact information in section 8f. Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application when submitting a Key Personnel Change Post Award Amendment application to change the PD/PI. This contact information must match with the Commons Username for the PD/PI provided in the section 4. Applicant Identifier field.

Merger, Transfer, etc.

Grant recipients must submit a post award amendment as soon as possible so that SAMHSA can determine whether the organization will continue to meet the grant program’s eligibility requirements and take the necessary action to reflect the change in advance of the change in status. Recipients are encouraged to contact SAMHSA Division of Grants Management (DGM) to explain the nature of the change in organizational status and receive guidance on whether it will be treated as a name change or successor-in-interest.

A Post Award Amendment is required for the following types of changes in organizational status:

  • Merger: A legal action resulting in the unification of two or more legal entities. When such an action involves the transfer of HHS grants, the procedures for recognizing a successor-in-interest will apply. When the action does not involve the transfer of HHS grants, the procedures for recognizing a name change normally will apply.
  • Successor-in-interest: A process whereby the rights to and obligations under an HHS grant are acquired incidental to the transfer of all of the assets of the recipient or the transfer of that part of the assets involved in the performance of the grant. A successor-in-interest may result from legislative or other legal action, such as a merger or other corporate change.
  • Transfer: A process in which the award is transferred from the current recipient to a new recipient. The award project scope remains unchanged.

What to Include in Your Request

AMENDMENT TYPE Merger, Successor-In-Interest, Transfer
SF-424 Form
SF-424a Form
Budget Narrative (Line Item and Narrative)  
Project Narrative  
Other Narrative Attachments
Additional Instructions Please consult with your GMS for guidance.

PDF Budget Template

To expedite review of your Budget Revision request, it is highly recommended you use the PDF budget template to complete your Detailed Budget and Narrative Justification for submission with your request.

No-Cost Extension

Grant recipients may submit a one-time post award amendment to request an extension of up to 12 months on their project. A no-cost extension (NCE) is to ensure completion of the originally approved project, or to permit an orderly phase-out of a project that will not receive continuation support.

A NCE of up to 12 months, with no additional federal funds, may be granted for a federally supported project based on one of the following situations:

  • To ensure completion of the originally approved project goals.
  • To permit an orderly phase-out of a project that will not receive continuation support (i.e. the project is in its last budget year and has not received a continuation award).

The NCE request must be submitted 60 days prior to the end of the project period. SAMHSA will not approve late requests or requests for additional funding, or authorize changes to the project scope or objectives (such as new positions or new services), with a NCE request. SAMHSA will not approve a NCE request if the primary purpose is to permit the use of an unobligated balance of funds.

What to Include in Your Request

AMENDMENT TYPE No Cost Extension
SF-424 Form
SF-424a Form
Budget Narrative (Line Item and Narrative)
Project Narrative
Other Narrative Attachments Cover Letter
Additional Instructions

Cover Letter: An explanation as to why project goals were not completed during the award project period.

The requested duration of the NCE. The time frame requested cannot exceed 12 months. The request must reflect the number of months it will take to reasonably complete the remaining work, and is subject to SAMHSA review.

Identification of the remaining program goals will be accomplished during the NCE period.

The estimated amount of remaining funding that will be used during the NCE.

PDF Budget Template

To expedite review of your Budget Revision request, it is highly recommended you use the PDF budget template to complete your Detailed Budget and Narrative Justification for submission with your request.

Organization Change

An Organization Change is when the name and/or EIN of an organization is changed without otherwise affecting the rights and obligations of that organization as a grant recipient.

Notification to SAMHSA

When there is a name and/or EIN change to an organization, an advance request is required to ensure that the recipient still is able to meet its legal and administrative obligations to HHS and payments are not interrupted. Recipients are encouraged to contact the GMS to explain the nature of the change in organizational status and receive further guidance.

If deemed appropriate by SAMHSA, the grant recipients must submit a post award amendment as soon as possible so that the organization will continue to meet the grant program’s eligibility requirements.

What to Include in Your Request

AMENDMENT TYPE Organization Change
SF-424 Form
SF-424a Form
Budget Narrative (Line Item and Narrative)  
Project Narrative  
Other Narrative Attachments
Additional Instructions

Letter outlining the grant number, request, justification, IRS documentation, articles of incorporation, etc.

1. A copy of the legal instrument that authorized the name and/or EIN change and authenticated by a proper official of the state or government agency having jurisdiction, such as:

a. If the organization is incorporated: a copy of the amendment to the Articles of Incorporation, and proof of filing with the appropriate state authority.

b. If the organization is a trust: A copy of the amendment to the trust instrument, or a resolution to amend the trust instrument, showing the effective date of the change of name and signed by at least one trustee.

c. If the organization is an unincorporated association: A copy of the amendment to the Articles of Association, constitution, or other organizing document, showing the effective date of the change of name and signed by at least two officers, trustees or members.

d. If the organization is a government entity, political subdivision, instrumentality of government: Documentation from the governmental unit that created the entity showing the (new) name of the entity and a letter signed by a person authorized by the creating governmental unit.

The required documentation that an organization submits to SAMHSA for reporting a name change is the same as the supporting documentation the organization uses when reporting a name change to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

2. Legal opinion that includes a statement that says the name change was properly effected in accordance with applicable law.

Please consult with your GMS for guidance.

Once SAMHSA has determined that the documentation for the organization change is complete, the GMS will:

a) Notify the recipient by email to acknowledge the organization change; and

b) Issue an amended NoA at any time, but no later than the next award action.


  • Budget and grant-specific questions: contact your assigned Grants Management Specialist (GMS)
  • Program-related questions: contact your assigned Government Project Officer (GPO)
  • Technical questions: contact the eRA Service Desk

Web: https://www.era.nih.gov/need-help

Submit a Web Ticket: https://public.era.nih.gov/commonshelp (preferred method of contact)

Toll-free: 1-866-504-9552
Phone: 301-402-7469
Hours: Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time (closed on federal holidays)

Last Updated: 11/01/2024