Submitting Additional Materials in Response to a Request for Additional Materials
Note: You will receive an email notification if additional materials are requested from you. The subject line will be “SAMHSA Request for Additional Materials (RAM) for [grant number]." Submitting a Post Award Amendment RAM is different from submitting a Continuation RAM.
Example: SAMHSA Request for Additional Materials (RAM) for 5 H79 SM123456-02
See the Ram instructional video (10 minutes, 17 seconds).
Accessing the grant in eRA Commons
- Visit eRA Commons
- Log in using your username and password.
- Access the SAMHSA section located at the bottom of the eRA Commons homepage, then select Amendments or Continuations, then click Go to navigate to the corresponding Non-Research tab
- If you are a Signing Official (SO) you will need to enter search criteria and search for your grant. If you are a Project Director (PD) a list of your grants will appear automatically.
- After identifying and locating the correct grant record associated to the RAM request, click the three-dot ellipses icon (…), then click View Amendments or View Continuations to access the application.
- Note: If the grant number of the application you are submitting additional materials for begins with a 5, it is a continuation. If it begins with a 6, it is a post award amendment. Example: 5 H79 SM080071-02 is a continuation. 6 H79 SM080071-02 is a post award amendment.
Submitting additional materials
- Click the three-dot ellipses icon (…), then click Submit RAM Response to begin a RAM submission. If you are accessing a work in progress submission, you will see Edit RAM Response instead of Submit RAM Response.
- o Note: If there are multiple RAM requests, each request can be quickly identified by referring to the brief description contained in the brackets.
- Drag and drop files or click the browse hyperlink to add up to 10 files to your submission (6 MB limit per file).
- Note: The only accepted file type is PDF. If you are submitting a fillable form, make sure to save it as a ‘flattened’ PDF first.
- Open your completed fillable form PDF document.
- Select File.
- Select Print.
- Select Adobe PDF (or a PDF writer) as the printer
- Click OK and save the flattened file.
- Open the flattened file to verify it is not interactive before uploading.
- Note: The only accepted file type is PDF. If you are submitting a fillable form, make sure to save it as a ‘flattened’ PDF first.
- Enter justification comments.
- Note: Comments are required to submit a RAM response. The Grants Management Specialist (GMS) or Government Project Officer (GPO) who requested additional materials may have provided instructions for your comments in the original RAM email.
- If you are not ready to submit but would like to keep the files you have uploaded as a draft, click Save.
- If you would like to view the RAM submission including a system generated title page, and system generated list of included files, and each individual attachment, click Preview.
- If you are ready to submit your additional materials, click Submit.
Note: You will receive a confirmation email once you have successfully submitted additional materials.
Need Help? Contact Us
Budget and grant-specific questions: Contact your assigned Grants Management Specialist (GMS)
Program-related questions: Contact your assigned Grants Project Officer (GPO)
General questions: Call SAMHSA's Division of Grants Management at 240-276-1400
Submitting applications questions: Contact the Helpdesk at
Technical questions: Contact the eRA Service Desk
- Web: eRA Service Desk Support
- Toll-free: 1-866-504-9552
- Phone: 301-402-7469
- Hours: Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time