
988 End Cards for Media

When news articles, entertainment programming, or other media material includes content addressing suicide, mental health, or emotional distress, please update any end card/boilerplate language that mentions the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL) and/or the previous 800-273-8255 number with one of the options below (to ensure your readers/viewers have a clear, simple call to action if they or someone they know needs help or is in crisis).

You can download 988 logos in black, navy blue, or white from the 988 Partner Toolkit.

Option A: With Horizontal Logo & Text

988 offers 24/7 judgment-free support for mental health, substance use, and more. Text, call, or chat 988.

Option B: With Square Logo & Text

988 offers 24/7 judgment-free support for mental health, substance use, and more. Text, call, or chat 988.

Option C: Text only (no logo)

988 offers 24/7 judgment-free support for mental health, substance use, and more. Text, call, or chat 988.

Last Updated: 06/15/2023