Infant Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Grant Program
Body Infant and Early Childhood Mental
Infant and Early Childhood Mental grants are authorized under Section 399Z-2 of the Public Health Service Act.
The purpose of this program is to improve outcomes for children, from birth up to 12 years of age, by developing, maintaining, or enhancing infant and early childhood mental health promotion, intervention, and treatment services.
Project Goals
- Develop sustainable programs serving children at significant risk of developing, showing early signs of, or having been diagnosed with a mental illness, including serious emotional disturbance (SED) and/or symptoms that may be indicative of developing SED in children
- Provide multigenerational therapy and other services that strengthen positive caregiving relationships
- Provide access to a full range of infant and early childhood services
- Build workforce capacity for individuals serving children from birth to age 12 years
- Fill service gaps in systems of early childhood mental health care by providing evidence-based mental health promotion, prevention, early intervention, and treatment interventions
Successes of IECMH 2019-2023
- Trained 19,165 members of the mental health workforce
- 38,253 young children and caregivers screened for mental health or related interventions
- 14,954 young children and caregivers referred for mental health and related services
- 26,788 young children and caregivers provided evidence-based mental health and related services
Current Grantees
Point of Contact
Caitlin Fitzsimmons, MSW, LICSW, Public Health Advisor, caitlin.fitzsimmons@samhsa.hhs.gov
Emily Lichvar, Ph.D., Branch Chief, Child, Adolescent, and Family Branch, emily.lichvar@samhsa.hhs.gov
Last Updated
Last Updated: 09/29/2023