
Project Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children's Health (Project LAUNCH)

Project LAUNCH grants are authorized under Section 520A of the Public Health Service Act. The purpose of this program is to promote the wellness of young children, from birth to 8 years of age, by addressing the social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioral aspects of their development, preparing young children to thrive in school and beyond.

Project Goals

  • Disseminate effective and innovative early childhood mental health practices and services, ultimately leading to better outcomes for young children and their families
  • Build the capacities of adult caregivers of young children to promote healthy social and emotional development
  • Prevent mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders; and to identify and address behavioral concerns before they develop into serious emotional disturbances (SED)

Project LAUNCH Strategies

  • Integrate behavioral health into primary care
  • Screen and assess youth and caregivers
  • Strengthen family activities
  • Provide mental health consultation in early care and education settings
  • Enhance home visiting through increased focus on social and emotional wellbeing
  • Establish participatory approaches with families and community partners through advisory councils

Successes of LAUNCH 2019-2023

  • Trained 52,469 members of the mental health workforce
  • 104,881 young children and caregivers screened for mental health or related interventions
  • 35,155 young children and caregivers referred for mental health and related services
  • 64,219 young children and caregivers provided evidence-based mental health and related services
  • 1,456 partnerships were established with other child-serving and related agencies and organizations

Current Grantees

Point of Contact

Brooke Sims, M.S., Public Health Advisor, brooke.sims@samhsa.hhs.gov
Emily Lichvar, Ph.D., Branch Chief, Child, Adolescent, and Family Branch, emily.lichvar@samhsa.hhs.gov

Last Updated: 09/29/2023