
Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Program

The PAIMI grant program is intended to protect and advocate for the rights of adults with Significant (Serious) Mental Illness (SMI) and children with Significant (Serious) Impairment or Emotional Disturbances (SED) through activities to ensure the enforcement of the Constitution, and Federal and State statutes. 

The PAIMI grants are authorized under sections 101-117 of the Protection and Advocacy of Mentally Ill Individuals (PAIMI) Act of 1986.

PAIMI Program resources are to serve eligible individuals who meet the definitions of mental illness as defined by the authorizing legislation [42 U.S.C. 10802(4)(A)&(B) and 10804(d)].

Purpose of the PAIMI Program

  • Provide legal-based advocacy services
  • Protect and advocate for the rights of individuals with SMI for adults and SED for children
  • Investigate abuse, neglect, and rights violations

PAIMI Program Grantees

57 state Protection and Advocacy (P&A) systems:

  • 50 States
  • District of Columbia
  • 5 Territories (American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianas, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands)
  • American Indian Consortium for Native Americans

The 57 state P&A systems are comprised of 52 Governor-designated non-profit organizations and 5 state-operated agencies (Alabama, American Samoa, Kentucky, North Dakota, and Puerto Rico).

PAIMI Program Performance Reports (PPR)

Each PAIMI grantee is required to transmit an annual report that describes its program activities, accomplishments, and expenditures during the most recently completed FY by January 1.

All PAIMI approved annual grant applications are compared to the PPR submitted for the same fiscal year. Per the PAIMI Act [42 U.S.C. 10824], SAMHSA summarizes state P&A activities and accomplishments as mandated under the PAIMI Act, as amended in 2000, 42 U.S.C. 10801 et. seq. at 10805(a)(7).

PAIMI Program Biennial Reports

Section 105 of The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 1975 (DD Act) requires the submission of a report at least once every two years to the President, the Congress, and the National Council on Disability describing the goals and outcomes of the programs carried out under the DD Act.

The PAIMI Biennial report is included in the Appendix to the Secretary’s biennial report on federal disability activities, which is prepared by the Administration for Community Living and sent to the President, Congress, and National Council on Disability in accordance with the DD Act of 2000 [42 U.S.C. 15005] and the PAIMI Act of 2000 [42 U.S.C. 10824]).

Links to the approved PAIMI Program Biennial Reports:

Last Updated: 04/11/2024