National Technical Assistance Centers for Mental Health Recovery
This program is comprised of five centers
Peer Experience National Technical Assistance Center (PENTAC) is a program of the Peer Support Coalition of Florida, Inc. (PSCFL). Our focus areas include supporting alternate routes to financial and occupational wellness such as entrepreneurship, supporting employers’ awareness of workplace well-being, promoting the exploration and implementation of successful models for integrating peers into the treatment delivery settings and other community settings, and promoting self-determination and inclusion practices into future generations through development of positive youth leadership and family engagement skills.
Website: Peer Experience NTAC - Peer Support Coalition of Florida, Inc.
Point of Contact: Cheryl Molyneaux
Youth MOVE Peer Center builds on Youth MOVE National’s (YMN) expertise in youth peer support, youth engagement, and positive youth development, the peer center will build the capacity of the current and future peer workforce, consumer-run organizations, including youth and family organizations, mental health service providers, and individuals with lived experience to promote the resilience and recovery of those experiencing mental health challenges. We use multiple, effective tailored technical assistance (TA), coaching, and training approaches to improve implementation and enhance the integration of recovery-oriented services into the traditional mental health service array.
Website: Youth MOVE National Peer Center
Point of Contact: Lydia Proulx
CAFE TAC is here to provide mental health consumers, families, professionals, and other stakeholders in the mental health system with information, training, networking opportunities and support as they seek to advocate for themselves and transform the mental health system of care to allow for and encourage genuine consumer involvement and peer leadership. We believe that better outcomes among Americans with serious mental illness will result from putting consumers with real world experience at the center of the mental health system of care, and we are here to provide the tools and expertise to make that happen. Our approach is embodied in the acronym that gives our TA Center its name: Collaboration, Advocacy, Friendship and Empowerment.
Website: Cafe TA Center
Point of Contact:
The National Empowerment Center Technical Assistance Center (NEC TAC) is a federally-funded consumer/survivor-run national technical assistance and resource center fostering recovery, self-determination, and community inclusion. We serve mental health consumer/survivors, peer-run service and advocacy organizations, family members, providers, and decision-makers.
Website: National Empowerment Center - Technical Assistance Center
Point of Contact: Oryx Cohen
Doors to Wellbeing (D2W), a Program of the Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery, is dedicated to peer-led initiatives and training supporting the peer support workforce. Focus areas include peer support workforce development, psychiatric advance directives, supported education and employment and youth peer leadership. D2W serves peer supporters, other mental health clinicians, professionals, and administrators, secondary educators, family and community members, and state and local entities looking to integrate peer support within the behavioral health workforce.
Website: Doors to Wellbeing
Point of Contact: Amey Dettmer