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Recovery Month Toolkit


With the right treatment, support, and resources, recovery is possible for everyone. Use this Toolkit to learn more about what SAMHSA is doing to support people in recovery and how to share this information with your audiences. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in or seeking recovery from mental and substance use disorders.

The Toolkit is a One-Stop Shop

  • Social media content to help spread awareness about the process of recovery and to share hopeful message that most people who get help do recover.
  • Resources for learning about and supporting those in recovery.
  • Promotional materials about recovery in September and beyond.

Our toolkit was created with our partners in mind. All materials are designed to be shared with your audiences and across your media channels; they are downloadable and shareable, and some of the material is customizable.

How to Use the Toolkit

  • Copy, download, and share our social messages, graphics, and promotional materials in ways that fit the needs of your audiences and channels.
  • Use our hashtags, including #RecoveryMonth, when sharing any Recovery Month–related content.
  • Use our tools in tandem with the best practices with your communities and networks.

SAMHSA focuses on the Four Major Dimensions of Recovery: health, home, purpose, and community. These are the factors that all individuals need to live healthy, happy, independent lives and reach their full potential.

The key messages and weekly themes outlined below provide a foundation from which partners can develop messages that resonate with their specific audiences.

Feel free to use these themes and key messages to develop your tailored posts throughout the month. If you prefer, pre-crafted social media content is also available.

Week 1 (Sep 1–7): Health

This week we highlight aspects of well-being and their importance to recovery.

Key Message: We can strive to be healthier and achieve our wellness goals.

  • We can overcome challenges related to mental health and substance use conditions.
  • It is OK to reach out for help with substance use and mental health conditions.
  • Making informed healthy choices can support our well-being.
  • It's OK and important to reach out for help, especially if addiction or mental health conditions are affecting our relationships, work, or day-to-day life.

Week 2 (Sep 8–14): Home

This week’s focus is on the impact a safe and stable living environment has on recovery from mental health and substance use problems.

Key Message: We all need a stable and safe place to call home.

  • A home provides the foundation for a life in recovery.
  • Home is a safe, stable, and soft space to land...even on those really hard days.
  • Creating safe, affordable housing for all with mental health and substance use conditions supports their recovery.

Week 3 (Sep 15–21): Purpose

This week we highlight the importance of purpose as a motivator for positive change.

Key Message: Finding purpose in life may be a powerful driver for recovery.

  • Purpose includes meaningful daily activities.
  • Employment can support recovery, give a sense of purpose, and a way to provide for yourself and your family.
  • Purpose may include a job, school, volunteering, caregiving, or creative pursuits.
  • Spirituality can bring a sense of purpose and meaning that helps foster recovery.
  • Helping others can bring a great sense of purpose and contribute to recovery.

Week 4 (Sep 22–28): Community

This week we highlight how feeling a sense of belonging can help people on their recovery journey.

Key Message: Building social supports and a caring community is essential for recovery.

  • We do not recover alone. Recovery can be easier with the support of others.
  • Community can include people who accept us and encourage us to grow.
  • Family, friends, peers, and others play an important role in someone’s recovery.
  • Recovery is supported through meaningful relationships.
  • Social inclusion, not isolation, is important for recovery.

An animated female character holding a small dumbbell in one hand and fruits and vegetables in the other, with text above that reads, “Make wellness and healthy choices your priority!”

Post Copy – All Platforms: #Wellness includes making healthy life choices that support our physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, occupational, financial, and environmental health. Get tips on taking care of yourself: #Recovery #RecoveryMonth

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 Week 1: Graphic 1 (PNG | 121 KB)

Un dibujo animado de una mujer que sostiene una pequeña pesa en una mano y frutas y verduras en la otra, con un texto en la parte superior que dice: ¡Dale prioridad a tu bienestar y elige opciones para una vida saludable!”

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: El #bienestar incluye elegir opciones para una vida saludable que ayuden a mantener la salud física, emocional, social, espiritual, intelectual, ocupacional, financiera y ambiental. Encuentra consejos sobre cómo cuidarte en #Recuperación #MesDeLaRecuperación

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 Week 1: Graphic 1 Spanish (PNG | 120 KB)

An animated woman seated in a yoga pose with seven circular icons and text above that reads, “Wellness supports recovery.” The icons contain pictures of the moon and stars, headphones, a book, hand weights, a tree, fruits and vegetables, and a group of people.

Post Copy – All Platforms: No matter where you are on your recovery journey 👣 remember to care for your overall health and #wellness. Spend time with people who accept you 💞 engage in physical activity 👟 and explore nature 🌳. Learn about other ways to cope: #RecoveryIsPossible

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 Week 1: Graphic 2 (PNG | 229 KB)

Un dibujo animado de una mujer sentada en una postura de yoga con siete íconos circulares y un texto en la parte superior que dice: “El bienestar ayuda a la recuperación”. Los íconos contienen imágenes de la luna y las estrellas, unos audífonos, un libro, unas pesas, un árbol, unas frutas y verduras y un grupo de personas.

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: No importa en qué etapa de tu camino hacia la recuperación te encuentres 👣, recuerda cuidar tu salud en general y tu #bienestar. Pasa tiempo con las personas que te aceptan 💞, realiza actividad física 👟 y explora la naturaleza 🌳. Infórmate sobre otras maneras de enfrentar tu situación en #LaRecuperaciónEsPosible

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 Week 1: Graphic 2 Spanish (PNG | 227 KB)

A colorful animated hand reaches down toward eight illustrated hands of different sizes reaching up. In between them is text that reads, “Recovery is real.”

Post Copy – All Platforms: National #RecoveryMonth is a great time to focus on your health & #wellness. Prioritize your needs for recovery— ✅ create healthy boundaries ✅ ask for help ✅ take breaks ✅ express gratitude Learn more: #RecoveryIsPossible

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 Week 1: Graphic 3 (PNG | 521 KB)

Un dibujo animado de una mano colorida que se extiende de arriba a abajo hacia ocho manos de diferentes tamaños que se extienden hacia arriba. Entre ellas hay un texto que dice: “La recuperación es real.”

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: El #MesNacionalDeLaRecuperación es un buen momento para concentrarte en tu salud y en tu #bienestar. Dale prioridad a tus necesidades para recuperarte: ✅ establece límites saludables ✅ pide ayuda ✅ toma tiempo de descanso ✅ expresa gratitud Más información en #LaRecuperaciónEsPosible

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 Week 1: Graphic 3 Spanish (PNG | 515 KB)

An animated woman wearing glasses and an animated diverse group of people, with text that reads, “You are not alone in your recovery journey. Help is available. Find yours.”

Post Copy – All Platforms: It’s OK to ask for help. September is #RecoveryMonth and a good time to make sure you have the support you need to recover. Explore your support options at #RecoveryIsPossible

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 Week 1: Graphic 4 (GIF | 2.6 MB)

Un dibujo animado de una mujer con gafas y un grupo diverso de personas, con un texto que dice: 'No estás solo en tu proceso de recuperación. Hay ayuda disponible. Encuéntrala.'

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: Está bien pedir ayuda. Septiembre es el #MesDeLaRecuperación y un buen momento para asegurarte de tener el apoyo que necesitas para recuperarte. Encuentra información sobre servicios de apoyo en #LaRecuperaciónEsPosible

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 Week 1: Graphic 4 Spanish (GIF | 44.1 MB)

Decorative text reads, “Everyone can recover with the right support.”

Post Copy – All Platforms: A home is more than just a place. It’s our safety zone. During #recovery, surround yourself with people who accept you and help you feel safe and thrive. Learn about recovery supports at

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 Week 2: Graphic 1 (PNG | 325 KB)

Un texto decorativo que dice: 'Todos podemos recuperarnos con el apoyo adecuado.'

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: Un hogar es más que solo un lugar. Es donde nos sentimos seguros. Durante el proceso de #recuperación, rodéate de personas que te acepten y te ayuden a sentirte seguro y a prosperar. Infórmate sobre los servicios de apoyo para la recuperación en

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 Week 2: Graphic 1 Spanish (PNG | 324 KB)

Decorative text reads, “We all need a safe environment to thrive,” followed by three illustrations show a man and a dog looking out a window, a man and woman looking out a window, and a woman looking out a window.

Post Copy – All Platforms: People in recovery need a safe home environment. 🏠 What does home mean to you? 🛏️🍲🚿🛋️🖼️ What else do you need to help you recover? Learn more: #RecoveryMonth #Recovery

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 Week 2: Graphic 2 (PNG | 69 KB)

Un texto decorativo que dice: “Todos necesitamos un entorno seguro para prosperar.”, seguido de tres ilustraciones que muestran un hombre y un perro, un hombre y una mujer, y una mujer que miran por una ventana.

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: Las personas en recuperación necesitan un entorno hogareño seguro y saludable. 🏠 ¿Qué significa el hogar para ti? 🛏️🍲🚿🛋️🖼️ ¿Qué ayuda necesitas para recuperarte? Más información en Encuentra Apoyo | SAMHSA #MesDeLaRecuperación #Recuperación

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 Week 2: Graphic 2 Spanish (PNG | 71 KB)

An outline of a house with an animated person and an oversized crayon inside. Text above and below the house reads, “Home is where we are accepted.”

Post Copy – All Platforms: A safe and supportive home helps people recover and thrive. Learn how you can find support during your #recovery: #EndtheStigma

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 Week 2: Graphic 3 (PNG | 71 KB)

Un dibujo animado del contorno de una casa con una persona y un crayón extragrande en el interior. Un texto en la parte superior e inferior de la casa dice: “El hogar es el lugar donde nos sentimos aceptados.”

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: Un hogar seguro y que brinda apoyo, ayuda a las personas a recuperarse y a prosperar. Infórmate sobre cómo encontrar ayuda durante tu #recuperación en #AcabemosConElEstigma

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 Week 2: Graphic 3 Spanish (PNG | 70 KB)

A dark outline of a person in a window of a brick building with text that reads “A safe environment.” The image then transitions to an animated, smiling woman looking out from a window in a brick building with text that reads, “provides the foundation for a life in recovery.”

Post Copy – All Platforms: Life in recovery can be challenging. Living in a safe environment can help. Explore ways to support your recovery at #RecoveryIsPossible #RecoveryMonth

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 Week 2: Graphic 4 (GIF | 31.5 MB)

Una silueta oscura de una persona en la ventana de un edificio de ladrillo con un texto que dice 'Un entorno seguro'. La imagen luego se convierte en el dibujo animado de una mujer sonriente que mira por la ventana de un edificio de ladrillo con un texto que dice: 'es fundamental durante el proceso de recuperación.'

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: La vida en recuperación puede presentar desafíos. Vivir en un entorno seguro y saludable puede ayudar. Encuentra información sobre servicios de apoyo para la recuperación en #LaRecuperaciónEsPosible #MesDeLaRecuperación

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 Week 2: Graphic 4 Spanish (GIF | 30 MB)

Decorative text reads, “Discover what matters to you.”

Post Copy – All Platforms: September is #RecoveryMonth – a great time to think about what makes life meaningful 📚 What inspires you 🤩 What sparks joy ✨ Find out more about taking care of your mind and body:

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 Week 3: Graphic 1 (PNG | 215 KB)

Un texto decorativo que dice: “Descubre lo que te llena.”

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: Septiembre es el #MesDeLaRecuperación y un buen momento para pensar en lo que le da sentido a la vida 📚 Lo que te inspira 🤩 Lo que despierta la alegría en ti✨ Encuentra más información sobre el cuidado de la mente y el cuerpo en

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 Week 3: Graphic 1 Spanish (PNG | 237 KB)

An animated woman stands and paints on an easel, with text above her that reads, “What inspires you?”

Post Copy – All Platforms: Feeling connected to others can help anyone on their path to recovery. This #RecoveryMonth, check out inspiring stories of hope and recovery: #Recovery #EndtheStigma

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 Week 3: Graphic 2 (PNG | 132 KB)

Un dibujo animado de una mujer que está de pie y pinta en un caballete, con un texto en la parte superior que dice: “¿Qué te inspira?”

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: Sentirse conectado con los demás puede ayudar a cualquiera en su camino hacia la recuperación. Este #MesDeLaRecuperación, ve algunas historias inspiradoras sobre esperanza y recuperación en Historias de recuperación de salud mental, drogas, alcohol #Recuperación #AcabemosConElEstigma

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 Week 3: Graphic 2 Spanish (PNG | 130 KB)

An animated heart composed of four puzzle pieces of different colors, with six figures around the heart, including one figure in a wheelchair. Text above and below the heart reads, “Everyone can play a part in the recovery journey.”

Post Copy – All Platforms: 📣 Check in with someone in #recovery and ask them to share which activities give their life meaning. Showing you value what they enjoy shows you care. 💝 Learn how you can help your friends in #recovery: #RecoveryMonth #EndtheStigma

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 Week 3: Graphic 3 (PNG | 151 KB)

Un dibujo animado de un corazón compuesto por cuatro piezas de rompecabezas de diferentes colores, con las figuras de seis personas alrededor del corazón, incluida la figura de una persona en silla de ruedas. Un texto en la parte superior e inferior del corazón dice: 'Todos podemos contribuir al proceso de recuperación'

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: 📣Habla con alguien que esté en el camino hacia la #recuperación y pídele que te cuente qué actividades le dan significado a su vida. Valora lo que ellos disfrutan para demostrar que te importa. 💝 Infórmate sobre cómo ayudar a tus amigos en el camino hacia la #recuperación en #MesDeLaRecuperación #AcabemosConElEstigma

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 Week 3: Graphic 3 Spanish (PNG | 147 KB)

Several animated arms wearing colorful sleeves reach toward each other and put their hands together. Text to the right reads, “Helping others helps recovery.”

Post Copy – All Platforms: #RecoveryIsPossible. Volunteering, helping a friend or neighbor, and teaching someone a new skill fosters a feeling of connection and recovery. You can make a difference in someone’s life.

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 Week 3: Graphic 4 (GIF | 17.5 MB)

Un dibujo animado de varios brazos con mangas coloridas se extienden entre sí y juntan las manos. Un texto a la derecha dice: 'Ayudar a los demás ayuda a la recuperación.'

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: #LaRecuperaciónEsPosible. Ofrecerse como voluntario, ayudar a un amigo o vecino y enseñarle a alguien una nueva destreza fomenta un sentimiento de conexión y recuperación. Tú puedes tener un impacto positivo en la vida de alguien

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 Week 3: Graphic 4 Spanish (GIF | 17 MB)

An animated, racially diverse group of people with a banner in front that reads, “When we support each other, we all do better.”

Post Copy – All Platforms: Relationships and social networks lead to friendship, love, hope, and support. 🖤🤎❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Recovery can be a more manageable journey with the support of others. #RecoveryMonth
Together, we can make long-term recovery a reality for everyone, regardless of who they are and where they are in their journey. Learn more: #Recovery #EndtheStigma

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 Week 4: Graphic 1 (PNG | 274 KB)

Un dibujo animado de un grupo de gente racialmente diverso con un báner en la parte frontal que dice: 'Cuando nos apoyamos los unos a los otros, nos va mejor.'

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: Las relaciones y las conexiones sociales conducen a la amistad, el amor, la esperanza y el apoyo. 🖤🤎❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 El proceso de recuperación puede ser más llevadero con el apoyo de otros. #MesDeLaRecuperación

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 Week 4: Graphic 1 Spanish (PNG | 272 KB)

Eleven animated people standing in two rows and holding hands with text above that reads, “People recover together.”

Post Copy – All Platforms: Friendship is a superpower! 💪❤️ During #RecoveryMonth and beyond, reach out to a friend 👋 in #recovery and invite them to join you in activities that support their recovery journey. 🏓⚽🧩

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 Week 4: Graphic 2 (PNG | 132 KB)

Un dibujo animado de once personas de pie, en dos filas y que se toman de la mano con un texto en la parte superior que dice: 'Las personas se recuperan juntas'

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: Juntos podemos hacer que la recuperación a largo plazo sea una realidad para todos, sin importar quiénes seamos o en qué parte del proceso estemos. Más información en #Recuperación #AcabemosConElEstigma

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 Week 4: Graphic 2 Spanish (PNG | 134 KB)

A big circle with an animated woman inside has lines linking to four smaller circles, each with an animated person looking toward the big circle. Text above and below reads, “Family, friends, peers, and others can play an important role in someone’s recovery.”

Post Copy – All Platforms: Thank you to everyone who got involved in #RecoveryMonth this year and spread the word that #RecoveryIsPossible! Check out what SAMHSA is doing to support #recovery year-round.

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 Week 4: Graphic 3 (GIF | 1.8 MB)

Un dibujo animado de una mujer dentro de un círculo grande con unas líneas que se unen a cuatro círculos más pequeños y dentro de cada uno hay una persona que mira hacia el círculo grande. El texto en la parte superior e inferior dice: 'La familia, los amigos, los compañeros y otras personas pueden tener un papel importante en la recuperación de alguien.'

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: ¡La amistad es un superpoder! 💪❤️ Durante el #MesDeLaRecuperación, y el resto del año, ponte en contacto con amigos 👋 que estén en el proceso de #recuperación e invítalos a hacer actividades que apoyen sus metas. 🏓⚽🧩

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 Week 4: Graphic 3 Spanish (GIF | 35.4 MB)

A banner with decorative text reads, “Thank you for supporting recovery!” Below it are several oval shapes that read “Thank you” in English and other languages.

Post Copy – All Platforms: Relationships and social networks lead to friendship, love, hope, and support. 🖤🤎❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Recovery can be a more manageable journey with the support of others. #RecoveryMonth

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 Week 4: Graphic 4 (PNG | 190 KB)

Un báner con un texto decorativo que dice: “¡Gracias por apoyar la recuperación!” Debajo se muestran varios óvalos que dicen “Gracias” en español y otros idiomas.

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: ¡Gracias a todos los que participaron en el #MesDeLaRecuperación este año y difundieron la noticia de que #LaRecuperaciónEsPosible! Descubre lo que SAMHSA hace para apoyar la #recuperación durante todo el año.

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 Week 4: Graphic 4 Spanish (PNG | 198 KB)

Six racially diverse, animated men and women standing together, with text above that reads, “Thanks for your commitment to supporting recovery!”

Post Copy – All Platforms: We celebrate #NationalGratitudeDay by thanking those who help friends and loved ones through #recovery. We are grateful for everything you do to keep yourself and those you love healthy! Find support for yourself or to support others:

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 Gratitude Day Graphic (PNG | 368 KB)

Un dibujo animado de seis personas, hombres y mujeres, racialmente diversas, con un texto en la parte superior que dice: '¡Gracias por comprometerte a apoyar la recuperación!'

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: Celebrarmos el #DíaNacionalDeLaGratitud agradeciendo a quienes ayudan a sus amigos y seres queridos en su camino hacia la #recuperación. ¡Te agradecemos por todo lo que haces para mantener tu salud y la de tus seres queridos! Encuentra apoyo para ti o para ayudar a otros en

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 Gratitude Day Graphic Spanish (PNG | 375 KB)

Nine squares in three rows of three contain animated people, including a man in a suit, a police officer, a woman, a soldier, a doctor, a construction worker, a teacher holding a globe, and a man holding a box. The middle square reads, “Happy Labor Day.”

Post Copy – All Platforms: Today and during #RecoveryMonth, we celebrate the work of the dedicated people across the country who comprise the incredible recovery and mental health workforce and peer support network. We celebrate the hard work you do every day to support people in recovery. #LaborDay #Recovery

Short for Twitter/X:
Happy #LaborDay! We celebrate the work of the dedicated people across the country in the incredible recovery & mental health workforce & peer support network. We celebrate the hard work you do every day to support people in recovery. #RecoveryMonth

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 Labor Day Graphic (PNG | 198 KB)

Un dibujo animado de nueve recuadros, con tres filas de tres, que contienen las figuras de un hombre con traje de oficina, un policía, una mujer, un soldado, una doctora, un trabajador de construcción, una maestra que sostiene un globo terráqueo y un hombre que sostiene una caja. El recuadro central dice “Feliz Día del Trabajo”

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: Hoy, y durante el #MesDeLaRecuperación, aplaudimos el trabajo y dedicación de las personas en todo el país que son parte de la fuerza laboral y red de apoyo para la recuperación y la salud mental. Celebramos el arduo trabajo que hacen cada día para apoyar a las personas en su camino hacia la recuperación. #DíaDelTrabajo #Recuperación

Spanish Short for Twitter/X: ¡Feliz #DíaDelTrabajo! Hoy, y todos los días, aplaudimos el trabajo y dedicación de las personas en todo el país que son parte de la fuerza laboral y red de apoyo para la recuperación y la salud mental. Celebramos el arduo trabajo que hacen cada día para apoyar a las personas en su camino hacia la recuperación. #MesDeLaRecuperación

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 Labor Day Graphic Spanish (PNG | 202 KB)

 A square with text inside that reads, “Celebrate Native American Day” against a background with a native design.

Post Copy – All Platforms: We are proud to celebrate #NativeAmericanDay as we work to ensure that American Indians and Alaska Natives have access to culturally appropriate #RecoverySupport services. Check out SAMHSA’s recovery resources for tribal communities. #RecoveryMonth

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  Native American Day Graphic (PNG | 147 KB)

An American flag with text below that reads, “9/11. Patriot Day. Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990. Veterans Crisis Line, Dial 988 then Press 1. Call or text 988 or chat”

Post Copy – All Platforms: On Patriot Day, we remember our nation's first responders and everyone whose occupational challenges could impact their mental health, wellness, and #recovery efforts. We see you, honor you, and thank you! If you are struggling to cope, reach out to get the support you need: #RecoveryMonth #NeverForget

Short for Twitter/X: On #PatriotDay, we remember our nation's first responders & those whose occupational challenges could impact their recovery efforts. We see you, honor you & thank you! If you're struggling, reach out to get the support you need. #RecoveryMonth #NeverForget

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 Patriot Day Graphic (PNG | 82 KB)

Una bandera de los Estados Unidos con un texto debajo que dice: '11 de septiembre, Día del Patriota, Línea de Ayuda para los Afectados por Catástrofes, 1-800-985-5990 y luego oprime 2. Línea de Crisis para Veteranos, 988 y luego oprime 1. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea en'

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: El Día del Patriota, recordamos a los miembros de los servicios de emergencia de la nación y a todas las personas cuyos riesgos ocupacionales pueden afectar su salud mental, bienestar y esfuerzos de #recuperación. ¡Te reconocemos, te honramos y te agradecemos! Si tienes dificultades para enfrentar alguna situación y necesitas ayuda, comunícate con nosotros #MesDeLaRecuperación #NoDebemosOlvidar

Spanish Short for Twitter/X: Short for Twitter/X El #DíaDelPatriota, recordamos a los miembros de los servicios de emergencia de la nación y a aquellos cuyos riesgos ocupacionales pueden afectar sus esfuerzos de recuperación. ¡Te reconocemos, te honramos y te agradecemos! Si tienes dificultades para enfrentar alguna situación y necesitas ayuda, comunícate con nosotros #MesDeLaRecuperación #NoDebemosOlvidar

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 Patriot Day Graphic Spanish (PNG | 100 KB)

Three animated people facing away from the viewer with their arms around each other. Text above reads, “You are not alone.” Text below reads, “Call or text 988 or chat”

Post Copy – All Platforms: Today is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay—a time to spread the word that help is always available. If you are struggling, call or text 988 or chat 💜

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 Suicide Awareness Month Graphic (PNG | 171 KB)

Un dibujo animado de tres personas de espalda que se abrazan entre sí. El texto en la parte superior dice: 'No estás solo.' El texto en la parte inferior dice: 'Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea en'

Spanish Post Copy – All Platforms: Hoy es el #DíaMundialDeLaPrevenciónDelSuicicio, un momento para recordarle a todos que siempre hay ayuda disponible. Si estás pasando por un momento difícil, llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea en💜

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 Suicide Awareness Month Graphic Spanish (PNG | 172 KB)

We hope you find these stickers helpful in engaging your audiences and promoting our shared mission:

Instagram Stories:

  • Open the Instagram app, and create a new story.
  • Tap the sticker icon (a smiley face) in the top right corner.
  • In the search bar, type @SAMHSAstickers.
  • Select the sticker you want to use, and place it on your story.

Facebook stories:

  • Open the Facebook app, and create a new story.
  • Tap the sticker icon (a smiley face) in the top right corner.
  • In the search bar, type @SAMHSAstickers.
  • Select the sticker you want to use, and place it on your story.

X (formerly Twitter):

  • Open the X app, and create a new post.
  • Tap the “GIF” icon in the lower left corner of the screen.
  • In the search bar, type @SAMHSAstickers.
  • Select the sticker you want to use, and attach it to your post.

We hope you find these stickers helpful in engaging your audiences and promoting our shared mission.

Stickers - Spanish

The official hashtags below serve as a unifying thread for social media content related to Recovery Month and make it easy for people to find and follow the conversation. Use the following hashtags to tie any of your Recovery Month-related content:

  • #RecoveryMonth (primary hashtag)
  • #RecoveryMonth2024
  • #RecoveryIsPossible (second primary)
  • #Recovery
  • #Wellness
  • #EndtheStigma

For a Spanish-speaking audience, please consider using these hashtags:

  • #MesDeLaRecuperación (primary hashtag)
  • #MesDeLaRecuperación2024
  • #LaRecuperaciónEsPosible (second primary)
  • #Recuperación
  • #Bienestar
  • #AcabemosConElEstigma

Apply a National Recovery Month frame to your social media profile picture throughout September to promote recovery awareness.

Social Media Profile Frames – English

Social Media Profile Frames – Spanish

Last Updated
Last Updated: 08/16/2024
Last Updated