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This children’s storybook follows a young penguin named Pedro as he moves to a shelter after an emergency occurs in his neighborhood. The story follows Pedro as he meets new friends and helpers in the shelter.
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This children’s activity book follows a young penguin named Pedro and his friends as they cope with their feelings and reactions after experiencing an emergency event. The activities included teach children skills for managing their emotions and coping with stress or fear.
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This children’s book was developed to help young children and their families talk about feelings and worries they have after experiencing a hurricane. The story describes children’s reactions and talks about how their parents help them to express their emotions and feel safer. In the back of the booklet, there is a parents’ guide that suggests ways that parents can use the story with their children.
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This wallet card can be completed by parents and caregivers. The card contains space for entering vital information that is necessary during emergencies.
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This fact sheet provides disaster survivors with strategies for evaluating and managing their emotional health and disaster reactions. It provides information on possible reactions, steps for coping, and guidance for seeking additional support.
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This document helps families prepare for a disaster or other emergency. It reviews information families should know before an emergency, such as the location of evacuation routes. It also helps families create an emergency plan and a family communication plan.
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Developed in collaboration with the American Red Cross, this booklet offers information about how children typically react to disasters and suggests ways for parents and other caregivers and other adults to help children in coping. It also includes information to help families prepare for disasters and steps to take in creating a family disaster plan.