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TF-CBT Web is a web-based training course for learning Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. It includes streaming video demonstrations, clinical scripts, cultural considerations, clinical challenges and other learning resources related to TF-CBT.
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This fact sheet outlines this evidence-based treatment and its purpose, including the target population and essential components. This resource provides a detailed analysis of Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and includes clinical and anecdotal evidence, materials and requirements, and proven outcomes to help inform healthcare professionals considering this treatment model.
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CTG Web is a follow-up training course to TF-CBT web that teaches therapists how to apply TF-CBT to cases of child traumatic grief. The course also includes streaming video demonstrations, clinical scripts, cultural considerations, clinical challenges and other learning resources related to TF-CBT and tailored for childhood traumatic grief.
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This video prepares practitioners to provide trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) to help children with traumatic grief. It features role playing of each component of TF-CBT.
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This article reviews the use of cognitive behavior therapy in treating trauma survivors at risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder. [Authors: Bryant, R. A., Sackville, T., Dang, S. T., Moulds, M., and Guthrie, R.]
ISTSS promotes advancement and exchange of knowledge about severe stress and trauma. This knowledge includes understanding the scope and consequences of traumatic exposure, preventing traumatic events and ameliorating their consequences, and advocating for the field of traumatic stress.
This review article discusses the evidence for the effectiveness of psychological interventions within the first month following any type of traumatic event. [Authors: McNally, R. J., Bryant, R. A., Ehlers, A.]