There are five total images designed to be uploaded as part of the carousel. To create a carousel, download each image below, create a new post on Instagram, and select the square icon next to the camera icon to select multiple images to upload.
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When life gets tough, it can feel overwhelming. People connect with the #988Lifeline to get help with a lot of things, including:
Thoughts of suicide, drinking too much, #anxiety, sexual orientation, drug use, feeling depressed, mental and physical illness, #loneliness, #trauma, relationships, economic worries, and more.
Whatever your reason, the #988Lifeline is here to help. Call or text: 988. Chat: #MentalHealth
Image 1
Alt Text: Reasons to connect with 988. You can call, text, and chat the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline to talk about a lot of things. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
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Instagram Post Graphic 1 (PNG | 554 KB)
Image 2
Alt Text: Purple graphic with navy blue writing that reads reasons to connect with 988. Thoughts of suicide. Drinking too much or drug use. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
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Instagram Post Graphic 2 (PNG | 153 KB)
Image 3
Alt Text: Purple graphic with navy blue writing that reads reasons to connect with 988. Anxiety. Sexual orientation. Feeling depressed. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
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Instagram Post Graphic 3 (PNG | 156 KB
Image 4
Alt Text: Purple graphic with navy blue writing that reads reasons to connect with 988. Mental and physical illness. Loneliness. Trauma. Relationships. Economic worries, and more. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
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Instagram Post Graphic 4 (PNG | 185 KB)
Image 5
Alt Text: Purple graphic with navy blue writing that reads whatever your reason for connecting, the 988 Lifeline is here to help. Visit for more information. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
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Instagram Post Graphic 5 (PNG | 183 KB)