Variations in disaster preparedness by mental health, perceived general health, and disability status

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This article describes a survey conducted in Los Angeles County in California to examine disaster preparedness among people with disabilities, people with chronic health conditions, and people with serious mental illness (SMI). They found that people with SMI were significantly less likely than those without SMI to have disaster supplies and an emergency communication plan.

People with disabilities were not similarly at risk. Researchers note that their findings suggest that it might be good for officials and providers to work together to help people with SMI and chronic health conditions (a group also found to have lower levels of preparedness) to prepare for disasters. [Authors: Eisenman D, Zhou Q, Ong M, Asch S, Glik D, Long A. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2009 Mar;3(1):33-41.]

Authoring Agency
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness