The H/L-COE will (1) develop and disseminate culturally informed, evidence-based behavioral health information; (2) provide training and technical assistance (TTA) on evidence-based and best practices in mental health promotion, prevention, and treatment and recovery from mental health and substance use disorders; and (3) expand the behavioral health workforce for Hispanic and Latino communities.
The Hispanic/Latino Behavioral Health CoE serves as a resource to mental health and substance use providers, primary care providers, community-based and faith-based organizations, research institutions, Hispanic and Latino-Serving Institutions (HSIs) of higher education, peer and recovery support service providers, state, regional, local, and federal entities, other systems that address behavioral health issues experienced by Hispanic and Latino individuals (e.g. education, criminal justice, and social services), and the general public, including Hispanic and Latino individuals, families and communities and those with lived experience.
SAMHSA Point of Contact: martha.kent@samhsa.hhs.gov
Hispanic/Latino COE Contact: info@hispaniclatinobehavioralhealth.org