The purpose of the ROTA-R is to develop and disseminate training and technical assistance addressing opioid and stimulant use affecting rural communities. The ROTA-R teams are expected to facilitate the identification of model programs, develop and update materials related to the prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery activities for opioid use disorder (OUD) and/or stimulant use disorder, and ensure that high-quality training is provided.
The ROTA-R program is comprised of ten Regional Centers, with one located in each of the ten HHS regions.
ROTA-R Grantees
Region 1 - University of Rhode Island
Region 2 - New York State Psychiatric Institute
Region 3 - Pennsylvania State - University Park
Region 4 - Florida State University
Region 5 - University of Wisconsin - Madison
Region 6 - Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences
Region 7 - Iowa State University
Region 8 - Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Region 9 - University of Nevada Reno
Region 10 - Washington State University
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