Cooperative Agreements for School-Based Trauma-Informed Support Services (TISS) and Mental Health Care for Children and Youth
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for school and community-based trauma-informed services for children and youth, and their families. The collaborative efforts of this program will create and/or improve identification, referral, early intervention, treatment, and support services for students that need specialized support.
The purpose of the Trauma-Informed Services in Schools program is to increase student access to evidence-based and culturally relevant trauma support services and mental health care by developing innovative initiatives, activities, and programs to link local school systems with local trauma-informed support and mental health systems, including those under the Indian Health Service.
Grantees will develop and/or implement the following:
- Collaborative partnerships with at least one local/community trauma-informed support and mental health services system to develop and provide screening, referral, and treatment support services to students and their families.
- Develop an implementation plan which would include the following:
- A trauma informed support and mental health services plan
- A training plan
- A family and community engagement plan
- A sustainability plan
With this program, SAMHSA aims to further enhance and improve trauma-informed support and mental health services for children and youth.
Current Grantees
Successes of TISS from 2022 - 2023
- Trained 5,291 school staff, students, and administrators.
- 34,678 school aged children and caregivers screened for mental health or related interventions.
- 2,965 school aged children and caregivers referred for mental health and related services.
Point of Contact
Jennifer Chan, M.P.A., Public Health Advisor,
Nancy Kelly, M.S., Ed., Acting Chief, Mental Health Promotion Branch,