Online Data Collection and Evaluation System and the CCP Mobile Data Collection App
The CCP Online Data Collection and Evaluation System (ODCES) and CCP mobile data collection app are data collection tools for CCP encounter data. Both tools also allow users who enter data to generate reports in a variety of formats.
Before using the mobile application, refer to the Guidance for Mobile Application Use in the Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (PDF | 386 KB) for a complete overview of the mobile app budget, staffing, and technology requirements. The mobile application for CCP data collection is designed to enhance and streamline the process of data entry and reduce the lag time between data collection and its availability to CCP staff and federal partners.
Prior to accessing these data collection systems, all staff should complete Module 4 of the CCP Data Collection Training. This 10-minute module provides an overview of the CCP data collection systems and reviews the data entry process. CCP program management staff should also complete the ODCES Program Management Training that reviews the administrative and reporting functions of the system. The ODCES training should take about 20 minutes to complete.
Online Data Collection and Evaluation System (OCDES)
The OCDES allows for CCP data to be entered and maintained, and viewed in real time by program staff, state personnel, and federal project officers. Using the system, CCP staff members can analyze, track, and report on the activities occurring in a CCP. Designated CCP staff are assigned a username and password to access CCP ODCES.
Use the CCP ODCES Codebook (PDF | 529 KB) to access the variable names, variable descriptions, and value formats that appear in the data downloads for the three basic CCP data collection forms.
The following guides explain how to use the data download feature in the online system:
Mobile Data Collection App
Designated CCP staff will receive an email with their account information and a link to download the CCP mobile data collection app from the CCP ODCES.
Access CCP Mobile Data Collection App: Frequently Asked Questions (DOCX | 28 KB) to learn more about how crisis counselors use the mobile app in the field.
For tips to address common mobile app and ODCES issues, visit Troubleshooting Tips for CCP Mobile App and ODCES Users (DOCX | 19 KB).