Quality Assurance
The disaster response program leadership is responsible for the oversight of all disaster response program activities, including the development and implementation of a quality assurance plan.
Quality assurance ensures that any disaster response program:
- Remains faithful to the disaster response program structure that was designed for the specific event
- Includes regular onsite monitoring, supervision, training, and consistent communication between disaster response program management and workers providing services
- Provides information to workers to improve services
- Provides guidance for phasing down and closing out disaster-related activities
- Collects and submits data
- Conducts program evaluation
- Meets report requirements
The disaster response program leadership is responsible for the oversight of all disaster response program activities, including the development and implementation of a quality assurance plan. The leadership will:
- Manage the ongoing needs assessments to determine at which points updated assessment information is gathered and integrated into the service plan.
- Redirect resources and modify the service plan based on feedback from the staff in the field and community liaisons.
- Communicate in person through regularly scheduled and frequent staff and individual meetings whenever possible and by making themselves available by telephone or e-mail when workers have questions or concerns.
- Review all program materials, editing and updating educational and marketing materials as needed.
- Identify weekly submission of data collection and arrange for thorough analysis of the information to be shared with the staff.
- Review the analysis of data integrating findings as a method to improve service provision identifying problems, underserved areas, or gaps in service to special populations.
- Implement a process to gather informant (provider agency and survivor) feedback; communicate findings to staff and apply recommended adjustments to the service plan as appropriate.
Last Updated
Last Updated: 02/29/2024