

There are a number of applicable topics that might assist staff in conducting their jobs more comprehensively and more competently.

Team Design

A disaster response program needs to include the required training topics (noted in the box below), but should not be limited. The addition of training events should be determined by the specific disaster, the knowledge and skills of the staff, and the different populations most affected and at risk for suffering with negative mental health outcomes as a result of the circumstances of the affected community as well as the disaster itself. Inviting community providers to training events is a productive way to reach out to other agencies in the community involved in the disaster response or supporting the response in some way. While the needs of the disaster response program staff are paramount, including other community agency staff whenever there is room to do so is encouraged.

"Do It Yourself" Outreach Strategy Template

This handout offers supplemental trainings disaster response program staff can use to improve and develop outreach skills, and can be edited and adapted to meet the needs of your disaster response program.

Last Updated: 02/29/2024