Community Outreach and Education Resources for Individuals, Families, and Others
Resources on identifying signs and symptoms of ESMI, outreach, and the development of referral pathways to help youth access services.
Who can I talk to about my psychosis?
Mental Health America
This resource offers suggestions to individuals experiencing psychosis on who they can talk to and what they can say to the individuals to whom they are talking.
Understanding a First Episode of Psychosis (PDF | 3.1 MB)
This fact sheet provides young adults with an overview of a first episode of psychosis, including information on understanding symptoms, receiving a diagnosis, treatment approaches, and resources to learn more and get support.
Demystifying Psychosis: For Family Members
This web-based course is designed for family members of individuals experiencing a first episode of psychosis. It provides information on how family members may become aware that their loved one is experiencing symptoms of psychosis, their reactions and strategies for helping, and the services that should be included in an effective program to address the family’s needs.
Helping Families Understand Services for Persons with Early Serious Mental Illness (PDF | 1.1 MB)
This tip sheet educates families on what they should expect from the Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) team – such as meaningful involvement, shared decision making, understandable information on their loved one’s condition, and clear and accurate guidance about sharing information. The sheet further highlights ways that families can best be involved with the CSC team and in supporting their family member.
Supporting Students Experiencing Early Psychosis in Middle School and High School (PDF | 2.9 MB)
This guide presents information to help educators recognize signs and symptoms of psychosis in students and suggests ways in which schools can help those students keep their lives on course and succeed in school.
Engaging with Schools to Support Your Child with Psychosis (PDF | 2.1 MB)
This tip sheet presents information and resources to help families recognize early signs and symptoms of psychosis and work together with schools and community mental health professionals to help your child thrive and succeed despite the challenges of psychosis.
Back to School: Toolkits to Support the Full Inclusion of Students with Early Psychosis in Higher Education (Student & Family Version) (PDF | 6.6 MB)
This Back-to-School Toolkit is designed to help support the integration and inclusion students with early psychosis in higher education.
Back to School: Toolkits to Support the Full Inclusion of Students with Early Psychosis in Higher Education (Campus Staff & Administrator Version) (PDF | 4.3 MB)
This Back-to-School Toolkit is designed to help support the integration and inclusion students with early psychosis in higher education.
First-Episode Psychosis: Considerations for the Criminal Justice System (PDF | 3.2 MB)
This issue brief aims to educate criminal justice professionals about First Episode Psychosis (FEP) and the importance of early intervention, inform criminal justice professionals about the availability of Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) models in the community, and highlight key opportunities for detection, diversion, and intervention in the criminal justice system.
Early Serious Mental Illness Guide for Faith Communities (PDF | 1.2 MB)
This guide provides faith communities with information on early serious mental illness and action steps for faith leaders to support young people experiencing psychosis.