
Trauma-Informed Response Trainer Listing

Search for trainers in your area who teach the GAINS Center trauma response course for criminal justice professionals.

The GAINS Center offers a one-day training on trauma-informed responses for criminal justice professionals. To find a trainer who teaches this course in your area, select your state from the map or the drop down list.

Map of the United StatesAlaska Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Connecticut Washington, D.C. Delaware Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Iowa Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Massachusetts Maryland Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska New Hampshire New Hampshire New Jersey New Jersey New Mexico Nevada New York New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Vermont Vermont Washington Wisconsin West Virginia Wyoming

Contact: Michelle Sundquist
Organization: No organization listed
State: Idaho
Contact: Terry Yackley, Legal Advocate, Victims Assistance Program
Organization: Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
State: Idaho
Phone: 208-475-3996
Contact: Lynne Gelles, Nursing Staff Development Coordinator
Organization: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, State Hospital South
Address: 700 East Alice Street PO Box 400
City: Blackfoot
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83221
Phone: 208-785-8476
Contact: Greg Wieland, Security Supervisor
Organization: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, State Hospital South
Address: PO Box 400
City: Blackfoot
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83221
Phone: 208-785-8435
Contact: Darcy Acosta, Grants and Contract Officer
Organization: Idaho Department of Correction
Address: 1299 N. Orchard St. #110
City: Boise
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83706
Phone: 903-445-3756
Contact: Karen Allen, LCSW
Organization: Idaho Department of Corrections
City: Boise
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83646
Phone: 208-906-3799
Contact: Michael Armand, Client Services Tech
Organization: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Behavioral Health Division
Address: 450 West State St, 3rd Floor
City: Boise
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83702
Phone: 208-332-7238
Contact: Joshua Bode, Veterans Justice Outreach Coordinator
Organization: Boise VA Medical Center
Address: 500 W Fort Street
City: Boise
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83702
Phone: 208-422-1000, Ext. 7154
Contact: Stephen Donahue, CADAC
Organization: Idaho Corrections
Address: 51 Mores Creek Circle
City: Boise
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83716
Phone: 208-871-8622
Contact: Jennifer Downing , Human Resources Business Partner
Organization: Idaho Department of Human Resources
City: Boise
State: Idaho
Phone: 208-658-2028

Displaying 1 - 10 out of 47

Last Updated: 11/06/2024