Trauma-Informed Response Trainer Listing
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Search for trainers in your area who teach the GAINS Center trauma response course for criminal justice professionals.
The GAINS Center offers a one-day training on trauma-informed responses for criminal justice professionals. To find a trainer who teaches this course in your area, select your state from the map or the drop down list.
GAINS Hotspot Locator TT
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Contact: Michelle Sundquist
Organization: No organization listed
State: Idaho
Contact: Terry Yackley, Legal Advocate, Victims Assistance Program
Organization: Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
State: Idaho
Phone: 208-475-3996
Email: terry.yackley@sb-thhs.com
Contact: Lynne Gelles, Nursing Staff Development Coordinator
Organization: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, State Hospital South
Address: 700 East Alice Street PO Box 400
City: Blackfoot
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83221
Phone: 208-785-8476
Email: gellesl@dhw.idaho.gov
Contact: Greg Wieland, Security Supervisor
Organization: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, State Hospital South
Address: PO Box 400
City: Blackfoot
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83221
Phone: 208-785-8435
Email: wielandg@dhw.idaho.gov
Contact: Darcy Acosta, Grants and Contract Officer
Organization: Idaho Department of Correction
Address: 1299 N. Orchard St. #110
City: Boise
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83706
Phone: 903-445-3756
Email: daacosta@idoc.idaho.gov
Contact: Karen Allen, LCSW
Organization: Idaho Department of Corrections
City: Boise
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83646
Phone: 208-906-3799
Email: kaallen@idoc.idaho.gov
Contact: Michael Armand, Client Services Tech
Organization: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Behavioral Health Division
Address: 450 West State St, 3rd Floor
City: Boise
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83702
Phone: 208-332-7238
Email: armandm@dhw.idaho.gov
Contact: Joshua Bode, Veterans Justice Outreach Coordinator
Organization: Boise VA Medical Center
Address: 500 W Fort Street
City: Boise
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83702
Phone: 208-422-1000, Ext. 7154
Email: joshua.bode@va.gov
Contact: Stephen Donahue, CADAC
Organization: Idaho Corrections
Address: 51 Mores Creek Circle
City: Boise
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83716
Phone: 208-871-8622
Email: s2e0donahue@gmail.com
Contact: Jennifer Downing , Human Resources Business Partner
Organization: Idaho Department of Human Resources
City: Boise
State: Idaho
Phone: 208-658-2028
Email: Jdownin@idoc.idaho.gov
Displaying 1 - 10 out of 47
Last Updated
Last Updated: 11/06/2024