Trauma-Informed Response Trainer Listing
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Search for trainers in your area who teach the GAINS Center trauma response course for criminal justice professionals.
The GAINS Center offers a one-day training on trauma-informed responses for criminal justice professionals. To find a trainer who teaches this course in your area, select your state from the map or the drop down list.
GAINS Hotspot Locator TT
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Contact: Rebecca Adams
Organization: Rhode Island Department of Corrections, Probation and Parole Division
State: Rhode Island
Email: Rebecca.Adams@doc.ri.gov
Contact: Thomas Aguiar, Corporal
Organization: East Providence Police Department
State: Rhode Island
Email: TAGUIAR@eastprovidenceri.gov
Contact: Laura Amarel
Organization: Vantage Point
State: Rhode Island
Email: laurajamaral.lmhc@gmail.com
Contact: Linda Bessette
Organization: Rhode Island Department of Corrections, Probation and Parole Division
State: Rhode Island
Email: Linda.Bessette@doc.ri.gov
Contact: Juan Carter, Senior Nonviolence Facilitator
Organization: Nonviolence Institute
State: Rhode Island
Contact: Kathleen Carty, President
Organization: Vantage Point
State: Rhode Island
Email: KCartyPhD@gmail.com
Contact: Julie DaRosa
Organization: Rhode Island Department of Corrections
State: Rhode Island
Email: Julie.darosa@doc.ri.gov
Contact: Stump Evans, Youth Services Manager
Organization: Community Care Alliance
State: Rhode Island
Email: sevans@communitycareri.org
Contact: Nicholas Ferro
Organization: Rhode Island Department of Corrections
State: Rhode Island
Email: Nicholas.ferro@doc.ri.gov
Contact: Don Laliberte, Director of Training and Clinical Partnerships
Organization: Crossroad RI
State: Rhode Island
Email: dlaliberte@crossroadsri.org
Displaying 1 - 10 out of 26
Last Updated
Last Updated: 11/06/2024