Virtual Technical Assistance
Learn about webinars and learning communities that share behavioral health best practices and lessons learned for service members, veterans, and their families.
Other Virtual Technical Assistance Directory
The Service Members, Veterans, and their Families Technical Assistance (SMVF TA) Center hosts webinars that increase awareness on issues important to states and territories working to improve their behavioral health systems serving service members, veterans, and their families.
Access recorded webinars featuring leading subject matter experts from across the country.
Learning Communities
Learning Communities are highly interactive, multi-session virtual events that bring together small groups of state and territory interagency team members and other key stakeholders knowledgeable on a given topic. During each session, subject matter experts provide tailored content followed by discussion. Homework is assigned to help participants advance their strategic and implementation planning goals. The model is designed in a way that fosters extensive state-to-state sharing, allowing participants to build beneficial relationships with their peers across the country. Past Learning Community series included topics such as:
- Ending Veteran Homelessness: The Landscape Today
- Families Serve, Too!
- No Wrong Door: Increasing Access to Behavioral Health Care in Rural Communities
- Adapting, Designing and Delivering Training for SMVF Peers
View our events to see what Learning Community topics are coming up
Technical Assistance Sessions
Technical Assistance Sessions are virtual trainings, that may vary in length (60-90 minutes) provided to educate and inform participants on relevant topics related to improving behavioral health programs and systems for service members, Veterans and their families.
- Lethal Means Safety: Expanding the Conversation
- Utilizing Data to Support Diverse SMVF Populations
- Eating Disorders in Service Members, Veterans, and their Families: What You Need to Know
- 3-part Series: How to Access, Collect, and Use Data to Support Suicide Prevention Efforts
- Supporting and Understanding the Behavioral Health Needs of Our Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Service Members, Veterans and their Families
- 3-part Series: Supporting the Behavioral Health Needs of our Service Members, Veterans and their Families (SMVF) through Coalitions and Task Forces
- 3-part Series: Financing Behavioral Health Treatment and Prevention Initiatives
- 4-part Series: Crisis Intercept Mapping – Intercepts 1, 2, 3, and 4
- 3-part Series: Social Determinants of Health Series
- 2-part Series: Crisis Intercept Mapping -- Mobile Crisis Outreach Teams
- Crisis Intercept Mapping – Intercept 1-2
- Crisis Intercept Mapping – Intercept 3-4
- Mental Health and Women Veterans—A Discussion About Common Issues, Access to Care, and Suicide Prevention and Intervention
- Veterans and Agriculture: Harvesting Wellness
- American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans: Focusing on Cultural Humility and Suicide Prevention and Intervention—Best and Emerging Practices
- A Discussion about Healthcare Disparities and Strategies for Equitable Engagement with LGBTQ+ Veterans
- A Discussion about Mental Health, Substance Use, and Connectedness for Aging Veterans
- A Discussion about Healthcare Disparities and Strategies for Equitable Engagement with African American Veterans
- Supporting Emotional Wellness of Hispanic and Latino Service Members, Veterans and their Families/ Apoyando el Bienestar Emocional de los Miembros Militares Híspanos y Latinos, los Veteranos, y sus Familiares
- 4-part Series: Data and Evaluation – Identifying Data, Collecting Data, Analyzing Data, and Using and Visualizing Data
- Crisis Intercept Mapping – an Overview
- Unique Ways Lethal Means Safety Has Been Implemented While Understanding Individual Legislation and Cultural Norms
- Navigating the SMVF Service System with Peers: A Look at State Promising Practices