Tribal Training and Technical Assistance Center


Suicide Prevention Resources

Find organizations, articles, and other resources that American Indian and Alaska Native Communities can use to strengthen suicide prevention efforts.

Popular Resources

To Live to See the Great Day that DawnsTo Live to See the Great Day that Dawns

A culturally appropriate guide for empowering tribal youth and preventing suicide

See more manuals and toolkits.

Zero Suicide: Native American and Alaska Native
Provides information on suicide and risk and protective factors among American Indians and Alaska Natives

Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC): American Indian/Alaska Native Settings
A resource for people working to prevent suicide and promote wellness in Native communities.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

The SAMHSA 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides information about 988, and understanding the background, history, funding opportunities, and implementation resources for strengthening suicide prevention and mental health crisis services.

The Native Americans and Alaska Natives section of the 988 Lifeline website provides Native American specific information and resources for AI/AN communities.

Other Suicide Prevention Organizations

Best Practices Registry for Suicide Prevention
Section III of the Best Practices Registry lists programs and materials that are designed for specific settings like schools, communities, or clinics. Section II offers general suicide prevention guidance.

The State of Alaska Suicide Prevention Website
Provides information on suicide, mental health, and related issues among Alaskans.

Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Helps with the development of suicide prevention programs, interventions, and policies, and advances the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.

Suicide Prevention Fact Sheets

Suicide among Racial/Ethnic Populations in the U.S.: American Indians and Alaska Natives
Provides information on suicide and risk and protective factors among American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Suicide Facts at a Glance
A fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Native-Specific Manuals and Toolkits

Aboriginal Youth: A Manual of Promising Suicide Prevention Strategies (PDF | 2.7 MB)
Information for developing successful programs to prevent suicide among aboriginal youth.

Assessment and Planning Tool Kit for Suicide Prevention in First Nations Communities (PDF | 1.1 MB)
A toolkit to guide First Nations communities in creating suicide prevention plans.

Ensuring the Seventh Generation: A Youth Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Tribal Child Welfare Programs (PDF | 3 MB)
A toolkit to help tribal child welfare workers and care providers take an active role in preventing suicide among the youth they serve.

The Northwest Suicide Prevention Tribal Action Plan (PDF | 443 KB)
An action plan for reducing suicide rates among American Indians and Alaska Natives by increasing tribal capacity and improving collaboration.

To Live To See the Great Day That Dawns: Preventing Suicide by American Indian and Alaska Native Youth
A guide to support American Indian and Alaska Native communities in developing effective, culturally appropriate suicide prevention plans.

Native-Specific Research

An American Indian and Alaska Native Suicide Prevention Hotline: Literature Review and Discussion with Experts
A study that gathered background information on an American Indian and Alaska Native Suicide Prevention Hotline.

A College Suicide Prevention Model for American Indian Students
An article about a campus suicide prevention program designed for American Indian college students.

Cultural Considerations in Adolescent Suicide Prevention and Psychosocial Treatment
An article about the cultural context of suicidal behavior among adolescents from different ethnic groups, and what this means for suicide prevention and treatment.

Spirituality and Attempted Suicide Among American Indians
A study that examines the relation of spirituality to the lifetime prevalence of attempted suicide among American Indians.

Towards the Development of a Nunavut Suicide Prevention Strategy: A Summary Report on the 2009 Community Consultations (PDF | 1.2 MB)
A report that summarizes community consultations on the development of a territorial suicide prevention strategy.

Traditional Healing and Suicide Prevention in Native American Communities: Research and Policy Considerations (PDF | 92 KB)
A report exploring the integration of traditional healing in suicide prevention research.

Other Suicide Prevention Research

Help-Seeking Among Men: Implications for Suicide Prevention (PDF | 218 KB)
An exploration of what is known about gender differences in help-seeking behavior to determine factors that may promote increased help-seeking among men.

The Role of Faith Communities in Preventing Suicide (PDF | 2.4 MB)
A report developed from an interfaith suicide prevention dialogue that is intended to encourage faith communities to adopt policies that help prevent suicide.

Strategic Direction for the Prevention of Suicidal Behavior: Promoting Individual, Family, and Community Connectedness to Prevent Suicidal Behavior
Describes a 5-year vision for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s work to reduce suicidal behavior.

Last Updated: 11/06/2024