Supports focused resource development and dissemination, T/TA, and workforce development to staff in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)-certified nursing facilities who serve individuals with Serious Mental Illness, Serious Emotional Disturbance, Substance Use Disorder, or Co-occurring Disorder.
Engages, empowers, and educates health care providers and community-based organizations for equity in behavioral health for older adults and their families.
Increases access to, and effectiveness of, evidence-based mental health services for young people and their families, supports Children’s Mental Health Initiative grantees, and provides T/TA and resources to providers, organizations, and agencies from across the system of care.
Develops and maintains the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (the Network), a collaborative network structure, supports resource and policy development and dissemination, and coordinates the Network’s national child trauma education and training efforts.
Expands the availability of training in evidence-based housing and treatment models focused on adults, children, and families who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, substance use disorders, or co-occurring disorders.
Provides T/TA for federally recognized tribes and tribal organizations, SAMHSA tribal grantees, and selected American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) communities and tribes to develop and implement a Tribal Action Plan. Helps AIAN communities build local capacity around substance use disorders, suicide prevention, and mental health using a culturally relevant, evidence-based, holistic approach.
Coordinates SAMHSA and Administration for Community Living T/TA initiatives, facilitates dissemination of substantive information to the 57 state protection and advocacy systems, provides each federal agency with full representation opportunities for adequate discussions and consideration of its interest and concerns, and enhances each agency’s ability to monitor emergent issues and problems in the field.
Grows the capacity of healthcare providers and organizations that serve refugee and migrant people in the US. Provides T/TA that is culturally relevant, language-relevant, resiliency focused, and trauma-informed.
Assist states in the administration of the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (MHBG). The TAC focuses on work with a group of coalition partners to develop training for the states administering MHBG services.
Assists states in the administration of the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (MHBG). Via mini-grants to states, the TTI focuses on implementing evidence-based treatment and systems changes, supports peer-to-peer learning, and provides ongoing guidance to MHBG stakeholders.
Develops and disseminates T/TA for health care practitioners on issues related to addressing eating disorders, updates materials related to eating disorders, ensures training provided to health professionals is high-quality, and facilitates the identification of model programs.
Promotes national uptake of the CCBHC model and provides CCBHC-related TA to states to facilitate knowledge, capacity, and quality improvement for statewide CCBHC development, implementation, and advancement.
7 Generations advances behavioral health equity of the AIAN population by (1) developing and disseminating culturally informed, evidence-based behavioral health information and (2) providing T/TA to address behavioral health disparities in AIAN communities including access to health services, funding, and resources; quality and quantity of services; treatment outcomes; and health education and prevention.
Provides T/TA to SAMHSA CCBHC-E grantees to facilitate (1) implementation and adherence to the CCBHC model, (2) use of evidence-based practices, and (3) sustainability of the CCBHC to improve access to coordinated, quality care.
Develops and disseminates information, guidance, and training on the impact of children and youth’s social media use (risks and benefits), especially the potential risks social media platforms pose to their mental health; and the clinical and societal interventions that could be used to address these risks.
Fosters recovery-oriented, early intervention programming for individuals who experience early serious mental illness. It provides support for individuals, families, providers, and community partners.
Advances positive partnerships between families and providers to promote stronger and more sustainable outcomes for families and their children across the lifespan by supporting caregivers of children who experience serious mental illness and/or substance use disorder.