Supports focused resource development and dissemination, T/TA, and workforce development to staff in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)-certified nursing facilities who serve individuals with Serious Mental Illness, Serious Emotional Disturbance, Substance Use Disorder, or Co-occurring Disorder.
Provides educational resources and TA across the continuum of prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery to reduce the impacts of opioid and stimulant misuse across the country and the developmental lifespan. Promotes trauma-informed, culturally-relevant, and evidence-based services to SOR/TOR recipients, health care providers, states, Tribes, and community-based organizations.
Provides T/TA and educational resources for healthcare practitioners, families, individuals, states, and communities on various privacy statutes and regulations as they relate to behavioral health data on HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2, and other behavioral health privacy topics.
Supports national and regional activities focused on the delivery of effective substance use disorder treatment and recovery support services by preparing tools for the specialized behavioral health and primary care workforce and providing TA to provider organizations to improve their processes and practices.
Provides national T/TA to child welfare, dependency court, and substance use treatment professionals to improve the safety, stability and recovery outcomes for children, parents, and families affected by substance use and co-occurring mental disorders and child abuse or neglect.
Enhances the capacity of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, pharmacists, and substance use disorder (SUD) counseling professionals to identify and treat individuals using Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved medications for alcohol use disorder (MAUD).
Trains health professionals to provide effective, evidence-based, medication treatments to patients with opioid use disorder in primary care, psychiatric care, substance use disorder treatment, and pain management settings.
Expands recovery support services with a focus on addressing equity to ensure underserved and underrepresented populations have greater access to these critical supports.
Develops and disseminates T/TA for health care practitioners on issues related to addressing eating disorders, updates materials related to eating disorders, ensures training provided to health professionals is high-quality, and facilitates the identification of model programs.
Ensures that students in medical and health professions programs receive substance use disorder (SUD) education on basic strategies to identify, assess, intervene, and treat addiction, support recovery and address stigma. Increases the number of health care professionals who can address the needs of persons at risk for or with SUD.
Develops and disseminates T/TA addressing opioid and stimulant use in rural communities. ROTA-R teams identify model programs, ensure provision of high-quality training, and develop and update materials related to prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery for opioid and/or stimulant use disorders. The ROTA-R program is comprised of 10 Regional Centers, 1 located in each of the 10 HHS regions.
Provides specialized T/TA and resources to reduce the high prevalence of commercial tobacco use by persons with mental and/or substance use disorders.