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What is a SAS TRANSPORT file? How do I use it?

The CIMPORT procedure imports a SAS Transport file that was created (exported) by the CPORT procedure in SAS. PROC CIMPORT will extract SAS datasets and catalogs from the .stc file. The accompanying catalogs may contain variable labels, formats, and other attributes.

SAS 9.2 and later versions operating in a Windows environment support the opening of .stc files from either Windows Explorer or My Computer. Simply click the Transport file then right-click to open with SAS. 

Earlier versions of SAS or another operating system, such as Linux or Unix, require submitting edited versions of the following statements to the SAS processor. Libraries other than the WORK library can be specified if they are already defined.

proc cimport

   infile="<drive:><\PATH> " lib=WORK;


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