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Displaying 401 - 413 out of 413

Amount $122,694
Award FY 2015
Award Number SM062747-01
Project Period 2015/09/30 - 2018/09/29
City Abbeville
State SC
NOFO SM-15-012
Short Title: NITT-AWARE-C
Project Description An analysis of student enrollment data reveals that the overwhelming majority of target students in the Abbeville County School District (2,125 students or 55%) meet the age guideline for Youth Mental Health First Aid. The training plan calls for six individuals to be trained in YMHFA over the course of three years. Three programmatic goals and eleven objectives have been established for the proposed project that will drive the overall endeavor: Increase Capacity Of Abbeville County To Respond To The Behavioral Health Issues Of School-Aged Youth; conduct Outreach & Engagement Strategies With School-Aged Youth, Their Families, and Adults in the Community To Increase Awareness Of And Promote Positive Mental Health; increase The Mental Health Literacy Of School Personnel And Other Adults From The Community Who Interact With School-Aged Youth Via YMHFA Training.... View More

Amount $117,645
Award FY 2016
Award Number SM062747-02
Project Period 2015/09/30 - 2018/09/29
City Abbeville
State SC
NOFO SM-15-012
Short Title: NITT-AWARE-C
Project Description An analysis of student enrollment data reveals that the overwhelming majority of target students in the Abbeville County School District (2,125 students or 55%) meet the age guideline for Youth Mental Health First Aid. The training plan calls for six individuals to be trained in YMHFA over the course of three years. Three programmatic goals and eleven objectives have been established for the proposed project that will drive the overall endeavor: Increase Capacity Of Abbeville County To Respond To The Behavioral Health Issues Of School-Aged Youth; conduct Outreach & Engagement Strategies With School-Aged Youth, Their Families, and Adults in the Community To Increase Awareness Of And Promote Positive Mental Health; increase The Mental Health Literacy Of School Personnel And Other Adults From The Community Who Interact With School-Aged Youth Via YMHFA Training.... View More

Amount $114,057
Award FY 2017
Award Number SM062747-03
Project Period 2015/09/30 - 2018/09/29
City Abbeville
State SC
NOFO SM-15-012
Short Title: NITT-AWARE-C
Project Description An analysis of student enrollment data reveals that the overwhelming majority of target students in the Abbeville County School District (2,125 students or 55%) meet the age guideline for Youth Mental Health First Aid. The training plan calls for six individuals to be trained in YMHFA over the course of three years. Three programmatic goals and eleven objectives have been established for the proposed project that will drive the overall endeavor: Increase Capacity Of Abbeville County To Respond To The Behavioral Health Issues Of School-Aged Youth; conduct Outreach & Engagement Strategies With School-Aged Youth, Their Families, and Adults in the Community To Increase Awareness Of And Promote Positive Mental Health; increase The Mental Health Literacy Of School Personnel And Other Adults From The Community Who Interact With School-Aged Youth Via YMHFA Training.... View More

Title CCBHC Expansion Grants
Amount $3,950,630
Award FY 2021
Award Number SM083162-01
Project Period 2021/02/15 - 2023/02/14
City Abilene
State TX
NOFO SM-20-012
Short Title: CCBHC Expansion Grants
Project Description The project seeks to solve the problem of service expansion by expediting our ability to move Substance Use Disorder Services and Care Coordination to the scale needed to appropriately serve the client population, to improve access to Psychiatry through Rapid Access and more efficient scheduling, to enhance the identification and treatment for physical health conditions and to strengthen the Crisis Response System. All the required services in the CCBHC array are provided today by Betty Hardwick Center, but this project proposal seeks to increase access to them by both increasing provider capacity and gaining efficiencies and improving quality of care.... View More

Title SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts
Amount $305,948
Award FY 2016
Award Number TI026682-01
Project Period 2016/09/30 - 2019/09/29
City Abingdon
State VA
NOFO TI-16-009
Short Title: SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts
Project Description The Washington County Drug Court seeks a Capacity Expansion Grant for our Adult Drug Treatment Court to assist nonviolent offenders to successfully rehabilitate from the use of drugs and/or alcohol. The program mission is to "address drug-related crimes by reducing recidivism and promoting public safety through the implementation and management of a cost-effective, community based intervention and treatment program, and to improve the lives of participants." This project will address the following goals and objectives: Goal 1: to increase partner knowledge of the program and consideration of the drug court program as a viable option in the interventions for drug-related offenders in the criminal justice system. Objectives will strive toward a 200% increase in referrals and overall admissions so that a minimum of 40 participants will be served annually. Goal 2: To reduce substance use and recidivism among a higher capacity of identified offenders through intensive treatment, community and judicial supervision. Goal 3: Improve individual and societal accountability among participants. Goal 4: Reduce drug related costs and workload volumes on Washington County's criminal justice system. This will be accomplished via implementation of the 10 Key Components. Within those components we will offer an array of quality behavioral health services to address substance use and any co-occurring mental health needs of participants. Consistent and swift interventions to address compliance/non-compliance, along with intensive judicial interaction are key change strategies and interventions utilized to help create life change for participants. These interventions have proven effective for our target population of men and women, largely between the ages of 18 and 49, all with a DSM-V substance use disorder diagnosis and a history of criminal involvement who are living in Washington County, Virginia, a rural, high poverty area.... View More

Title SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts
Amount $308,623
Award FY 2017
Award Number TI026682-02
Project Period 2016/09/30 - 2019/09/29
City Abingdon
State VA
NOFO TI-16-009
Short Title: SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts
Project Description The Washington County Drug Court seeks a Capacity Expansion Grant for our Adult Drug Treatment Court to assist nonviolent offenders to successfully rehabilitate from the use of drugs and/or alcohol. The program mission is to "address drug-related crimes by reducing recidivism and promoting public safety through the implementation and management of a cost-effective, community based intervention and treatment program, and to improve the lives of participants." This project will address the following goals and objectives: Goal 1: to increase partner knowledge of the program and consideration of the drug court program as a viable option in the interventions for drug-related offenders in the criminal justice system. Objectives will strive toward a 200% increase in referrals and overall admissions so that a minimum of 40 participants will be served annually. Goal 2: To reduce substance use and recidivism among a higher capacity of identified offenders through intensive treatment, community and judicial supervision. Goal 3: Improve individual and societal accountability among participants. Goal 4: Reduce drug related costs and workload volumes on Washington County's criminal justice system. This will be accomplished via implementation of the 10 Key Components. Within those components we will offer an array of quality behavioral health services to address substance use and any co-occurring mental health needs of participants. Consistent and swift interventions to address compliance/non-compliance, along with intensive judicial interaction are key change strategies and interventions utilized to help create life change for participants. These interventions have proven effective for our target population of men and women, largely between the ages of 18 and 49, all with a DSM-V substance use disorder diagnosis and a history of criminal involvement who are living in Washington County, Virginia, a rural, high poverty area.... View More

Title SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts
Amount $184,778
Award FY 2018
Award Number TI026682-03
Project Period 2016/09/30 - 2019/09/29
City Abingdon
State VA
NOFO TI-16-009
Short Title: SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts
Project Description The Washington County Drug Court seeks a Capacity Expansion Grant for our Adult Drug Treatment Court to assist nonviolent offenders to successfully rehabilitate from the use of drugs and/or alcohol. The program mission is to "address drug-related crimes by reducing recidivism and promoting public safety through the implementation and management of a cost-effective, community based intervention and treatment program, and to improve the lives of participants." This project will address the following goals and objectives: Goal 1: to increase partner knowledge of the program and consideration of the drug court program as a viable option in the interventions for drug-related offenders in the criminal justice system. Objectives will strive toward a 200% increase in referrals and overall admissions so that a minimum of 40 participants will be served annually. Goal 2: To reduce substance use and recidivism among a higher capacity of identified offenders through intensive treatment, community and judicial supervision. Goal 3: Improve individual and societal accountability among participants. Goal 4: Reduce drug related costs and workload volumes on Washington County's criminal justice system. This will be accomplished via implementation of the 10 Key Components. Within those components we will offer an array of quality behavioral health services to address substance use and any co-occurring mental health needs of participants. Consistent and swift interventions to address compliance/non-compliance, along with intensive judicial interaction are key change strategies and interventions utilized to help create life change for participants. These interventions have proven effective for our target population of men and women, largely between the ages of 18 and 49, all with a DSM-V substance use disorder diagnosis and a history of criminal involvement who are living in Washington County, Virginia, a rural, high poverty area.... View More

Title SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts
Amount $397,908
Award FY 2019
Award Number TI081918-01
Project Period 2019/05/31 - 2024/05/30
City Abingdon
State VA
NOFO TI-19-002
Short Title: SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts
Project Description The Washington County Drug Court seeks a Capacity Expansion Grant for our Adult Drug Treatment Court to assist nonviolent offenders to successfully rehabilitate from the use of drugs and/or alcohol. The program mission is to “address drug-related crimes by reducing recidivism and promoting public safety through the implementation and management of a cost-effective, community-based intervention and treatment program, and to improve the lives of participants.” The Washington County Drug Treatment Court Expansion Project will address the following goals and objectives: GOAL 1: To increase access to the program to a larger population of individuals to be a viable option of intervention for drug-related offenders in the criminal justice system. Objectives will strive toward an increase in eligible referrals resulting in an overall 20% increase in admissions to the program so that a minimum of 48 participants will be served annually, and a minimum of 240 over the duration of the project cycle. GOAL 2: To reduce substance use and recidivism among a higher capacity of identified offenders through intensive treatment, community and judicial supervision. Objectives will focus on a 75% retention rate, 80% sustained abstinence, and recidivism rates below 60% while in the program and below 75% upon completion. GOAL 3: Improve individual and societal accountability among participants. Objectives will focus on a minimum 75% employment and increasing financial responsibility regarding treatment and court related expenses resulting from legal charges. GOAL 4: Reduce drug related costs and workload volumes on Washington County’s criminal justice system. Objectives will focus on decreasing rates of incarceration and expenses to the localities by a minimum of 100,000 annually in unused jail days. This will be accomplished via implementation of the 10 Key Components established and published by the National Drug Court Institute. Within those components we will offer an array of quality behavioral health services to address the substance use and any co-occurring mental health needs of participants, as mental health diagnoses are not exclusionary criteria of this program. Consistent and swift interventions to address compliance/non-compliance, along with intensive judicial interaction are key change strategies and interventions utilized to help create life change for participants. These interventions have proven effective for our target population of men and women, largely between the ages of 18 and 49, all with a DSM-5 substance use disorder diagnosis and a history of criminal involvement who are living in Washington County, Virginia, a rural, high poverty area.... View More

Title SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts
Amount $397,908
Award FY 2021
Award Number TI081918-03
Project Period 2019/05/31 - 2024/05/30
City Abingdon
State VA
NOFO TI-19-002
Short Title: SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts

Title Grants to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Adult Treatment Drug Courts and Adult Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
Amount $238,908
Award FY 2023
Award Number TI081918-05
Project Period 2019/05/31 - 2024/05/30
City Abingdon
State VA
NOFO TI-19-002
Short Title: SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts

Title Grants to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Adult Treatment Drug Courts and Adult Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
Amount $395,978
Award FY 2022
Award Number TI081918-04
Project Period 2019/05/31 - 2024/05/30
City Abingdon
State VA
NOFO TI-19-002
Short Title: SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts

Title Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act
Amount $45,030
Award FY 2017
Award Number SP022001-01
Project Period 2017/09/30 - 2021/09/29
City Absecon
State NJ
NOFO SP-16-007
Short Title: STOP Act Grants
Project Description Atlantic County Stop Underage Drinking Project... View More

Title Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program
Amount $125,000
Award FY 2014
Award Number SP019814-02
Project Period 2013/09/30 - 2018/09/29
City Absecon
State NJ
Project Description The coalition will prevent and reduce youth substance use by implementing the following strategies: Strengthening existing partnerships and collaborations and establish operational framework for coalition activities and processes; conducting a thorough needs assessment in accordance with the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF); beginning to implement coalition-approved methods to reduce underage drinking, prescription drug abuse and marijuana use; and continuing to work with state, county and local stakeholders in the planning and implementation of these and other prevention initiatives.... View More

Title Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program
Amount $125,000
Award FY 2015
Award Number SP019814-03
Project Period 2013/09/30 - 2018/09/29
City Absecon
State NJ
Project Description The coalition will prevent and reduce youth substance use by implementing the following strategies: Strengthening existing partnerships and collaborations and establish operational framework for coalition activities and processes; conducting a thorough needs assessment in accordance with the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF); beginning to implement coalition-approved methods to reduce underage drinking, prescription drug abuse and marijuana use; and continuing to work with state, county and local stakeholders in the planning and implementation of these and other prevention initiatives.... View More

Title Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program
Amount $125,000
Award FY 2016
Award Number SP019814-04
Project Period 2013/09/30 - 2018/09/29
City Absecon
State NJ
Project Description The coalition will prevent and reduce youth substance use by implementing the following strategies: Strengthening existing partnerships and collaborations and establish operational framework for coalition activities and processes; conducting a thorough needs assessment in accordance with the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF); beginning to implement coalition-approved methods to reduce underage drinking, prescription drug abuse and marijuana use; and continuing to work with state, county and local stakeholders in the planning and implementation of these and other prevention initiatives.... View More

Title Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program
Amount $125,000
Award FY 2017
Award Number SP019814-05
Project Period 2013/09/30 - 2018/09/29
City Absecon
State NJ
Project Description The coalition will prevent and reduce youth substance use by implementing the following strategies: Strengthening existing partnerships and collaborations and establish operational framework for coalition activities and processes; conducting a thorough needs assessment in accordance with the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF); beginning to implement coalition-approved methods to reduce underage drinking, prescription drug abuse and marijuana use; and continuing to work with state, county and local stakeholders in the planning and implementation of these and other prevention initiatives.... View More

Title SAMHSA Continuations
Amount $45,030
Award FY 2018
Award Number SP022001-02
Project Period 2017/09/30 - 2021/09/29
City Absecon
State NJ
Project Description Atlantic County Stop Underage Drinking Project... View More

Title CARA Local Drug Crises Grants
Amount $49,668
Award FY 2018
Award Number SP080452-01
Project Period 2018/07/01 - 2021/06/30
City Absecon
State NJ
NOFO SP-18-001
Project Description The proposed project is the "Atlantic County CARA Project to Address Youth Opiate and/or Opioid Use/Misuse". The population(s) to be served include Atlantic County youth and young adults between the ages of 12 and 18 who are considered at greater risk of developing an Opioid Use Disorder due to their county of residence which is one of, if not the worst county in the U.S. for opioid-related problems. Strategies and interventions include expanding the scope of work of the existing DFC supported substance misuse coalition, Join Together Atlantic Count (JTAC). Building upon the success of JTAC, plans also include a few new and very creative interventions, including one in which coalition members portray "drug reps" and call on doctor's offices in order to reach physicians with "counter-marketing" information. Goals include increasing organizational capacity and collaboration with current and new partners; data collection, analysis and dissemination; and reducing availability and/or youth access to opioids. It is anticipated that at least several hundred individuals/groups will be served during the first year of the project and in 3 years at least 1,000 people will have been reached directly or indirectly as measured by a variety of process and outcome evaluations.... View More

Title SAMHSA Continuations
Amount $45,030
Award FY 2019
Award Number SP022001-03
Project Period 2017/09/30 - 2021/09/29
City Absecon
State NJ
Project Description Atlantic County Stop Underage Drinking Project... View More

Title CARA Local Drug Crises Grants
Amount $49,668
Award FY 2019
Award Number SP080452-02
Project Period 2018/07/01 - 2021/06/30
City Absecon
State NJ
NOFO SP-18-001
Project Description The proposed project is the ""Atlantic County CARA Project to Address Youth Opiate?and/or Opioid Use/Misuse"". The population(s) to be served include Atlantic County ?youth and young adults between the ages of 12 and 18 who are considered at greater ?risk of developing an Opioid Use Disorder due to their county of residence which is ?one of, if not the worst county in the U.S. for opioid-related problems. Strategies?and interventions include expanding the scope of work of the existing DFC supported?substance misuse coalition, Join Together Atlantic Count (JTAC). Building upon the?success of JTAC, plans also include a few new and very creative interventions, ?including one in which coalition members portray ""drug reps"" and call on doctors ?offices in order to reach physicians with ""counter-marketing"" information. Goals ?include increasing organizational capacity and collaboration with current and new?partners; data collection, analysis and dissemination; and reducing availability ?and/or youth access to opioids. It is anticipated that at least several hundred ?individuals/groups will be served during the first year of the project and in 3 ?years at least 1,000 people will have been reached directly or indirectly as ?measured by a variety of process and outcome evaluations.... View More

Title Drug-Free Communities Support Program-Competing Continuation
Amount $125,000
Award FY 2020
Award Number SP081910-06
Project Period 2019/10/31 - 2024/10/30
City Absecon
State NJ
NOFO SP-19-006
Project Description Atlantic Prevention Resources is applying for a Drug Free Communities continuation grant for its coalition, Join Together Atlantic County. The coalition operates to reduce and prevent youth use of alcohol, marijuana and prescription drugs.... View More

Title SAMHSA Drug Courts
Amount $325,000
Award FY 2014
Award Number TI025056-01
Project Period 2014/09/30 - 2017/09/29
City Acoma
State NM
Project Description The goal of the Pueblo of Acoma Treatment Drug Courts program is to expand the existing Acoma Tribal Wellness Court to include the Acoma Family Wellness Court model. Intensive supervision and treatment will be provided to both adults and their families, and to adolescent offenders and their families to reduce alcohol and substance related consequences and encourage engagement in traditional and cultural practices long seen as resiliency factors. A Keres speaking people, the Pueblo of Acoma Tribal community is strongly tied to its cultural practices, beliefs, language and traditions, which are reflected in its active traditional religion and tribal administrative practices. However, the Pueblo has not been immune to the social ills that affect both Tribal and non-Tribal communities. Beginning in 2010, the Pueblo of Acoma piloted an Acoma Tribal Wellness Court program utilizing existing Court, Behavioral Health, and Tribal service programs to provide intensive supervision and treatment services. The Pueblo of Acoma proposes the expansion to service three cohorts of ten families each under the Acoma Family Wellness Court project. Participants will be selected from 5 adult offenders and their families, and 5 adolescents and their families for each cohort; average family size is 5 individuals for a total service population at minimum of 150 individuals over the life of the grant. The Pueblo of Acoma Family Wellness Court seeks to weave evidence based practice models such as Project Venture/TANAY, the American Indian Strengthening Families Program and Seeking Safety. The project will also include a four phased treatment model that provides individual counseling, family counseling, parenting, experiential and adventure based learning. This has been designed to reduce alcohol and substance related consequences and increase positive family engagement both in the traditional Acoma family structure and in the Tribal community as a whole.... View More

Title SAMHSA Drug Courts
Amount $325,000
Award FY 2015
Award Number TI025056-02
Project Period 2014/09/30 - 2017/09/29
City Acoma
State NM
Project Description The goal of the Pueblo of Acoma Treatment Drug Courts program is to expand the existing Acoma Tribal Wellness Court to include the Acoma Family Wellness Court model. Intensive supervision and treatment will be provided to both adults and their families, and to adolescent offenders and their families to reduce alcohol and substance related consequences and encourage engagement in traditional and cultural practices long seen as resiliency factors. A Keres speaking people, the Pueblo of Acoma Tribal community is strongly tied to its cultural practices, beliefs, language and traditions, which are reflected in its active traditional religion and tribal administrative practices. However, the Pueblo has not been immune to the social ills that affect both Tribal and non-Tribal communities. Beginning in 2010, the Pueblo of Acoma piloted an Acoma Tribal Wellness Court program utilizing existing Court, Behavioral Health, and Tribal service programs to provide intensive supervision and treatment services. The Pueblo of Acoma proposes the expansion to service three cohorts of ten families each under the Acoma Family Wellness Court project. Participants will be selected from 5 adult offenders and their families, and 5 adolescents and their families for each cohort; average family size is 5 individuals for a total service population at minimum of 150 individuals over the life of the grant. The Pueblo of Acoma Family Wellness Court seeks to weave evidence based practice models such as Project Venture/TANAY, the American Indian Strengthening Families Program and Seeking Safety. The project will also include a four phased treatment model that provides individual counseling, family counseling, parenting, experiential and adventure based learning. This has been designed to reduce alcohol and substance related consequences and increase positive family engagement both in the traditional Acoma family structure and in the Tribal community as a whole.... View More

Title SAMHSA Drug Courts
Amount $325,000
Award FY 2016
Award Number TI025056-03
Project Period 2014/09/30 - 2018/09/29
City Acoma
State NM
Project Description The goal of the Pueblo of Acoma Treatment Drug Courts program is to expand the existing Acoma Tribal Wellness Court to include the Acoma Family Wellness Court model. Intensive supervision and treatment will be provided to both adults and their families, and to adolescent offenders and their families to reduce alcohol and substance related consequences and encourage engagement in traditional and cultural practices long seen as resiliency factors. A Keres speaking people, the Pueblo of Acoma Tribal community is strongly tied to its cultural practices, beliefs, language and traditions, which are reflected in its active traditional religion and tribal administrative practices. However, the Pueblo has not been immune to the social ills that affect both Tribal and non-Tribal communities. Beginning in 2010, the Pueblo of Acoma piloted an Acoma Tribal Wellness Court program utilizing existing Court, Behavioral Health, and Tribal service programs to provide intensive supervision and treatment services. The Pueblo of Acoma proposes the expansion to service three cohorts of ten families each under the Acoma Family Wellness Court project. Participants will be selected from 5 adult offenders and their families, and 5 adolescents and their families for each cohort; average family size is 5 individuals for a total service population at minimum of 150 individuals over the life of the grant. The Pueblo of Acoma Family Wellness Court seeks to weave evidence based practice models such as Project Venture/TANAY, the American Indian Strengthening Families Program and Seeking Safety. The project will also include a four phased treatment model that provides individual counseling, family counseling, parenting, experiential and adventure based learning. This has been designed to reduce alcohol and substance related consequences and increase positive family engagement both in the traditional Acoma family structure and in the Tribal community as a whole.... View More

Amount $312,210
Award FY 2014
Award Number SP015593-05
Project Period 2010/09/30 - 2016/09/29
City Acoma
State NM
Project Description The Pueblo of Acoma intends to use the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant to directly address the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances by adolescents in Tribal communities of Acoma and to'Hajilee.... View More

Displaying 1 - 25 out of 39073

This site provides information on grants issued by SAMHSA for mental health and substance abuse services by State. The summaries include Drug Free Communities grants issued by SAMHSA on behalf of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Please ensure that you select filters exclusively from the options provided under 'Award Fiscal Year' or 'Funding Type', and subsequently choose a State to proceed with viewing the displayed data.

The dollar amounts for the grants should not be used for SAMHSA budgetary purposes.

Highcharts: Multicharts: Hexmap USA

Funding Summary

Non-Discretionary Funding

Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Block Grant $0
Community Mental Health Services Block Grant $0
Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) $0
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) $0
Subtotal of Non-Discretionary Funding $0

Discretionary Funding

Mental Health $0
Substance Use Prevention $0
Substance Use Treatment $0
Flex Grants $0
Subtotal of Discretionary Funding $0

Total Funding

Total Mental Health Funds $0
Total Substance Use Funds $0
Flex Grant Funds $0
Total Funds $0